(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf · August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)

Place. Image. EnergySelected texts 2001–2010

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)

KOHT. KUJUND. ENERGIAValitud tekste 2001–2010

Place. Image. EnergySelected texts 2001–2010

Tallinn 2010

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

Raamatu ilmumist on toetanud:

© Vilen Künnapu, 2010

vilenkunnapu.pri.ee, www.kassiopeia.ee

Fotod / Photos

A. Maasik 15, 17, 53, 72, 76

R. Meier 193

H.-E. Merila 12, 127

A. Mets 122, 230

V. Künnapu 11, 43, 49, 50, 61, 62, 68, 97, 100, 106, 117, 134,

148, 150, 157, 169, 176, 187, 188, 197, 200, 208, 209, 212, 213

C. Richters 27, 30

Toimetas / Editor

Tiina Randviir

Tõlkis / Translation

Tiina Randviir, Kristi Pääsuke

Kujundas ja küljendas / Design and layout

Irina Tammis / Irina Tammise Disainistuudio OÜ

ISBN 978-9949-21-132-6

Trükkis / Printed by

OÜ Ilotrükk

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)


Eessõna 7Foreword 8

Vastuvoolu ujudes (Kunst.ee 3/2001) 12Swimming against the current 13

Arhitektuur kui ekstaatiline ilmutus 15Ene Läkk vestleb arhitekt Vilen Künnapuga arhitektuurielust (Areen, 29.01.2004)

Architecture as an ecstatic revelation 21

John Hejduk ja tema Wall House 2 (Maja 1/2002) 25John Hejduk and his Wall House 2 29

Kombates Pärsimäge (Kunst.ee 2/2003) 33A touch of Pärsimägi 38

London 2005 (Kunst.ee 3/2005) 43London 2005 47

Koht, kujund ja energia Nädalalõpp Pariisis Reis nr 2 52 (Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli toimetised nr 11/2008)

Place, image and energy Weekend in Paris Trip no 2 56

Meenutus (Estonian Art 2/2004) 60Recollection 63

Arhitektuuri olemusest (Epifanio 2/2005) 65The nature of architecture 69

Kohtumised jõuga (Epifanio 3/2006) 73Encounters with power 78

Valge Pallikese uskumatud seiklused planeedil Ma (Epifanio 5/2006) 81The Incredible Adventures of the Little White Ball on Planet Eart 84


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)


Minu raamatukogu (Epifanio 6/2007) 87My library 88

Arhitekt Steiner ja Jumal (Epifanio 7/2007) 89Architect Steiner and God 93

Epifanio intervjuu Ursula Liblikasega (Epifanio 2/2005) 97Interview with Ursula Liblikas 102

Lühiintervjuu luuletaja Andrus Elbinguga (Epifanio 1/2005) 106Short interview with the poet Andrus Elbing 111

Eessõna Andrus Elbingu raamatule “Siin Beebilõust, tere!” (2006) 115Foreword to Andrus Elbing’s book “Ciao, it’s Babyface!” 116

Künnapute ühisväli (Kunst.ee 4/2006) 117The common field of the Künnapus 121

Vangid (Kunst.ee 4/2006) 125Prisoners 126

Intervjuu Chi Ti-Naniga (Epifanio 8/2008) 128Interview with Chi Ti-Nan 131

Intervjuu Nathaniel Kahniga (Epifanio 5/2006) 135Interview with Nathaniel Kahn 141

Arhitekt Louis Kahni maagiline dimensioon (Kunst.ee 2/2006) 146Architect Louis Kahn’s magic dimension 149

Ameerika Reis nr 4 (Epifanio 4/2006) 152America Trip no 4 155

Louis Kahn ja igavese arhitektuuri kujundid (Ehituskunst 47, 48/2007) 157Louis Kahn and the images of eternal architecture 168

Õnnelik hommik (Epifanio 1/2005) 179A happy morning 180

Kaheksanurkne purskkaev (Epifanio 8/2008) 181Octagonal fountain 182

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)


Tallinn kui lind (Epifanio 9/2008) 184Tallinn as a bird 185

Ring (Kunst.ee 1/2008) 187Circle 191

Kokad ja kuningad (Kunst.ee 3/2007) 195Cooks and kings 196

Nepaali impressioonid (Epifanio 10/2009) 199Impressions of Nepal 203

Tuleviku paviljon Taiwanis (Kunst.ee 4/2005) 207The Future Pavilion in Taiwan 208

Mõtteid kriisist ja arhitektuurist (Eesti Päevaleht, 27.02.2009) 210Thoughts about the crisis and architecture 214

Arhitekt Steiner vaatab tulevikku (Epifanio 11/2009) 217Architect Steiner looks into future 219

Joonistused Akvarellid Skitsid 223Drawings Watercolours Sketches 223

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)



Kord kui mees oma koopas magas, nägi ta unes, et vaatab oma magavat keha. Ta tuli noorkuu öösel koopast välja. Taevas oli selge ja ta nägi miljoneid tähti. Siis juhtus temaga midagi, mis ta elu igaveseks muutis. Ta vaatas oma käsi, tunnetas oma keha ja kuulis iseenda häält ütlemas: “Ma olen valgusest tehtud. Ma olen tähtedest tehtud.”

Don Miguel Ruiz “Neli kokkulepet”

Käesolev raamat on mõtteline jätk 2001 ilmunud teosele “Üle punase jõe”, kasutatud on samasugust päevik-kollaaži formaati ja kujundust On möödunud kümme aastat, üks dekaad uuest milleniumist hakkab läbi saama Raamat kirjeldabki minu ja mind ümbritseva maailma muutumist sellel ajal Siia mahuvad mitmete suurte ehitiste valmimine, nagu hotell “Radisson SAS”, Viru keskus, Kolme Torni Maja Tallinnas ja Tigutorn Tartus Siia mahuvad minu füüsiline ja vaimne kriis ja täielik loobumine alkoholist ja rahustitest Siia mahuvad ema surm ja minu enda kehaväline kogemus Siia mahuvad Ursula ja teised vaimsed õpetajad, indiaanilaagrid, Valguse Tee kogudus, vangla tugirühmades osalemine, Andrus Elbing ja teised uued sõbrad Nähtust, mida ise nimetan vaimseks ärkamiseks, kirjeldavad hästi jutud “Valge Pallikese uskumatud seiklused planeedil Ma” ja “Arhitekt Steiner ja Jumal” Kümnendi teisel poolel valmis raamat “Templid ja tornid”, kus mar-keerin uue elustiili tulemusel tekkinud spirituaalse arhitektuuri põhilised tunnusjooned Ajakirja “Kunst ee” toimetaja Heie Treier tellib minult seeria kirjutisi, mis käsitlevad mõtteid kunsti tulevikust ja vaimsusest Ajakirja “Epifanio” toimetaja August Künnapu innustab mind aga kirjutama olemuslikke artikleid arhitektuuri, kunsti, reisimise ja spi-rituaalsuse kohta Neile mõlemale suur tänu utsitamise eest Kümnendisse mahuvad veel mitmed reisid, näitused, Louis I Kahni päevade organiseerimine Saaremaal, õpetamine Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolis ja Tartu Ülikoolis Raamat peegeldabki neid sündmusi Lisaks kirjutistele on see rikkalikult illustreeritud minu ja minu sõprade fotodega, joonistuste, akvarellide, kollaažide ja mitmete ehitiste ja objektide piltidega

Viimasel ajal tegelen üha rohkem ja rohkem joonistamise ja akvarellimisega Olen avastanud, et kiirelt valminud skits viib mind otsekui ühisvälja, kust saan informatsiooni portreteeritava (inimese või ehitise) karakteri kohta Kohtumine endast kõrgema reaalsu-sega annab üllatavalt suure naudingu Hiljuti saabusime Augustiga Indiast, kus kohtusime maalikunstnik Francis D´Souzaga Kunstnik teostas iga päev vähemalt 10 väikest joo-

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)


nistust See tegevus asendas talle meditatsiooni Ka meie saime innustust “joonistamise usku” astumiseks

Veel raamatu pealkirjast Raamatu koostamise ajal muutsin pealkirja pidevalt Kord, kui ma järjekordse muudatusega kujundaja Irina Tammise poole pöördusin, ütles ta, et on eelmisega juba harjunud Nii jäigi “Koht Kujund Energia” Kujutasin algselt raamatut kollaažina ja heas kollaažis peabki olema tajutav koha vaim, domineeriv kujund (või kujundid) ja kindlasti peab selles olema üüratu energia Siinkohal tahangi tänada Irina Tammist tema oskuse eest väga erinevad tükid üheks tervikuks siduda, tema pühendu-muse ja headuse eest Tänan ka tõlkijat ja toimetajat Tiina Randviiru, kelle tundlikkust olen alati imetlenud


One day, as he slept in a cave, he dreamed that he saw his own body sleeping He came out of the cave on the night of a new moon The sky was clear, and he could see mil-lions of stars Then something happened inside of him that transformed his life forever He looked at his hands, he felt his body, and he heard his own voice say, “I am made of light; I am made of stars ”

Don Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements

The current book is a mental sequel to the one published in 2001, Across the Red River, which used the same kind of diary-collage format and design. Ten years have passed, a decade of the new millennium is about to end. The book describes how I, and the world around me, have changed in the course of this period. This period saw the completion of several large buildings, such as Hotel Radisson SAS, the Viru Centre, the Three Tower House in Tallinn and the Snail Tower in Tartu. It contains my physical and mental crisis and total renouncing of alcohol and tranquillisers. It contains the death of my mother and my own out-of-body experience. It contains Ursula and other spiritual teachers, camps of Native Americans, the Path of Light congregation, participation in the prison support groups, Andrus Elbing and other new friends. The phenomenon that I call spiritual awakening, is described in Incredible Adventures of the Little White Ball on Planet Eart and Architect Steiner and God. In the second half of the decade, I published the book titled Temples and Towers where I point out the main features of spiritual architecture that emerged as a result of my new lifestyle. Heie Treier, editor of the magazine Kunst.ee, commissioned a series of articles about the future and spirituality of art. The editor of the magazine Epifanio, August Künnapu,

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)


encouraged me to write articles on architecture, art, travelling and spirituality. I am grateful to both for urging me on. The decade also included several travels, exhibitions, organising the days of Louis I. Kahn in Saaremaa, teaching at the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences and the University of Tartu. This book reflects all these events, and is richly illustrated with photographs of myself and my friends, drawings, watercolours, collages and pictures of various buildings and objects.

I am increasingly fascinated with drawing and watercolours. I have found that a quickly comp-leted sketch seems to take me into the common field, where I obtain information about the character of the portrayed person or building. An encounter with a higher reality is surprisingly enjoyable. August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza. Every day, the artist made at least ten small drawings. This was his form of meditation. We, too, were inspired to join the “faith of drawing”.

A few words about the title. When I was putting the book together, I constantly changed the title. When I once turned to the designer Irina Tammis with yet another title, she said she had already got used to the previous one. So we decided to keep “Place. Image. Energy”. Initially I saw the book as a collage, and a good collage must contain perceptible genius loci, a dominating image (or images) and certainly enormous quantities of energy. I would hereby like to thank Irina Tammis for her skill to unite different bits into a compact whole, her dedication and goodness of heart. I am also grateful to the translator and editor Tiina Randviir, whose sensitive approach I have always admired.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)




Vilen Künnapu. Perekond Künnapu eramaja Haabneemes, 2003.Vilen Künnapu. The Künnapu family house in Haabneeme, 2003.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)


Vastuvoolu ujudes

Et kunstis midagi uut ja suurt ära teha, tuleb ujuda vastuvoolu Õigemini mitte päris vastuvoolu, sest vesi kannab su peagi tagasi – tuleb leida uus senitundmatu hoovus ja lasta ennast sellega kaasa viia

Ajaleht kirjutab, et laste lõpukirjandite tase on viimasel ajal tõusnud Hea õigekiri, hoogne teemaarendus, komad õiges kohas, ainult värskeid mõtteid olevat vähevõitu Ühesõnaga puudub iseseisvuse substants Eestlase häda paistab selles olevatki, et ta armastab tegeleda kribu-krabuga Suurte kujundite ja tugevate ideede ees on tal hirm Kuid ilma suure mänguta ei jõua kunstis kuhugi Juri Lotman on kunsti käsitlenud kui teatavat viga, kõrvalekallet millestki Adolf Loos sõitis Ameerikasse, pesi seal veidi nõusid, vaatas üle pilvelõhkujad, viljaelevaatorid, kommiautomaadid ja tegi endale kogu selle uue masina-värgi selgeks Siis tuli ta tagasi Viini ja hakkas sulepeaga saksa kultuuri kukutama Lisaks ehitas ta mõned valged majad ja menuettide maailma vundament hakkaski pragunema

Vilen Künnapu. Torn vihmavarjuga. Installatsioon, 2009.Tower with an umbrella. Installation, 2009.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)


Tatlin olla Picasso juures käinud ennast viimasele toapoisiks pakkumas, kuid too ei taht-nud teda Siis läinud Vladimir tagasi Moskvasse ja olla suure vihaga III Internatsionaali monumendi konstrueerinud Giorgio de Chirico kreeka päritolu, Münchenis veedetud noorusaastad ja Ferrara sulnis atmosfäär moodustavad algupärase kolmnurga, millele ehitub kogu pittura metafisica fenomen Kõik modernismi rajajad ujusid tegelikult vastuvoolu Ka meie Burman tegi maja, millel vähemalt 150 erinevat akent Funktsionalismi saabu-des ütles solvunud eklektik-arhitekt Vladovsky: “Eti ne hudozhniki, eti zapozhniki” ja hakkas hoopis raamatut kirjutama Lembit Sarapuu riiulil on Vladovsky romaan “Novõi Vavilon”, kus noor arhitekt 5000 aastat tagasi Babülooniasse templit ehitab ja seejärel kirglikult armub Vladovsky oli igal juhul crazy, ka tema majade mahud on nihestatud

Kuidas sünnib kunstis uus? Mis on suur kunstitöö? Kui tsiteerida kultuskirjanikku Charles Bukowskit, siis asjas peab olema stiili: mõnel koeral on rohkem stiili kui inime-sel, samas on vähestel koertel stiili Seda ütles ta mingil luuleõhtul, millest on säilinud filmilõik Meest ennast vaadates tekib aukartus, isegi tema suurtes päikseprillides oli stiili Olla stiilne – see on eeldus loomingu kallale asumiseks Kaasaegne kirjandus on eelkõige energeetiline abstraktsioon ja sellel, millest teos üles on ehitatud, pole erilist tähtsust Üks kirjutab sõjast, teine postkontorist ja hipodroomidest, kolmas hoopis männiokastest Tähtis on protsess, kuidas uus on loodud

Maailmas on kõik pidevas muutumises, ka asjade ja sündmuste astronoomia muutub pidevalt Vahel harva tekib keemiline reaktsioon ainete vahel, mille puhul see loogika järgi on võimatu Siis tekibki uus Uus tekib harva, kuid seda võimsam see on Anthony Hopkinsilt küsiti, kuidas ta küll nii hästi teenrit mängis Hopkins vastas, et see oli lihtne – tuli ainult rääkida vaiksemalt ja aeg-ajalt läbi seinte liikuda

Kunstiteose loomine on kui unustamatu seikluse läbielamine Iga uue töö algus on kui PANTRI HÜPE oma järjekordse ohvri poole Selles hüppes on jõudu, selgust, täpsust ja erakordset vitaalsust Dislokatsioon tagab algupära, mis on kunstiloome vältimatu osa Mainstream’ist tuleb välja ujuda, sest see on oma olemuselt laisk, lodev ja ebaisikuline Kvaliteet võib tekkida ainult vastuvoolu või mõnes uues vooluses ujudes

Swimming against the current

Anyone who wants to accomplish something great in art, must swim against the current. Actually not quite against the current, because water will soon carry you back – you must instead find a new unfamiliar current and let it take you along.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)


According to the papers, the standard of school leaving essays have recently improved. Faultless spelling, vigorous pursuing of the topic, commas in all the right places – but not enough fresh ideas. In sum, there is no substance of independence. The main problem with the Estonians seems to be their tendency to tackle trivialities. They appear to be afraid of bigger images and strong ideas. Wit-hout that, however, you get nowhere in art. Juri Lotman regarded art as a certain error, a deviation from something else. Adolf Loos travelled to America, washed dishes for a while, examined the skyscrapers, grain elevators, vending machines and really got to grips with all these new gadgets. He then retuned to Vienna and began toppling the German culture with his pen. In addition he built a few white houses, and the foundations of the world of minuets started to crack. Tatlin allegedly offered his services to Picasso as his valet, but was rejected. Vladimir then apparently returned to Moscow and, bitterly disappointed, designed the monument for the Third International. Giorgio de Chirico’s greek origin, his younger years spent in Munich and the smooth atmosphere of Ferrara form a singular triangle, on which rests the entire phenomenon of pittura metafisica. All the founders of modernism in fact swam against the current. Our Burman, too, produced a house with at least 150 different windows. Upon the arrival of Functionalism, the eclectic-architect Vladovsky said resentfully: “Eti ne hudozhniki, eti zapozhniki” (they are not artists but shoemakers), and devoted himselt to writing books instead. Lembit Sarapuu has a novel by Vladovsky, “Novõi Vavilon” (the new Babylon), where a young architect built a temple in Babylon 5000 years ago and fell passionately in love. Vladovsky was certainly crazy, and the bulks of his houses are more than weird.

How is the new in art born? What constitutes a great work of art? Quoting the cult writer Charles Bukowski, there must be style: some dogs have more style than people, whereas at the same time few dogs have style. We can see his saying that on film, recorded at a poetry evening. The viewer feels awed by merely looking at him, even his large sunglasses have style. To be stylish – this is a precondition of taking up creative activities. Contemporary literature is first of all an energy abstraction and what exactly the work is about, is irrelevant. Some write about art, others about post offices and hippodromes, still others about pine needles. What matters is the process how the new has been created.

Everything in the world is in constant change, including the astronomy of things and events. Very rarely a chemical reaction occurs between substances that should logically be impossible. This is when the new is born. The new is rare, but the mightier for it. Anthony Hopkins was once asked how he managed to play the role of a butler so brilliantly. Hopkins said it was easy – all he had to do was to speak quietly and occasionally walk through the walls.

Creating an artwork is like experiencing an unforgettable adventure. The beginning of each new work is like a PANTHER’S LEAP towards its next victim. This leap is powerful, clear, precise and full of incredible vitality. Dislocation ensures originality, a necessary part of art creation. You must break off from the mainstream, because it is essentially lazy, slouch and impersonal. Quality can only emerge when you swim against the current or find a totally new current.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)


Arhitektuur kui ekstaatiline ilmutus

Ene Läkk vestleb arhitekt Vilen Künnapuga arhitektuurielust

Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Viru Keskus, Tallinn, 2004.Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Viru Centre, Tallinn, 2004.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)


Mida lähemale Viru Keskuse valmimistähtaeg jõuab, seda sagedamini kõlab küsimus: “Kas me sellist Tallinna tahtsimegi?” Paljukirutud Viru Keskuse projekteerija arhitektuuri- büroo Künnapu ja Padrik on tänapäeval üks jõulisemaid pealinna tegijaid, kelle taktikepi järgi kerkib väga palju tähtsaid hooneid Mõlemad arhitektid – nii Vilen Künnapu kui Ain Padrik – jätavad esialgu naiivse boheemlase mulje Ent tegelikult on nad kahe jalaga maa peal ning elavad tundeliselt läbi iga kriitikanoolt Uut jõudu ja energiat ammutavad nad loodusrahvaste uskumustest “Kui varem tegime lihtsalt maju, siis nüüd on arhitek-tuurilooming kui ekstaatiline ilmutus,” räägib kunstnik, esseist ja filosoof Künnapu, kelle mitmekülgne loovus on leidnud väljundi arhitektuuri näol

Pealinlastele ei meeldi rajatav Viru Keskus. Küll tuntakse muret Viru väljaku kui avaliku ruumi kadumise pärast või kui ollakse täisehitamisega nõus, siis ei meeldi ehituse liiga suur maht. Milline see Viru Keskus siis õieti tuleb?Viru Keskus on ülimalt keeruline ja huvitav töö Tulemuseks on tükike tihedat linna – just sellist, mis Tallinnal puudub Maja-masina ideed täiendab kaubanduskeskuse mahust välja kasvav kunstikeskus Kommerts kasvab üle kunstiks Tuuline Viru väljak on trans-formeerunud mitmetasapinnaliseks siseväljakuks, mida ümbritsevad eskalaatorid, trepid ja lahtised liftid Ruumilist väljakut läbivad sisetänavad Välisväljakul moodustavad väli-kohvik, Venuse skulptuur ja klaaskast, kus paiknevad trepp ning eskalaator geomeetrilise linnapargi Selle lõpetab hiigelekraan supergraafika ja liikuvate filmikaadritega Kevadel peaks kompleksi põhimaht valmis saama, siis räägime Ainiga projektist ehk rohkem

Ehkki see ei ole otseselt sinu ülesanne, muretsed sa rajatava Viru väljaku äri-kompleksi kunstikeskuse pärast – kust leida sellele väärikas promootor, kes käivitaks seal kunstielu. Kuidas seis on?Sellega tegeletakse ja varem või hiljem ta käima läheb

Kolm aastakümmet tagasi kirjutasid, et Tallinn ei vaja kõrghooneid enne kui linnatänavatel puuduvad hambad paigaldatud ja augud plombeeritud. 25 aastat hiljem, hotelli Radisson SAS projekteerimise aegu aga võitlesite Padrikuga iga korruse eest, et tuleks pealinna kõrgeim hoone. Nüüd sünnib teie büroos ühtejärge kõrgeid pilvelõhkujaid. Kuidas seletada 180-kraadilist põhimõtte muutumist?Põhimõtteliselt saaks tõesti hakkama ilma kõrghooneteta Miskipärast tekkis aga nende järele nõudlus Arvan, et selle city vertikaalide grupi võiks ilusasti ära lõpetada Tihedalt ja erineva kõrgusega, et tekiks tajutav kompositsioon Grupist peaks välja ulatuma üks 40-korruseline torn Siis on asi paigas Vaadake, kuidas läks elama Frankfurdi kesklinn,

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)


Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Hotell Radisson SAS, Tallinn, 2001.Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Hotel Radisson SAS, Tallinn, 2001.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)


kui selle ühekõrgustele kõrghoonetele lisandus Norman Fosteri 298 m kõrgune Kom-mertspanga torn

Sa oled teiste suhtes väga kriitiline. Kuidas suhtud teiste tehtud kriitikasse sinu aadressil?Tegelikult ei ole ma üldse kriitiline Aastatetaguste mõtlematute märkuste pärast vabandan aga adressaatide ees siiralt Kriitika tekitab negatiivset energiat, kuid arhitektuur tekib ainult positiivse energia väljas Kiida head ja ebaõnnestumistest möödu vaikides – selline võiks olla tuleviku kriitika

Kuidas hindad ise oma arhitektuuri?Minu ehitised on tugeva energeetikaga

Kuidas sinust üldse sai arhitekt?Minu kadunud isa oli hea joonistaja ja omas erilist võimet asju särama panna Tema õpetas mind joonistama ja vend tõi Moskvast näitusekataloogi “USA Arhitektuur”, mis mulle sügavat muljet avaldas Edasi läks kõik nagu iseenesest Ju siis oli nii ette nähtud

