Rehouven Libine on LinkedIn: AI: is this the beginning of the end of work? (2024)

Rehouven Libine

The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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😰 AI: is this the beginning of the end of work?tl;dr: New research suggests AI is already hitting the freelance job market, and if the “productivity J-curve” theory holds, we’re about to see AI-powered upheaval across *all* knowledge work.* * *🤖 The Big Picture: From Softbank’s “emotion cancelling” AI for call centres to the IMF sounding the alarm about “massive labour disruptions,” the robots are well and truly at the gate.While some argue we've yet to see a real impact on productivity, history teaches us that every major technological leap – from the steam engine to the PC – comes with a lag before its true impact is felt.This time, it’s knowledge workers on the chopping block.📉 What It Means for You: The transition won't be pretty.Millions stand to be pushed out of their jobs, with the benefits accruing primarily to the owners of capital (i.e., the ones who own the AIs and robots).Think widespread job displacement, a surge in precarious work, and a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.Governments are ill-prepared; and the very idea of a universal basic income, as suggested by AI godfather Geoffrey Hinton, is dismissed out of hand. 🚀 My take on it: The writing is on the wall.The old ways of working are about to be upended, and the social and political consequences will be immense.This raises a lot of important questions that we need to address:How do we ensure a just transition in the age of intelligent machines?What role will governments play?What about corporate leaders?And even more importantly, how can we prepare ourselves, not just for the economic shift, but for the ethical and societal questions AI forces us to confront?Buckle up, the J-curve is about to get real.#AI #FutureOfWork #Productivity #Future



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Rehouven Libine

The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.


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More information:“Jobs, productivity, and the AI J-curve” by David Mattin, New World Same Humans:

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Eric Cornu

Future Of Work activist, Global HR Leader with a passion for growing people and organizations. Advocate for a fairer and more equitable world.Keynote speaker


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“The writing is on the wall” and yes governments are ill prepared and the corporations are not going to lead and the societal side, but they will be the catalyst and accelerator in their pursuit of capital gains. Sooner or later the universal income debate will arise. But even then this tool will only be a bandage on a major fracture. An urgent debate is indeed needed Rehouven Libine

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Jeroen Erné - CompleteAiTraining . com

AI Implementation & Training expert. Founder of & Nexibeo | Author of the 'Artificial Intelligence Handbook Series'


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Absolutely agree, the transition will be challenging, but with the right strategies, AI can augment human potential, not just replace it. How can we leverage AI to create opportunities? #AdaptAndThrive #AI4Good

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Jerrod L.

Third-culture expat and crisis strategist using music and AI to navigate complex global challenges.


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Time for all of us to focus on how to adapt around AI-first workplaces. A democratised workplace is coming where the gate keeping and technical barriers are being reduced.I think it’s exciting, though understand why it’s so scary for corporate leaders and management.

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    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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    V2A Cowboy



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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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    KcKinsey’s 10 unsung ideas shaping the future of business tl;dr: Everyone's buzzing about Generative AI, and rightfully so. But while it's tempting to get swept up in the hype, some fundamental shifts are quietly reshaping the business landscape. These often-overlooked ideas are the real key to unlocking value in our rapidly changing world.* * *💡 The Big Picture: Here are the 10 ideas - those who master these principles will be the ones writing the future, not just reading about it. 1/ Software might be eating the world, but it's the builders who are shaping the menu.Your ability to rapidly create, test, and adapt using technology will define your success.2/ It's not enough to just innovate and make the cool headlines – you need to scale those innovations to truly win.3/ Digital and AI leaders aren't just leveraging technology – they're doing it faster and better than the competition, creating a compounding advantage. 4/ The tech landscape is constantly evolving, demanding continuous adaptation.5/ In today's business landscape, knowledge is power, and data is the fuel that drives it. 6/ GenAI can enhance productivity by acting as a copilot for various tasks.However, this requires investing in human skills like learning, reskilling, and upskilling.7/ Speed and innovation stem from small autonomous teams that function like a neural network within an organization. This approach enhances agility and responsiveness. 8/ Traditional IT roles are shifting towards providing technology as a service.This enables distributed digital innovation across all functions of a business.9/ The ultimate goal isn't just adopting digital or AI for their own sake; it's about creating real business value.Focus on initiatives that drive substantial improvements in financials, and keep value creation at the core of your strategy.10/ Adaptability hinges on your ability to test more frequently, cheaply, and quickly, with tools like GenAI boosting productivity and digital twins enabling rapid prototyping.🚀 My take on it: The future belongs to those who can see beyond the hype and focus on the underlying principles shaping the modern business world.Don't be distracted by the shiny objects – focus on building, scaling, and constantly evolving your organization to thrive in a world of constant change.This means embracing a data-driven approach, building a workforce empowered by technology, and always keeping value creation at the heart of your digital and AI strategies. #CorporateInnovation #AI #DigitalTransformation #BusinessStrategy #FutureOfWorkImage credit: McKinsey

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  • Rehouven Libine

    The guy you call when you're tired of thinking small // The AI guy at PMI.

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    🤔 Can AI Make Us More Human? tl;dr: Ironically, the rise of AI might be the push we need to rediscover our uniquely human creative spark. * * *🧐 The Big Picture: We often fear AI will replace human creativity. I recently read an article that asked - What if it's the opposite? Witnessing AI mimic our work might be the wake-up call we need to break free from tired tropes and predictable patterns. 👨🎨 What it means for You: You feed your latest masterpiece (an article, a code, a design, you name it) into an AI.It spits back something eerily similar.Disconcerting? Absolutely. But also an opportunity.This is your cue to push boundaries, to tap into the raw, unpredictable wellspring of human creativity. 🚀 My take on it: AI, in its current form, excels at mimicking the average. It thrives on patterns and predictability.This means our most "AI-replicable" work might also be our most uninspired.Maybe we should embrace AI as a mirror - if it can easily replicate what we create, it's time to dig deeper, to surprise ourselves and the world with the unexpected. The real magic happens when we venture beyond the predictable, when we infuse our work with that intangible, un-modellable essence that makes us human. #AI #Creativity #WhatIf #FutureOfArtImage credit: average AI art

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Rehouven Libine on LinkedIn: AI: is this the beginning of the end of work? (38)

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Rehouven Libine on LinkedIn: AI: is this the beginning of the end of work? (2024)
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