The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

no. Mi fell if Ml t. ill a a. Hi I in 1 i. 0' rJ i tj I i 1 ff Ml i ill th if a il nil 111 'I ti 4, i' li i .3 5 I ill Stye JDatlg pUoBtmc.


ne Brat, an BO end tor tssis ra Advrti mints lass i1m I aa the Bacond pafachaigud at new cane any. giitlisniiletlaSilsals, whti Weekly anrrC I1 tn UUca VI per sqi Attteni discount win bu saade to those who advertlee by Uwlimk, an spirited to time, will hr published w.iWrt 1 1 shsrgii enrssslagry fprtw MM or subscription will (topped until all imnia para, unseat as WhrrUc aMd obtMary a antlnu of the aronrietora. notices are charged 1 par square. t5" Thanks to the officer of th steamer Del it ware for river favors Comrrm on Punkbai. Howoaa.

The Com. mittee of Arrangements of the funeral honors to be paid to Clay, Webster and Calhoun, are requested to meet at the office of the Picayune this evening, at 7 o'clock. Fob. Sabine and Galvbston. The steamship United States loaves to day at 5 o'clock, P.

as above. Agent, O. Wickbam, 75 Camp street. Poa Pbincxton and the Coast. The steamboat Saxon, Capt Estes, will hereafter leave for the above ports on Thursdays instead of Mondays, commencing on the 25th inst.

MvsxcAt, PaarouxBs. Mr. E. F. Buckley, long connected with that excellent troupe, the Campbell Minstrels, is making arrangements to fire a series of musical entertainments in this city, which will command attention from their variety and their easy, popular character.

Mr. Buckley is a good violinist, and a ballad singer of no mean order. Thx Great Double Cibcus. The Floating Palace is now moored, for a few days, between Poydras and Girod streets, with, Spalding fc Hog era's combined river and land companies. We have now M'me Ormond, C.J.

Rogers, Mono. (Voir, James Blackwood, Mons. Paul, and several other stars, la addition to Le Vater Lee and his fined sons, Mons. and M'me Bennit, 'Young Aymar, Reed, Ate So great a combination of tsient, and such an elegant amphitheatre, have sever before been seen we venture to say. St.

Chablks Thxatbb Mr. Bootk. This evening Mr. Booth will appear in his great character of Skflock in the "Merchant of Mrs. Potter plays Parti, Mrs.

Fisher Jessie, Nagle DeBar Ltmeelot, and Mark Smith Old GuihU. DeBar and Mrs. Fisher appear in the farce of Sketches in India." They should both be seen in this funny piece. E7" A glance at the list of arrivals at the principal hotels shows the marked increase in the visits of strangers to our city. A person who note what passes in the streets will also be track by the visible augmentation of faces and forms, indicative of prosperity for our merchants and shop dealers.

The emigrant, too, are beginning to arrive, and their outlandish figures and garments, as they trudge about the streets, form an exceedingly interesting spectacle for those who can derive picturesque observations from scenes of daily life. St. Chabus Tkbatb. Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather, a large number of persons visited the St. Charles last night to see Mr.

Booth in his great character of Peacava, in the Apostate." They were well re paid for their trouble, for never, even in his palmiest days, did the great tragedian look and act the part better than last night The cool ma UgnUy, the deep, concentrated thirst for revenge, of the vindictive Spaniard, were given in a manner fearfully effective Mrs. Potter is one of the beat representatives of Florind we have ever seen. This lady gains more favor with the audience every night She is the best stock actress we nave had here in a long time, and is destined to become a great favorite. In fact, the whole stock company at the St Charles is probably superior to any in the United States. Rxxic.

A small parcel from our New York correspondent was handed us yesterday by Adams dt Cc's Express, enclosed in which we found a small, well developed ear of the common white corn in the shuck, a sprig from a pine tree, and a small bit of a twig, presenting nothing curious in appearance to attract attention. A further search brought to light the following note, the perusal of which gave a solemn historical value to the articles we had previously thought useless New York, JVov. 1, 18SS. I send yon by Adam ft Co. a few relics of Maiahaeld.

ear of cera is from Mr. Webster's corn field, opposite 1 his sooas. Tbs sprig of pine is from a tree slsa opposite, aad the small twif is from a tree at the head of his grave. "ANTELOPE." Stkabtboat DzFABTtraxs To Day For Afoat gtmery, AlsTh Louisa, Capt Burr el, leaves at 5 o'clock, P. M.

Ft Lm uitvilU. Thtt Bostona, Capt Bentley, leaves at o'clock, P. M. Agent, S. Ewing, 23 Gravier street: Tt VieJutwg Memphis, Capt Cowden, leaves at 5 o'clock, P.

M. Agents, Strother A Brothers, 45 Poydras street Wmr Buymm Smrm. The Emperor, Capt Cotton, leaves at o'clock, P. M. For agents see advertisem*nts.

Ftr th Asliss. The Fashion, Capt fa*got, leaves at 9 o'clock, A. M. Ft jBfw Sara. The Gipsy, Capt Ure, leaves at 5 o'clock, P.

M. For agents see the advertisem*nt. A Biiuiiabu Dm. An exchange paper speaks of a dog of remarkable propensities for music, and gifted with a taste for piano forte playing. A friend of oars, who frequents a club where puns are the order of the day, has brought a very intelligent pointer dog to such a point of training, that whenever be hears a good pun be immediately "points," whilst an atrocious bad one sends him off yelping as if in pain, with his tail between his legs.

This remarkable dog has a knack of concealing his intelligence and education under an air of slouching igno. ranee and stupidity. It is only to the club puns that he responds. We have some idea of purchasing him and sending him to the World's Fair at New York as a specimen of American industry, and as an ally to a dog of ours, who, whenever be meets a non paying subscriber ox advertiser, is immediately seized with dog fits, and yelps so as to alarm the whole neighborhood. This dog is not for sale.

Patrick McCormaek was convicted in New York on the 8th inst, of having killed John Heavy, by stabbing him with a knife on the 3d of May, last. The jury found him guilty of man laughter in the third degree, and he was sentenced to the State prison for three years and ten months. fear" Wm. Spenee has beea convicted in Dade vilie, Alau, of negro stealing, and sentenced to tea years' imprisonment faaai A navy general court martial assem bled at the Goapoxt navy yard on the 8ta inst. asisnng or tae following members: ComY S.

L. FeBdertTBSt, Pradden ComY J. L. Saan ocn, Cosst Wa. Grimm, Com'r H.

T. Parviaace. L.lraL Mornr Btssoa. Lleat. O.O.

Wiuiamsoa, Lieut. Overton CsrraadXSM Taao, Jadsv Advocata. CMb CkieUn. Mr. James Spicer" of St Xouisv ot long since had a chicken co*ck which ssnsped from ita cage, and, strolling along Mar ket street, in that city, entered the drug I to re of Mr.

DtEnca, mounted the counter, napped its WiBga, broke a bottle of attar of rosea, and crow id lustily ovsr the dastruetiosu Suit for damages was brought byMn DtEach. tad a verdict for aes was given on the 6th inst A costly chicken "i mr. epreer believes now. 'V ivr rirfii.An act waa'paesed by iaot Lsgislature Virginia Mneorning sne aiiung D( ueer, wucn, provides that if any person shall he found in a deer, or JOU one. in any year, in any cooany lying wast of th Blue Ridge and east of the Alleghany, be tweea tho 1st of Jaauary and the 1st of August he shall forfeit five the dear shall ba him own, tamed or in a park.

i Tsilsv The city ooocii of Montgomery, Aht, have completed a eeotract tor the boring of an prtesun weu ia tnat cuy, uai u. coinmaDur klet ana we truet that they may Beref become TERMS or THE PICA YUM. Sabnslsllmi in" 1 Tin miiiilliif ii 111 hsif jrsi mam qoartwrty at the Saras ites. All subecriptlone In iinri, Single copies eh ot, AlnMOTmo, not acmliu ten Ji "kV Tho Arcentiao BepabUe A Washington earrespondent of the Baltimore Sun states that Is intended to send Lieut Page, in the new steamer Water Witch, to survey the rivers Parana, Uruguay and other great branches of the vast stream known as the La Plata, witn a view also to ooen the way for American com merce in the trade thrown open recent decree to the ships of all nations in the wide regions watered by those rivers, ana waucn have hitherto been almost unknown and forbid den lands to European and American eniar fnllnwlnr an ODDoeite course to that mUim hut aarrow sninded Rosas, has made use ofthe almost absolute power conferred upon him in an enlightened ana noerai spirit, more characteristic of the ideas of modern European and American progress than the' prejudiced, and time honoeed but destructive policy of de spotic restrictions on trade. He is a dictator merely in name.