Kuulusid 70ndail pärast ERKI (nüüdne Eesti Kunstiakadeemia) lõpetamist eesti ehituskunsti uuendanud arhitektide jõulisesse rühmitusse “Tallinna kümme“, kes tõi arhitektuuriellu muuhulgas ka vaba sõna ja teoretiseerimise. Mis oli “Tallinna kümne” fenomen?“Tallinna kümne” fenomen seisnes selles, et rühma liikmed olid kõik rafineeritud indi-viidid, peene tajuga kunstnik-arhitektid Nad olid teadlikud konstruktivismist, klassitsis-mist, pop-kunstist, moodsast teatrist ja filmist Nende looming oli kordumatu koloriidiga arhitektuurikooslus ja torkas nõukogude massiühiskonna hallil taustal hästi silma

Osalesite Ain Padrikuga 80ndail ja 90ndate alguses rahvusvahelistel konkurs-sidel, kus saavutasite ka edu. Kuidas oli üldse võimalik stagnaajal välja saada, seda enam, et olite ju nõukogude arhitektuurivõimudega pahuksis?Tõepoolest töötasime välja arhitektuurivõistlustes omapärase stiili, mida nimetasime müto-loogiliseks futurismiks Tööde spirituaalne alge mõjus tol ajal värskendavalt ja maailma arhitektuuripress ei olnud kiitusega kitsi Erilise tähelepanu võitsid Arktika Keskus Rova-niemis ja hiljem West Coast Gateway Los Angeleses Etnofuturistlikus laadis olid veel Kultuurikeskus Gröönimaal ja Arktiline küla Kevajärvil Marja-Vantaa linnaplaneeringu võidutöö oli konstruktivistlikum, kuid mingi põhjamaine orgaanika oli ka seal sees Mis puutub aga tööde välja saatmisesse, siis Arktika Keskuse töö viis Soome “Georg

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)


Otsa” kapten Kollo, West Coast Gateway lunaraha aga maksis kinni arhitekt Christian Gullichsen Ju siis oli välja saamine kuidagi ikka võimalik

1991. aastal lõite Ain Padrikuga oma büroo. Kaks täiesti vastandlikku loome-inimest nagu sa ise oled maininud. Kas raske pole üheaegselt hoida firmal silma peal ja tegeleda loominguga? Kuidas sünnib teie büroos üks arhitektuuriteos?Osa töid on justkui dialoog kahe erineva looja vahel Mõnikord töötame eraldi Firma on hästi käivitunud Oma osa on selles ka büroo juhatajal Mati Oldel

Kas ühes büroos pole kitsas kahele staarile?Arhitektuur ei ole rockmuusika Siin ei ole vaja staare Pühendunud inimesi mahub ühte ruumi mitu Muuseas on firmas töötanud hulgaliselt noori ja andekaid arhitekte Ka büroo praegune koosseis on hästi loominguline

Milline aeg on olnud sulle arhitektuuris kõige huvitavam?Praegune aeg on kõige huvitavam Utilitaarne leiutamine pole kedagi õnnelikumaks tei-nud Inimesed vajavad vaimset arhitektuuri, mis aitaks avada nende spirituaalse mina

Mis on arhitektuuris sinu jaoks oluline?Miljonite aastate jooksul on arhitektuur ajanud Jumala asja Templid ehitati energiasam-maste kohale Pühakodade, matmispaikade ja riitusehitiste arhitektuur oli kui ruumiline instrument, mis vahendas maist reaalsust ja taevast reaalsust Ühtegi ehitist ei tehtud nii-sama, suhe kõrgema energiaga pidi alati paigas olema Sellise arhitektuuri juurde peame tagasi pöörduma

Kes on praegu sinu lemmikud arhitektuuris?Louis I Kahn – teadjamees, kelle ürgandeks on võime oma ehitistesse saada hiigelsuur peenenergeetiline laeng Tadao Ando – jätkab Kahni tööd, tema plaanid töötavad üht-lasi ka maamärkidena Luis Barragan – kelle lomingus kajastub Mehhiko indiaanlastelt pärit sügavus ja religioossus Alberto Campo Baeza, kelle lihtsates kompositsioonides on templite ajatus koos igavese arhetüüpsusega

Oled professor Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolis, aga õpetanud ka Londonis ja mujal kõrgkoolides. Väitsid kunagi, et meie arhitektuurikõrgkoolid on alles kanajalgadel. Kuidas sa seda kommenteeriksid?Ilmselt võrdlesin TTK ja EKA taset East Londoni Ülikooli Arhitektuurikooli omaga Kanajalad on tõesti krõbedavõitu väljend, sorry

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)


Viimastel aastatel oled suurt huvi hakanud tundma indiaanlaste, nende elu, kommete, ehituskunsti ja filosoofia vastu. Oled nendega tihedais sidemeis ja nende usalduse võitnud. Kust ja mis ajast on see huvi pärit ja kuidas see on mõjutanud sinu elu ja loomingut?Tänu indiaanlastele sain teada sealpoolsuse olemasolust See juhtus neli ja pool aastat tagasi Pärast seda on mu elus muutunud kõik Olen välja astunud võistlevast, tagarääki-vast, kritiseerivast, kadetsevast ja sallimatust maailmast Olen hakanud tajuma kõrgemat peenenergiat Universum on terviklik, hing igavene Meie füüsiline keha on vaid ajutine hotell, kuhu oleme korraks sündinud Ajud on meil takistid, mis ei lase teada saada, mis oli enne sündi ja mis on peale surma Ainult need, kellel on ajudes augud saavad aimu kõiksusest

Praegu on sul käsil huvitav töö – projekteerid budistidele templit. Seni pole sa budistidega seotud olnud. Mis viis sind nendega kokku ja mida tähendab sulle see töö?Kõik õpetused, mis tahavad inimest lepitada Kõrgema Jõuga on mulle armsad Minu uus sõber Priit, kes oli varem röövel ja varas on nüüd andekas budist Veelgi andekam on aga tema vend Peeter Nemad tegid mulle sissejuhatava budismikursuse Kolleeg Tiivi Torim tõi mind aga templi projekti juurde Budistliku kompleksi ehitised on kolme siseõue ümber Sümmeetrilised kujundid projektis on massiivsed ja rahulikud Ainult stuupad, palveveskid ja suur Buddha altar ehitatakse täpselt Tiibeti moodi Arhitektuur tervikuna on euroopalik, kuid mahtude astmelised rütmid tekitavad kaugeid Himaalaja assotsiatsioone, samuti punane, kollane ja oranž värv templi interjööris Samat ülesannet teeme ka koos TTK üliõpilastega Ehitame üles plaani, ehitame üles ka iseenda Öeldakse, et sellele, kes teeb templi maa peal, ehitab Jumal templi taevas

Mis sind erutab praegu arhitektuuris? Mida ootad tulevikuarhitektuurilt?Mind erutab praegu arhitektuuris sakraalsus Tuleviku arhitektuur saab olema üsna sar-nane muinas-Egiptuse, India, Kambodža, asteekide, maiade ja inkade ehituskunstiga Inimkonda ootavad ees väga suured muudatused

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (21)


Architecture as an ecstatic revelation

Architect-poet or a religious advocate? Architect Vilen Künnapu shaping the new city of Tallinn. Ingmar MuusikusEne Läkk talks to architect Vilen Künnapu about architectural life.

As the completion date of the Viru Centre approaches, we increasingly hear the question: “Is this the Tallinn we wanted?” The author of the much-derided Viru Centre, Künnapu & Padrik Architects, is a major player in the capital who continues to produce many significant buildings. Both architects - Vilen Künnapu and Ain Padrik – seem like naïve bohemians at first glance. In reality they have their feet firmly on the ground and take every jab of criticism to heart. They accumulate new strength and energy from the beliefs of peoples of nature. “We used to simply build houses, whereas now our architecture is like an ecstatic revelation,” says the artist, essayist and philosopher Künnapu, whose versatile creative work has found an outlet in architecture.

The inhabitants of Tallinn do not like the Viru Centre. They are worried about losing the Viru Square as a public space or if they agree with this, they disapprove of the huge bulk of the building. What will the Viru Centre actually be like?Viru Centre is an extremely complicated and fascinating undertaking. The result is a slice of a dense city – exactly what Tallinn still lacks. The idea of a house-machine is supplemented by an art centre that grows out of the bulk of the shopping centre. Commerce blends into art. The windswept Viru Square is transformed into a multilevel inner square, surrounded by escalators, stairs and open lifts. Streets pass through the spatial square. The outside café, the sculpture of Venus and the glass box with stairs and an escalator, form a geometric urban park. This is finished by a huge screen showing superb graphics and video clips. The main part of the complex should be ready in spring, and then Ain and I can talk about the whole project in greater detail.

Although this is not directly your task, you are still worried about the art centre within the Viru Square business complex – where to find a suitable promoter, who would start the art life there. What’s the situation at the moment?It’s being dealt with and will get going, sooner or later.

About three decades ago you wrote that Tallinn did not need high-rise buildings before the missing teeth in the streets are installed and the fillings fixed. 25 years later, when you designed the Radisson SAS Hotel, Padrik and you both fought tooth and nail for every storey in order to have the tallest building in town. Your company is now producing one skyscraper after another. How do you explain this U-turn?

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)


In principle we could indeed manage without high-rise buildings. For some reason, however, they were suddenly in demand. I think the group of verticals here should be nicely finished. Densely and with different heights, to produce a perceptible composition. There should be one 40-storey tower, higher than all the others. Then it would be perfect. The centre of Frankfurt, for example, sprang to life when Norman Foster’s 298 m high Kommerzbank tower was added to the other buildings of the same height.

You tend to be very critical of the others. What’s your reaction to other people criticising you?I am not in the least critical. And I most sincerely apologise for my rash opinions made many years ago. Criticism causes negative energy, but architecture can only emerge in the field of positive energy. Praise the excellent and pass over the failures in silence – this could be the criticism of the future.

How do you see your own architecture?My buildings have strong energy.

How did you become an architect in the first place?My late father was an excellent drawer and possessed a special ability to make things sparkle. He taught me to draw and my brother brought an exhibition catalogue from Moscow, “USA Archi-tecture”, which left a profound impression on me. The rest is history. Perhaps it simply had to happen.

After graduating from the State Art Institute (now the Estonian Academy of Arts) in the 1970s you belonged to the powerful group of architects called The Tallinn Ten, which greatly innovated the Estonian architecture. The group also introduced free word and theorising into our life here. What was the phenomenon of The Tallinn Ten?All the members of The Tallinn Ten were subtle individuals, artists-architects with a fine perception. They were aware of constructivism, classicism, pop art, modern theatre and film. Their work was an architectural achievement with unique colours, which clearly stood out against the grey Soviet mass society.

You and Ain Padrik participated in various international competitions in the 1980s and early 1990s, and successfully. How was this possible during the stagnation era, the more so that you were not exactly appreciated by the Soviet architectural authorities?We indeed worked out a special style at these competitions, which we called mythological futurism. The spiritual elements of our work were quite refreshing at the time, and the world’s architecture press were quite lavish in their praise. The Arctic Centre in Rovaniemi and later the West Coast Gateway in Los Angeles attracted keen interest. We employed ethno-futuristic manner also in

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (23)


Cultural Centre in Greenland and the Arctic Village in Kevajärvi. The winning entry at the Marja-Vantaa urban planning competition was more constructivist, although it had certain Nordic organic touch as well. As for getting our projects abroad, we used several methods – the Arctic Centre papers were taken to Finland by Kollo, captain of the Georg Ots ship; the participation fee of the West Coast Gateway competition was paid by architect Christian Gullichsen. So there were ways to get things out of the country.

In 1991 you and Ain Padrik founded your own company. Two totally different creative persons, as you have said yourself. Is it not difficult to simultaneously keep an eye on the company and be creative? How is a work of architecture born in your office? Some projects are like dialogues between two different creators. Sometimes we do separate things. The company has started off rather well. We all acknowledge the input of Mati Olde, the office manager.

Is there enough space in one office for two stars?Architecture is not rock music. We don’t need stars. Truly dedicated people can work easily in limited space. We have employed a number of young talented architects. The current staff is highly creative as well.

What time has been the most exciting for you architecturally?The most exciting time is now. Utilitarian inventing has never made anyone happy. People need architecture of the mind, which would help to open up their spiritual self.

What is for you essential in architecture?In the course of millions of years architecture has been going about God’s business. Temples were erected on the site of energy pillars. The architecture of various places of worship, burial places and ritual houses was like a spatial instrument, which mediated the earthly and the heavenly reality. Every single building appeared for a reason, the relations with the higher energy had to be in place. We must return to this kind of architecture.

Who are your favourite architects?Louis I. Kahn – a sage with a primeval gift of providing his buildings with huge quantities of fine energetic charge. Tadao Ando – continues Kahn’s work, his plans also work as landmarks. Luis Barragan – his work reflects the depth and religious nature originating in the Mexican Indians. Alberto Campo Baeza, whose simple compositions contain the timelessness of temples together with eternal archetypes.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (24)


You are professor at the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, and have taught in London and other universities. You once remarked that our architecture universities are still standing on chicken feet. How would you comment this now?I probably compared the standard of the University of Applied Sciences and Academy of Arts with the School of Architecture at the University of East London. Chicken feet is perhaps too harsh, sorry....

In recent years you have taken a great interest in the life, customs, architecture and phi-losophy of American Indians. You have close contacts with them and have won their trust. When did this fascination emerge and how has it influenced your life and work?Through the American Indians I learned about the existence of the beyond. It happened four years and six months ago, and my life changed completely. I have abandoned the competing, backbiting, criticising, envious and intolerant world. I now perceive a higher fine energy. The universe is compact, the soul eternal. Our physical body is but a temporary hotel, where we were temporarily born. Our brains prevent us from learning what happened before our birth and what awaits us after death. Only those who have holes in their brains can have a glimpse of the universe.

You are currently working on a fascinating project – a Buddhist temple. So far you haven’t worked with the Buddhists. What brought you together and what does this job mean for you?I like all teachings that wish to reconcile man with the Higher Force. My new friend is Priit, who used to be a burglar and thief, but is now a talented Buddhist. His brother Peeter is even more gifted. They introduced me to Buddhism. My colleague Tiivi Torim was the one who suggested the temple project to me. The buildings of a Buddhist complex are situated around three inner courtyards. Symmetrical images in the project are massive and peaceful. Only the stupas, prayer mills and the big Buddha altar are built exactly as in Tibet. Architecture as a whole is European, although the gradual rhythms of the bulks invite associations with the Himalayas, as do the red, yellow and orange colours in the temple interior. We are performing the same task with the students. We make the plan, we make ourselves. It is said that for those who builds a temple on earth, God will build a temple in heaven.

What excites you now in architecture? What are you expecting of architecture of the future?I am currently excited about the sacral aspect in architecture. The future architecture will largely resemble that of ancient Egypt, India, Cambodia, the Aztecs, Mayas and Inkas. Radical changes are lying in wait for us.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (25)


John Hejduk ja tema Wall House 2

20 sajandi arhitektuur on otsekui Italo Calvino Olematu Rüütel Raudrüü liigutajaks on mingi hiigelsuur tahe, rüütliau seletamatu institutsioon, ebaloogiline aga ilus jõud Modernistlik arhitektuur on lapselikult kaunis süsteem, maailma ajaloos jõulisim, hoogsa vabadusega ruumiline välgatus Nagu kõik uus on sinisilmne ja naiivne, ona ka modernismi ideoloogia rajatud teostumatule utopistlikule unistusele uuest inimesest, uuest ühiskonnast, uuest universumist 1970 aastate kultusraamatu Five Architects eessõnas kirjutab Colin Rowe modernismi marksistliku, sotsialistliku ideoloogia transformeerumisest Ameerikas praktiliseks, kapitalismisõbralikuks teooriaks (“Modern architecture is no more than the result of the age”) Ja õige on vist seegi, et Euroopa on andnud seemned, Ameerika aga kasvatanud õied Pragmaatiline Ameerika pöörab Euroopa geeniused pea pealt jalgadele ja paneb nad suure süsteemi osaks Philip Johnson muudab Bauhausi proletariaadi möödaminnes aristokraatiaks Londoni dokkide vahel 1950 aastate alguses tekkinud popkunst lööb õitsele 1960 aastate New Yorgi avenüüdel

Milles on New York Five’i fenomen? Kes on John Hejduk? Miks valmis Wall House 2 28 aastat peale projekti?

Five Architects on ruudukujuline valge raamat, mille kaanele on mustal kirjutatud:



See raamat muutus kohe Tähtsaks Raamatuks Viis noort ameeriklast murdsid läbi väsima hakanud internatsionaalse stiili arhitektuuri klišeedest ning toetudes uuel ringil De Stijli, varajase Corbu ja vene konstruktivismi ideedele tekitati uus esteetiline süsteem, mis evis teist loogikat, esoteerilist tervikut NY 5 taustsüsteemis olid Miesi neoklassit-sism, Neo Liberty, New Brutalism, Team X, Archigram – kõik väga jõulised nähtused, mis sõjajärgsele modernismile hinge sisse puhusid

NY 5 arhitekte kutsuti valgeteks maneristideks Olid veel hallid maneristid – Kahn, Ventury, Scully, Moore Hallid koondusid Yale’i ülikooli ümber, valged tulid aga Har-vardist, Cornellist ja Princetonist Valged on euroopalikud ja abstraktsed

Harvardis õpetasid Walter Gropius ja Jose-Luis Sert, Cornellis aga Colin Rowe, keda võib pidada valge manerismi ja neofunktsionalismi põhiliseks ideoloogiks Liikumise

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (26)


praktilised väljendajad olid Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, Richard Meier ja John Hejduk Nende töid seob elegants ja peen vormikultuur Olles eelkõige formalistid, ignoreeriti mitmeid probleeme, saavutades tänu sellele teatud suunas süga-vamaid tulemusi Kogumik “Viis arhitekti” koosneb kaheteistkümnest eramu projektist, fotomaterjalist ja analüütilisest selgitusest Esitatud on ka hoonete

Küll! Olen hakanud maha kirjutama enda 1981 aastal avaldatud artiklit “Keerulise ja vastuolulise arhitektuuri probleeme”1 (avaldatud ka minu raamatus Üle punase jõe, Tallinn 2001) Kuid ühte jõkke ei saa kaks korda astuda 20 aastat on piisavalt pikk aeg, et mingi nähtus uuesti üle vaadata ja süsteemi korrastada Teame, kuhu jõudsid välja Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier Nüüd üle pika aja valget ruutu käes hoides tabad end mõttelt, et raamat on energeetiline nähtus ja selle aura ajas suurt ei muutu Kui noorpõlves võlusid mind eriti Charles Gwathmey puidust kompositsioonid ja Richard Meieri valged “Corbu lapsed”, siis nüüd märkab silm, et Eisenman on palju õppinud Como fašistidelt, eriti Terragnilt Hejduk on aga Picasso ja Gris’ maalidest maja teinud 1966 aasta House 10 on justkui mingi muusikariista arhitektuurne abstraktsioon Raamatus on vaevu aimatav tulevase Hejduki dekadents ja sürreaalsus

Kes on siis John Hejduk? 1980 aastate lõpus loengute ja workshop’idega Euroopa ülikoolides ringi liikudes märkasin üliõpilaste laudadel peaaegu alati John Hejduki raa-matuid Mask of Medusa ja Vladivostock Need olid sama populaarsed kui 1990 aastatel Rem Koolhaasi S, M, L, XL Põhiliselt kuulsas New Yorgi arhitektuurikoolis Cooper Union’is õpetanud Hejduk (1929 – 2000) on eelkõige arhitektuuri generaator Oma skulptuurisarnaste installatsioonide ja makettidega on ta noortes arhitektides tekitanud fluidumi – mingi nõksaka, millest sünnib looja Cooper Union ja Hejduk on kui Bartlett ja Cook, East London ja Herron või AA-School of Architecture ja Boyarski Hejdukis on mingi nihestatuse kvaliteet, mis ei mahu õieti ühegi ideoloogia raamidesse Sõnad nagu masin, sürrealism, mudel, konstruktivism ei suuda edasi anda seda väikest ja tabamatut, mida Hejduk arhitektuuri arengule on andnud Kuskilt meenutab tema ja Stanley Tigermani ühisraamat linnaruumist varajast OMA-d ja Rem Koolhaasi “Delirious New York’i” Linn kui erootiliste märkide võrgustik, kujundite vahele jääva ruumi tähtsustamine, linnamaas-tik, hõljuvad värvilised kujundid – taimed, seinad, sillad, tornid, trepid Kuigi Hejduk on ehitanud vaid mõned majad, on ta välja töötanud nähtamatu süsteemi, mis on ühinenud teiste nähtamatute süsteemidega ja moodustab modernistliku arhitektuuri arengus tähtsa konstruktsiooni Saatsin e-maili Saint Louisi arhitektuurikooli õppejõule Juhani Pallas-maale ja küsisin tema käest mõned küsimused Toon siinkohal välja selle lühiintervjuu:

1 Vt Ehituskunst 1981, nr 1, lk 48–52

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (27)


John Hejduk. Wall House II, Groningen, 1973–2001.John Hejduk. Wall House II, Groningen, 1973–2001.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (28)


VK: Milles seisneb sinu arvates John Hejduki fenomen?JP: Big John oli mu hea sõber, mulle teadmata põhjustel tundsime suurt vastastikust sümpaatiat ja respekti Ta on üks viljastavamaid figuure arhitektuurimõtte põllul 20 sajandi viimastel kümnenditel Ta ehitas ainult mõned ehitised, kuid tema mõju oli tohutu Ta algatas arhitektuuris ahelreaktsiooni, mis jätkub siiamaani Tema suurim tegu oli elu tavaliste situatsioonide taguse müsteeriumi paljastamine Inglid ja teised tiibadega olendid, draakonid ja ükssarved olid Big John’i jaoks reaalsed

VK: Mis oli tema erinevus teistest NY 5 liikmetest?JP: Suurel määral võib öelda, et Johnil ei olnud midagi ühist NY 5-ga (ta ise rõhutas seda) – grupiga, mida võib tähistada vaid ühe raamatuga, milles puudub oma kindel ideoloogia ja filosoofia

VK: Milline on JH-i suhe uue milleeniumi alguse arhitektuuriga?JP: Oma isiku ja loominguga oli John kirjanik, poeet, maalikunstnik, filmilavastaja, filo-soof, metafüüsik ja alkeemik Eeelkõige oli ta aga sürrealistlik dekadent Tema maailm kestab edasi kui arhitektuuri alateadvus

Viimane aeg oleks tüürida looga Wall House 2 juurde Sellest ju kõik alguse sai Hiljuti, lehitsedes Tehnikakõrgkooli raamatukogus ajakirja Architectural Record (2001, nr 11), sattus pilk millelegi tuttavale ja armsale Hollandlased oli Groningeni üles ehitanud Hejduki 1973 aastal projekteeritud müütilise eramu Teisel kontinendil, teises kontekstis, teisele kliendile mõeldud eramu on saanud uue reaalse eksistentsi

Kontseptuaalselt jälgib projekt kreeka templi arhetüübi paigutust, adapteerimist eri-nevatesse kohtadesse Ühel pool seina on kolm kohakuti ruumimolluskit, teisel pool aga silindriline trepp, WC-d, sild ja selle küljes pastelne meduus ning lõpuks jälle trepp Mis küll teeb selle Sein-Maja nii maagiliseks? Sein, müür on kui paberileht, millele projekteeruvad erinevad ideed, mõtted, mälestused Pikad plangud, murenevad müürid, tühjad seinad Auguga sein on põhikujundiks Giorgio de Chirico maalidel, Paul Austeri romaanis Juhuse muusika ehitavad kaks maagilist tüüpi läbi poole raamatu ühte müüri-juppi, müürid on Barragani Mehhiko majadel, müürid on Miesi Barcelona paviljonil, Venturi Jalgpallikuulsuse Saal on maja-kuulutusesein Hejduki sein on kui piirjoon kahe maailma vahel Ühelt poolt projekteeritakse sellele kitarri kubistlik dekonstruktsioon, teiselt poolt masin-maja elemendid trepp, sild, WC, stuudio Ka Wallhouse 1 on ühel pool seina voolav meduusjas kolmekordne eluruum ja teisel pool WC, trepp ja pandus Wall House 2 on ehitatud 20 % suurendusena originaalist, ta pind on 225 ruutmeetrit ja maksumus 800 000 dollarit Ilmselt oli ehitis oma ajast ees ja liiga kallis, kuid erinevalt

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (29)


Philip Johnsoni ennustusest sai ta valmis Võib arvata, et arhitektuurisõbralike hollandlaste vaba tegu loob meile lähiajaloo vaatlemiseks järjekordse vaatenurga On ju arhitektuuris kõik asjad omavahel peenelt seotud Olematu Rüütel on jõudnud Groningeni


20th century architecture is much like Italo Calvino’s Nonexistent Knight. Some sort of gigantic will, the inexplicable institution of knightly honor, an illogical but beautiful force is what moves the armor. Modernistic architecture is a childishly lovely system, the most powerful in the history of the world, a spatial fulguration with dynamic liberty. Just as everything new is simplistic and naïve, the ideology of modernism is also founded on the unfulfilled utopian dream of a new Human Being, a new universe. Colin Rowe writes in the foreword of the 1970’s cult book Five Architects about the transformation in America of the marxist, socialist ideology of modernism into a practical theory friendly towards capitalism (“modern architecture is no more than the result of age”). It is perhaps also accurate to say that Europe has provided the seeds, but America has grown the blossoms. Prag-matic America turns Europe’s geniuses upright and makes them a part of a grand system. Philip Johnson incidentally transforms the proletariat of Bauhaus into aristocracy. The pop art that was born among the docks of London in the early 1950’s blossoms on the New York avenues of the 1960’s.

What is the phenomenon of the New York Five? Who is John Hejduk? Why was his Wall House 2 built 28 years after the original design project was completed?

Five Architects (1972) is a square-shaped white book, on the cover of which is printed in black:



This book immediately became an Important Book. The background system of the NY 5 included the neoclassicism of Mies, Neo Liberty, New Brutalism, Team X, Archigram – all very powerful phenomena that breathed life into postwar modernism. The NY 5 architects were called white man-nerists. The practical exponents of the movement were Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, Richard Meier and John Hejduk. Elegance and a refined culture of form are aspects common to their works. The Five Architects collection consists of twelve design projects for private

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (30)


detached dwellings including photographs and analytical explanations. It also presents the buildings… Enough! I have started to copy my own article published in 1981 entitled “Problems of Complex and Contradictional Architecture”1 (also published in my book “Across the Red River”, Tallinn 2001). Yet one cannot step into the same river twice. Twenty years is a sufficiently long time to look over a given phenomenon anew and to organize the system. We know what point Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk and Meier arrived at. When one now holds the white square in one’s hands after such a long interval, one finds himself thinking that the book is an energetic phenome-non and that its aura does not change much over time. While the wooden compositions of Charles Gwathmey and the white “Children of Corbu” of Richard Meier in particular enchanted me in my youth, now the eye notices that Eisenman has learned a great deal from the fascists of Como, Terragni in particular. Hejduk, though, has made houses of the paintings of Picasso and Gris. House

1 See Ehituskunst 1981, nr 1, pg 48–52

John Hejduk. Wall House II, Groningen, 1973–2001.John Hejduk. Wall House II, Groningen, 1973–2001.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (31)


10, from 1966, is much like the architectural abstraction of some sort of musical instrument.Who, then, is John Hejduk? While travelling around European universities with lectures

and workshops in the late 1980’s, I almost always noticed John Hejduk’s books Mask of Medusa and Vladivostock on the desks of undergraduates. They were as popular as Rem Koolhaas’s “S, M, L, XL” was in the 1990’s. Hejduk (1929–2000), who taught mainly at the famous New York architecture school at Cooper Union, is primarily a generator of architecture. He has instilled a certain fluidum in young architects through his installations and models that resemble sculptures - some sort of hitch through which creators are born. Cooper Union and Hejduk is like Bartlett and Cook, East London and Herron or AA-School of Architecture and Boyarski. There is a certain quality of dislocation in Hejduk that does not quite fit into the framework of any particular ideology. Words such as machine, surrealism, model, and constructivism cannot impart that quiet or intangible quality that Hejduk has brought to the development of architecture. I sent an e-mail to St. Louis School of Architecture lecturer Juhani Pallasmaa and posed some questions to him:

VK: What in your opinion is the phenomenon of John Hejduk in modern architecture?JP: Big John was a good friend of mine; for reasons unknown to me, we had a strong sympathy and mutual respect. He is one of the seminal figures in the field of architectural thought of the last decades of the 20th century. He built only a couple of buildings, but his influence is enormous. He initiated an architectural chain reaction, which still continues. His greatest contribution was to reveal the mysteries behind ordinary situations and scenes of life. Angels and other winged creatures, dragons and unicorns were real for Big John.

VK: What sets him apart from other members of NY5?JP: In many ways, one can say that John had nothing in common with NY5 (he himself made that point strongly), a group, which was brought together by the publication of a single book without any shared ideology or philosophy.

VK: His relation to the architecture of the beginning of the new millennium?JP: In his attitudes and personality, John was a novelist, poet, painter, film director, philosopher, metaphysician and alchemist. Above all, he was a decadent of the Surrealists. His world continues its existence as the unconsciousness of architecture.

It is high time to finally turn our attention to Wall House 2. While recently leafing through the journal Architectural Record (2001, nr. 11), my glance settled upon something familiar and dear. The Dutch had erected the mythical private dwelling in Groningen that Hejduk had designed in 1973. This private dwelling intended for another customer, on another continent, in another context, has received a new, real existence. The design conceptually adheres to the layout of the

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (32)


Greek temple archetype and its adaptation to various locations. Three mollusk-like adjacent rooms are opposite to one another on one side of the wall. On the other side are a cylindrical staircase, WC’s, a bridge with a pastel medusa attached to it and finally another stair. What makes this Wall House so magical? The wall is like a sheet of paper on which different ideas, thoughts and memories are projected. Long boards, crumbling walls, blank walls…A wall with a hole in it is a primary image in the paintings of Giorgio de Chirico. Two magical characters build a section of a wall through half the book in the novel “Music of Chance” by Paul Auster. Barragan’s houses in Mexico have walls, as does the Barcelona pavilion by Mies. The Venturi Football Hall of Fame is a combination house-billboard. Hejduk’s wall is like a boundary separating two worlds. On one side, a cubist deconstruction of a guitar is projected onto it. On the other side are the elements of a machine-house, namely stairs, a bridge, WC’s and a studio. One can expect that the voluntary action of the architecturally friendly Dutch will create another subsequent point of view for us to observe recent history. Everything in architecture is, after all, delicately intertwined. The Nonexistent Knight has arrived in Groningen.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (33)


Kombates Pärsimäge

Pärsimägi ja Pallas Kuraator Tiina Abel 28 02 –11 05 2003 Eesti Kunstimuuseum, Rüütelkonnahoone

Esimene ring Karl Pärsimäe ekspositsioonile kunstimuuseumis võttis lihtsalt õhku ahmima Teine ja kolmas ring tõestasid, et tegemist on energeetiliselt üliaktiivse ja võimsa kuns-timaterjaliga, millest sõnadega ei saa ega tahagi midagi kirjutada Pärast näituse vaatamist suundusin lihtsalt Toompea Kohtuotsa vaateplatvormile ja tajusin merd, sadamat, vana-linna ning kõrgusesse tõusvaid uusi torne tavapärasest hoopis teistmoodi Mõtted võtsid eksistentsiaalse suuna, ka konstruktsioonid “eesti rahvas”, “eesti kultuur” olid pärast Pärsimäge minus transformeerumas Vaatamata sellele, et kerguse tunne, mis piltide vahel kõndides tekkis, on kirjeldamatu, püüan alljärgnevalt luua subjektiivse teksti, mida arvan Karl Pärsimäe loomingust ja selle kohast maailmakultuuris

Siinkohal teen väikese kõrvalepõike kahele sensatsioonilisele avastusele, mis vähemalt minu maailmapilti on tunduvalt avardanud Esimene puudutab ühte väikest fotot Albert Einsteinist koos hopi indiaanlastega, sulg peas, näol õnnis naeratus Pildi kommentaaris on öeldud, et isegi indiaani lapsed elasid nii, nagu nad oleksid tundnud relatiivsusteooriat Ka allakirjutanu on kokku puutunud hopi indiaanlastest teadjameestega Huvitaval kombel ei ole aja kulg nendel inimestel lineaarne, nagu see on õhtumaalaste kujutluses, vaid hoopis ümmargune, liites mineviku, oleviku ja tuleviku mõiste üheks tervikuks Teadjamehed ei kasutanud sellist asja nagu kell, küll tunnetasid nad väga selgesti oma jalgealust, ilmakaari, planeeti Maa ja selle seotust universumiga Ei julgeks ühineda arvamusega, et Einstein on kogu relatiivsusteooria idee saanud hopi indiaanlaste elukorraldusest ja maailmapildist, küll aga usun, et kohtumine põlisrahvaste šamanistliku kultuuriga andis kuulsale teadlasele kinnituse tema uuringute õigsusest Kui lääne õpetlased teevad alles oma esimesi samme teaduse, religiooni ja kunsti ühendamisel, siis põlisrahvastel on see olnud nii juba sadu tuhandeid aastaid

Teine kõrvalepõige puudutab professor Ernst Muldaševi raamatut “Kust me päri-neme”, milles ta kirjeldab meie tsivilisatsiooni inimese rändeid algkodust Tiibetist Nimelt jaotuvad rännuteekonnad viide gruppi Rühm A1 suundus huvitaval kombel Tiibetist otse üles kuni Põhjamereni ja hargnes sealt kahele poole Vasakule pöördunute teekond

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lõppes praeguse Eesti ja Soome kohal Paremale kulgenud grupp jõudis Alaskani ja rän-das sealt edasi allapoole üle Põhja-Ameerika kuni Lõuna-Ameerika tipuni välja Neid inimesi tuntakse meil indiaanlaste nime all Kuskilt Ida-Siberi alalt eraldus rühmast A1 kogukond, kes asustas väikese ala Kesk-Jaapanis Niisiis väidab Muldašev, et soomlased ja eestlased on indiaanlaste lähedased sugulased, samuti ka teatud hulk inimesi Jaapanis kuulub sellesse perekonda Vaatamata segunemisele rühmaga A2, keda tunneme valgete eurooplastena, kuuluvad nende geenid ja keel mujale Lühidalt öeldes on eestlased ja soomlased indiaanlased ning nende lähisugulased mitte Ungaris, vaid hoopis Jaapanis

Enne näituse külastamist jõudsin läbi lugeda Heie Treieri suurepärase raamatu “Pärsimägi Võrumaa–Tartu–Pariis” käsikirja Veidi murelikuks tegid mind analüüsid Paul Klee, Marc Chagalli, Henri Matisse’i ja Paul Cézanne’i mõjudest Pärsimäe loomingule Piltide vahel liikudes tajusin aga kogu ekspositsiooni üllatavat ühtsust ja sära Pärsimäe võluv saamatus lööb välja praktiliselt kõikides piltides ja viib tahtmatult mõttele, et ideed tulevad kuskilt ja ainult läbivad kunstnikku Nad ei kuulu kunstnikule, nad eksisteerivad igavesti Kus-kilt ajalehest lugesin kirjutist umbes sellise pealkirjaga “Eestlastel oma Matisse” Sama hästi oleks võinud pealkiri olla “Prantslastel oma Pärsimägi” Tegelikult on Pärsimäe ja Matisse’i vahel haigutav kuristik Vaatamata mitmetele võtetele, värvikombinatsioonidele ja kompositsioonilistele sarnasustele võib julgelt väita, et Pärsimägi on maalähedasem, talupoeglikum, samas hullumeelsem ja saamatum Matisse’i dekadentlikus modernismis on tunda kohati liigset osavust ja dekoratiivsust Ma ei püüa väita, et üks on teisest parem, vaid seda, et kõiksuse muusika, mis kõlab vastu mõlema kunstniku töödest, on erineva kõla ja meloodiaga Huvitaval kombel on Pärsimäe maalid à la Cézanne või isegi à la Rembrandt kõik samas helistikus, kadestusväärses ühtsuses Pärsimäe õhtumaised eeskujud tunduvad kuidagi liiga targad ja intellektuaalsed olevat Võrumaa indiaanlase naivism on erakordselt ehe, moodsaks kunstiks nimetatud nähtuses kohtab seesuguseid haruharva Pärsimägi on nagu nõel heinakuhjas

Geniaalne kunstiteos tekib siis, kui liituvad kaks ainet, mis üksteisega kuidagi rea-geerida ei tohiks Antud juhul on see toimunud Ühelt poolt loodusrahva esindaja ajatu lapselikkus, teisalt aga õhtumaa linnakultuuri kõrgem pilotaaž

Istun oma Raua tänava korteris ja tõstan pea kirjutuslaualt Plassides värvides eelkevad paitab üksikuid tänaval kõndijaid, taustaks kommunaalsaun, grafitiga soditud funktsio-nalistlikud elamud, neli pungadeta puud ja kolm rohekat prügikonteinerit Miskipärast meenuvad Pärsimäe Pariisi-perioodi akvarellid Püüan silmade ette manada kaks nädalat tagasi külastatud Pärsimäe ülevaatenäituse pildikujundeid Kujutlusesse ilmuvad selli-

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (35)


Tütarlaps ja kuu. Õli, papp, u 1936. E. Laarmani kogu.Young Girl and the Moon. Oil on cardboard, ca 1936. E. Laarman’s collection.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (36)


sed pildid nagu valdavalt põhivärvides maalitud “Tütarlaps aknal”, “Tütarlaps ja kuu”, “Kollased lilled sinisel foonil” ja “Talutuba soemüüriga” (kõik ilmselt aastatest 1935-36) Samuti seljaga vaataja poole istuv klaverimängija, mingil raudvoodil kükitav ülitundlik prillidega invaliid, terve rida Petseri interjööre, mõned tänavavaated ja natüürmordid Lülitan ennast kunstikanalilt välja ja püüan jätkata kirjamehe vaevanõudvat tööd

Äsja mainitud piltide ühisnimetajaks võib pidada totaalset vabadust, kuid ka nende lihtsat ja isegi ranget struktuuri Huvitaval kombel on need vastandlikud nähtused kohal igas pildis Samas teame, et see on kunstis üks põhiprobleeme – vabaduses lendlevad loojad kipuvad liiga vabaks muutuma ja kaotavad vahel kondikava, struktuuride loojad aga ehitavad enda ümber raudpuure, millest enam välja ei saa Pärsimäe puhul ei ole see nii Spontaanselt valminud kompositsioonid on alati korras, põhivärvid ja nende mahedad variatsioonid tasakaalus Mehel paistab olevat sajaprotsendiline maalikunstniku kuulmine Pärsimägi tundub elavat jäägitult omaenda müsteeriumis, mis ei ole millegagi võrreldav, ent siiski kuidagi tuttavlik

Aeg on Pärsimäe piltides ringikujuline, nii nagu see ühe põlisrahva esindaja puhul peabki olema Tundub, et inglid toovad kujundid kunstniku piltidesse Tema asi on need vaid kiiresti nähtavaks teha

Õhtumaa ei võtnud Karl Pärsimäge vastu Ta vist ei märganudki kunstniku ole-masolu Indiaanlase armastus ei leidnud vastuarmastust Kuid tänapäeva õhtumaa on alati olnud enesekeskne, võimukas ja arrogantne Uuel millenniumil on need asjad aga muutumas Üha rohkem on tekkinud inimesi, kes tahavad maailma näha teistsugusena Pariis ja New York ei ole paljudele enam nii ligitõmbavad Indiaanlase, hindu ja eestlase staatus on muutumas üha hinnatumaks Loodusest eemaldumine lõpeb alati loodusesse tagasipöördumisega Karl Pärsimäe näide on selle hiilgav tõend

Päev hiljem

Päev hiljem lähen kunstimuuseumi kontrollima, kas minu kõhutundega kirjutatul ka tõepõhja on (eelmisest külastusest on siiski möödunud terve kuu) Üldlaastus osutub kõik õigeks Mõned vead, mõned uued mõtted, järjekordne veendumus, et tegemist on erakordse fenomeniga Otsustan eilset teksti mitte muuta, vaid esitada uue teksti eilse kommentaarina “Ülitundlik prillidega invaliid” ei ole üldse invaliid, vaid Pärsimäe sõber Eduard Timberman Pildi nimi on “Interjöör E Timbermaniga” (1934) Timberman mitte ei kükita, vaid istub raudvoodil Ta maalib, seljas ülikond, ninal prillid Pilt on tõesti erakordselt saamatu ja erakordselt jõuline

Seljaga vaataja poole istuvat klaverimängijat kujutava pildi nimi on “Jaan klaveri ees” ja aastaarvuks hoopis 1937 Jaani kampsuni horisontaalsed sinised triibud mängivad

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (37)


kokku mustade klahvidega Punase-valge-ruudulised varrukad, tumehall klaver, tükike külmrohelist seina – vägev! Rembrandtist lähtuv eskiis on ilmselt üks konservikarpide kaantest Eskiisid nendel kaantel moodustavad suurepärase kollaaži, peegeldades 1920-ndate, 1930-ndate aastate kunsti arengut Nendes on ka Bauhausi, dada, isegi kunagi saabuva kontseptualismi tunnet Louvre’is tehtud koopiatest on kõige mõjuvam Delacroix’ oma

Nihestus Pärsimäe kompositsioonides ja värvide kooskõlas viitab sellele, et kunstnik valdab hästi koleda esteetikat Eriti koledad pildid on “Ateljee” (1938), juba nimetatud “Interjöör E Timbermaniga”, “Petseri kloostri motiiv” (1934), “Autoportree kübaraga” (1931) Absoluutselt geniaalsed pildid

Teisel külastamisel panen tähele, et näituse nimetus on “Pärsimägi ja Pallas” Eelmisel korral pidasin neid Pallase pilte püsikollektsiooni osaks Mitmete pallaslaste maalid ja skulptuurid on otsekui taustaks Pärsimäe töödele Tundub, et näituse koostaja oleks nagu tahtnud rõhutada Karl Pärsimäe mäekõrgust üleolekut teistest Võib-olla oleks õigem olnud piirduda ainult Pärsimäega Seda enam, et kunstnik niivõrd radikaalne ja teistest erinev oli

Lõpetuseks minu subjektiivne ekspositsiooni TOP 15:

“Talutuba soemüüriga”, 1936“Tütarlaps ja kuu”, 1936“Tütarlaps aknal”, 1936“Pallase koridorivaade”, 1936“Tartu supelmaja”, 1935“Petseri kloostri motiiv”, 1934“Interjöör E Timbermaniga”, 1934“Jaan klaveri ees”, 1937Ükskõik milline akvarellidestEtüüdid konservikarbi kaantel, 1937–1940“Kiriku interjöör”, 1937–1940“Pariisi pargimotiiv skulptuuriga”, 1938“Risti all”, 1936“Kiriku interjöör”, 1934“Petseri kloostri motiiv”, 1934

Need on pildid, mis väljapaneku väga ühtlasest tasemest energeetilise jõu poolest eriti silma torkavad

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (38)


A touch of Pärsimägi

Pärsimägi and Pallas. Curator Tiina Abel. 28 February – 11 May 2003. Art Museum of Estonia, Knighthood House.

The first inspection of Karl Pärsimägi’s exhibition in the art museum was breathtaking. The second and third proved that this was an energetically superactive and powerful art material. I found that I could not and did not want to write about it. Instead, I went to a viewing platform on Toom-pea Hill and perceived the sea, harbour, old town and the new tall towers quite differently than I usually did. My thoughts became more existential and even the constructions “Estonian people” and “Estonian culture” were undergoing a transformation after having seen Pärsimägi. Although the sensation that emerged when I walked from one picture to the next is impossible to describe, I will nevertheless try to produce a subjective text here about what I think of Karl Pärsimägi’s work and its place in world culture.


I will first make a slight detour to two sensational discoveries that have considerably expanded my understanding of the world. The first is a photograph of Albert Einstein together with the Hopi tribe of Native Americans, a feather stuck in his hair and a blissful smile on his face. The caption says that even Native American children lived as if they knew all about the theory of relativity. I have also met the Hopi Native American sages. Interestingly enough, their progress of time is not linear as we in the Occident imagine, but instead circular, joining the notions of past, present and future into one whole. The sages do not use watches, but they clearly perceive the land under their feet, cardinal points, planet Earth and its link with the universe. I’m not going so far as to fully agree with some that Einstein got his idea of relativity from the Hopi people’s way of life and world views, but I do believe that contacts with the shamanist culture showed the great scientist that his ideas were correct. The Western scholars are still taking their first steps in uniting science, religion and art, whereas the indigenous peoples have sorted this out hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The second deviation is Professor Ernst Muldašev’s book Where Do We Come From? where he describes the journeys of people of our civilisation from their original home in Tibet. The journey routes are divided into five groups. For some reason, group A1 went from Tibet straight up until the North Sea, and there split into two. The journey of those who turned left ended in today’s Estonia and Finland. The right group reached Alaska and travelled from there downwards across North-America until the tip of South-America. These people are known to us as American Indians or Native Americans. Somewhere in eastern Siberia, a community separated from A1 group and settled in a small area in central Japan. Muldašev thus claims that the Finns and Estonians are close relatives of the Native Americans; a certain number of people in Japan also belong in this

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Talutuba soemüüriga. Õli, lõuend, 1935. TKM.The farmer’s living room with a flue. Oil on canvas, 1935. Tartu Art Museum.

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family. Despite mixing with group A2, known as white Europeans, their genes and language belong elsewhere. In short – Estonians and Finns are Native Americans or American Indians, and their close relatives do not live in Hungary, but in Japan.


Before visiting the exhibition, I read Heie Treier’s excellent book Pärsimägi Võrumaa–Tartu–Paris I was slightly worried about her analyses of the impact of Paul Klee, Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse and Paul Cézanne on Pärsimägi’s work. However, once in the exhibition hall, I perceived an amazing unity and brilliance of the display. Pärsimägi’s charming awkwardness is evident in practically all his pictures, and you inevitably think that ideas come from somewhere and only pass through the artist. They do not belong to the artist, they exist forever. I once happened to read an article in a newspaper titled The Estonian Matisse. The title could easily have been The French Pärsimägi. There is actually a wide abyss between Pärsimägi and Matisse. Despite various methods, colour combinations and compositional similarities, Pärsimägi is clearly closer to earth, more peasant-like, at the same time crazier and more awkwardly unskilled. The decadent modernism of Matisse occasionally displays too much dexterity and decorativeness. I’m not trying to claim that one is better than the other, but simply that the music of the universe that can be heard in the works of both artists, has a different sound and melody. Interestingly, Pärsimägi’s paintings à la Cézanne or even à la Rembrandt all exist in the same key in enviable union. Pärsimägi’s Occidental models all seem a bit too clever and intellectual. The naivism of indigenous Võrumaa people is amazingly genuine; in phenomena called modern art this is very rare indeed. Pärsimägi is like a needle in a haystack.

A work of genius is born when two substances blend that normally should not react at all. In this case it has happened. The timeless childishness of a representative of peoples of nature or the primitive race, and the high-flying urban culture on the other.