By a stroke of the pen he has achieved what English and French diplomacy and fleets have failed to accomplish after years of blockades, intrigues and actual contest by battle, via: tne independence or tne Banda oriental. the liberation of the Argentine Republic, and the opening of the Uruguay and Parana rivers to the shipping of all nations. For thousands of miles these Immense rivers are navigable, safely and easily, by sailing vessels and by those propelled by steam. Tbey water vast countries, rich in the products or a tropical climate, although the despotism which has hitherto coverned them has paralyzed the development of their resources both in popula tion, means of "transportation, and agriculture and manufacture. The precious metals, iron, copper, lead, sa3t alum, gypsum, sulphur, mineral pitch, coal, cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, indigo, wheat, maize, wines, pepper, cocniueai, aloes, cocoa, dyes, iruils, abound in snort, tne list oi vegetable 'and mineral productions opens throughout thirty two degrees of latitude, and from the Atlantic to the Andes, a field for European and American enterprise the importance and extent of which cannot be realized at a cur sory glance such as we are forced to give.

glance at the map, at the wide and fertile regions through which these rivers flow, and which are now for the first time rendered accessible to commerce, will best assist the reader in forming a conception of the magnitude of the advantages placed bv Urquiza's liberal policy before the world of traffic. These rivers are preeminently adapted to steam navigation, an assertion not to be disputed after the results of actual experience. They irrigate a country but little less in extent than the immense valleys of the Mississippi and Mis eouri, and offer equal facilities with those to the wide stretching arm of civilization and its pow erful agents, steam and commerce. The English and French will seize with avidity upon the opening they have so long battled for to grasp the commercial resources of the Argentine Republic, and the Banda Oriental and the step our Government is reported to be on the point of taking, in sending the proper agents to secure for American traffic concessions and advantages equal to those of other nations, will be properly appreciated by the people of this country. No more important measure to the commercial interests of the United States could be initiated, and its prompt development will add to an immeasured extent to that trade and enterprise which already whiten the oceans with their sails or plough them with their steamers.

From Chinau In looking over our files of the Shanghai North China Herald, we find some items of news that may prove of interest The Herald of the 31st July says Uunngtne past montn there have been am vals at Chapu of four or five junks from Japan, laden as usual with copper, native cloths, ic. Slc We learn that these vessels will not return to Japan during the present monsoon, in conse quence ot tne American expedition to that coun try which is expected to have an injurious effect upon its loreign trade, it appears that intelli gence of the intended mission to Japan was well known to the Japanese, before the above named junks departed. In connection with the said expedition we may mention the departure from the United States of the John H. Millav. which cleared from Boston on the 12th April last for vengen, an uianu on japan, ana laden clnefly with powder, lead, iron, glassware, tobacco and other articles.

We presume! this is entirely a private speculation, and in no way connected witn tne united states squadron. The Herald contains cards of thanks from Fletcher Westray, consignee, 'and Joseph Hamilton, master of the American ship Eclipse, to Capt Sanderson and the officers of H. B. M. brig Lily, who rendered efficient service to the Ameri can vessel when in an unpleasant predicament on a mud bank for more than a week.

The British officers made a generous offer that ought to have come from the commander of the U. S. sloop of war Plymouth The Herald also has estimates of the exports of tea and silk from China for the year ending the 31et July last There were for tea Reported. 1HAI 3 17.134,6) 130,000 997, ltiO Estimated. 1861 31 4,010,000 100,000 IftO.OOO ,,000,000 800,000 67,675,000 Increase.

Brest United states Australia San Francisco. Coastwise Halifax, N. 8 1V61 4. 1 0,001 .,000 T. 000,000 unknown none, none.

Total The exports of raw silk, as near as could be as certained, and including those sent coastwise, were to Great Britain 20,333 bales, and to the United States 298. No less than 13,000 bales of tne new crop were already purchased for exportation, the greater part of which was already shipped or ready for shipment munan rauo. some time since we mentioned the arrest in New York, of Theodore Pritman, Antoine Garvacci, and others, charged by tbe Consul General of the Prussian Govern ment with having feloniously made, and pro cured to be made, copper plates, in imitation of tne genuine Prussian loan office bill plates, and with having forged, by taking impressions from these false plates, a large number of loan office bills of the denomination of one thaler each, and havinc them in this city for the purpose of fraud. The matter has, since that time, been under in vestigation before Justice Stuart, of New York. The defence claimed, that even admitting the charge to be true, they had committed no viola tion of the laws of the United States.

This point was the subject of close investigation by the magistrate, and he has come to the conclusion that not only is the charge of forgery sustained by the evidence adduced, but the crime is one for which the parties may be made amenable to the laws of the United States. He has, therefore, held the accused to bail to answer the charge, Alabmm Agricultural AocuaionThe State Agricultural Association of Alabama, instituted at the last session ofthe Legislature, waa to hold ita first annual meeting at Montgomery, on Mon day. Among its objects, as set forth in its con stitution, are "to de all things that shall present themselves of value to the Agricultural interests of the State auch as the appointing of and hold ing lairs, offering premiums for tbe best productions animal, vegetable, mineral or mechanical or of the cine or of any other production of labor or manufacture of this State and for making arrangements that may connect them witn otner similar State institutions." footing. Three persons were shot in Phila aeipnia, on tne 9th inst, by a young man named ueorge uiueepie. He was employed in a brick yard, and coming there drunk, was discharged and a colored man put in his place.

He went away in a rage, procured a gun loaded with duck shot came back and fired at the nesrro. who waa surrounded by white men at the time. The negro and a white boy were severely wounded, and another man slightly. Gillespie committed to prison. Dr.

Hin. This notorious individual was ar raigned, before the U. 8. Circuit Court, now in ion in Savannah, on the 11th inst, and plead guilty to the charge of embezzlement from the Post Office, As the amount abstracted waa quite mall, be waa let off with the light sentence of six months imprisonment la the county jail, and a fine of one hundred dollars: Other indictment win probably be found against him at the next term ofthe Georgia superior uourt Mmrin Disaster. We regret to learn from the Savannah Morning News that the fine bark Texas, Capt Andrew, which sailed from Sevan nan oa the loth inst for New York, with a cargo of 1,000 bale cotton.

100 casks rice and 178 bars rice flour, 'lrhins mlaard atava. aad wrnt an Sonth Point hraakars, outside of Tybee. There isbutUulahopethatsa wiU bageC better froaa New York. rsMcla Ciaiawsilinri of tbs Flcajrane. tspao.

yOBjc ro. 9, 1853. Massachusetts endeavored yesterday to elect a Governor, Members of Congress and Legislature bat was scarcely successful in any one. The vote for Attorney General Clifford, the Whig candidate, show a handsome gain over the Pre sidential vote, and a heavy plurality over both Bishop and Mann, bus opponent but for all that he falls short some 10,000 of an election by the people, and it is consequently thrown into the House the complexion of which, at.the present writing, is still uncertain, though the chances are rather poor for the Whigs. So far as the congressional delegation has been heard from but two members have been chosen, Apple ton (Whig) in the Fourth, and Walley (Whig) in the Fifth District The remaining nine have un doubtedly failed in an election, and will have to try it over again.