I am sitting in my flat in Raua Street and look up. The early spring in faded colours caresses the few pedestrians in the street, against the backdrop of a communal sauna, graffiti-covered func-tionalist buildings, four budding trees and three green rubbish containers. For some reason, I think of Pärsimägi’s watercolours from his Paris period. I’m trying to see in my mind’s eye the pictorial images of the Pärsimägi exhibition seen a fortnight ago. And I see A Girl in the Window, A Girl and the Moon, Yellow Flowers Against Blue Background and A Farmhouse Room with a Stove, painted chiefly in the basic colours (all probably from 1935-36). I also see a pianist with his back to the viewers, a highly sensitive bespectacled disabled person cowering on an iron bed; a number of interiors in the town of Petseri, a few street views and still lifes. I switch myself off the art channel and try to focus on the laborious task of writing.

The common denominator of the above mentioned works could be total freedom, plus their

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simple and even rigid structure. Interestingly, these opposing phenomena are present in every pic-ture. At the same time we know that this is one of the main problems in art – the creators flitting around in freedom tend to become too free and occasionally lose the framework; those who create structures build iron cages around themselves and can no longer break out of them. This is not the case with Pärsimägi. His spontaneous compositions are always in order, with balanced basic colours and their mild variations. The artist must have had a perfect, one hundred percent hearing as a painter. Pärsimägi seemed to exist in his own mystery, not comparable to anything else, but still somehow vaguely familiar.

Time in Pärsimägi’s pictures is circular, as befitting a representative of an indigenous nation. The images in his pictures seem to be provided by angels. It is the artist’s task to quickly make them visible.

The Occident did not welcome Karl Pärsimägi, probably did not even notice him. The love of a Native American was not returned. Still, today’s Occident has always been self-centred, power-hungry and arrogant. Things, however, are changing in the new millennium. There are more and more people who want to see the world differently. Paris and New York no longer attract quite so many. The status of a Native American, a Hindu or an Estonian is increasingly precious. Moving away from nature always ends with returning to it. The exhibition of Karl Pärsimägi is a brilliant proof of that.

A day later

The next day I return to the art museum to check whether whatever I had written on the basis of my gut feeling actually held true (after all, a month had passed since my last visit). On the whole, everything is as I remembered. A few errors, some new ideas, and again the feeling that this is an extraordinary phenomenon. I decide not to alter my yesterday’s text, but add the new text as a comment. “The highly sensitive bespectacled disabled person” is in fact not disabled at all, instead he is Pärsimägi’s friend Eduard Timberman. The title is Interior with E Timberman (1934). Timberman does not cower, but sits on an iron bed. He is painting, wearing a suit and a pair of glasses. The picture is indeed extraordinarily clumsy and awkward and extraordinarily powerful.

The picture with a piano player sitting with his back to the viewer is called Jaan at the Piano, made in 1937. The horizontal blue stripes of Jaan’s sweater go well together with the black piano keys. The red and white chequered sleeves, dark gray piano, a piece of cold green wall – wonderful! The sketch derived from Rembrandt is probably a can cover. Sketches on can covers form an excel-lent collage, reflecting the development of art in the 1920s and 1930s. They contain a whiff of Bauhaus and dada, and even conceptualism still to come. Among the copies made in the Louvre, the Delacroix is the most impressive.

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The permutations in Pärsimägi’s compositions and harmony of colours indicates that the artist was master of the aesthetics of the ugly. Especially ugly pictures include The Studio (1938), the already mentioned Interior with E Timberman, Motif of the Petseri Convent (1934), Self-portrait with a Hat (1931). Paintings of pure genius.

Upon my second visit I notice that the exhibition is called Pärsimägi and Pallas. I had previously considered the Pallas pictures as part of the permanent collection. The paintings and sculptures of several Pallas artists seem to form the background to Pärsimägi’s works. Perhaps the curator of the exhibition wanted to emphasise Karl Pärsimägi’s superiority over everybody else. Maybe it would have been better to have just Pärsimägi. The more so because the artist was so radical and totally different from the others.

In conclusion I present my own personal top 15 seen at the exhibition:

A Farmhouse Room with a Stove, 1936A Girl and the Moon, 1936A Girl in the Window, 1936View of Pallas Corridor, 1936Tartu Bathing House, 1935Motif of Petseri Convent, 1934Interior with E. Timberman, 1934Jaan at the Piano, 1937Any of the watercoloursSketches on the can covers, 1937–1940Church Interior, 1937–1940Parisian Park Motif with a Sculpture, 1938Under the Cross, 1936Church Interior, 1934Motif of the Petseri Convent, 1934

These are the pictures that stand out for their energetic power from the rest of the exhibition.

22 March 2003

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London 2005

Commercial Streeti Kristuse kirik. Nicholas Hawksmoor, 1729.Commercial Street Christ Church. Nicholas Hawksmoor, 1729.

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Kuu aega enne Londoni metrooplahvatusi mõjus linn rahuliku ja sõbralikuna Veetsime koos poeg Augustiga siin nädala, vaadates näitusi, uusi maju, külastades sõprade ateljeesid ning Ida-Londoni uusi galeriisid

Võrreldes viie aasta taguse külaskäiguga, on linnapilt suuresti muutunud: kesklin-nas on vähem autosid, jõeäärne on disainitud mõnusaks jalakäigualaks ja seda mõlemal kaldal Linn on city’s kehtestanud karmid automaksud, palju raha on pandud haljastuse, pargidisaini ja jalakäiguteede rajamiseks

Trafalgar Square’i ringliiklus on likvideeritud ja terve plats on jalakäijate päralt See on totaalne ja positiivne sekkumine linna liiklusesse

Norman Fosteri projekteeritud Swiss Re Tower paistab ära kaugele ja kujutab endast tähtsamat ja kõrgemat City ehitist Ta on kui voolujooneline energeetiline keskus, mille põhiplaan meenutab mandalat Toweri sillast mõlemale poole jõge on kerkinud rida suhteliselt monotoonseid hight-tech kaste Enamik neist olla Fosteri ja Rodgersi omad Kui midagi sealt leida, siis on see aiadisain ja kujutava kunsti objektid majade vahel Parimad neist on sakslase Stephan Balkenholi puitskulptuurid Morelondoni terrassil Thamesi lõunakaldal, naivistlikud, monumentaalsed, peene värvigammaga figuurid: mees tänava tasapinnal, naine veidi tagapool WC katusel

Tate Modernis on arhitektide Herzogi ja de Meuroni loomingu ülevaatenäitus I korrusel on nende makettide hiigeldefilee Ei mäletagi, et oleks nii palju arhitektuurseid makette koos näinud Peab ütlema, et tänasel virtuaalsusele rajatud projekteerimise taustal mõjuvad sellised mahulised objektid hästi Energia armastab reaalset massi

Oluline näitus “The Triumph of Painting” on üleval uue asukohaga Saatchi gale-riis Endise linnavalitsuse historitsistlik hoone Thamesi kaldal on küll igati esinduslik ja galerii ruumid klassitsistlikul peateljel soliidsed, kuid kahju on vanast valgest tööstushoone rekonstruktsioonist (endisest galeriist) Põhja-Londonis Kogu Saatchi impeeriumi vaim on kohavahetusega justkui muutunud Endine irooniline ja enesekindel avangardi hoogsus on asendunud raskemeelse ekspressionismi ja millegi veel seletamatu tundega Kolmeosalise näituse “The Triumph of Painting” kataloogis ja I osa ekspositsioonis domineerib teatav alandlikkuse ja tõsiduse vaim Selles on midagi uut Kujutan asja ette nii: maailma kulg ja tulevik on programmeeritud ühisvälja ning kunstnikud oma tundliku närviga justkui tajuksid homset Peter Doigi võssakasvanud eramajad ja metsastunud paneelmajade vaated meenutavad katastroofijärgset maailma Kunstniku majad, paadid ja üksikud inimesed on kui mingis teises dimensioonis, staatilised ja ajatud Ka tema piltide valgus on teise planeedi valgus Marlene Dumas’ figuuridest vaatab meile vastu teispoolsus Tema näod ja figuurid on kui vaimud (silmad kui hinge peegel) Kadunud Martin Kippenbergeri ülimalt eklektiline esteetika justkui kuulutaks modernismi lõppu

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Luc Tuymans maalib morandiliku napi natüürmordi ja esitab selle hiigellõuendil Plassid värvid, kujundi selgus, ajatus

Jörg Immendorfi piltidel vaatab vastu hilise de Chirico esteetika koos tsitaatidega ekspressionismist

Suures ja ilusas kataloogis on ära toodud näituse veel toimumata II ja III osa kunst-nikud Siin torkavad silma kaljusimpsonlikud värvid, skisofreenilisus ja infantiilsus (Dana Schüts), 1960 aastate kretiinlik arhitektuur, plasside värvidega ja mõttetute geomeetriliste struktuuridega taevas (Stephan Kürten), kummaline ja sünge mahajäetud arhitektuur (David Thorpe) ning ruumiliste kujunditena mõjuv unenäoline popstaaride eramute sise-arhitektuur (Dexter Dalwood) On ka spontaanselt maalitud puhaste värvidega lapselikke kujundeid (John Korner), Ida-Saksa realismi meenutavaid figuuride gruppe (Muntean & Rosenblum), väga sugestiivset, sügavat ja mahlakat värvi- ja figuurikäsitlust (Chantal Joffe) ning ka üksikuid mulle paremini mõistetava esteetikaga kunstnikke nagu Wilhelm Sasnal ja Eberhard Havekost

Tuleb öelda, et algul võib Saatchi esteetiline kannapööre tekitada teatavat vastu-meelsust, kuid süvenemisel tõdeme, et amatöörliku ja unenäolise tunnetusega uutel tuultel on mingit lummust Paljud pildid ei meeldi mulle üldse, kuid miskipärast tahan neid ikka ja jälle vaadata

Maailm muutub ja kunst koos temaga Vahel tundub, et seisame uue kiviaja lävel Seda kinnitab ka külaskäik noore ja radikaalse inglise maalikunstniku Guy Allotti atel-jeesse See on endine Rachel Whitereadi ateljee, mida nüüd üürib viis noort kunstnikku Kahekordne piklik telliskuur suure müüritatud eesõuega Ida-Londoni veidi tööstuslikus linnamiljöös Gauguini välimusega 32aastane Allott maalib pruunis koloriidis suurtele puitalustele mingit eelajaloolist odadega põdrajahti, kummalisi kosmoselaevu ja teeb sinna juurde suure papist kuke Arvamuse peale, et sellised kosmoselaevad võisidki kunagi ammusel ajal olemas olla, löövad mehe silmad särama ja ta ütleb saladuslikult: “Võib-olla nad saavad sellised olema tulevikus” Saame aru, et mees ajab asju, mis haakuvad ka meie sagedusega Homse päeva kunstnikuna teenib Guy elatusraha kaks päeva nädalas Julian Opie’ ateljees installatsioonimeistrina

Kümnete uute Ida-Londoni kunstigaleriide töödest ei jää suurt midagi meelde Kui, siis galeriide enda ja ümbruskonna tänavate arhitektuur, mis mastaabilt on sarnane Kalamaja ja Kadrioru Vesivärava tänava ümbrusega, puitmajade asemel punakaspruunid tellismahud, sekka mõni kollane kastmaja või roheline veetorn

Energeetilise arhitektuuri vallast jäävad sel reisil meelde Commercial Streeti Kristuse kirik (Nicholas Hawksmoor, 1714–29), mille veidi idamaise mandalatorniga peafas-saad paistab piki tüüpilist Ida-Londoni tänavat ära Spitalfieldsi turuni Samuti All Souls Langham Place (John Nash, 1922–24), mis tsentraalse tornehitisena kiirgab müstilist öist

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Vasakul: Marlene Dumas.Laps. Õli lõuendil, 1985.Left: Marlene Dumas. Child. Oil on canvas, 1985.

All: Dexter Dalword. Jackie Onassis. Õli lõuendil, 2000.Bottom: Dexter Dalword. Jackie Onassis. Oil on canvas, 2000.

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energiat tervele Oxford Circusele Ja loomulikult vana hea nelja korstnaga Battersea Power Station Thamesi kaldal (Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, 1929–55), mida praegu rekonst-rueeritakse kultuuritehaseks

Viimasel päeval külastasime Augustiga seitse aastat tagasi valminud Shri Swamina-rayani mandiiri, mis on kujunenud Põhja-Londoni suurimaks vaatamisväärsuseks Tun-netame, et ida tungib üha jõulisemalt läänele peale Oodata on kahe pooluse totaalset segunemist – ja seda kunstis, arhitektuuris ning kahtlemata ka vaimses maailmas London ei ole enam maailma naba

London 2005

A month before the Tube bombing, London was a peaceful and friendly town. Together with my son August we spent a week here, going to exhibitions, looking at new buildings, visiting friends’ studios and new galleries in East-London.

Compared with our visit five years earlier, the urban picture had changed a great deal: less cars in city centre, the embankment is designed as a pleasant pedestrian zone, on both sides of the river. London has established harsh car taxes, much money has been sunk into developing green areas, park design and pedestrian walks.

The Trafalgar Square roundabout has been eliminated and the whole square now belongs to people. This is a radical and positive interference in urban traffic.

Norman Foster’s Swiss Re Tower can be seen from afar and is the most significant and tallest building in the City. It is like a streamlined energy centre, with the ground plan resembling a mandala. A row of rather monotonous high-tech boxes have sprung up on both sides of the river at the Tower Bridge. Most of them were reputedly designed by Foster and Rodgers. The only interesting things there are garden design and objects of figurative art between the houses. The best are the wooden sculptures by the German artist Stephan Balkenhol on the More London site on the south bank of Thames – naivist, monumental figures with a fine colour gamma: the man on street level, the woman a bit further back on the roof of a public toilet.

Tate Modern is having an overview exhibition of architects Herzog and de Meuron. The ground floor displays a huge defile of their models. I could not remember ever having seen so many architectural models together. Ii must be said that against today’s background based on virtual design, such large objects are excellent. Energy loves real mass.

The important exhibition The Triumph of Painting is shown in another location, at the Saatchi Gallery. The historicist building of the former city government by the Thames looks really grand and the Gallery’s rooms on the classicist main axis are respectable enough, but I could not

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help feeling sorry about the reconstruction of the old white industrial building (the former gallery) in North-London. The entire spirit of the Saatchi empire seems to have changed together with the change of place. The previous dash of the ironic and confident avant-garde is replaced by heavy expressionism and another, still unclear, feeling. The catalogue of the three-part exhibition The Triumph of Painting, and the display of the first part are dominated by a certain spirit of humility and seriousness. There is something new about it. I think it’s like this: the progress and future of the world are programmed into a common field and the artists with their sensitive nerve seem to perceive tomorrow. The views of Peter Doig’s private houses overgrown with shrubs and blocks of flats surrounded by wilderness resemble the post-catastrophe world. The artists’ houses, boats and individual people seem to exist in another dimension, static and timeless. The light of his pictures is also the light of another planet. Marlene Dumas’ figures reflect the world beyond. Her faces and figures are like ghosts (eyes like the mirror of the soul). The highly eclectic aesthetics of the late Martin Kippenberger appears to be heralding the end of modernism.

Luc Tuymans paints a Morandi-style scarce still life and presents it on a huge canvas. Faded colours, clarity of images, timelessness.

Jörg Immendorf’s pictures show the aesthetics of late de Chirico together with quotations of expressionism.

The large and pretty catalogue presents the artists of the second and third parts of the exhibition, still to be organised. What strikes the eye here are schizophrenia and infantilism (Dana Schüts), the cretinous architecture of the 1960s, the sky with washy colours and pointless geometric structures (Stephan Kürten), weird and grim abandoned architecture (David Thorpe) and the dreamy inte-rior architecture of pop stars that seem like spatial images (Dexter Dalwood). There are also some spontaneously painted childish images with pure colours (John Korner), groups of figures resembling East-German realism (Muntean & Rosenblum), very suggestive, deep and juicy treatments of colour and figure (Chantal Joffe), and some artists with aesthetics that I can understand better, such as Wilhelm Sasnal and Eberhard Havekost.

It must be said that Saatchi’s aesthetic U-turn might at first well evoke some unpleasant feelings, but going deeper into it we have to admit that the new winds with amateur and dreamlike perception are actually quite captivating. Quite a few pictures I do not like in the least, although for some reason I want to see them again and again.

The world changes, and art changes with it. We sometimes seem to stand on the threshold of a new stone age. This was confirmed by a visit to the studio of a young and radical English painter Guy Allott. The studio used to belong to Rachel Whiteread, and is now rented by five young artists. The two-storey oblong brick shed with a large walled front yard is situated in the slightly industrial milieu of East-London. The 32-year-old Allott who looks a bit like Gauguin, paints in brown colours on large wooden panels a kind of ancient elk-hunting with spears, strange spaceships and tops it up with a big cardboard rooster. When I mention that such spaceships could actually

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Norman Foster. Swiss Re Tower, London, 2001.Norman Foster. Swiss Re Tower, London, 2001.

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have existed in some distant past, his eyes lit up and he says mysteriously: “Maybe they will be like this in the future”. We realise that this artists is dealing with something that correspond to our frequency. As an artist of tomorrow, Guy earns his daily bread two days a week as an installation expert in the studio of Julian Opie.

I cannot now remember much of the works in dozens of new art galleries in East-London. Perhaps the architecture of the galleries themselves and the nearby streets, quite similar in size with the area around Kalamaja and Vesivärava Street in Kadriorg; reddish-brown brick buildings instead of wooden houses, plus a few yellow box-like house or green water tower.

What I do remember of the energy architecture is the Christ Church (Nicholas Hawksmoor, 1714–29), in Commercial Street. Its main façade with a slightly Oriental mandala tower can be seen along the typical East-London street until the Spitalfields market. Also the All Souls Langham Place (John Nash, 1922–24), a central tower building, which exudes mystical nocturnal energy all over Oxford Circus. And of course the good old Battersea Power Station with four chimneys on the banks of the Thames (Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, 1929–55), which is now being reconstructed to become a culture factory.

On our last day, August and I visited the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, completed seven years ago and is now the biggest attraction in North-London. We perceive how the East is increasingly forcing its way into West. The two poles are expected to totally blend – in art, architecture and naturally also in intellectual world. London is no longer the navel of the world.

Vasakul: Vilen Künnapu. Installatsioon “Kelluke” Londonis. Valmis juunis 2010.Left: Vilen Künnapu. Installation “The Bell” in London. Completed in June, 2010.

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Nädalalõpp Pariisis. Reis nr 2

Kui külastada suuri metropole suhteliselt harva ja teha seda hea tuju ning pühendumusega, võivad need reisid võtta liturgilise tähenduse Istun abikaasaga Tallinn-Pariis lennukis ja üle 23 aasta on suund võe-tud Charles de Gaulle’i nimelise masinmandalakujulise lennujaama poole Pariisi teatmiku asemel on mul miskipärast käes Jean Baud-rillardi raamat “Ameerika” Mulle ei meeldi eriti filosoofe lugeda Võrreldes väikese indiaanitüdrukuga, kes suudab viibida mitmes dimensioonis korraga või Tondi erikooli poisiga, kes valdab puude ja põõsaste keelt, on neil minu meelest suhteliselt vähe midagi olulist öelda Baudrillardi puhul võlub aga tema vaimustus Ameerika kõr-bete ja kiirteede mastaabi üle ning oskus näha ühendriikide kultuu-rituse taga mingit teist, suurt ja sõltumatut kultuuri Pariisi kvartalite mastaapi peab autor aga kodanlikult väikeseks ja rusuvaks

Me seame ennast sisse väikesesse hotelli Pariisi ooperiteatri läheduses Jalutuskäik Concorde’i väljakule võtab siit aega kümme minutit Me võtame istet kahekordse bussi lahtisel rõdul ja tutvu-mine linna struktuuridega võib alata Kolmepäevase ringiliikumise tulemusel hakkame linna tunnetama ja seda nii linnaehituslikul, arhitektuursel kui ka esoteerilisel ehk energeetilisel tasandil Pariisi mastaap tundub olevat kõike muud kui kodanlikult väike ja rusuv Linna keskseks kujundiks on telg Louvre’i ja La Defense’i vahel See on nagu inimene oma seitsme tšakraga I M Pei klaaspüramiid Louvre’i õuel, egiptuse obelisk Concordia väljakul ning kaks idamaist purskkaevu selle ristteljel, Triumfikaar Champs-Elysees´ lõpus, väike must püramiid le Defense’i alguses, Otto von Sprekelseni hiigelkuup Grande Arche ning selle lähedale rajatud klaaskera (diameetriga ca 40 m) moodustavad telgehitise elementide rea Need on kuldlõikelised elemendid, mis töötavad võimsate energiakeskustena Oma üüratu mastaabiga väljub telgehitis inimese mõõtmetest ning meenutab pigem mingit kosmilist maamärki Telg lõpeb muuseas la Defense’i taga surnuaiaga Triumfikaare keskpunktist väljub kaksteist radiaalset

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (53)


Vaade Triumfikaarelt Champs-Elysée’le.View from the Triumphal Arch towards Champs-Elysée.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (54)


tänavat, millest mitmed omavad väiksemaid energiakeskusi, kust samuti väljuvad tänavad Ka ülejäänud elementidest lähtuvad erisuunalised teljed Pariis koosnebki kirjeldatud tel-gehitisest ning seda ümbritsevast ühtlasest elamumassiivist On veel jõgi, arvukad pargid ning üle terve linna ühtlaselt tikitud suured kujundid (tšakrad) – kirikud, teatrid, purskkae-vud, tornid, skulptuurid ja üksikud imelikud ehitised, mis on pigem kosmilised antennid kui majad Kogu linna ehitus meenutab universumi ehitust Erinevate päikesesüsteemide keskmeteks on tähed, mille ümber tiirlevad väiksemad tähed ja planeedid Teljeliselt on päikesesüsteemid omavahel seotud ja nendevaheline liikumine moodustab omakorda süsteemi Selliseid linnu, kus linna erinevad osad on rajatud ümber kosmiliste antennide, ehitati tõenäoliselt juba Atlantises ja Lemuurias Võib arvata, et arhitekt Haussmann ja mitmed teised Pariisi planeerijad tegid sama tööd ka oma eelmiste kehastumiste juures Igavese linna ehitamise saladuste tundmine on sellistele inimestele igiomane

Me sõidame la Villette´i parki, mis rajati 80ndate aastate keskpaiku Ka seal tajume eri-nevate arhitektuursete objektide astronoomiat XVIII sajandi lõpul ulmearhitekt Ledoux´ poolt ehitatud rotundist saab kõik alguse Siit suunduv kanal on pargi teljeks Park on kaetud mõttelise võrguga 100x100 m, mille sõlmpunktides paiknevad arhitekt Bernhard Tschumi poolt ehitatud tulipunased tehnitsistlikud folliod Loodus ja konstruktsioonid põimuvad siin omavahelises harmoonias Vesi, puiesteed, üksikud klassikalised ehitised, punased kuubid, suured murupinnad ja skulptuurid loovad ootamatu kontrasti arhitekt Fainsilberi poolt projekteeritud hiigelkerale, mis sädeleva terasehitisena on osa kuubili-sest teaduskeskusest Veendume jälle, et kera on meeletu energiakanal, veel suurem kui kuup või püramiid La Villette´i pargi arhitektuuris on samasugune ajatus nagu Louvre – la Defense’i kosmilises telgehituses Kolmas kaasaegne megaehitis on seitsmekümnendatel rajatud Pompidou keskus (kõik kolm on rahvusvaheliste arhitektuurivõistluste tulemu-sed) Keskus võtab oma arhitektuuriga kokku eelnenud brutalismi, konstruktivistliku poparhitektuuri (Archigram jt) ja tekitab võimsa tehnitsistliku sümbolehitise, kus konst-ruktsioonid, santehnilised torud, trepid, eskalaatorid ja liftid on eksponeeritud fassaadis Tekkinud “dekoor” haakub üllatavalt ümbruses asuvate ajalooliste kvartalite dekooriga Nii la Defense’i hiigelkuup, la Villette’i konstruktivistlik linnapark kui ka Pompidou keskuse maagiline kummut on väljunud tavaarhitektuuri mõiste alt ning on saavutanud teatava energeetilse ajatuse

Vaatasime üle ka linna mitmed ajaloolised tšakrad Sacre-Coeur’i valge toomkirik valitseb linna üllatavalt tugeva mandalaehitisena Asudes kõrgel künkal, on ta heas dialoogis Eiffeli torni ja jõega Invaliidide toomkiriku arhitektoonikas kõneleb lihtsus, lõpetatus ja vaikus On loodud kõik eeldused hiilgava energiakanali loomiseks Asja rikub ära aga tsentraalne sark Napoleon Bonaparte’i põrmuga, mis tundub olevat nullenergiaga Siin mängib rolli aga juba keisri hiiglaslik karmavõlg Me näeme nüüd, et Püha Vaimu

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (55)


kohaletulekut ei saa esile kutsuda ainult arhitektuuriga Ainult inimese poolt loodud armastuse energia saab seda teha

Pariisis olles veendume, et arhitektuur kõneleb meiega energeetiliselt Sama lugu on ka kujutava kunstiga Orsay muuseumis märkame üllatusega, et ainult üksikud erinevate aegade šedöövrid kiirgavad Nii oli see vanasti ja nii on see ka nüüd Jumalik puudutus antakse ainult üksikutele loojatele, üksikutele kunstiteostele, üksikutele ehitistele Sellised loojad on kui preestrid kirikus, kanalid kelle kaudu Absoluudi sõnum inimesteni jõuab Miskipärast arvan aga, et kunagi oli aeg, kui iga inimene võis otse Jumalaga ühendust võtta Ja usun, et see aeg tuleb kunagi jälle tagasi Säravatest piltidest märkame mõnda Seurat’, Renoir’i ja van Goghi teost Pompidou keskuse ülemisel korrusel on hiilgav näitus Samuel Beckettist Käsikirjalised dokumendid, manuskriptid, fotod ja audiovisuaalsed arhiivimaterjalid on eksponeeritud koos üksikute skulptuuride, maalide ja joonistustega Becketti kaasaegsetelt (Jasper John, Bruce Nauman, Alberto Giacometti, Sol Lewitt, Robert Motherwell, Richard Serra jt) Nauditav on ekspositsiooni (de)konstruktivistlik kujundus Suured fotod kirjanikust, etenduste salvestused erinevatel ekraanidel seintel, laes ja põrandal, vaiksed hääled, pikad aukudega müürid, mõned mustad ja valged kuubid loovad ajatu atmosfääri ja me tajume, et Beckett on samasugune kosmiline inimaparaat nagu Louvre – la Defense’i telg, la Villette’i pargi kera või Pompidou kummut Võib-olla ongi tema looming modernismi kõrgpunkt? Võib-olla ongi Godot jumal? Me külastame ka Foundation Cartier’d, kus on näitus David Lynchi loomingust Miskipärast aga ei paku see peale Samuel Beckettit kuigi palju Ka Nouveli ehitis jätab meid jahedaks

Kiirustame tagasi kesklinna, kus naudime taas Pariisi arhitektuuri metafüüsikat Õhtul läheme Bastille’ ooperimajja vaatama Verdi ooperit “Simon Boccanegra” Klient Artjomi õde Inga on meile piletid muretsenud ja ka ise etendusele tulnud Kauni armeenlanna peigmees on eheda olemisega Siberi poiss Oleg Teeninud kaks aastat Prantsuse võõrlee-gionis, on ta nüüd ehitusärisse suundunud Teatrisaalis märkame lisaks põlistele prants-lastele mitmeid erineva nahavärviga elegantseid pariislasi Pariis on tõepoolest metropol Umbes nagu muistne Atlantis, Baabülon, Aleksandria ja Rooma Metropolid tulevad, püsivad ja kaovad siis jälle Kõik kordub, kõik on igavene

Lahkudes ostame Pompidou raamatupoest mõned raamatud Lisaks suurepärasele Becketti kataloogile hakkavad silma esinduslik kogumik maalikunstnik Christian Schaadist ning raamat Pariisi art-deco arhitektist Robert Mallet-Stevensist, mis teeb südame eriti soojaks Laseme sisse pakkida ka näitusekataloogi “Los Angeles 1955–1985” Lafayette’i kaubamajja me seekord ei jõuagi

Tagasiteel loen kuskilt taoistlikku mõttetera, et valgustuv inimene peab olema pehme kui vesi, hästi maadligi ja mitte kellegagi võitlev Taban ennast mõttelt, et selline võiks olla ka kunst, arhitektuur, religioon ja kõik muu, mis meid ümbritseb Louvre’i – la Defense’i telg on jäänud minu sisse püsima rahustava meditatsiooniobjektina

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (56)



Weekend in Paris. Trip no 2

If you visit the great metropolises pretty rarely and do it in a good mood and with dedication, such trips may well acquire a liturgical meaning. My wife and I are sitting in the Tallinn-Paris airplane and after 23 years, I am again heading towards the Charles de Gaulle machine-mandala airport. Instead of a Paris guidebook I am for some reason clutching Jean Baudrillard’s book America. I am not particularly fond of reading philosophers. Compared with a small Native American girl who can exist in several dimensions at the same time, or with a lad from a school for children with special needs, who can speak the language of trees and bushes, the philosophers do not seem to say anything that really matters. With Baudrillard I am captivated by his fascination about the scale of American deserts and highways and his ability to perceive another great and independent culture behind the usual American non-culture. On the other hand, the author finds the scale of Parisian quarters bourgeois, small and depressing.

We check into a little hotel near the Paris Opera. A walk to Plas de Concorde takes ten minutes. We take our seat on the open double-decker bus, and our introduction to the city’s structures can begin. After travelling around for three days we can perceive the town, on the level of urban building and architecture, as well as esoterically and energetically. The scale of Paris seems everything but bourgeois, small and depressing. The central image is the axis between the Louvre and La Defense. It is like a human being with his seven chakras. I. M. Pei’s glass pyramid in the courtyard of the Louvre, Egyptian obelisk in Concordia Square and two Oriental fountains on its transverse axis, Arc de Triomphe at the end of Champs-Elysees, a small black pyramid at the beginning of le Defense, Otto von Sprekelsen’s huge cube Grande Arche and a glass orb nearby (diameter ca 40 m) – form a row of elements of the axial building. These are the golden section elements that function as powerful energy centres. With its enormous size, the axial building rather resembles a kind of cosmic landmark. The axis, incidentally, ends with a graveyard behind la Defense. Twelve radial streets emerge from the Triumphal Arch, several of which have smaller energy centres with other streets. Axes running in different directions start from the rest of the elements as well. Paris in fact consists of the described axial buildings and the uniform residential bulk around it. There is also the river, numerous parks and large images evenly scattered all over the town (chakras) – churches, theatres, fountains, towers, sculptures and individual strange buildings, which seem like cosmic antennae rather than houses. The construction of the whole city resembles the construction of the universe. The centres of different solar systems are stars, with smaller stars and planets revolving around them. The solar systems are axially connected and the movement between them forms a separate system. Towns where different parts are situated around cosmic antennae, were probably built already in Atlantis and Lemuria. It is most likely that architect Haussmann and various other

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (57)


Paris planners did the same kind of work in their previous lives. Knowing the secrets of building an eternal city comes naturally to such people.

We travel to la Villette Park, established in the middle of the 1980s. There, too, we perceive the astronomy of different architectural objects. Everything starts with the rotunda designed by the late 18th century sci-fi architect Ledoux. The canal from here forms the axis of the whole park. The park is covered with an imaginary net, size 100x100 m, with architect Bernard Tschumi’s bright red high-tech follies at the nodal points. Nature and constructions are here intertwined in mutual harmony. Water, boulevards, individual classical buildings, red cubes, large areas of lawn and sculptures create an unexpected contrast with a huge cube designed by architect Fainsilber, which as a sparkling steel construction forms part of the cubical science centre. We see once again what an enormous energy channel a globe is, even bigger than a cube or a pyramid. The architecture of La Villette Park contains the same timelessness as in the Louvre – in la Defense’s cosmic axial buil-ding. The third contemporary mega-building is the Pompidou Centre established in the 1970s (all three are the winning entries of an international architecture competition). The Centre’s architecture summarises the previous brutalism, constructivist pop-architecture (Archigram etc) and produces a powerful high-tech symbolic building, where constructions, sanitary pipes, stairs, escalators and lifts are displayed in the facade. The emerging ‘décor’ harmonises amazingly well with the décor of the surrounding historical quarters. La Defense’s huge cube, la Villette’s constructivist urban park, as well as the magical chest of drawers of Pompidou have abandoned the usual concept of architecture and have achieved a certain energetic timelessness.

We also examined the various historical chakras. The white Sacre-Coeur Basilica dominates the city as a surprisingly strong mandala building. Situated on a high hill, it exists in an efficient dialogue with the Eiffel Tower and the river. The architectonics of the Les Invalides Cathedral speaks of simplicity, finiteness and silence. There are all preconditions for a brilliant energy channel. Everything, however, is spoilt by the centrally placed sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte, which seems to have zero energy. The fault here is the huge karma debt of the emperor. We can see that architecture is not enough to call forth the Holy Spirit. This is achieved only through the energy of love produced by man.

Architecture in Paris certainly talks to us through energy. The same goes for figurative art. In the Orsay Museum we notice with some surprise that only a few masterpieces of different periods actually radiate. This is how it used to be, and this how it still is. The divine touch is given only to few creators, few works of art and buildings. Such creators are like priests in a church, or channels via whom the message of the Absolute reaches people. However, I have a feeling that there used to be a time when every person could contact God directly, and I believe that this time will one day return. Among the radiating pictures we see a few Seurats, Renoirs and van Goghs. The upper floor of the Pompidou Centre has a brilliant exhibition about Samuel Beckett. Handwritten documents, manuscripts, photographs and audiovisual archive materials are displayed together with some sculp-

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (58)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (59)


tures, paintings and drawings by Beckett’s contemporaries (Jasper John, Bruce Nauman, Alberto Giacometti, Sol Lewitt, Robert Motherwell, Richard Serra and others). The (de)constructivist design of the exhibition is very enjoyable. Large photographs of the writer, recordings of performances on various screens on the walls and floor and in the ceiling, quiet voices, long walls with holes, some black and white cubes, create a timeless atmosphere and we perceive that Beckett is he same kind of cosmic human apparatus as the Louvre – the axis of la Defense, the globe in la Villette Park and the Pompidou chest of drawers. Perhaps his work is actually the summit of modernism? Maybe Godot is indeed God? We also visit Foundation Cartier where they display the work of David Lynch. After Samuel Beckett, however, this does not impress much. The Nouvel building also leaves us rather cold.

We hasten back to city centre where we again enjoy the metaphysics of Parisian architecture. In the evening we go to the Bastille Opera to see Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra. The sister of my client Artjom, Inga, has managed to get us tickets and came along as well. The fiancée of the beautiful Armenian woman is Oleg, an easygoing lad from Siberia. After two years in the French Foreign Legion, he is now involved in construction business. In addition to the native French, we notice various elegant Parisians with a different shade of skin. Paris is indeed a true metropolis. Almost like ancient Atlantis, Babylon, Alexandria and Rome. Metropolises come, stay and disappear. Everything is repeated and everything is eternal.

Before leaving we buy a few books at the Pompidou shop. Besides the excellent Beckett cata-logue we are tempted by an impressive collection about the painter Christian Schaad and by a book about the Paris Art Deco architect Robert Mallet-Stevens, which is especially heart-warming. We add to our purchases the exhibition catalogue Los Angeles 1955–1985. This time, we do not make it to the Lafayette department store.

On our way back I happen to read somewhere a Taoist saying that someone being enlightened must be soft as water, keep to the ground and not fight with anyone. I wonder whether perhaps art, architecture, religion and everything else around us could be the same. The Louvre – la Defense axis has remained inside me as a calming meditation object.

Vasakul: Vilen Künnapu. Kollaaž, 2006.Left: Vilen Künnapu. Collage, 2006.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (60)



Pöörates pilgu oma loomingutee algaastatesse, näen seal valgust, varju, suurt sümmeetriat, mis on vahel nihutatud mõne sisemise kujundi pöördega Näen avaraid viljapõlde, hilis-suve kuldvalguse paituses olevaid heinakuhjasid, metsatukkasid, müstilisi laudahooneid, pühalikke taluhooneid ja maakirikute lihtsat sakraalset geomeetriat Mäletan sõitusid oma varajaste ehitiste juurde – süda tagumas juba kilomeetreid enne sihtpunkti jõudmist, iga maja, iga puu, korsten või veski omas tähendust, olin sattunud maagilise astronoomia välja, mille keskmeks mõni minu enda projekteeritud valge ehitis

Üks esimesi maju, mille teostasin oli Põlva kolhoosi keskusehoone Olin oma vara-jastes kahekümnendates, peas selgus, mõtetes puhtus ja rõõm Ehitis paiknes lauge künka jalamil, tõustes astmeliselt künka suurte kuuskedega märgistatud tipu poole Keskuse teljel paiknesid pikk trepp, siseõu, fuajee, väike saal ja tagaõu Mõlemad tiivad tõusid astmeliselt, meenutades mõnda Ladina-Ameerika astmikpüramiidi Mäletan seda magusat-sooja tun-net, mida tekitasid esimesed skitsid, joonistused, makett ja juba pooleliolevad ehituskonst-ruktsioonid Huvitaval kombel oli skitside ja valmisehitiste energia täpselt üks Valged seinad paiknevad tänaseni seal künkal, valgete sümmeetriliste tahukate tumesinised varjud moodustavad ruumilise instrumendi, mis üllatab oma korrastatuse lõplikkusega Hoone energeetika on tugev ja see on ka põhjuseks, miks seal elu on tänaseni vilgas ja positiivne

Sovhoosikontor Peetris on maja tühjal lagendikul Kui naabruses asuv Peetri kirik moodustab paikkonna vertikaali, siis kontor valge horisontaali Olen selle metafüüsilise kasti üle siiani uhke Pikliku fassaadi moodustab sonaadiliku keerukusega komponeeri-tud akenderida Hoone tagumises osas on kangialune, mis ühendab tühjust kahel pool ehitist Maja keskne ruum on piklik peristüül, mille sammastik tekitab kitsa ja pingelise ülavalgusega ruumi Tühjas vaikuses paiknev keeruline kast justkui ei kuulukski nii väga planeedile Maa, pigem on ta Universumi tagasihoidlik kodanik Ka aastaid hiljem valminud sovhoosi kultuurimaja teisel pool maanteed on arhetüüpne ehitis Hiigelsuur “kuur” on pungitud silindrite, püsttahukate ja püramiidi puhaste kujunditega Katuseharja kujundab pikka purje meenutav valguslatern See maja on palju maisem ja meenutab oma arhitektoonika poolest pigem viljakuivatit, kartulihoidlat või masintraktorijaama Selle sees asub universaalne saal, kus saab võimelda, palli mängida, kino vaadata või teatrietendust jälgida Soklikorrusel asub bassein koos saunade ja riietusruumidega Maja sissepääsu rõhutab kaarjas betoonekraan ja selle kõrval paiknev raamatukogu rõdu Peetri kiriku kalmistult avaneb nii kontorile kui klubile hunnitu vaade Hauakivide arhitektuur haakub hästi ehitiste stabiilsuse ja monumentaalsusega

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (61)


Kolhoosikeskus Valgus kujutab endast kahe valge ehitise kompositsiooni asula süda-mikus Teederisti ühel pool asuv pikliku plaaniga klubihoone puudutab peafassaadi ekraa-niga sajanditagust kaupluse mahtu, üle tee asuv kontor on valge sammaskäiguga ühendatud kuuekümnendate aastate tüüpsööklaga Sammaskäik on väikese sööklamahu täielikult oma haardesse võtnud Klubi on ülimalt primitiivse plaaniga pikk ehitis Selle fassaadid meenutavad Giorgio de Chirico maale, vestibüülis on nende ridade autori viiemeetrine puitskulptuur “Valvur”, mis on samuti “pittura metafisica” tunnetusega Kontorihoone pikk sammaskäik on justkui kummardus Itaalia väikelinnade arhitektuurile Ansambel on tunnetuslikult kontaktis Valgu mõisahoonega, mis ei asu kaugel Valgu on koht, kuhu rändaja ei satu iga päev Kohalejõudnut hämmastab kahe maja tumm kahekõne, mis on kogu paiga oma energiavälja lülitanud

Vilen Künnapu. Sovhoosikeskus Peetris, 1983.Vilen Künnapu. State farm centre in Peetri, 1983.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (62)


Kaugel ida-Eesti metsade taga asub Laekvere asula Külatänavate keskmes paiknes kunagi poolpõlenud laohoone Kolhoosikeskus sai lao asemele projekteeritud nii, et ta moodustaks asumi füüsilise keskuse V-kujulise plaaniga hoone peas asub vestibüül ja tema ühes haaras kontor, teises klubi, nende vahel aga geomeeriline siseaed Ehitise tiivad on samade nurkade all kui tänavad, nii moodustab ta ümbruses asuvate vanade majadega ühe terviku Torn on sätitud nii, et ta paistaks erinevatelt tulekusuundadelt Peasissekäigu frontooni kaunistab viltune aken või õigemini ava ekraani ees Viltuse akna motiiv esines juba Peetri klubihoonel Erinevalt teistes keskusehoonetest ei ole Laekvere oma valge, ta on kaetud pastellsinise värviga

Viimasena tuleks mainida sovhoosikeskust Kehras Pikk kahekorruseline valge pulk asub Kehra keskusest mitte kaugel, ilusas mõisapargis, oja kaldal Siin kohtame eelmiste keskuste elemente – aknaavad on komponeeritud ekraaniavadega ja nn kangialusega üheks rütmiliseks reaks Kord Moskvast kiirrongiga Tallinna poole sõites olin väga üllatunud nähes vaguniaknast ootamatult tuttavat geomeetrilist horisontaali Valge nagu luik, jõudsin vaid mõelda ja läinud ta oligi

Tagasivaatel kogen, et minu varajased tööd olid üllatavalt terviklikud, energeetilised kompositsioonid Praktiliselt kõik sakraalse tunnetusega komponeeritud Kehra kesku-sehoone ongi tänasel päeval üle võetud ühe kristliku koguduse poolt Ekstrasentsid on öelnud, et eelmises elus olen olnud pühakodasid ehitav preester-arhitekt Võib-olla ongi see niimoodi Igal juhul projekti esimesi skitse tehes on mul tihti tunne, et meenutan miskit

Tänasel päeval süveneb üha rohkem tunne, et peaks pöörduma staatiliste ja ajatute kompositsioonide poole Odüsseuse eksirännakud inimkonna arhitektuurses tsirkuses ei paku enam loomingulist rahuldust Seda kinnitavad ka mu vimaste tööde pealkirjad:

Ringtempel Tallinna vanglas, Budistlik keskus Jälgimäel, Üheksa Man-dala Templit Londonis Thamesi jõel Tagasi arhitektuuri juurde, mis on sillaks inimeste ja uni-versumi vahel – see on täna minu siiras soov

Vilen Künnapu. Sovhoosikeskus Kehras, 1986.Vilen Künnapu.State farm centre in Kehra, 1986.

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Looking back at the early years of my career I see light, shadows, great symmetry that is occa-sionally shifted by a twist of an inner image. I see sweeping cornfields, haystacks caressed by the golden light of a late summer, copses, mystical stable buildings, venerable farmhouses and the simple sacral geometry of country churches. I remember trips to my early buildings - heart already beating wildly before reaching my destination, each house, each tree, chimney or mill significant. I found myself in a field of magical astronomy with one of my white buildings in the middle. Among the first houses I designed was the centre of the Põlva Collective Farm. I was in my early twenties, my mind was clear and my thoughts were pure and happy. The building sat at the foot of a gentle hill, rising gradually to its peak, marked by big spruces. A long staircase, inner courtyard, foyer, a small hall and back yard ran along the centre’s axis. Both wings rose step by step, thus resembling a Latin-American ziggurat. I remember the sweet-warm sensation evoked by the first sketches, the first drawings, the model and the initial stages of construction. Oddly enough, the energy of the sketches and the completed building were exactly the same. The white walls stand on the hill to this day, the dark blue shadows of the white symmetrical prisms forming a spatial instrument that surprises with the finality of its regulation. The energy of the building is forceful, and this is the reason why life there is lively and positive even today. The office of the State Farm in Peetri is a house in an empty field. The nearby St Peter’s Church forms the vertical of the surroundings, and the office constitutes a white horizontal. I am still proud of this metaphysical box. The row of windows, composed with sonata-like elaboration, forms an oblong façade. The vaulted passage at the end of the building unites the emptiness on both sides. The central room is an elongated peristyle whose colonnade creates a narrow and tense space, with the light coming from above. The elaborate box in the empty silence does not seem to belong to Planet Earth; it is rather a modest citizen of the Universe. The community hall of the collective farm across the road, completed years later, is another archetypal building. The huge ‘shed’ abounds with cylinders, right parallelepipeds and the clear images of a pyramid. The roof ridge is shaped by a lantern that resembles a long sail. This house is much more earthly, due to its architectonics, which are quite similar to a grain dryer or a potato storehouse or a repair shop for agricultural machinery. Inside is a universal hall, where one can exercise, play ballgames, or watch a movie or play. The socle floor has a pool with saunas and dressing rooms. The entrance is emphasised by a curved concrete screen and the library balcony beside it. A magnificent view of the office building and the community hall opens from the cemetery of St Peter’s. The architecture of the gravestones harmonises with the stability and monumental nature of the buildings.

The Collective Farm Centre in Valgu is a composition of two white buildings in the heart of a small town. The clubhouse, with an elongated plan on one side of the crossroads, has the screen of its main façade abutting on the shop volume which dates from the previous century.

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Across the road, a white colonnade connects the office with a standard canteen of the sixties. The colonnade has totally embraced the small volume of the canteen. The club is an elongated struc-ture, with a remarkably primitive plan. Its facades resemble Giorgio de Chirico’s paintings. In the foyer stands a five-metre wooden sculpture, ‘Guard’, by the present author, which also contains feelings of ‘pittura metafisica’. The long colonnade of the office block is a bow to the architecture of small towns. The ensemble has a cognitive association with the Valgu manor house nearby. Valgu is a place which the traveller does not come upon every day. Once there, he is amazed at the silent dialogue between the two houses, which includes the whole area in its field of energy. Far away, beyond the forests of eastern Estonia, is the township of Laekvere. A half-burnt store-room once stood in the heart of the town’s streets. The storeroom was replaced by the collective farm centre so that it could form a physical heart of the township. The head of the V-shaped building has a foyer. One side houses the office and the other the club, with a geometrical inner yard between them. The wings lie at the same angles as the streets, thus forming a whole with the old houses in the surroundings. The tower is placed so that it can be seen from different angles of approach. The main entrance pediment is decorated with a slanting window, or rather an opening in front of the screen. Peetri clubhouse had the motif of a slanting window as well. Unlike other buildings of centres, Laekvere is not white, but covered with pastel blue.

The last centre to be mentioned here is the state farm in Kehra. The long two-storey white stick is not far from the Kehra centre, in a pretty manorial park by a stream. Elements of the previous centres are evident here: windows are designed in one rhythmic line with screen openings and a ‘vaulted’ passage. Once, travelling by express train from Moscow towards Tallinn, I was surprised to see a familiar geometrical horizontal. White as a swan, I had time to think, and then it was gone. Looking back now, I perceive that my earlier works were surprisingly compact, energetic compositions. Practically all of them were composed with sacral perception. The Kehra centre has today indeed been taken over by a Christian congregation. Several people with extrasensory perception have claimed that in my previous life I must have been a priest-architect who built places of worship. This may well be. In any case, in making the first sketches of a project I often have a feeling that I am trying to remember something. Today, the feeling that I should turn to static and timeless compositions is getting stronger. The travels of Odysseus in the architectural circus of humankind no longer offer any creative satisfaction. This is confirmed in the titles of my latest works: Circular Temple in the Tallinn Prison, Buddhist Centre at Jälgimäe, and Nine Mandala Temples on River Thames in London. Back to architecture that constitutes a bridge between people and the universe - this is today my sincere wish.