This sad state of anairs, wnicn happens at almost every election in Massachu setts, is brought about by the immense quantities of tickets in the field, and as it requires a majority to elect success very seldom attends any particular party on the first trial. Mr. Clifford's majority in Boston was a very handsome one, being 3,300 over alL A handsome dinner was given to Attorney General Crittenden at the College Place Hotel last evening. There was plenty of good speaking and drinking, and the party had quite a happy time of it Measures were also adopted to aid Kentucky in rearing a suitable monument to her deceased statesman, Henry Clay. And this re minds me of another swindle on the part of the Board of Aldermen last evening, who actually voted an additional $7,800 to aid in defraying the expenses attending the funeral of Henry Clay in this city.

You will remember that $8,000 bad already been voted for this purpose, and even that sum was full three thousand more than it should have been. Now our "wise" fathers coolly pile up tbe amount to fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars I and consider it all right. If ever New York city was more disgraced than by those who are at present at the head of its affairs, I should like very much to know the time. Its Common Council is the most corrupt that ever held office, I care not whether in this or any other city of the habitable globe. The examination in reference to the Prussian Government fraud has been concluded, and both the accused parties bound over for trial.

The Star of the West which arrived last night from San Juan, has made the most rapid run on record. Twenty three days and some hours from San Francisco to New York, is by no mean bad time. The line, I understand, is strengthening itself very materially, and will soon be in the most complete and perfect order. ANTELOPE. 3p The Selma (Ala.) Reporter states that a few weeks since Messrs.

Riddle Co. finished the grading of the Alabama and Tennessee Railroad from Selma to Montevallo that the laying of the track is rapidly progressing and that the people of Montevallo may expect to hear shortly the snort of the iron horse. Yellow Fever. The brig Greyhound, from Mo bile, which arrived at New York, on the 8th inst has been a severe sufferer from yellow fever. One of the crew died on the voyage, the captain and crew were also down with the fever, and the health officer in consequence refused to per mit her to go up to the city.

The Apple Trade. One town in Massachusetts raised 14,000 barrels this year, which sold for an average of $2 00, making the snug little sum 938,000 to a few persons, who have learned tha such small business as growing and selling apples will produce a sure income. Naval Shipment. The Mobile Register of Mon day learns, from two who know," that four or five notorious thieves left that city, for New Or leans, on the steamer Oregon, and advises the police of our city to be on the qui vive. Sudden Death.

Capt Stewart, of the schooner Peru, which arrived at Savannah on the 11th from Georgetown, soon after leaving the latter port, fell on the deck a fit and immedi ately expired. He resided near Beaufort, N. Outrageous Attack. In Philadelphia, on the evening or tne presidential election, a colored man named Daniel Dempsey, supposed to have betrayed the fugitive slave George Bordley into the hands of George Alberti, was attacked in the southern part of that city by a party of blacks, and would, it is believed, have been killed but for the interference of two white gentlemen, who protected him and kept the negroes at bay until information was given to the police the officers at the time being nearly all at the elec tion polls. Dempsey, who wasshockingly wound ed, was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital.

On the followng Sunday he was able to come out. Six or eight of the blacks who assailed him have been arrested two or three of the ringleaders are in prison, and the others are under bonds for their appearance. Putty Dispensed mtk. Some Down East opera tar has got a way of setting glass without putty. The window sash is made entirely of wood, the outside permanent The inside is framed in such a manner that the parts can be readily removed for the purpose of inserting the glass, which is placed between slips of India rubber, which: when the parts of the sash are replaced causes the glass to be perfectly firm.

The movable parts of the sash are secured to their place by a moo screw, wnich makes a pretty finish. Congregational Methodists. This ia the name. we learn from the Georgia papers, assumed by a body of people in that State, who have seceded from the Methodist Episcopal Church. In their published declaration they speak ofthe itinerant system as having done its work aud lost its effi.

ciency they object to the Methodist government as uncongenial with our civil institutions they retain tne Metnodist doctrines; but they com mence with organizing a general representative unity called "the Congregation Church," under which local congregations may organize, each having power to choose its own pastor and other officers. The Human Mini. Three pounds, eight ounces, troy weight the average weight of the brain of a male adult and three pounds and four ounces of a female. Cuvier's brain weiched four pounds, eleven ounces, four drachms and thirty grains, troy weigbt. 'Ihe brain of Dupuytren the great French surgeon, weighed four pounds and ten ounces, troy weight Mr.

Webster's brain was next in size to the two last and with these exceptions, the largest of any man's who ever lived. The Scientific American says that cam phor has been discovered to be an antidote to that terrible poison strychnine. A man who had been thrown into convulsions by two doses of the pol son, one sLith of a grain, administered for rheu matism, was relieved by twenty grains of cam phor, taken ia six grains ef almond mixture. Dr. Suddock, in a letter to the London Lancet, claims to have made the discovery.

Daniel Webster in Canada The Toronto Globe, speaking of Daniel Webster, says He was undoubtedly a mind anions' a million. He was the incarnation thought In his addresses, ideas followed each other aa loricallv as a mathematician proves his problem. He was a man of facts, likewise, with extensive knowledge. ana me power oi ciear eiuciaauon. wnen he considered a subject he exhausted it On nublie questions involving far reaching and contending interests, nis speecnes na toia an tnat could be known upon them every fact was mentioned, and the smallest as keenly and closely dissected as the greatest Join to this the force of a strong wiM, at cwuuuenca in in nam wTiirh waa justified bv his own rreatneaa.

and vnn han th regaruea as tne greatest American Of his ace. the mmt nnmrful nlilr tha most profound lawyer, the best expounder of quuiuoiis, ana tne greatest aipio Wrecks of the Reform and Hand. The Mobile itegtster ot Monday has the folio win rmrunnh We are reaaested hvrini H.nn that considerable misapprehension seems to exist aa to the circ*mstances nf th ecuuuner, ue nanay. According to bis statement it appear that the bark Reform was burnt I VI HIV and anna on tha iHth nf rwtnkA. .1 nuTcniDer iub uouecror requested Mr.

John King to erect a temporary beacon oa the wreck and Mr. Kinr enrajred an ovsterma ta nail ling to the stern of th wreck, and place a cask thereon. On Thursday last the dav aftr tho in jury to the Handy, the cask was seen in town on ine aeca 01 in oyster coat, ana aa not vet been placed on th wreck of the Reform: thm i. nothinr on it bat a bush. Dlaeed there bv Cantain Horner, of tho water boat Linjeua, which cannot be seem if the wind is freshly blowing, or at night These are the fact which Capt Wolf has ascertained upon the anost diligent inquiry.

1, Telegraphed totheNewOrleane ncayune FURTHER ATLANTIC. (By tha Rational Uas.) Nbw Yobk. Ifo. 15. Liverpool letter quote flour at an advance of 3d.

per barrel. Ham Cettsa market 1 Tne Havre "crtton' market waa dull and 'L Tremendous gale have taken place off the English coast Twenty four vessels have been wrecked and many live were lost IVo American vessels were reported among the disaster. Preparation are making for the opening of Parliament France. It is believed that the Empire will be declared in France on the 2d December, and that the Senate will hold only four more sittings. Another formidable conspiracy against the life of the President has been reported.

Cuba Austria suggests a coalition with Spain for the protection of Cuba. Tambardy. A change has taken place in the Turin Ministry. fjy A misunderstanding between Messrs. John M.

Botts and James Lyons, at Richmond, has been amicably settled by the friendly interposition of Messrs. William S. Archer and Walter Gwyn. Post Office Operations. The post office at Houston, Hanco*ck county, has been discontinued.

The name of that at Missouri, Pike county, has been changed to Perote. Election Frauds in Pittsburg. Six persons hare been arrested in Pittsburg. charged with altering forged naturalization papers. Henry M.

Smith, a grocer, and Thomas Scott, a member of the police committee, were held to bail ou the 6th inst, in the sum of $'2200, to answer two charges each and Henry Wilson, a blacksmith, in the sum of $1,000, on the charge of retaiuiug possession of one of the said papers, in order to screen the person who uttered it The Cauawba (Ala.) Baptist Association have adopted resolutions that it is the duty of the Legislature to prohibit by law the retailing of alcoholic drinks," appointing a committee to memorialize the Legislature to that effect, aud appointing fifty delegates to the State Temperance Convention at Selma, on the 21th inst, to further the same object Qov. Seward. The New York Tribune states that the Speeches, Arguments and Messages of William II. Seward," by George E. Baker, are now in process ef preparation for the press, and will probably be published next spring.

Tbe whole will make three full octavos of some 600 pages each. Free Colored Population of Virginia. Tbe citizens of Norfolk county, held a meeting on the 2d inst, and adopted resolutions urging the Legislature, at its ensuing session, to adopt measures to rid the State of its free colored population. They also recommended that similar meetings be held throughout the State. Escape from Prison.

On the night of the 2d inst, as the son of the jailor of Talladega county opened the door ofthe prison room, to enter with food for tbe inmates, a man by the name of Presly, committed upon the charge of horse stealing in Talladega, knocked down the young man and made good his escape. Alarm was in otantly given, but before pursuit was made the rascal threw tbe whole town into excitement by the cry of fire and thus, while the citizens were hurrying to and fro in search of the fire, he took to the woods and escaped. Ecclesiastical Revenues of England, France and Belgium. The incomes of the leading members ofthe Episcopal bodies in England stand thus Archbirdmp of Canterbury, Arch bishop of York, 10,000 Bixhop of London Bishop of Durham, Bishop of Winchester, Uisbop of Ely, 5,500. The hiehest ecclesiastical functionary in France.

the Archbishop of Paris, has 1,600 per annum the other fourteen Archbishops have 600 per annum each and tne bisnops, sixty nve in num ber. have 400 per annum each, lu Belgium tbe net income of the Archbishop of Ma lines is 640 per annum, and each of the Bishops 588 per annum. Such was the state of things in If 46. Louis Napoleon has caused the income nf the Archbishop of Paris to be raised from 40,000 francs to 50,000 francs per annum. Fourteen other Archbishops are augmented from 15,000 francs to 20,000 francs, aixty nve Bishops spring from 10,000 francs to 12,000 francs, and tbe lower grades oi the clergy in corresponding degrees.

The sum of 180,000 francs is appropriated to cathedral choirs. An Eccentric Character. The Boston Chronicle gives the following, in addition to the particulars already published, relative to John Crofts Coffield who died in that city on the 28th ult, supposed to be worth $200,000 For the lost thirty years this eccentric man bai not laid in bed, except when traveling, he being too miserly to indulge in such "extravagance. as he termed it He has made his lodgings on trunks and boards, and finallv died (vine unon a large trunk. Three days preceding his death he purchased a burial lot in Mount Auburn.

He lived, if living it could be called, in a small shop on from tne street He lived a oacneior, not being willing to marry on account of the ex penses incident upon a married life, and dragged out his existence as solitary as an oyster. His meals cost him on an average six and a quarter cents, and in payment be generally tendered a crossed four pence. He had not probably taken off his clothes for a year. Avarice shoue from bis cold, glassy eye he loved no one, and no one probably loved him. The late Dr.

Pnrkmau was his mend, and was selected as bis executor. Supreme Court Condensed Decisions. Nzw Oblkakm Canal and Bankfno Company r. 4. Schroder A Co.

Dunbar, Justice. This iaan appeal from a jadatrent diem taring a rale to set aside aa arrest. Tbe pUuntifia earned A. Schroder, who ia a raident ol Havre, France, to be arreatrd for debt. The defendant took a role to art slide tbe airest on tbe ground that it waa alleged in tbe affidavit of arrest that be bad absconded from hii residence," aa required by tbe act of March, 1847, which declares, "that no citizen of another State shall hereafter be arrested in this 8tate, at tbe suit of a resident or nonresident creditor, except in cases where it shall be made to appear oy the oath of the creditor, that the debtor has absconded from his Held tbat tne words "citizen of another" in the above act meana citizen of anotber State of tbia Union aud hence aa the defendant, A.

Schroder, waa a resident of a foreign State, the law of 1S47 was not applicable to bis rase and it was not therefore necessary to have it altered in tbe affidavit foi his arrest, that he had "absconded from bis residence." rinnan vs. Baton Rorjoa Mills Company and Peale. Slidell, Justice. This is an action to recover upon reicain drafts negotiated In hia city for the account of mi saion Konge muia company, its onjert IS to make cie, lormrriy a penner in ine concern.iiarjte. Tbe partnership domicil was in Baton Rouge.

It mem bers resided in New Orleana It also bad an office in New Orleans, kept by an agent, for tbe sale of ita bricks and lumber. TI raising of funds for the use of the company was also accompuanea in new ynesna ny means ol Dills orawn oy ussgruui upon jucuain, oi new vneans, one 01 ine pare ners. The withdrawal of Peale from tbe company took place ia tbe latter part of October, Ihao, The drafts la question bear date tbe following December. Tbe only notice of reaiev witnarawai waa pabuabed In the Baton Bouse The qnesfen presented ii si to the sufficiencv of the no tice of withdrawal. Held, that under the facta presented in tbe present care It was unreasonable that tbe New Orteaua public abould be neia constructively warnea or reals 's retirement by a notice in a Baton Rouse newsnaDer whose ordinarv eirrniatlnn could not be supposed to reach beyond the narrow sphere of a Tillage journal, a reunoi partner is Donna to use reasonable diligence to Inform the public Tbe extent of dili gence trust be measured with a reasonable regard to the circ*mstances of the case and ought not to be brought down ta the inflexible standard of publication at tbe partnership domicil, where such standard would expose the public to an inequitable risk.

It waa the duty of Peale to give publicity to his retirement in New Orleans, and having failed to do auuciuusiucucm uaote on wc orara soea apon. rtravu. Wood St vs. Bbkbd. Slidell.

Justice The defendant bad deposited a 1,031 with the plaintiffs, which tbe latter refused to restore oa the ground that tbe former waa Indebted to them to that amount as a member of the firm of Rand Breed. Tbey were obliged, however, to pay over the cam ander a decree of court, on the ground that they could not set op tbe indebtedness of the depositor In compensation for a de Kit made with them. Having paid tbe money into the ids of the sheriff, they immediately attached It for the a foresaid indeoccdneaa. Held, that tha depositary not being permitted by law to detain tbe thing deposited with him, ta compensation for wum in, rmiHi uiibui wwv oim, roe piaintine could not do indirectly what tbev were not eermittol rn 4 iiinrii. The District Judge therefore did not err in dismissing the PI I VW The sale of Malaga fruit, wines, oils, Sec.

per bark Ardennes, from MareeiBee and Malaga, which wai ta hav taken lilacs yesterday afternoon, was postponed, and will posttlvery take place this dav. Wcdaaadav. No vember 17, at half past 10 a'dsck A. at the atara sf Bernard Taruio, auctioneer, Now to Old Levee street. uaipica win urn uanipiwcq.

We are requested to call the attention sf Jtatfn to tne extensive credit sale of direct importation Havana Cigars, by Morpby AX Nevioa, at B. Tail's, No. 71 mis day. ODD TEL LOWS' HALL ASSOCIATION. GRAND DEDICATION BALL.

Ia rr sequence af the 11 arsUal of the shin CamaM. having on beard Ike ChsndrUen and Sas riatarsa intended favtaa Ball Bsam. taa Omni ferlcatfcan Ball'i th a to take place a the tad hut. It postponed aniil farther hcnkt Howard, OITT XlfTtthtitattKOK. RECORDER OENOIS' COURT.

T'VTsn Thtwos. Johanna Lacave yesterday made aa affidavit before Recorder Oenois, stating that Henry Diamond, with whom she has been residing for two vears nastThastoksa from ber a gold locket and a sbawi valoedatias, witooot her consent, and haa sold them for his own A warrant was issued as prayed sor. Riotnrma Stolin PaopEamTT wo free colored man named Joan Francois and Jrancois LefCTSwere yesterday charged and arrested, in the Meat Selid frstrictTfer having iecivedalchams and shoulders which bad been stolen from steam ooa T. r. Leathers.