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See, mis oli, on alati olnud See, mis on, on alati olnud

See, mis tuleb, on alati olnud

Louis Kahn

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Arhitektuur ei ole pärit siit ilmast Arhitektuuri olemus paikneb teispoolsuses Tänapäeva inimestel on blokeeringud peal ja neile ei ole antud pääsu teistesse dimensioonidesse Ainult üksikud sensitiivid, teadjamehed, mungad ja nn hullud omavad juurdepääsu loori taha Kujutan asja ette nii: nagu inimesedki, omavad universumi jõujoontega tihedalt koos-tööd tegevad templid, stuupad, mošeed ja püramiidid kõrgemat teadvust See tähendab, et selline ehitis on kui peegeldus teispoolsuses olevast kujundist Sellised arhitektuursed kujundid on tähtsad universumi ehituse osad Planeedile Maa ehitavad neid meediumitena toimivad preester-arhitektid, kes on alati eksisteerinud Need on teadjamehed, kes omavad hiigelsuurt intuitsiooni ja sidet Allikaga Võttes vastu kõrgemalt jõult saabuva projekti, joonistab taoline arhitekt selle visiooni üles ning paigutab õigesse kohta Järeletehtuna mõnes suvalises kohas taolised ehitised energeetiliselt ei tööta

Energeetilist hiigeljõudu omavad kõik kolm Giza püramiidi Egiptuses, samuti mit-med Niiluse ääres paiknevad templid nagu Horuse tempel Edfus, Krokodilli tempel Kom Ombos, Khnumi tempel Esnas, Philae tempel Isises ja Abu Simbeli kaljutempel Huvitaval kombel on viimasel tugev energeetika ka vaatamata hiljutisele paigastnihutamisele (tempel tõsteti mitukümmend meetrit kõrgemale pärast Assuani paisu rajamist – toim )

Nimetatud pühade ehitiste energiavälja koges allakirjutanu hiljuti Ka mullusügisesel reisil Itaaliasse kogesin mitut ülima energeetikaga objekti, millest tuleks nimetada Rooma Pantheoni ja sama kujundi “teistkordse ilmumise” tulemusel valminud Andrea Palladio poolt projekteeritud Villa la Rotondat Vicenzas Tallinnas on tugeva energiaväljaga Oleviste kirik, Aleksander Nevski katedraal ja elektrijaama korsten Kalamajas

Tänapäeva arhitektuurist näiteid tuues tuleb eelkõige nimetada Louis Kahni töid nagu Rahvuslik assamblee (Dacca, Bangladesh), Kimbelli kunstimuuseum Fort Worthis (Texas, USA), raamatukogu Exteris (New Hampshire, USA), dr Salki instituut (San Diego, USA), Perekonna Planeerimise Keskus (Katmandu, Nepaal), Juhtimisinstituut (Ahmedbad, India) 1901 aastal Saaremaal Kuressaare linnas sündinud Louis Kahn ongi parim näide eelpoolmainitud preester-arhitektist Aastal 1906 emigreerub ta perega USA-sse, võttes Eestist kaasa Saaremaa pühaliku atmosfääritunnetuse ja Kuressaare lossi kujundi, mis sööbis tema mällu “arhitektuuri olemusena” Vaadeldes Kahni ehitiste põhiplaane, on need kõik otsekui töötlused Lossi massiivsest ruudukujulisest kujundist Aastal 1928 külastab Kahn 27-aastasena uuesti sünnilinna, kus ta veedab sugulaste juures umbes kuu Arvatavasti täienevad siin lapsepõlvemälestused arhetüüpsest lossist ja Kuressaare meta-füüsilisest miljööst

Ameerikas elades töötas Kahn välja metakeele, millega ta kirjeldas oma töid Prag-maatilisele õhtumaalasele jäi tema põhisõnum arhitektuuri pärinevusest teispoolsusest tõenäoliselt arusaamatuks Sellele vaatamata avaldas ta oma maagilisusega Ameerika arhi-

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tektuuri olemusele tohutut mõju Tõelise tunnustuse sai ta aga Indias ja Bangladeshis, kus ta tunnistati suureks vaimseks guruks ja joogiks

Ka mehhiko arhitekti Luis Barragani ja vene arhitekti Konstantin Melnikovi tööd peegeldavad sagedust, mida omavad muistsed templid Melnikovi töödest on eriti mõju-kad arhitekti enda kahe lõikuva silindriga elamu, mida autor kirjeldab kui välku keset Moskvat Samuti Russakovi-nimeline töölisklubi Moskvas, mis on erakordse dünaami-kaga arhitektuuriteos Luis Barragani töödest tuleb nimetada ajatuna mõjuvaid eramut Los Clubas ning kabeli- ja konvendihoonet Mexico Citys Nii Louis Kahn, Konstantin Melnikov kui Luis Barragan olid sügavalt religioossed tänapäeva arhitektid

Mehhiko indiaanlase, teadjamehe Epifanio Ramirezi jutu järgi on arhitektuur alati jaotunud preestrite arhitektuuriks ja sõdalaste arhitektuuriks Inkade ja maiade juures õpetati arhitektuuri kahes kohas: templiarhitektuuri preestrite koolides, kõike ülejäänut, millesse kuulusid nii teatrid, koolid, elamud kui ka muusika ja poeesia, õpetati sõja-koolides Niisiis said ajatud teispoolsusest pärinevad ehitised arhitekti preestrite juurest, ülejäänu loojateks kujunesid aga sõjakoolide kasvandikud

Tänapäeva arhitektuuris kasutatakse üht ja sama arhitekti mõlema pooluse juures, kuid see on viga Kiriku projekteerija peab olema pühendunu, kelle võimed on kontrollitud – ainult siis hakkab tema ehitis tööle

Loomulikult tuleks pühaduse elementi kasutada ka muus arhitektuuris peale kul-tusearhitektuuri

Heaks näiteks on siinkohal indiaani tipi, mis ülitäiusliku ehitisena on kohandatav nii elamuks kui pühakojaks Ka juba mainitud Palladio Villa la Rotonda või Kahni assamb-leehoone Dhakas on oma olemuselt pigem pühakojad Võib ka nii arutleda, et vaimselt arenenud ühiskondades on kõik ehitised pühad

XX sajandi õhtumaa arhitektuur on oma põhiolemuselt materialistlik, peegeldades ühiskonna füüsilise kasule rajatud olemust Üksikutele andekatele objektidele vaatamata on selline arhitektuur destruktiivne, juurtetu nii planeedi Maa kui kogu universumi suhtes Vähesed õnnestunud ansamblid on kui eelkäijad uuele, vaimsusele rajatud arhitektuurile Aeg on aga muutumas, üha rohkem inimesi on leidnud või leidmas endale kõrgema jõu substantsi Homne arhitektuur saab olema harmooniline ja positiivne Sellises ühiskonnas ei ole arhitekt ennast maksma panev superego, vaid bambusetoruke Allika ja Maailma vahel, anonüümne Looja teenija, midagi taolist nagu keskaja templiehitajad või Lemuuria preester-arhitektid Arhitektuuri hakkavad määrama teadjate poolt paika pandud püha-mud (energeetilised keskused), kõik muu hakkab nendest objektidest lähtuma Pühamud on kui päikesed, mille ümber tiirlevad taevakehad Nii on arhitektuuri tehtud aegadest aegadesse Ja nii saab see olema ka tulevikus See ongi arhitektuuri olemus

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Kuressaare loss ja plaan.Kuressaare castle and plan.

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What was has always been,what is has always been,and what will be has always been.

Louis Kahn

Architecture is not of this world. The nature of architecture lies in the beyond. Today’s people are hopelessly blocked and have no access to other dimensions. Only a few with special sensitive powers, sages, monks and the so-called insane are able to reach behind the veil. I imagine things to be like this: similarly with people, the temples, stupas, mosques and pyramids which closely cooperate with the lines of force of the universe, posess higher consciousness. It means that such a building is like a reflection of an image on the other side. And the respective architectural images are significant parts of the construction of the universe. On planet Earth these are being built by priests-architects acting as mediums, and they have always existed. They are sages of acute intuition and connection to the Source. Accepting the project from a higher power, such an architect puts his vision on paper and places it in a correct location. Copied in a random place, these buildings will have no energy.

All three pyramids of Giza in Egypt posess huge energetic force, as do several temples by the Nile, e.g. Horus temple in Edfu, the Crocodile temple in Kom Ombo, Khnum temple in Esna, Philae Isis temple and the rock temple of Abu Simbel. Interestingly enough, the latter retained its strong energy even after being moved (the temple was raised a few dozen metres after establishing the Assuan dam – Editor.).

The undersigned recently had the chance to experience the energy fields of these sacred places. In my travels in Italy last autumn I also perceived several objects with immense energy, of which I would like to mention the Roman Pantheon and Andrea Palladio’s Villa la Rotonda in Vicenza that was created as a result of the ‘second emergence’ of the same image. Among the buildings with a strong energy field in Tallinn are St Olof’s Church, Alexander Nevski Cathedral and the chimney of the power plant in Kalamaja.

Talking about today’s architecture, we should first of all mention the works of Louis Kahn, such as the National Assembly (Dacca, Bangladesh), the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth (Texas, USA), library in Exter (New Hampshire, USA), Dr Salk’s Institute (San Diego, USA), Family Planning Centre (Kathmandu, Nepal), Institute of Management (Ahmedbad, India). Louis Kahn, who was born in 1901 in the town of Kuressaare in Saaremaa, is in fact the best example of the afore-mentioned priest-architect. In 1906 his family emigrated to the USA, and he took with him the sacred perception of atmosphere from Saaremaa and the image of the Kuressaare castle, which was embedded in his memory as the ‘nature of architecture’. Examining the main plans of Kahn’s

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buildings, they all seem like variations of the massive square image of the castle. In 1928, at the age of 27, Kahn visited his native town again and spent around a month there with relatives. His childhood memories of the archetypal castle and the metaphysical milieu of Kuressaare must have been greatly enhanced.

In America Kahn worked out his own meta-language to describe his works. To a pragmatic Occidental, his chief message about architecture originating from the beyond probably remained a mystery. Despite that, his magic exerted an enormous impact on the essence of American architec-ture. He was, however, truly recognised in India and Bangladesh, where he was proclaimed a great spiritual guru and a yogi.

The works of the Mexican architect Luis Barragan and the Russian architect Konstantin Melnikov also reflect the frequency of ancient temples. Of the latter’s work, the most impressive is perhaps his own house with two crossing cylinders that the author describes as lightning in the middle of Moscow. Also the workers’ club named after Russakov in Moscow, a piece of architecture with exceptional dynamics. Luis Barragan’s best works include a private house in Los Cluba that has an absolutely timeless effect, and a chapel and a convent in Mexico City. Louis Kahn, Konstantin Melnikov and Luis Barragan were all deeply religious contemporary architects.

According to the sage Epifanio Ramirez, a Mexican Native American, architecture has always been divided into the architecture of the priests and the architecture of the warriors. Inkas and Mayas taught architecture in two places: temple architecture at priests’ schools and everything else – including theatres, schools, houses and also music and poetry – was taught at military schools. The timeless buildings originating from the beyond therefore got an architect amongst the priests, whereas the rest was created by members of the military schools.

Today’s architecture uses the same architect in both poles, but this is a mistake. The designer of a church must be a devotee whose abilities have been tested – only then will his building come alive. The element of sanctity should naturally be used in other type of architecture as well, and not only in cult architecture.

A good example is a Native American tipi that as a perfect construction can function both as a residential and prayer house. The already mentioned Palladio’s Villa la Rotonda or Kahn’s Assembly House in Dhaka are essentially places of worship. Or we could argue that in intellectually advanced societies all buildings are sacred.

The 20th century Occidental architecture is essentially materialistic, reflecting the nature of society based on physical profit. Despite a few talented objects, such architecture is destructive, root-less in regard to the planet Earth as well as to the entire universe. The few accomplished ensembles are like harbingers of a new architecture that relies on spirituality. Times, however, are changing, an increasing number of people have found or are finding some substance of higher power. The architecture of tomorrow will be harmonious and positive. In such a society architect is not a self-assertive superego, but a small bamboo pipe between the Source and the World, an anonymous

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creator-servant, something like medieval temple builders or Lemurian priests-architects. Architecture will be determined by sacred buildings (energy centres) supervised by the sages, and everything else will derive from them. Sacred buildings are like suns with celestial bodies rotating around them. Architecture has always been made along these lines. And this is how it will be in the future as well. This, in fact, is the very nature of architecture.

Torn Samarras.Tower in Samarra.

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Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Kolme Torni Maja Tallinnas, 2006Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. House of Three Towers in Tallinn, 2006.

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Kohtumised jõuga

“Inimese silmad võivad täita kahte funktsiooni: üks on näha energiat üldiselt, universumis voolavana, ja teine on “vaadata asju selles maailmas”. Kumbki neist funktsioonidest pole teisest parem; kuid silmade treenimine ainult vaatamiseks on siiski häbiväärne ja asjatu raiskamine”.

Carlos Castaneda, “Ajaratas”

2003 aasta suvel hakkasin projekteerima budistlikku keskust Jälgimäele Pikkade otsingute ja skitseerimise tulemusel hakkasin sisenema paljulubavasse loomingulisse seisundisse Suhtlemine Eesti budistidega ning siinse laama Sanghjega juhatasid mind skeemideni, mis hakkasid sisaldama kummalist jõudu Ühel päeval muutus lahendus absoluutselt sümmeet-riliseks Piklik müüriga piiratud reduut koosnes eesõuest, sellele järgnevast templist ja seda ümbritsevatest kahekordsetest tiibhoonetest ning nendevahelistest õuedest Tagumisele õuele tekkisid kaks kuldse tooniga klassikalist stuupat ning nende vahelt langes trepp reduudi tagumisse osasse, kus paiknes ruudukujuline mandala-aed

Aia keskseks kujundiks sai koonusekujuline mandala-tempel, mida piirasid vesi, müüritised, muru, lilled ja neli püramiidjat paviljoni ruudu tippudes Toetudes klassika-listele budistlikele teadmistele ja olles pidevalt ühenduses budistidega, eriti arhitekt Tiivi Torimiga ning omaenda üliõpilastega, kes lahendasid kursusetööna sama ülesannet, jõudsin lõpuks plaanini, mis hakkas mu sees helisema Midagi nii intensiivset ja puhast polnud ma varem kogenud Ehitis muutus mu sisemuses meditatsiooniobjektiks ning tekkinud stabiilne õnnetunne kestis ühtlasena kuid ja kuid Vanuses 55 olin üle elanud sügava sisemise muutuse Hindasin ümber praktiliselt kõik eluväärtused, olin leidnud ühenduse Jõuga Uus arhitektuur, mida hakkasin nimetama spirituaalseks või energeetiliseks arhi-tektuuriks, tekkis minu uuestisünni kaasproduktina

Järgmine töö selles valdkonnas oli kontseptuaalne projekt “9 Mandala Templit Londonis, Thamesi jõel”, mis valmis ajalehe “Human” tellimusel ja oli arhitektuurinäi-tuse “Greetings From London” osa Mul õnnestus elu sisse puhuda üheksale tsentraalsele kujundile, mis kõik mahtusid kuupi 12x12x12 m ning olid mõeldud ajutiste installatsioo-nidena ujuma Thamesi jõele Nagu ka teiste projektide puhul, tuleb siin ära märkida noore arhitekti Armin Valteri arvutigraafikat Reeglina saabub Jõud eelkõige skitsi, teine plah-vatus käib tavaliselt fotomontaažil, hetkel, kui toimub kujundi ja koha enegiate liitumine

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Etapiliseks tööks spirituaalse arhitektuuri arengus kujunes ümartempli projekt Tal-linna Vanglale Õppisin Tallinna Vanglat tundma alates 2003 a suvest, kui hakkasin vabatahtlikuna osalema vangla tugirühmade töös Vähesed Tallinna elanikud aimavad, et peaaegu kesklinnas asub müstiline suletud linn oma tänavate, väljakute, spordisaali, katlamaja ja kirikuga Ehitised on hallist tellisest, sekka mõned valgeks lubjatud pikad kastid, isetehtud metallist putkad, sillad, redelid, väravad ja korstnad Üle betoonmüüride paistavad Tallinna tornid, kõrged pargipuud, maanduvad lennukid ja lõpmatult muutuvad pilved Ümartempli visioonid kandusid nagu iseenesest vangla peaväljaku keskele ning leidsid juhtkonnas ning vangide hulgas sooja vastuvõtu Projekti seletuskirjast võib lugeda: “Oranži ringtempli maht vastandub olemasolevate valgete seinte, puude ja juhuslike objektidega See on nagu UFO, mis on maandunud vangla õuele Ringtempel on ener-giatorn, mis vahendab meile kosmilist energiat Ringikujuline ruum (d = 7,4 m) langeb tsentri suhtes astmeliselt Tsentris on silindrikujuline alus ja sellel asetseb suur küünal Ülalt tuleb valgus otse tsentrisse läbi klaaskupli Templis viiakse läbi kõikvõimalikke reli-gioosseid rituaale, siin mediteeritakse, korraldatakse luuleõhtuid, AA ja NA koosolekuid, kuulatakse spirituaalset muusikat jne Oma olemuselt meenutab tempel varakristlikku katakombi, indiaanlaste tipit või idamaade stuupat Energeetiline tempel on mõeldud vangide loovuse vabastamiseks, kurjade vaimude ja deemonite eemalepeletamiseks ning positiivse vaimse välja tekitamiseks ”

Vanglaprojekti järel tekkis lühikese ajavahemiku jooksul terve rida energeetilise arhitektuuri lahendusi Koos partneri Ain Padrikuga valmisid Kolme Torni Maja Tallin-nasse Narva maanteele ning spiraalne tornelamu Tartusse Emajõe kaldale, Päästearmeele Kirik-Töökoda Paljassaarde ja Kodutute Laste Päevakeskus Kopli Jogurtitehasesse ning kabel Viljandi Metsakalmistule (kõik kolm koostöös Taavi Kaldaruga)

Oluliseks projektiks kujunes Valguse Tee kiriku lahendus Tallinnasse Keerukas programm ja koht tingisid arhitektuuri, kus olid ühendatud Malevitši dünaamika ja muistse templi raskepärasus Jõud sisenes projekti, kui ühinesid kiriku idast läände suunduv horisontaalne telg ja tsentraalse kupli ja kantsliga määratud vertikaalne telg

Viimaste spirituaalsete projektidena tuleks märkida kabelit Huuksi mõisaparki ja tempelelamut Suurupisse Esimene neist püüdis Huuksi mõisaparki tekitada rea kujundeid, mis aitaksid taastada mõisa energeetikat Mõisa peahoone keskme asukohale projekteeriti kabel ning kogu peatelg pikiti selliste objektidega nagu puidust väravaehitis, ringi tsentris olev obelisk, kabel, skulptuur ja rea lõpus ansambli tähtsaim puu, looduskaitse all olev hiigelsuur kuusk

Huvitaval kombel tekkis kabeli skitsidesse jõud alles pargi peatelje kasutuselevõt-misega Klõks, ja jõud oligi kohal Nii lihtsalt jõuabki kosmiline energia arhitektuuri – kõigepealt arhitekti skitsi ja sealt edasi juba valmisehitusse Erinevalt teistest loojatest

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (75)


Vilen Künnapu. Tempelelamu Suurupis, 2006.Vilen Künnapu. Temple house in Suurupi, 2006.

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(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (77)


teeb preester-arhitekt selliseid skitse teadlikult Ta kasutab oma kompositsioonides püha geomeetriat ja muid igavesi salateadmisi Skitsid valmivad pideva sõnatu palve ja medi-tatsiooni seisundis vaikuses ja suures tänutundes Looja vastu Projekt valmis ühe arhitekti projektina teisele arhitektile Kolleeg Toivo Tammik tellija rollis valmistas ette ülesande, mille täitmine pakkus allakirjutanule hiigelsuure rahulduse

Tempelelamu projekt on hetkel valmimas ja selle tellijaks budist ja kirjanik Ülo Mattheus Rajatava elamu asukoht on hea energiaväljaga tühi lagendik kõrgel paeklindil Suurupis Ringist, kaheksanurgast ja ruudust komponeeritud maja põhiplaan meenutab mandalat Toad on paigutatud ümber kahekorruselise maja südamiku, mille esimene korrus kujutab endast eluruumi ja teisel korrusel paiknev raamatukogu on käsitletav pühapaigana Mandala tsentrit tähistab silindriline püramiid pühamu keskpunktis ning selle kohal asuv klaaskupliga torn Püramiid kujundatakse altarina ja selle tipus paikneb ida suunda vaatav Buddha kuju Ümber tsentri on kohad mediteerijatele, pikal ümaral seinal asuvad raamaturiiulid Kogu krunt meenutab väikest budistlikku keskust – mandalat ümbritseb metsik aed, kaks valget stuupat ja viilkatusega majandushoone krundi taga-küljel Hoone väliskuju on hea energeetiline antenn kogu ümbrusele, mandala plaaniga siseruum moodustab harmoonilise keskkonna nii perekonna igapäevaseks eluks kui ka meditatsiooniks

Taoliste energeetiliste projektidega tegelemine on kujunenud mulle sisemiseks vaja-duseks Ma justkui suhtleksin endast väljaspool oleva jõuga, vahendades ümbrusele pee-nema sagedusega energeetikat See on rituaal, mis annab arhitektile ja kõigile asjaosalistele suure meelerahu ja sisemise tasakaalu Tunnen, et tegemist on pika tee algusega, ainult üksikud nimetatud projektidest on ehituses või sinna peatselt minemas Ilmselt ootavad ees uued templiprojektid, mis keeruliste kosmiliste aparaatidena koguksid ja fokuseeriksid universaalset energiat umbes nii, nagu seda tegid muistsed püramiidid, Hiina pagoodid, Tiibeti stuupad ja maagilised keldi kivirõngad Maailm on muutumas spirituaalsemaks ja tõenäoliselt vajavad uued inimesed ka uut ruumi, kus toimetada Paistab, et toimumas on midagi Olulist

Vasakul: Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik. Tigutorn Tartus, 2008.Left: Vilen Künnapu. Snail Tower in Tartu, 2008.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (78)


Encounters with power

Man’s eyes can fulfill two functions: to see energy in general, flowing in the universe, and the other is to “see things in that world”. Neither of these functions is better than the other; but to train eyes for nothing else but seeing is shameful and a pointless waste.”

Carlos Castaneda “The Wheel of Time”

In summer 2003 I began designing a Buddhist centre at Jälgimäe. As a result of a long search and extensive sketching I slowly and gradually entered a promising creative state. Communication with Estonian Buddhists and the local lama Sanghje directed me to the schemes that acquired a peculiar power. One day the solution became absolutely symmetrical. An oblong redoubt surrounded by a wall consisted of a front yard, the temple was enveloped by two-storey wing buildings with yards in between. Two classical golden-hued stupas stood in the back courtyard and steps led from between them to the furthest part of the redoubt with a square mandala garden. The central image of the garden was the cone-shaped mandala temple encircled by water, walls, lawn, flowers and four pyramid pavilions in the corners of the square.