Seven hamaand two abooMerawere found Itn the stall of the accused. They were required to give bail for their future appearance. a a waMMvmewA mnirrvi A man yesterday appeared before Recorder Oenois and made 1 afBdavtt that seed about tea yea. had left herb oe and waa concealed in a certain house. A search warrant was granted to tne fcther in order to hunt ap taa stray giri.

Vaobanct. Seth H. Place was yesterday examined before Recorder Oenois, on the charge of being the worst Had ef a vagrant, and also on tbe suspicion of having written false passes for slaves. He was sent to tbe Work House fur six moutns. First Distbict Coua rJudge Larue.

Crimi 1. li.nrv Ami, mmm tried vesterdaV on the chars of stealing a watch valued at SlOO, a tiank valued at Sf), a lot of wearing apparel valued at 60, and S860 In gold coin on tbe 2d ot June hut. It appeared from the evidence that one A. Ze bender committed suicide on uw lun bus bouse situated ou St. Philip street, and kept by tbe accoeti.

An hi. Ammth i mawrf took Dosaer iiua of tbe orooerty of the deceased, consisting of the articles enumerated shove, with the view of appropriating them to his own Vk. Inn, hnn thm rvlauiH ill James Barnes was tried and acquitted of the charge of harboring and concealing a lunawsy aiars. James Buckley, tried lor vaulting and beating George Crauan, on the 16th of May last, wri acquitted. COUNCIL RoAtn of Aldebmen.

This Board met last evening at the usual hour. Alderman Claiborne, President, in th, rhsir. There were elsht me nbers present. A message waa received from hia Honor, tbe Mayor, covering an opinion of tbe City Attorney rei 10 laying a ans ruexi on reiiciiy iy cici i rt ibu lerred tt, the Committee on streets and Landings, Tna Mavor alau made a communication rcla.ive to tbe impossibility of Jackaua McLanathan's completing their contract lor repairing tne wnan at ine root 01 oi. jwyii street, in consequence nf tbe steamships landing there.

The subject waa relrrreo to tne iommmei: on streets ana juajiu wttti nnMrer In ar.t. Several petitions for redress snd claims were read and rf.rmi to a. nm.iriale committees. A petition was read from a large number of keepers of cottet bouses, billiard rooms and ten pin alleys, delendlng tbe character of their busintss, stating the enormous smount of their tax and al the number 01 nonccusea tippliug bouses. They ask for a reduction of their licenses.

The petition was referred to tbe Finance Committee. A petition waa received from Th mas Hinds, asking tbat be be allowed six months delay incompleting his contract fur the pavement ot Royal street with square blocks, be giving many icasous therefor. The favor asked fur was granted. Alderman Burke presented a resolution approving tbe action of tbe recent Council of Lafayette In relation to granting the right ot way for tne LaJayetle ana i outcnar train Railroad Company, aud granting the same privileges. Adopted.

A communication was received from the Board of Assist ans complaining many resolutions passed by them had not yet been acted on by tbe Board of Aldermen. Tbe communication also gave a long list of ordinances passed by them and above alluded to. Several members at 00c rose to reply to the reproach attempted to be cast on tbe Board by the communication aud the subject waa soon laid on tne taoie. Th. Vmanee Committee made a rerjort and presented re solutions for accepting several securities, denying several applications lor cnarny paying a large nuinoer 01 oiiia, pur chasing a lot for building a boae company house, Ac Th, rnoi and resolutions were all adonted.

Tbe Committee on Fire reported several resolutions for the purchase of new eng.nes snd hose. Adopted. Alderman Burke presented a preamble and resolution tn relation to a statement made in he 1 Mario la Manna. published in Hava concerning tbia city. The preamble and resolutions were adopted.

Alderman Converse offered a resolution relative to the removal of the Mayor's, and alto of other offices to the City Hall, opposite Lafayette Squaie. Tbe resolution gave rise to much discussion, but was finally laid over subject to cal. Alderman Convene offered a resolution tbat all officers of tbe city baving funds in tbelr hands belonging to tbe city, should be ordered to pay over said funds at once. The resolution was adonted. Tbe Board, after patting a few other resolutions of littl lnterest, aujoumea.

Boaad or Assistants. This Board met last evening the President and seventeen members present. Tbe reading of tbe minutea waa dispensed with. A message from the Mayor was read conveying the refusal of the City Attorney to approve of tbe contract with P. Kais r.

Dor DlantlDS Felicity street, and transmit tine the nrottstof the contractors tor extending tbe First District levee wharf, who declare that they are unable to proceed with tbe worn on account ot tne steamsnip lauding at the foot of St. Joseph street. Tbe first portion of the message was referred to tbe Judiciary Committee; tbe latter to tne Committee on strreta ana uinaiigs. A communication from tbe Surveyor was read, transmit ting a plan for Improving Canal street. It Is proposed tbat tbe sidewalks shall be 36 feet wide, and ornamented wilb trees.

Other improvements are recommended, amounting all to about S3 on, a portion of which expense will be borne by the property Referred to tbe Committee on Streets ana Landinse. A communication from the Street Commissioner was read, giving the number and occupation of the employes of bis department, tten rrea to committee on streets ana Landings. A communication from the City Attorney was read in fbrmins the Council that all of Annunciation Square, ex reprint the centre portion which waa lately decreed to be of private ownersnip, was still toe property of ine nry. Referred to the Committee on Improvements and Build fue Third District Recorder's report of tbe fines collected in hit office was received Messages from tbe Board of Aldermen, transmitting or dinancea and resolutions, were read. From the Board of Aldermen: Tbe resolution prohibiting tbe use of horses on the Levee in toadins and unloadina vrasela was lost.

Tbe amendments to tbe ordinance relative to tbe naming 01 streets were concurred in. Tbe resolution granting tbe right of way through Jsckson street. Fourth District, to the Lafayette and Pontcharrrain Railroad, subject to socn ordinances and regulations as may be passed bv tbe Council and accepted by tbe company. was amended by striking out the words "accepted by the comi any," ana as amenaea pas sea. The other resolutions transmitted were appropriately re lrrreo.

fctitiotu. From Catoir asking permission to erect a tern porary awning ou tbe neutral ground in Canal stree' as a place for tbe sale of hia fire works. Referred to the Police Commit! i e. From tbe property holders of tbe First District, rear of camp street, complaining 01 vuewantoi wou juiru iuiiw portion of tbe city. Referred to the Police Committee.

From property holders on Jersey street. Fourth District, asking for the laying of a banquette on tbat street. Referred to tbe Committee 00 Streets and Landings. From sundry citizens asking that permission be granted to Holmes A Bennett to erect forge on topnroaine street. Referred in the Committee on Streets and Landinn.

From Maurice Powers, asking tbe remuneration of a fine impose on iun oy neeonirr luiirr, rui vu pwiwa on tne sidesralK 01 camp street annul toe passage of a po litif al nmmunn Ordered to lie on toe tabl. From sundrv citizens, asking for tbe planking of a portion of Eophroaine street. Referred ta the Commitiee on Streets sod lwdings. From the nronrrtv hollers on Tchcopitoulas street, be tween Rce snd Richard streets, complsiningof toe square blocks lying in tbat street, and asking that tbe same be im mediately laid. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Landings.

From the property holders in the vicinity of Drysd mar Iter, asking tne opening 01 a new street running irom tbe market parallel to Thalia street. Referred to tbo Com mitrteeAn HrrMti uid Inrlinsi. On motion, the ordinance reported at a previous meetlns. relative to tbe farming and regulation of the markets, was taxen up ana passed, witn some amenamenta. Tbe Board then adjourned.

a a Arrivals at the Principal IIotels NoY. 16. ST LOUIS A Mantinbo, Carson. Brazil Fisher and lady, Andrews, Pavy au lady NY; Capt Morgan, Lieut Maynsline, CSA; Gawer, Cal Butler. VERANDAH HOTEL Coates, Bruner.