Relying on classical Buddhist knowledge and in constant contact with the Buddhists, especially with architect Tiivi Torim and my own students, who tackled the same problem as their course task, I finally reached the plan that began resounding inside me. I have never experienced anything quite so intense and pure. The building turned into an object of meditation inside me, and the subsequent stable sensation of happiness lasted for months. At the age of 55 I had experienced a deep inner change. I re-assessed practically all values in life, I had found a connection with Power. The new architecture that I called spiritual or energetic architecture, emerged as a by-product of my rebirth.

The next work in this field was the conceptual project “9 Mandala Temples in London, in River Thames”, completed on the commission of the paper “Human” and formed a part of the architectural exhibition “Greetings from London”. I managed to revive nine central images, which all fitted into a cube of 12x12x12 m and were meant as temporary installations floating on River Thames. As in other projects, I would like to point out the computer graphics of the young architect Armin Valter. As a rule, the Power seeps into the sketch, another explosion usually occurs in photo montage, at the moment when the energies of the image and the place merge.

A work that progressed by stages in the development of spiritual architecture was the project of the Round Temple for the Tallinn Prison. I learned more about the Prison from the summer of 2003 when I started volunteer work in the support groups. Few people in Tallinn have any idea that almost in the middle of the city there is a mysterious closed town with its streets, squares, sports

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (79)


hall, boiler-house and church. The buildings are of grey brick, with some whitewashed long boxes in between, self-made metal sheds, bridges, ladders, gates and chimneys. Above the concrete iron walls the inmates can see the towers of Tallinn, tall trees in parks, the descending aeroplanes and endlessly changing clouds. The vision of the round temple seemed to move as if by itself into the centre of the main square of the prison, and was as such warmly approved by both the administration and the prisoners. The explanatory letter of the project says: “The bulk of the orange temple opposes the existing white walls, trees and occasional objects. It is like a UFO landed in the courtyard. The temple is a tower of energy that transmits cosmic energy to us. In relation to the centre, the circular room (d = 7.4 m) descends by stages. The centre has a cylinder-shape basis with a huge candle on top. Through the glass dome above, light falls right into the centre. People organise various religious rituals in the temple, meditate, arrange poetry evenings and meetings of AA and NA, or listen to spiritual music, etc. Essentially, the temple resembles an early-Christian catacomb, American Indian tipi or an Oriental stupa. The temple of energy is aimed at liberating the creative nature of the inmates, repel evil spirits and demons and create a positive field.”

After the prison project, several solutions of energetic architecture emerged one after the other within a short period of time. Together with partner Ain Padrik we completed the House of Three Towers in Tallinn on Narva Road and a spiral tower block in Tartu by River Emajõgi, the Salvation Army Church-Workshop in Paljassaar and the Day Centre for Homeless Children in Kopli yoghurt factory and a chapel at Vil-jandi Forest Cemetery (all three in cooperation with Taavi Kaldaru).

A significant project was the one for the Path of Light Church in Tallinn. A complicated prog-ramme and location required architecture which united the dynamics of Malevich and the heavy features of an ancient temple. The power entered the pro-ject when the east-west

Vilen Künnapu. Päästearmee kirik-töökoda Paljassaarel, 2005.Vilen Künnapu. Salvation Army church-workshop in Paljassaare, 2005.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (80)


horizontal axis of the church joined the vertical axis determined by the central dome and the pul-pit.

The last spiritual projects include a chapel in Huuksi manorial park and a temple building in Suurupi. The first tried to produce a row of images in the park, which would help to restore the energy of the manor. The chapel was designed at the core of the main building of the manor, and the whole axis was lined with objects such as a wooden gatehouse, an obelisk in the centre of the circle, a chapel, a sculpture and to finish the row, the most important tree of the ensemble, a huge spruce that is under protection. Interestingly, the power appeared in the sketches of the chapel only after we made use of the main axis of the park. Snap – and the power was there. This is all it takes for the cosmic energy to flow into architecture – at first into the architect’s sketch and then into a completed building. Unlike other creators, a priest-architect produces such sketches knowingly, on purpose. In his compositions he uses the holy geometry and other eternal secret knowledge. The sketches emerge in the state of silent prayer and meditation, in silence and in gratitude to the Creator. The project was born as a project from one architect to another. My colleague Toivo Tammik in the role of a client provided the task, the fulfilment of which afforded me the greatest of pleasures.

The temple house project is very nearly ready, commissioned by the Buddhist and writer Ülo Mattheus. The location of the residential house is an empty area with an excellent energy field on a high limestone klint in Suurupi. The ground plan of the building composed of a circle, an octagon and a square, resembles a mandala. The rooms are placed around the heart of the two-storey house, where the ground floor is residential and the library on the first floor can be taken as a place of worship. The mandala centre is marked by a cylindrical pyramid in the middle of the sacred place and by a tower with a glass dome above it. The pyramid is designed as an altar, with an east-facing figure of Buddha on top of it. People can meditate around the centre, bookshelves line the long round wall. The whole complex is like a small Buddhist centre – mandala is encircled by a wild garden, two white stupas and an economic house with a gable roof at the back. The exterior of the building is a good energetic antenna for the entire neighbourhood, the interior with the mandala plan forms a harmonious environment for the daily life of the family, as well as for meditation.

Working with similar energetic projects has become a necessity for me. I have a feeling as if I was communicating with a power standing outside me, mediating energy of finer frequency to the surrounding world. This is a ritual that secures total peace of mind and an inner balance to the architect and all participants. I perceive this as a beginning of a long journey, only a few of the above-mentioned projects are being built or will soon be. There will probably be new temple projects, which as elaborate cosmic machinery would gather and focus universal energy, like ancient pyramids, Chinese pagodas, Tibetan stupas and magic Celtic stone circles. The world is becoming more spiritual and the new people are obviously going to need new space. It seems that something Momentous is under way.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (81)


Valge Pallike veetis aega Universumi ühisväljas Ta oli selle loomulik osa Vahel harva saatis Absoluut ta mõnele planeedile, kus Pallike kehastus mingiks füüsiliseks olevuseks Viimase miljoni aasta jooksul olid miskipärast sagenenud tema ümbersünnid väikesele planeedile nimega Ma See planeet ei olnud elamiseks kaugeltki kõige parem koht, kuid oli veelgi hullemaid Oma ümbersündides planeedile Ma pidas Valge Pallike tavaliselt arhitekti ametit ehitades planeedile energeetiliselt olulisi objekte nagu püramiidid, sfinksid, kivirõngad, stuupad ja pagoodid Oma viimasel ümbersünnil kandis Valge Pallike arhitekt Steineri nime ja ehitas hallidest telliskividest looma- ja linnufarme väikeses Astoria riigis Kalkuni-, kana- ja seafarmid olid jõuliselt arhetüüpsed ehitised – pikad küünid pikitud silindrjate silotornide ja kuubikuliste viljahoidlatega Erilise jumalaaparaadi moodustas aga viljakuivati – Steiner ehitas neid Astoria põldude äärde ja oli õnnelik Siis aga vahetus Astorias võim, ühismajandid likvideeriti ja Steineri farmid jäid tühjalt seisma Mõned tüübid ajalehtedes hakkasid koguni nende lammutamist nõudma Steiner hakkas suurest murest jooma ja kokaiini tarvitama Kiirelt saavutas ta oma põhja ja muutus prükka-riks Elades juba mitu kuud prügikastis avastas ta kord, et keegi oli sinna tordi visanud Arhitekt hakkas isukalt torti sööma ja ei märganudki metallkonteineri luugi avanemist Keegi vanamutt hakkas oma solgiämbrit tühjendama Solk kukkus Steinerile lagipähe, vanamutt märkas seda ja hakkas ehmatusest karjuma Steineriga aga juhtus imelik asi Ta peas ja südames selgines miski, ta oleks nagu jõudnud mingisse teise dimensiooni Kõik tundus äkitselt värviline, soe, rõõmus ja hea Arhitekt Steiner oli saanud valgustuse Ta ronis konteinerist välja ning alustas uut elu

Valge Pallikese uskumatud seiklused

planeedil Ma

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (82)


Uue inimesena tunnetas ta kogu aeg Valget Pallikest, mis asus tema rinnapiirkonnas Ta oli võimeline Pallikesega kõnelema ja temalt nõu küsima Ta oli nüüd võimeline vaatama ümbritsevat maailma kusagilt ülevalt Ta nägi, et planeedil Ma ei olnud asjad kaugeltki korras Paljud inimesed ajasid taga rikkust koormates ennast ebavajalike asjade ja ehitistega Nad rüüstasid planeedi pinnast otsides sealt maavarasid Koledad sisepõ-lemismootoriga masinad saastasid kohutavalt atmosfääri Rikkust taga ajavad inimesed olid üksteise peale kadedad ning nad ei uskunud Kõrgemat Jõudu Sellistele inimestele vastandusid teised inimesed, kes kutsusid ennast intelligentideks Nad kritiseerisid aja-lehtedes planeedi ökoloogilise tasakaalu rikkujaid, kuid samal ajal rikkusid seda tasakaalu ka ise Nende kõige suuremaks patuks oli uhkus ja isekus Nad ei uskunud Jumalat, vaid pidasid selleks iseenda aju, mis pidevalt mingeid konstruktsioone välja mõtles Tegelikult olid nad mõnes mõttes rikkuritest isegi hullemad Oma isekuse ja pideva ironiseerimi-sega tekitasid nad planeedile rohkem negatiivset energiat kui suitsevad masinad Steiner märkas ka neid, kes hoolitsesid planeedi püsima jäämise eest Planeedile tagasid sideme ühisväljaga üksikud valgustunud koduperenaised, mõned säilinud loodusrahvaste suguha-rud ning vaesete maade arvukad elanikud, kellede vaimne sagedus ülikõrget spirituaalset amplituudi näitas Viimasel ajal jäi sellest aga väheks ja planeet Ma oli üsna lähedal oma hukule Ka kirikud ja religioossed sektid olid siin võimetud Eraldi võttes jõudsid neist nii mõnedki ühisvälja tunnetamiseni, kuid omavaheline rivaalitsemine vähendas tulemust silmnähtavalt

Planeedi ellujäämise eest vastutavad pühamehed olid Steinerit juba märganud Nad avastasid, et Steineril oli ülisuur bioväli ning ravija võimed Eriti oluline oli aga Stei-neri oskus oma ravijavõimeid kasutada läbi ehitiste Kõik tema tehtud konstruktsioonid kiirgasid jumalikku energiat, mis parandas nii inimeste kui ka taimede ja mineraalide seisundit Ühel õhtul koputasid kolm suguharupealikku arhitekti uksele Temalt telliti hiiglasliku Nelja Tuule Templi eskiisprojekt Järgnevad aastad paigutas Steiner kogu oma energia templitesse Valmis võimas mandalaehitis, mille keskmeks oli amfiteatrikujuline ümar meditatsioonisaal, selle ümber paiknesid arvukad õued, basseinid, auditooriumid ja aiad Tempel oli mõeldud ühendamaks erinevaid religioone ja uskumusi Ehitamine oli võtnud arhitekt Steinerilt kogu pühendumuse ja ta tundis, et tema missioon planeedil Ma hakkab lõppema Ta sulges end suure templi kõrval asuvasse väiksesse ümartemplisse ja alustas meditatsiooni Peagi ühines ta enda sees oleva Valge Pallikesega ning lahkus oma füüsilisest kehast Valge Pallike alustas pikka lendu koju

•Paremal: Vilen Künnapu. Kollaaž, 2006.

Right: Vilen Künnapu. Collage, 2006.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (83)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (84)


Möödus miljon aastat Valge pallike oli ammu oma ümbersünnid lõpetanud Sellegipoo-lest meeldis talle Universumis ringi hõljuda ja erinevaid taevakehasid külastada Kord sattus ta planeedile Ma ja märkas suureks rõõmuks, et sellel olid toimunud märgatavad muutused paremuse poole Planeet oli läbi elanud mitu teljenihet ja sellel elav tsivili-satsioon oli võrreldes Steineri-aegsega palju arenenum Kadunud oli suitsevad masinad, intelligendid, rikkad ja vaesed Kolme meetri pikkused harmoonilised inimesed elasid armastuses üksteise ja looja vastu Liigeldi kosmilise energia jõul Selle energia abil ehitati ka templeid, koole ja hiigelsuuri skulptuure Valge Pallike laskus ühe püramiidi tippu ning vajus meditatsiooni Ta teadis, et jumalik areng toimub hea ja halva võitluse tulemusel See, et planeedilt Ma oli halb kadunud ei tähendanud, et halb oli üldse kadunud Ma elanikud olid nüüd ühisvälja osadena Universumi võimsaimad asukad Nende ülesandeks oli vahendada peenenergiat kõiksuse pimedamatesse soppidesse Toimus lõputu jumalik evolutsioon ja Valge Pallike tundis, et on osa sellest Veelgi enam, ta tundis et lahustub kõiksuse hurmavas sageduses ning muutub Absoluudiks

The Incredible Adventures of the Little White Ball on Planet Eart

The Little White Ball spent its time in the common field of the Universe. It was a natural part of the field. Sometimes, not very often, Absolute dispatched it to a planet or another, where the Little Ball personified a physical creature of various kinds. For some reason, during the past mil-lion years, its incarnations on the small planet called Eart had become quite frequent. That planet was not at all the best place for living, although there were others much worse. In its incarnations on planet Eart, the Little White Ball usually had the job of an architect, building energetically significant objects, such as pyramids, sphinxes, stone rings, stupas and pagodas. During its latest incarnation, the Little White Ball was known as architect Steiner, and he built animal and poultry farms of grey bricks in a small state of Astoria. Farms for turkeys, chicken and pigs were powerfully archetypal constructions – long barns with articulated cylindrical silos and cubic granaries. The grain dryer, however, was a specially divine apparatus – Steiner built them by the fields of Astoria, and was happy. But then the power changed in the country, collective enterprises were closed down and Steiner’s farms were abandoned. Some people even demanded in the papers that they should be demolished. Frustration pushed Steiner to alcohol and cocaine. He quickly degenerated and became

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (85)


a homeless outcast of society. One day, after having lived in a garbage bin for a few months, he found that someone had thrown away a large cake. The architect eagerly tucked into it and failed to notice when the lid of the metal container suddenly opened. An old woman poured her garbage in, which landed right on Steiner’s head. The woman saw that and started screaming. In the meantime, a strange thing happened to Steiner. Something clarified in his head and in his heart, he seemed to have reached another dimension. Everything suddenly appeared colourful, warm, cheery and good. Architect Steiner was enlightened. He climbed out of the container and started a new life.

As a new man, he was constantly aware of the Little White Ball located in his chest. He could talk with it and seek advice. He was now able to observe the surrounding world from somewhere above. He saw that things were far from perfect on planet Eart. Many were chasing wealth and burdened themselves with unnecessary items and buildings. They ravaged the planet’s soil in search of natural resources. Dreadful machines equipped with internal-combustion engines badly polluted the atmosphere. People chasing wealth envied one another and did not believe in Higher Power. Then there were quite different people, who called themselves intelligentsia. In the press they criticised those who damaged the planet’s ecological balance, although they damaged the balance themselves too. Their biggest sins were pride and selfishness. They did not believe in God, relying on their own brain that kept inventing new constructions. In a sense, they were even worse than the rich. With their selfishness and constant irony they produced more negative energy than the smoking machines. Steiner also noticed those who kept the planet going. Connections between the common field and the planet were secured by some enlightened housewives, a few tribes of primitive races and the numerous populations of poor countries whose mental frequency showed astonishingly high spiritual amplitude. Recently, however, all that was hopelessly insufficient, and planet Eart stood on the brink of destruction. Churches and religious sects were powerless as well. Taken separately, quite a few managed to perceive the common field, but mutual rivalling reduced the results considerably.

The holy men responsible for the survival of the planet had already noticed Steiner. They found that Steiner possessed a huge bio-field and powers of a healer. What was especially significant was Steiner’s ability to use his powers in buildings. All his constructions emanated divine energy that improved the state of people, plants and minerals. One evening, three tribal chiefs knocked on the architect’s door. He was asked to produce a sketch design for a huge Temple of Four Winds. During the coming years, Steiner invested all his energy in temples. He completed a mighty mandala house, centred around an amphitheatre-shaped meditation hall, surrounded by numerous courtyards, pools, auditoriums and gardens. The temple was supposed to unite different religions and beliefs. The building had required total dedication from architect Steiner, and he felt his mission on planet Eart was drawing to a close. He shut himself into a small round temple besides the big temple and began his meditation. Soon he joined the Little White Ball inside him and departed from his physical body. The Little White Ball set off on a long journey home.

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•A million years passed. The Little White Ball had long since finished his incarnations. He

nevertheless liked to float around in the Universe and visit various celestial bodies. One day he found himself on planet Eart and saw to his great joy that great improvements had taken place there. The planet had gone through several shifts of axis and the civilisation was much more advanced from the one at Steiner’s time. The polluting machines, the intelligentsia, the rich and the poor had all vanished. Three-metre tall harmonious people led a life filled with love for one another and their creator. They moved on cosmic energy. The same energy helped to build temples, schools and huge sculptures. The Little White Ball descended on top of a pyramid and sank into meditation. He knew that the divine development occurred as a result of struggle between the good and the evil. The fact that evil had vanished from planet Eart did not mean that evil had vanished altogether. The people of Eart as part of the common field were now the most powerful inhabitants of the Universe. Their task was to convey fine energy to the dark corners of the Universe. The infinite divine revolution was underway and the Little White Ball felt he was part of it. Moreover, he felt himself dissolving in the delightful frequency of the universe and turning into the Absolute.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (87)


Minu raamatukogu

Öeldakse, et heal juhul elab inimene elu jooksul üle neli suurt muutumist Minu viimane suur muutumine toimus neli aastat tagasi See oli raske ja valuline transformatsioon Hakkasin tajuma, et universum on terviklik organism ja mina olen selle osa Hakkasin tajuma, et universum on igavene ja ka minu hing on igavene Sain järsku aru, et kõik on energia – ka aeg, ruum, mõte, inimene, puu ja kivi Kõik on energia ja kõik elab Hakkasin maailma tajuma energeetiliselt

Tahes-tahtmatult kajastus see muutus ka minu raamatukogu üldpildis Peaaegu ter-viklikult kadusid ilukirjandus, filmid, plaadid ja kassetid Domineerima hakkasid vaimsed raamatud, vana kunst ja arhitektuur Informatsiooni saan tänasel päeval ühisväljast, une-nägudest, meditatsioonist, inimestest ja ei-tea-isegi-kust See lihtsalt antakse Seetõttu on raamatute osakaal minu elus praegu väike Loen neid, et saada kinnitust sellele, mida tajun niigi Hästi huvitavad on vene teadlaste-esoteerikute teosed – E Muldašev, A Nekrassov, V Goch, V ja T Tihoplav, G Sõtin, jt Loen neid nii vene kui ka eesti keeles

Minu lektüüriks on ka Uus Testament, India ja Tiibeti pühad raamatud, Carlos Castaneda, Gunnar Aarma, Lille Lindmäe, pühakute elulood, indiaanlaste Taiaratas Uurin raamatuid pühast geomeetriast, templite, püramiidide ja maamärkide arhitektuu-rist, samuti albumeid Ida-Aasia ehituskunstist, kus käsitletakse stuupade, pagoodide ja mitmesuguste muude mandalaehituste arhitektuuri Mul on üks DVD Kambodža maa-gilise balleti etendusest, plaat Taivani budistlikust templimuusikast ning kassett indiaani rituaalimuusikast

Tänapäeva tekstidest on armu leidnud kirjanikud nagu R Brautigan, C Bukowski, P Auster, M Heinsaar ja A Elbing Kunstialbumitest on mul mõned toredad konst-ruktivistide ja Bauhausi raamatud Olen avastanud, et konstruktivismil ja pop-kunstil on suur side läbi kollaaži Lisaks pop-kunsti albumitele on mul mõned head raamatud de Chiricost, transavangardi maalikunstist ning uusimast fantasy-maalikunstist Žurnaalidest loen arhitektuuriajakirja Urban China, millele ka ise kaastööd teen

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (88)


My library

According to popular belief, man goes through at best four major changes in his life. My last radical change happened four years ago. It was a difficult and painful transformation. I began to sense that the universe was a compact organism and I was one part of it. I began to sense that the universe was eternal and my soul was eternal as well. I suddenly realized that everything is energy – including time, space, thought, man, tree and stone. Everything is energy, and everything lives. I started to perceive the world energetically.

Inevitably, this change was also reflected in my library. Fiction, films, CDs and tapes disap-peared almost entirely. These were replaced by spiritual books, old art and architecture. Today, I receive my information from the common field, dreams, meditation, people and heaven-knows-whence. It is simply provided. The role of books in my life is therefore rather small. I read them to find confirmation to what I perceive anyway. The works by Russian scientists-esoteric authors are fascinating – E. Muldashev, A. Nekrassov, V. Goch, V. and T. Tihoplav, G. Sytin, and others. I read them both in Russian and Estonian.

My reading matter also includes the New Testament, Indian and Tibetan sacred books, Carlos Castaneda, Gunnar Aarma, Lille Lindmäe, lives of saints, Taiaratas (wheel of?) of American Indians. I explore books about sacred geometry, architecture of temples, pyramids and landmarks, as well as albums about East Asian architecture of stupas, pagodas and various other types of mandala buildings. I have a DVD with a performance of Cambodian magical ballet, a CD of Taiwan’s Buddhist temple music and a tape of American Indian ritual music.