Miss; Collins, NO; WE Holt. Hall, Mobile; Clevr land, Cleveland Jr. Adams, Boyce. LVB Martin, VV I ongmire, I Locgmlre, Ala Gartlin, La Mrs ERR Hoitnet, Miss A Holmes, NC; Oaul Ion. nnerr nrr.

r. vitt ei otiu, 1 v. uirif, A VenBlsrcom, Williamson. Gallagher, Freeman Clarke, NO; 8 L. I sett, Dr Peck and lady.

La Fitz patrirk, Ala Babbett and family. TJSA Mr Pes body, Phils Burkhart. A Shepherd. Moore. Wm Hint.

Texas Grogan. ARCADE HOTEL. Biieree. Tcnn Cryer, Love. NO 1 rhwedler, NY; Moore, Mobile: A Adams, Dr Wallace.

Misa: Arnold. Btell. Kidd. C. Crosby.

A McC earner, A Hudson, A clad den, La i ouer, exaas. Pled 1 On Tuesday evening, tbe lftth at ft o'clock. EDW. HART, a native of Ireland, and more than SO years a resident of New Orleana His friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral. This Afternoon, at half past 8 o'clock, from No.

16 Gironde street, corner of Gravier. Dr. Norman's Balsam ef Fir Faate. A SURE RELIEF FROM COUGHS IN TEN MINUTES Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Pain in tha Side and Breast; Whooping Cough, Croup, Influenza, difficult Breathing and Expectoration, sad the various Lang Complaint! will be removed by the oa of Dr. NORMAN'S PULMONIC BALSAM OF FIR PASTE.

Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption in its incipient stages will be relieved by it Certificates and testimonials of this Invaluable medicine are already published, and will be distributed daring the preaeni ween. aaff For tale, wholesale and retail, at NORMAN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISMENT, nl6 SUdpAltW No. 14 Camp street 32,009 Copies Sold. THE CABIN AND PARLOR Price one dollar In cloth gilt or fifty cents in paper caver. READ THE OPINIONS OP THB PRESS.

About the genius of Tbe Cabin and Parlor there ia no mistake. It win not fail to draw tears even from eyes nnnsrd to weeping In respect to practical, far seeing wisdom, it im worth all tbe abstract views that Mrs Stowe has pot oh The author is possessed of arl final Powers of a high quality. Boston Post. Farther supplies of this admirable work by BAraden's xpreas, at NORMAN'S, nlfi 3t3dptfcltW 14 Camp street. Nortmaas, IA rfMi BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of tbe first clssi cwn.0 or STANDARD LITERATURE.

ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED WORKS. MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS. NEW AND CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. CHEAP MUSIC, ate. SCHOOL BOOKS supplied at Publiabert' Fricea VTfn tlHrV AssTa, i PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS for Colleges snd Setae and Books imported to nenj fr a VISITING CARDS ensraved mA 4 LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS and Envelopes benatJ tally embossed, and Cards with initials.

SEAL ENGRAVING, Ac 4 PRINTING and BINDING, hi the an style ef the art. Quity and Price to aaeet approval. aoncizen. nJ4 iadnAiW Tht TerMdaH Baths ad wrlai Saioea Thtotoe honored mam tTauxaJ Street. BtlSlTNg IN DRESS GOODS.

Tbe entire stock of Dreas Goods of a bouse In New York, about RETIRING FROM BUSINESS, having been bought for cash at A GREAT SACRIFICE, I win offer team as follows, in order to ran thssn oft quickly. Good BLACK SILKS at SIX BITS per yard. Superior BLACK SILKS at ONE DOLLAR. Extra width and quality BLACK SILKS from ten to tlralvabttB. Chene snd Fancy Slum at SIX BITS.

Black FISCRED SILKS from ONE DOLLAR up. BROCADE SILKS fraaa ONE DOLLAR op MOUS8ELINE DE LAINES fraaa ONE DIME to TWO BITS. Extra quality HOU88ELTNE DE LAINES, all wool, and rich styles, from FIVE to SIX BITS. Rich CASHMERES, all wool, worth a dollar, at SIX BITS. BLACK Mousse Una Lalnea from TWO BITS Alpaccas, good qualities, from two BP with a targe lot of other goods bought from the tame, concern ALL FRESH GOODS, at PRICES REMARKABLY LOW, 'at BJ6 Sdptf SIMPSON'S, SO Canal street 76 Camp Street.

KING'S STOCK la going ofT rapidly 1 1 notwithstanding many persons are complaining that bus! Beat never was so dull. The ASTOUNDING LOW PRICES have brought mer ahants far and near, and numbers have acknowledged the EXTREME CHEAPNESS by purchasing largely. Who wants Dry Goods KING'S Js really the place. 76 CAMP STREET, gar No deviation need be expected. He leaves again tn a few weeks for the Eastern cities, to purchase and advance on Spring Goods.

nl4 Ttsdp Info ran at! on Wanted Of Capt CHRISTIAN MILLER, who commanded the ifnrin. the veer igAO. In the trade between New Orleans and Texas. Any person knowing anything of hia present residence will confer a favor by communicating urnnorrr.i.. mii.m a CO B16 Stsdp Ne.

96 Gravier street Hpleodld Axmlneter Carpets. Just received on consignment, direct froui the manufacturers. Pbardoe, Hoonian A Pardee, Kidderminster, ONH MAGNIFICFNT CARPET, 16 22 feet Price asoo. TODD tt Commission Carpet Wsrarooms, 130 Canal sr. nl4 Stidp neaaBKoyal, Touro Buildings Paper Hangings.

Jott received on consignment, 6 000 pieces assorted Paper Hangings, from the Union Manufacturing Company. For sale low to tbe trsde by TODD A Commission Carpet Were rooms, 120 Csnal nl4 3t2dp near Royal, Touro Buildings. Ball's Saraaparillaw There is probably no inven too that ia benefitting mankind so much as Bull's Sarsaparilla. Dr. John Bull acbem ist of extraordinary talents, has introduced to the world an article for purifying tbe blond, and 'or the core of Scrofula, Rheumatism.

Old Sores. Ac. that is exciting tbe admira tion of the oldest and at skillful physicians. Tbe great improvement in tbe hea th of tbe large Western citiea may well be attributed to tbe free use of Bull's farae peril's. Every family should have this mat invaluable article, thereby preventing much suffering.

For sale wholesale or by tbe buttle by J. WRIGHT A Sole Agents, IM Cbartrra et WmT Druggists and the trade generally supplied at pro prietor's prices. nl4 3tdp Hammond Ph lib rick, dealers in WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, AND FANCY GOODS. Also Fashionable Visiting Card, Doorplate and Seal Engraving Establishment, No. 128 Canal street, nlT sdpSm between Royal and Bourbon streets.

RE OPENED. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. Norris tfe Way, Corner of Camp and Common streets, under tbe City Hotel. Having recently Improved and refitted their establishment, now offer to tbe public a new and beautiful stock of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, comprising an extensive and well assorted variety of every description of Clothing and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, manufactured especially for retail sales, consisting of OVER COATS.

Sup. Black Cloth DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Sup. Fancy Cloth BUSINESS COATS, Epsom and Derby COATS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, of the latest styles, snd an entire new assortment of WI NTER VESTS. SCARFS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. and FANCY GOODS.

Throughout the entire season tbey will be in constant receipt of the latest novelties and moat popular styles, and maintain at all times a large and complete stock of every article of apparel appertaining to a GENTLEMAN'S WARDROBE. Call and examine. NORRIS WAY, nl4 sdp under City HoteL morse's Compound Hyrnp of Yellow Dock ROOOT. This Is a purely vegetable compound, scientifically prepared from the brat roots and herbs of the Materia Med tea. and has gained an unrivalled reputation for the following effects, viz Purifying tbe blood, and thus curing all humors, sores, ulcers, cutaneous eruptions' canker, scald head, Ac, Ac Regulating and cleansing tbe stomach and bowels, thus it cures dyspepsia, indigestion, coativeneaa, piles, Aa, strengthening tbe digestive organs, thus causing the to nourish and support every part.

Regulating tha secretary organs, and, by enabling tbem to perfot their proper functions, preventing and curing billions and other painful die eases. Strengthening and quieting tbe nervous system, thus allaying nervous irritation, and curing all diseases ol the nerves. It la unrivalled in the cure of all female dis eases, as weakness, irregularity, obstructions, Ac It is pleasant to take aud safe in all cases; acting in harmony with tbe restoring powers of nature, it never injures but always benefits and cures, aa thousands of voluntary certificates from the best authorities testify. Prepared by C. Morse A No.

sis Maiden Lane, New York, and sold by Druggists and others throughout this and other countries. General agents for tbe South and West. nl4 3tsp J. WRIGHT A 181 Cbartres at Carpeting! JUST ARRIVED, superior English TaPESTRY. BRUS SELS, 3 PLY AND INGRAINS, of new and beautiful patterns: a large assortment of DRUGGE fS and Linen for crumb cloths a handsome lot of WINDOW SHADES some new stylet of Stair Rods all k'ods ef Rug and Mats, Ac, and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS of elegant patterns, cat rn suit sll sizes of rooms AH of which we offer st PRICES MUCH BELOW previous years' prices, for CASH ar satisfactory yaprr.

nl4 Sdpot A. ROUSSEAU A S3 Chartres at Commission Carpet Warerooms. Jost received on consignment, per sbips Mary Crocker Westminster, Atlantic, Fairfield and Galena, a large as asortment of VELVET, TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS THREE PLY, TNGRAIN AND DUTCH CARPETS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. INDIA and COCOA MATTING SUPERB RUGS' TABLE CLOTHS and DRUGGETS.

CORTAIN GOODS. Rich silk and wool, brocatelle, worsted and other kinds of curtain goods, together with cards, tassels, gimp, window cornices, window shades, Ac, Ar. For sale by TODD A Commission Carpet Warerooms, 120 Canal st B14 atsdp near Royal, Touro Buildings. For Heat. The second floor of our store a good tenant will a rented low.

THOMPSON A NIXON, all Stsdp 19 Camp street 3 Cntrip (Street. 73 Jost received at MH LER, HARRIS A WALDO'S Mouse rurnisbing Store, a large assortment of Glassware consisting ia part of Pressed and rich ent Decanters for bars and family use Rich cat Wine Bottles; ruby plated 5 Cut and pressed Water Bottles Bitter Flint glass and colored Syrup Bottles Good assortment ent and pressed Tumblers Cut and pressed Cordial Glasses Wine Champagne Glasses; Giblets; Scotch Ale Glasses; Peg Glasses; Butter Nappies covers' fnmei preserve Dishes, with and without Ct and pressed glass Fruit Bowls, assorted Sasar Bowls for bars and family ute Cream and Moiasset Pitchers Handled Jogs and Cellery Glasses Spoon and Straw Glasses for bar use Cut and pressed Finger Bowls, flint and colored glass Rich cut and pressed glass Salt Cellars, asa'd patterns Specie Jars, one quart, half gallon and one gallon; Flint and colored glass Candlesticks; Cut and pressed Oil Lam; Plaid a1 Gas Lamps. nil otOdp Wlaert. v.ia...

"in upv, WARRANTED PURELY VEGETABLE. tffectnal remedy ever offered to suffering bunisnity, and pronounced by the faculty tbe beat medl ne fee tbe expulsioo of wormt in children. ji v. Vy. Agents, nrBtATJsn aaasaa a a I im cnartri Chlaa tSc Beltoa, WHOLESALE Tin namin ivn At AEVlUbtSJUU, and Importers of Cod Liver Oil, Perfumery.

Fancy Toilet Articles, Brushes, Colognes, of various brands French snd English Chaznicala, Medicine Cheats. Also, a large variety af Surgeons' Instruments, which they offer on tha mat reasonable terms to Planters, Physicians, Merchants. Ac IHsBoIaUoa. The rtrnarfnrrsliln 1... uihidi Detween UUAACE BALDWIN mmA mill pa lusiAStiMa ue style A CO l'lved an Mb October "wposen the stack to BALDWIN Newark.

New Jaises tk i by that firm. wu, on cununae, sLrrTOBIA to authorized to Uquiflate the business af tha. i .2 Msiaat theaa are requested to present their accounts for Wment, and those indebted will make immediate settle siinwiM nil Im ttsdp CHARLES TOBIAS. IlLnarrssiv, i 1.. HWOTUurSHStS of tha kwe firm of H.E.

Baldwin A Co. AT COST, con sttDf ot every description of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WAKE, MILITARY GOODS, uaniuuiiB AS11LLU, ftc, Ave. The pah He respectfully requested to call and examine prtvtsua A a AfSBV wn 1. 1 1 rapairiRg sf Watches, Clcckt snd rating Cbjrmsmatsra. 1 1 1 sta.

aK I fafPORTEB. OJszljj ntticn Bait $l)it Dcg. rror J. A. Beara a) stay a omias sea ntat rars.1 KKSykes sells Turnltara, at lofr o'clock, at Ha atorphy A Nevlns sell Cigars, at o'clock, at sine street v.

M. Mualgiansry A Co. sell Dimailiuld tat, o'do en Caanp sliest, near Julia. Bernard Tarpia sells Malaga Pratt, Ac, at lok 1 li. an (IM street.

Sea advartlsasaanta, Tke Seathera taalles Book TOE NOVEMBER, v. AaH 1 ffissi tha aeneaaf 103 St Ctiartas street, mma rfo. st Cataaaarchm pw Aganta for thU work will call on the dttarai furlagnJ present week, exhibit tbs specimen snbscriptlnns. taiU Aledical Text Seeks. Race lad by Sf tha TCi.iij tn uua mnj.

Tbs subscriber rerpectfuITy sotictti taa tttaatioa af Students of Louisiana Cnivarsity, and tas ProiesstsB aras rally to his extensive and wall aaa slid stock of MEDICAL AND SURGICAL WORKS, which is not equalled by any ether isltliHsanaal tt aW Union, and which ha offers at prices that nasal aai ta ahn aatistacrion to pnrchasrrs. gar Call and esamine the stock and prices of J. B. no iJtadp so Caanp attest Jeoepk Gllletfs Steel Pea. Thtrtv years' experience in naaufactartng and a ssu observance of the rule, tbat no article of tnfcriar eaaot.

twcrvHiv ui ujc 1.10, k.v. tawcTuw aaann, should he sent Into the market, have established fcv tan. Pens the flattering distinction they enjoy and agorstes surest guarantee 01 a uwdkisiwc oi tuetr peculaw rsral lence. Please observe that on the reverse aide of earalasi there is a caution" bearing a fac simile of Joseph eillsrrs signature, this has special reference to bis No, tn. Tub MOST POPULAR PEN IN THE WORLD.

IMPORTANT ANNO0NCEMEBT. JOSEPH OILLOTT Begs reanectnlly to Inform tbe public tbat by aavslas. pllcation of his unrivaled machinery for iaaiiii peas, at has introduced a new oeriea of his useful prodactisBa. which for excellence of tmper, onallry af BattarsMlaW above all cbeapneis in price, will, be believes, inaar aai venal apprabatlon. Each pen bears the name ef JOSEPH GILLOTT a Kanurtee of quality.

Tbey are put ap la th seat styasf xesof one grs each, with Label and Cattis aa ai verse side, with fac alml le signature. Saf Observe Th new series may be kaswa ftuat Ba TOO. and upwards ga For sale by all Stationers and Fancy GoonaDsalan tn tbe United States, and wholesale at tha at Hrtiial Warehouse, 91 John street. New York. aut ImJapWed Sa HENRY OWEN, Agsat Thompson etc Nlxoa, FASHIONABLE No.

19 Camp street, opposite City Hotel are now in receipt of a large snd varied Stock af FINE CLOTHING, manuau tured by themselves expreatly for the RETAIL TRADE, and embracing every variety of OVERCOATS; CLOAKS; FROCK COATS DRESS COATS; PALETOTS; SAC COATS; PANTALOOHtt VESTS. Also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 600DI, of all tbe latest and best Sty Us. UNDER SHIRTS. DRAWERS AND HALF H0SX; of Silk, Merino, Cashmere, Lambs Wool and Cottaa SCARFS. CRAVATS, TIES, AND STOCKS.

PORT M0NNAIE8. POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CAUK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS; of Silk, and White and Ikxdered Csatarit UMBRELLAS; of Silk, Gingham and Cotton. DRESSING ROBES of Cashmere, Mux' de Lalne sad Cettsa. PERFUMERY, COMBS. BRUSHES, COAT LINKS, shoulder braces, LINEN AND COTTON SHIRTS.

oao sdptf T3 Camp street. 73 Just received at MILLER, HARRIS A WALDO'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, A large assortment of Curtain Damask, Cotton and Wsntei; and rich Styles of Silk snd Worsted. A great variety of Gimps, Cords and Tassels FRINGES, all colors and qualities; Turkey Reds. VELVETS AND PLU8HE8; WINDOW SHADE8, a great vari ty of designs Rich Gilt WINDOW CORNISHES, great variety CURTAIN BANDS AND CURTAIN PINS; White aud Check FLOOR MATTING, a large aanrt ment nlS tdput Coeoa Mat tins; for CoaeUasr eases. Just received on cot.aigoment, per ship Robert Clients, direct from Liverpool, T2 pieces 4 and 4 4 plain aad aaua COCOA MATTING.

For sale low by TODD A Commission Carpet Warerooms, 120 Canal nl4 Stidp near Royal, Touro Buildnfa, Yssng etc CAMP STREET. WATCHMAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELEU AND SILVERSMITHS, Have now on hand a complete assortment of th tsar descriptions of Ladles' and Gents' WATCHES snd JIW ELRY. Also, large assortment of PURE StLVES WARE, which we offer at very reasonable prices; tat whole of which bat been manufactured sad selects under the superintendence of H. P. Buckley, of this blast, aaf who still continues to direct bis personal atteattea ta repairing such fine watches as are entrusted to our charge.

no edpfiea J. A. Tyler, No. 99 Camp street, Msnafactarer sf NE JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. DIAMONDS RESET.

OLD SILVER PLATEr emodeted and made over new. WATCHES AND TIMEPIECES, of every deeeri prion, carefully repaired and wai'iaulti, CANES MOUNTED AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, at abort notice. A fine aaaortment af WATCHES, JEWELRY sad SILVER WARE. Consignments from Northern 1 facturers always oa band at reasonable prices, Bss amSdp I New Orleaas, Jackaonaaa" Ureat Nortkera Kallread Cnanpaay. New Orleans, apteankar a.

USA Snhscrihers to the stock of this Company arc heresy bscV fied that an installment of 10 per cent wiR ba das aai payable at the ofhes of the Company, on THURSDAI. cue a oay 01 December, 18M. By order of the su anp ta JUnn CJtCrlUUri, SBgrar xxeane rTIolsLaseSs tOO harr eis and IOO half berrekm. GOLDEN SYRUP, SO barrels and 100 half barrew. LOAF, POWDERED AND CRUSHED SUSaI.

10(10 barrels. CLARIFIED SUGAR, WHITE AND TEUOH, SO SOO barrels Cneawaiitly on band and for sale la lots to sutt. hy sshis Sanadp A. W. WALKER, lis Magnslaesl.

General Alataal I aa a ranee CeiiBav mi NSW YORK. AVAILABLE AHsrTH asnonoa. tne nre ousineas ot tnis company having Boned since tha of February last. 1 henceforth will ba ean.4 tbe taking af 1 its onersrissf MAaUNXasa RIVER BUSKS. Parties insuring with the company Bay, at their aabat, claim a share of its profits at end ol tbe year, pre esia, a customary with mutual companies, ar in lieu Unrest, a as.

luction of Ten Per Cent from th amount af 111 ami sas paid, thechoice being declared at inception of the poucf EDWARD OUDEN, Agent, T6 St. Cb arias st, Je6 6( ly corner af Union sUtst Geatlemeaa Goods. Just received, by late arrivals, by D. GORREN A CO No. 13 Chartres street, To' JeJ gest and best selected stock of the ubonmnm ever offered in this city.

A splendid saorrment of gnrRTs .11 im ul sf every description. ukes, or silk. Merino, Drill. Canton Pknutl. Wool.

Flannel Ac Silk, Cotton, WooLFWeLMeraw HALF HO8E, 8jlk, Merino, Cotton, Wool, (Ok and Wsd mixed (a new article.) Thread. Ac. CRAVATK. WATERFORD and NAPOLEON TTfS, SHK snrl LIN F.N HANDKERCHIEFS, OLOVES, SOS PEN DERS, ROBES D'CHAMBRE, Ac, Ac Gentlemen wishing to replenish their winuwwdrobs will find it to their advantage to examine ear stack ana prices, ss out of this large aaaortment tbey will be serf find every article they need in oar tine, and at very a prices. No trouble to show goods, w.devery articteaanSB teed as represented, or tbe money refunded.

Purchasers at wholesale ar respectfully requested Is ess. fcsT Remember tbeaodrrs. 1 Chartres atraet snv Seya' IiTOn's KtaAlrtar For the Growth sod Embellisbsneat af tbe Hair to Prtvest its Falling Off and Tufting Gay. Awarded the highest premiums ay the States of New Yark, Maryland and Michigan, at tbeur Annual Fairs of lnM. Tbe Kathaimai Mntniiw.

ir vHnats and old age, in preserving and rrworiag the Hamas Bslr, even after a baldness of twenty years 1 cleanses tbe seals from Scurf end Dandruff 1 wtU cure the Nervosa Heaaacbt, liiT' Diaeaaes sf the Skin, Ac, sas the moat deairabla TOILET ARTICLE for Ladies' or Gentlemen's use in the world. Its serfaaW equals Ltb a'i Cboiceat Extracts, and being free from offeastve oil. or coloring prooertws. it gives tbe Bair that dean, bright soft, lively appearance secured bf as stbar pnMiuiisi. The use of the Kathii ran la adonted by the first abyd erica, and haa a sstiuwsss sas eians la Europe and America, uupreceoented in toe bsstory of tha materia snaaica.

words are superfluous, a trial only can attest its real vtttas. as millions certify. To be bad through North sad ssa curope ana tna iaiaaoa ef th fjetaa, vs bnttles. fbrCA cents, (Kuaia New fjrleansby WBTrJPT A bis scuip iat 1 Lisa's Extract ef Pare Jamaica Gl5Ji xaanmanei toe sx'em 1 public to this article when convinced that It kt PUB ess Unadulterated. Medicaid, tbss saewsj harmleat beverage to aestrey the nnwh Uss brackiah aad tar bid water, can rely upon Wsgsaahtechwat tor.

and it alas extensively tnwd for caitnary pwssewUS flavoring cakes, preservea. Ac Ta tawaffitwad wj pepsia, iomtuer CompUinta. Cholera, Nerv Fever sad A sue. iiI.sinMa. twsl Prastrartsn, svsisssaimt sasa nrearririsd wtth equal eweet.

Manufactured Kw THOMAS LION, Inqoir 'far LYON'S PURE GINGER. Sold by table druggiats througUoul tha world. al4 Stsdp 161 Cm D. r. SCAN LAN A Ha rt Cbsttias strsst, wia snea an Mrmday.

tbs 1Kb a eamptetet at Ladies and Misaea 1 received per Eastern i vet. Bilk and Batra MANTILLAS, tar Ladies ana Wktto and Colored Merino CLOAKS, aUchty for Iafentsi a complete aasortatent sf Dreas KPafX morea, Maalin da suvm. std aVMree Dreaaesi Enzhratderleat and FLOWERS 1 taattbsr with a afa feat FANCY GOOD to which tbey 1 rrtvet, slu*t and Straw w.lia IJiieen. frost Havre 1 slsss spaw" r.l.w I CLOAASI i 'J attention af tbs Ladiea. alo dptff T.

KTsNTaiW ism advariiMto.atUaacAbaicila as' 'tsai.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.