Among modern literature, some writers are irresistible, such as Richard Brautigan, Charles Bukowski, Paul Auster, Mehis Heinsaar and Andrus Elbing. I am the proud owner of a few fine books about Constructivists and Bauhaus. I have found that Constructivism and pop art are firmly united via collage. Besides pop art albums, I have some excellent books about de Chirico, trans-avantgarde painting and the newest fantasy-painting. My favourite magazine is the architectural Urban China, to which I also contribute.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (89)


Arhitekt Steiner ja Jumal

Steineri elu oli möödunud nii, et ta ei mõelnud Jumala peale Tema huvi metafüüsilise kunsti ja arhitektuuri vastu oli pigem nähtus, mis mahtus esteetika valdkonda Kord nooruses, kui Steiner projekteeris ühes suurettevõttes hanefarme, näidati talle noort ja sportlikku inseneri ja öeldi, et see mees on usklik Steiner vaatas inseneri ja oli vapusta-tud Kuidas siis nii? On usklik ja käib kirikus Kuidas on see võimalik – küsis ta endalt

Möödusid aastad Steineri ego muudkui kasvas ja kasvas Ta hakkas kõvasti jooma ja kangeid rahusteid tarvitama Tema loominguline aktiivsus oli kõrge, kuid iga saavutusega kaasnesid uued ja uued annuseid erguteid Mees tundis, et kriis läheneb

Kord teatas Steineri partner NiaKirdap Bar Raban talle, et ühel väikesel saarel toi-mub indiaanilaager ning sellele järgneb mingi salapärane öine tseremoonia Steiner oli kahevahel, kas minna või mitte Siiski pakkis ta reisikoti, võttis kaasa hunniku raamatuid ning astus pühapäeva hommikul kalapaadile, mis mootori popsutades suuna saarele võt-tis Koos indiaanlastega ehitati üles tipi, seati korda laagriplats Õhtu saabudes tõmbusid inimesed eri nurkadesse justkui ennast millekski tähtsaks ette valmistades Steiner küsis ühelt kenalt noormehelt, kas seal saab raske olema? “Sõltub, kui hea inimene sa oled,” kõlas vastuseks Steineri imestunud näo peale lisas noormees, et ärgu Steiner muretsegu, kõik osalejad on indiaanipreestrite poolt läbikatsutud inimesed

Tseremoonia algas kell üksteist Kuus indiaani roadmani ja umbes kakskümmend Steineri kaaslast istusid ringis ümber kotkakujulise lõkke Pidevad trummirütmid, pühad laulud ja palved, päripäeva ringis liikuvad pühad esemed ja lõpuks püha aine Etoiep ise

Esimesed tunnid tundis Steiner ennast üsna ebamugavalt Siis järsku algas midagi ülimalt ootamatut Ta justkui tõusis õhku ja kandus mingisse teise reaalsusesse See oli midagi sellist, millele inimkeeles ei ole seletust Ta nägi midagi suurt Ta nägi iseennast koos oma ego, sõltuvuste ja hirmudega Steiner hakkas saabuma tagasi reaalsusesse Teda olid vastu võtmas kaks teemantitena hõõguvat võimsalt kiirgavat silma Indiaanipreester Snerol võttis ta vastu nagu kosmoselaeva Tahad veel Etoiepit, küsis mees muheledes Steiner oli kogenud midagi erakordset Hommikul väljus tipist hoopis teine mees, tema intellektile toetuv mina oli pragunenud ja kokkuvarisenud Järgnevad päevad kõndis Stei-ner mööda saart ringi justkui tehes midagi uut ja tähtsat Ta sai aru, et teispoolsusesse ta oma patte ja sõltuvusi kaasa võtta ei saa Steineri vaimne muutumine oli saanud alguse

Möödus kolm aastat Steiner oli saanud lahti alkoholist, kuid tabletiringist väljumine näis võimatuna Siis tuli suvi, kus arhitekt oli kuu aega ilma tablettideta See oli võimatult

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (90)

Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade I. Akvarell paberil, 2009.View of Santorini I. Watercolour on paper, 2009.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (91)


raske Ta peaaegu et ei maganud, süda ja pea lõhkusid valutada Kuu aja pärast oli ta päris otsa lõppenud, kuid sisemuses toimus suur puhastumine

Ühel õhtupoolikul kõndis ta üle lossimäe ja märkas äkki midagi ootamatut Paekivist kindlusloss oli hakanud järsku elama Vähestest akendest vaatas välja ehitise vaim Steiner oli üle elanud järjekordse ülemeelelise elamuse Ta hakkas uuesti tablette võtma Lõplik kriis saabus talvel Steiner tundis ennast järsku halvasti

Töökaaslased panid ta kabineti sohvale pikali ja kutsusid kiirabi Lebades sohval, tundis Steiner, et ta hing hakkab tema seest lahkuma “Kuidas siis nii?”, mõtles ta Kas ongi juba kõik? Ta ei teadnud ühtegi palvet, kuid leidis siiski mineku jaoks sobiva rituaali Steiner kujutas ette, et on koduõues kasvava seedripuu tipp Ta samastus puu ülemiste okste ja okastega Juhtus midagi imelist Valud rinnus ja peas lakkasid, tema enesetunne muutus ülimalt meeldivaks ja õndsaks Ta justkui eemaldus millestki ja hakkas sisenema suurde valgusküllasesse tunnelisse Õndsus ja turvatunne suurenesid Surisev keha tundus olevat temast kaugemal

Läbi udu kostusid kiirabiauto sireenid ja Steiner mõtles, et tuleks ots ringi pöörata, muidu teevad nad seda elektrišokkidega niikuinii Ta sisenes taas reaalelu sagedusse ning jälle trummeldas ta meelekohtadel ja südames oli suur valu Arstid tegid talle süsti ja viisid ära kiirabihaiglasse Steiner oli läbinud oma surma ja pöördunud tagasi uude ellu Ta oli kogenud, et tema hing on igavene, et sealpoolsus on tegelik reaalsus, et surma pole olemas

Steiner töötas välja tablettide vähendamise graafiku Seitsme kuuga pidi kogus vähe-nema nullini Ühel kevadpäeval tundis Steiner, et väljub narkomaaniast ja sel hetkel sai ta ühenduse kõrgema jõuga Ühendus Jumalaga oli suur, tugev ja stabiilne Jumal oli tema jaoks energiaväli, millesse sisenedes ta saavutas ühenduse kõiksusega Sellesse seisundisse jäi ta algul tundideks, siis päevadeks ja lõpuks oli ta seal pidevalt Augustis võttis ta viimase tabletiveerandi Ta oli tundmatuseni muutunud Suurenenud kehakaal, rahulik kõnema-neer, vaikne kõnnak - kõik see kõneles uuest inimesest Arhitekt tundis, et hetkel, kui ta on ühenduses jumala väega, ei saa teda ükski negatiivne asi tabada

Kord sattus Steiner kristlikku kirikusse ja talle meeldis seal väga Liturgilised laulud panid ta nutma Egiptuses kohtas ta õnnelikke moslemeid, kes märkasid kohe tema religioossust “Kas sa oled koraani lugenud?”, küsisid nad Ka indiaanlaste higistamistse-remooniad liigutasid Steinerit hingepõhjani Hindude valgusmeditatsioonid, budistide mandalakultus, eesti nõidade hiietsetemooniad – kõik see oli üks Steiner ei saanud üldse aru, miks erinevad jumalamehed omavahel tülitsesid Jah, teed mäetippu on erinevad, kuid tipp on ikkagi üks ja seesama, mõtles ta Steiner avastas, et tema uute sõprade hulgas on endiseid kurjategijaid, nn hulle, nõidasid, preestreid, üks Oscari nominendist filmi-režissöör ja endine miss Aasia Ateistlikud poeedid, kunstnikud ja filosoofid olid kuskile kadunud Steiner ei vajanud neid enam

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (92)


Arhitekt hakkas külastama üht vanglat ja ehitas selle peaväljakule punase ümartempli Tal lubati selles läbi viia mitmesuguseid tseremooniaid Steiner nägi, et tema religioossus nakatab ka vange See asjaolu pani ta südame rõõmust kiiremini tuksuma Koos partneri NiaKirdap Bar Rabaniga ehitasid nad mitu templit Astoria maakohtadesse ning ühe kõrge spiraaltorni, mis paiknes väikelinna Utrati keskpunktis Arhitektid mõistsid, et armastuse energia, mida nad oma projektidesse panevad, hakkab tuhandekordse suurendusega val-misehitatud projektidelt ümbrusele kiirgama Steiner tajus ka, et teatud geomeetrilised kujundid ja nende kombinatsioonid seisavad Jumalale eriti lähedal

Steineri vaimne areng kulges tohutu intensiivsusega Teda jälgis vaimne õpetaja Alusru, vastasel korral oleks ta lihtsalt hulluks läinud Ühel päeval tundis arhitekt, et ring on täis saanud ja temast endast sai vaimne õpetaja Ta kuulutas:



Steiner tunnetas Jumalat kui kõrgemat armastuse välja Inimene, kes saab ühenduse väljaga, on kõikvõimas ja puutumatu Ta ei tee ise halba ja talle ei saa keegi teine halba teha Alandlikkus ja isetus on aga juurdepääsuteeks selle ülimalt kõrge võnkesagedusega välja juurde Armasta Jumalat, armasta ligimest, armasta loomi, armasta loodust, armasta iseennast – nii mõtles Steiner

Ühel õhtupoolikul peatus ta auto metsataguses bensiinijaamas Steiner märkas letil CD-d pealkirjaga “Rahutu Tuhkatriinu” Õndsat muusikat kuulates taipas ta järsku, et on lõpuks leidnud endale Jumala asemiku maa peal Väike plaadike hakkas teda saatma kõikjal ta reisidel Tasus ainult nupule vajutada, kui kõlaritest kostus malbe tütarlapsehääl, mis laulis nii:



Steineri silmad täitusid tänupisaratega, ta vaatas tõusvat päikest ja loojuvat kuud, ta vaatas rahulikku merd ja pilvi selle kohal ning tundis, et on lõplikult õnnelik

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (93)


Architect Steiner and God

Steiner had spent his life never thinking about God. His interest in metaphysical art and architecture was more like a phenomenon that could be categorized in the field of aesthetics. However, once, when young Steiner was working for a large firm, projecting goose farms, they pointed to an athletic young engineer, explaining that the man was religious. Steiner looked at the engineer and he was stunned. How could it be? He was religious and went to church. “How is it possible?” he asked himself.

Years passed. Steiner’s ego grew bigger and bigger. He started drinking heavily and taking strong tranquillisers. He was creatively very active, but there were new drug doses accompanying his every achievement. The man felt that he was coming to a crisis.

Steiner’s partner NiaKirdap Bar Raban once told him about an American Indian camp held on a small island, followed by some mysterious nocturnal ceremony. At first Steiner hesitated whether to go or not. He finally packed his bag, took a pile of books with him, and one Sunday morning stepped on a fishing boat that started up its engine and headed towards the island. Together with the Indians they built a tepee and set a campsite. When evening came, people became self-absorbed, like preparing for something. Steiner asked a nice young man whether it was going to be difficult there. “Depends on how good you are as a person,” the answer was. Noticing Steiner’s surprised face, the young man added that Steiner wouldn’t have to worry, as every participant had already been tested by the American Indian priests.

The ceremony started at eleven. Six American Indian roadmen and about twenty Steiner’s companions were sitting in a circle around the eagle-shaped fire. There were continuous drum rhy-thms, sacred songs and prayers, holy objects passed on clockwise, and finally the sacred substance Etoiep itself.

During the first hours Steiner felt rather uncomfortable. Then suddenly something totally unexpected happened. He felt like taking off the ground and levitating into another reality. It was something that cannot be explained in human language. He saw something vast. He saw himself with his ego, his addictions and fears. Steiner was returning to reality. There were two strongly radiant eyes meeting him there, glowing like diamonds. The Indian priest Snerol welcomed him back like a spaceship. “Want some more Etoiep?” the man asked, smiling. Steiner had experienced something extraordinary. It was a completely different man stepping out of the tepee the next morning. His ego that had rested on his intellect had cracked and collapsed. In the next few days Steiner walked around on the island, as if doing something new and important. He realised he couldn’t take his sins and addictions to the Beyond. Steiner’s spiritual change had begun.

Three years passed. Steiner had quit drinking, but getting out of the cycle of pill-taking seemed impossible. Then the summer came when the architect spent a whole month without pills. It was intolerably hard. He almost didn’t sleep at all; his heart and head were hurting terribly. In one month he was totally exhausted, but there had been an enormous purification inside.

One afternoon he was walking over the castle hill and noticed something unexpected. The

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (94)


limestone castle had suddenly become alive. The spirit of the building was looking out from its few windows. Steiner had gone through another psychic experience. He started taking pills again. The eventual crisis arrived in winter. Suddenly Steiner was not feeling well. His colleagues helped him lie down on a sofa in his office and called an ambulance. Lying there on the sofa, Steiner felt that his soul was leaving him. “How can it be?” he wondered. “Is this it?” He did not know any prayers, but he still managed to find a suitable ritual for going. Steiner imagined he was the top of the cedar tree in his home garden. He identified with the top needles and branches of the tree. Something marvellous happened. Pains in his chest and head stopped and were replaced by a very pleasant and blissful feeling. It was as if he was moving away from something and entered a wide tunnel full of light. Bliss and feeling of security became stronger. His buzzing body appeared to be somewhere further away from him.

Through the haze Steiner could hear the sirens of the ambulance and thought: I should turn back, or they will do it with electric shocks anyway. He returned to the frequency of real life and again, there was a sharp ache drumming in his temples and heart. Doctors made him an injection and took him away to a hospital. Steiner had gone through his own death and turned back to a new life. He had experienced that his soul is eternal, that the Beyond is an actual reality and death does not exist.

Steiner worked out the schedule for reducing the pill-consumption. In seven months the quantity of pills was supposed to be reduced to zero. One spring day Steiner felt that he was emerging out from drug addiction. The same moment he gained a connection with the higher power. The connec-tion with God was great, strong and stable. To Steiner, God was an energetic field he entered to get connected to the entirety. At first he stayed in that state for hours, then for days, until finally he was in it all the time. In August he took the last quarter of a pill. He had changed beyond all recognition. Increased weight, calm speaking tone and silent walk – everything spoke of a new person. The architect felt that from the moment he became connected to the power of God, nothing negative could harm him.

Once Steiner visited the Christian church and he liked it very much. Liturgical songs made him cry. In Egypt he met happy Muslims, who noticed his religiousness at once. “Have you read the Koran?” they asked. Ritual sweating ceremonies of American Indians also moved Steiner to the bottom of his soul. Hindu light meditations, Buddhist Mandala cult, ancient grove ceremonies of Estonian witches – all that was the same thing. Steiner did not understand why different men of God were quarrelling. Indeed, there are different paths that lead to the peak of the mountain, but the peak itself is the same, he thought. Steiner discovered that his new circle of friends included former criminals, the so-called madmen, witches and priests, as well as an Academy Award-nominated film director and the former Miss Asia. Atheist poets, artists and philosophers had disappeared. Steiner did not need them any more.

The architect started visiting a prison and built a red circular sanctuary on its main square.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (95)

Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade II. Akvarell paberil, 2009.View of Santorini II. Watercolour on paper, 2009.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (96)


They let him carry out different ceremonies there. Steiner saw that his religiousness inspired the prisoners too. That made his heart beat faster with joy. Together with his partner NiaKirdap Bar Raban they erected several sanctuaries in the counties of Astoria, as well as a spiral tower in the heart of the small town of Utrat. The architects realised that the energy of love they put into their projects radiated from the finished projects to the surrounding environment with thousand times bigger strength. Steiner also perceived that certain geometric forms and their combinations stood especially close to God.

Steiner’s spiritual growth was extremely intensive. He was observed by the spiritual mentor Alusru, otherwise he would have just lost his mind. One day the architect felt that the circle had become complete and he became a spiritual mentor himself. He announced:



Steiner perceived God as a higher field of love. A person who gains a connection with that field becomes omnipotent and immune. S/he does not do any harm and s/he cannot be harmed by anyone else too. The keys to that field with extremely high oscillation frequency are humbleness and selflessness. Love God, love your fellow-being, love nature, love yourself – thus thought Steiner.

One afternoon Steiner stopped his car in a petrol station in the middle of the woods. He noticed a CD “Restless Cinderella” on a counter. Listening to that blissful music, he suddenly realised that he had finally found God’s substitute on earth. From that moment on, that small disc was accompanying him on all his journeys. You only had to push the button to hear a soft girl’s voice from the speakers, singing:



Steiner’s eyes filled with tears of gratitude. He looked at the rising sun and the setting moon. He looked at the silent sea and the clouds above and felt ultimately happy.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (97)


Epifanio intervjuu (August Künnapu, Vilen Künnapu) Ursula Liblikasega

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (98)


Millal hakkasid peale sinu ümbersünnid planeedil Maa?Kui välja minna maistest mõõtmetest, siis kaob ära selline mõiste nagu “aeg” Ajas saab ennast määratleda ajalooliste sündmuste järgi Viimaseid on aga raske määratleda, kui sa mäletad enda hinge tekkimist siis, kui ei olnud olemas Maad

Kus sa olid enne Maa teket?Ühisväljas nii, nagu me pea kõik olime Kõige esimene füüsiline mälu on seotud Siiriuse planeedil olevate olenditega Neil oli oma teadvustatud vaimne seisund, milles nad suutsid areneda Kehastumine tekib siis, kui vaim korjab endale peale koorma, taaga Kui on vaja lahendada asju nii, et ainult hingest enam ei piisa, siis hakkab inimene kehastuma Ta korjab enda ümber piisavalt palju eksimusi, õigemini kogemusi Ükski eksimus ei ole eksimus, vaid need on kogemused meie elus

Oskad sa midagi elda oma Lemuuria-eelsetest kehastumistest?Jaa, ma mäletan iseennast loomana Tavaliselt teevad inimesed läbi arengu Igal inimesel on olemas oma kristalliline olemus, oma taimne olemus, oma loomne olemus ja lõpuks inimlik areng inimese kehas Mäletan, et olen suur must, endast väga heal arvamusel olev emane panter, kes lamab oksa peal Ja siis ma järsku tajun, et tuleb saak Mul ei ole kõht tühi, aga tekib jahiinstinkt Olen kohe-kohe valmis hüppama

Idamaalased kardavad loomana sündida. Kas on see üldse võimalik?See on peaaegu võimatu Kuigi eldakse, et oma raskete eksimuste pärast minnakse arengus tagasi, on see vaid puhkepaus edasiminekul Mõnikord inimesed sünnivad tagasi looma-desse, kui nad ei suuda taluda inimlikke emotsioone Šamaanid räägivad, et on olemas üleminekuetappe surma ja äramineku vahelisel perioodil, kus inimene läheb korraks lemmiklooma kehasse, et veel pere keskel olla On olnud selliseid juhtumeid, kus vaim on läinud koera või roti sisse, et inimesi mingi õnnetuse eest hoiatada

Teeme nüüd noppelise jalutuskäigu sinu erinevatesse inimkehastustesse pla-needil Maa. Minu varaseimad mälestused inimkehastusena siin planeedil on Lemuurias Nii Atlan-tis, Lemuuria kui algne Rooma olid linnriigid Vaeseid või rikkaid oluliselt eristada ei olnud võimalik Osad inimesed olid oma positsioonilt rohkem vastutavad, aga neil ei olnud rohkem õigusi Kuna aeg oli teise tihedusega, käis Lemuurias hästi palju erinevate galaktikate esindajaid Ka lemuurlastel olid omad liikumisvahendid, millega käidi teistel planeetidel

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (99)


Kasutati energiat, mille poole kõik teadlased praegu püüdlevad - vaakumis tekib teatud protsesside puhul uus tohutult vabastav energia Väga palju kasutati ka päikese-energiat

Mõte, tahe ja enesekontsentratsioon olid hoopis teisel tasemel, kuna aja kontsent-ratsioon oli väiksem ja energia liikus kiiremini Inimesed ise dikteerivad aja kulgemist ja aja tihedust oma mõtetega Inimesed räägivad “nii kiire nii kiire on” ja sellega nad tihendavad aega ning läheb veelgi kiiremaks Ja veel vähem suudavad nad oma mõtte ja energiaga liikuda

Kui paljud inimesed on tänapäeval võimelised ajas rändama?Neid ei olegi tegelikult nii vähe Üks ainuke eeldus on: sa pead lubama oma mõtted vabaks Sa ei tohi ennast piiritleda ainult selle eluga siin Tuleb aktsepteerida seda, et kõik meie ümber on energia Iga materiaalne asi koosneb mingitest molekulidest ja aatomitest

Väga palju sõltub usust Kui minna tagasi Lemuuriasse, siis preestrinna (Ursula sealne elukutse) ei olnud seal mingi religiooni või usulise talitluse vahendaja Preestrinna oli see, kes suutis vahendada erinevate sageduste ja jämedustega energeetikaid ja muuta need inimestele vastuvõetavaks Tänapäeval on vähe neid preestreid, kes suudavad jumalikku vaimu maa peale tuua See on haruldane anne, nagu ka teiste mõtete lugemine, mis on küll arendatav

Ma tean, et mu Lemuuria elule peavad olema eelnenud ka mingid etapid Oleksin Lemuurias saanud kõik etapid kokku võtta ja uuesti mitte kehastuda Ma tegin seal ühe eksimuse ja sellele järgnes, nagu mu tuttav ütles, “ainult 400 000 aastat kannatust”

Maisetest eludest viimane oli mul väga maine See oli ajajärgus 1760–1780, suured reformid Venemaal Alustasin nn talupoegade reformi, lastes talupojad vabaks Olin (mehena kehastunud) mõisnik, kes õukonnas eriti heas kirjas ei olnud, mistõttu mind küüditati Peterburist teise mõisa Uuralite taha

Kas 400 000 aasta jooksul on veeuputusi ja muid katastroofe palju olnud?Nii Lemuuria kui Atlantise kadumise põhjuseks olid suured veeuputused Kolmas vee-uputus on ilmselt tulemas, kui inimesed ei muuda oma suhtumist Aga ma ei armasta tulevikku vaadata Kui seal on midagi halba, hakkad sa selle peale mõtlema ja teed selle halva veel suuremaks Kui seal on midagi head, mõtled sa selle peale ja kui ta ükskord käes on, ei olegi ta enam nii hea, kui ta oleks tulnud ootamatuna Ka astroloogid räägi-vad, et kõikvõimalikud loodusõnnetused ja katastroofid Maal suurenevad Inimkond sb iseenda saba oma ellusuhtumise ja kesise säästlikkusega Kuna Maa peal on kolm korda nii palju inimesi, kui ta suudab ära toita, siis peab toimuma midagi, mis seda inimkonda vähendab

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (100)


Mis on religiooni olemus?Religioon ei oma tähtsust Toetun papa Kirsi (preester Emmanuel Kirss – toim) ütlusele: “Õiget religiooni siin Maa peal veel ei ole Kõik on ainult sektid, ka suured usundid ” Usk ei puutu üldse religiooni, see on seisund meie sees See ühtib ka ajasrändamise teemaga Tasub elda ainult kaks sõna: MA USUN, ja asi hakkab liikuma

Ursula Liblikas

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (101)


Millest see tuleneb, et inimesed ei usalda enam üksteist?Inimesed on alati veendunud, et õige on ainult see, mida nemad tunnevad Kui inimese ego on kõrge, siis ei suuda ta ennast seada teise inimese positsioonile Tuleb uskuda oma hingejõudu ja uskuda, et ka teiste usk on õige, sest nemad usuvad oma usku Usk ei puuduta ainult vaimset arengut, vaid ka meie igapäevast toimetulekut, enesehinnangut ja enesekindlust

Suurem ebausaldamine hakkas siis, kui inimesed kolisid koopast välja ja läksid majja elama Niikaua, kui inimesed elasid ringikujulises struktuuris (koobas, püstkoda), oli energeetiline infovahetus korras Majadega kaasnesid juba positsioonid, rikkus, materiaalne konflikt Tekkisid perekonnad, enam ei olnud ühtset tunnet

Arhitektuur peab toetama inimlikku ja maist füüsilist energeetikat Näiteks Lemuurias oli geomeetria paigas nii linnaruumis, templites, kirikutes kui administratiivhoonetes ja elumajades

Räägime sealsetest olevustest.Lemuurlane on hästi pikk (7–8 m) ja suur Seal oli ka kääbuseid ja inimesi, kes suutsid end nähtamatuks teha Mäletan ühte meduusilaadset olendit, kellel jooksid elektrilised juhtmed kehast läbi Hästi huvitavad olid sujuvalt liikuvad valge nahaga, ilma kõrvadeta ja karvkatteta albiinod Ka mütoloogilised olendid nagu ükssarv ja kentaur olid seal reaalselt olemas Need olendid eksisteerivad ka praegu, kuid teises energeetilises sageduses

Räägime Shambalast.Tiibeti Himaalajas, kus on Värav erinevate maailmade vahel, elavad valgusolendid, kellel on kontakt nii Universumi kui Maa peal olevate kõikide energeetiliste süsteemidega Kui Shambalasse sisse saada, on võimalik leida vastuseid absoluutselt kõikidele küsimustele eldakse, et on mõningat laadi informatsiooni, mille jaoks ei ole inimkond veel valmis Inimestel hoitakse silma peal ja neil ei lasta esialgu hukkuda Vähesed on võimelised ühendust võtma Shambala tarkadega, kes on seal viibinud miljoneid aastaid somaatilises seisundis

Milline on nõidade osakaal erinevate rahvaste seas?Soomeugrilastel on nõidade kontsentratsioon kõige tihedam, eriti eestlastel ja Põhja-Venemaa rahvastel 80% eestlastest on nõiad või alateadlikud nõiad, kuna meis on aas-tatuhandete jooksul segunenud viikingite, keltide, venelaste, sakslaste, poolakate jt veri Skandinaavias on vähe nõidu, ent nad on väga tugevate võimetega Tiibetis ei ole nõi-dade kontsentratsioon kõige tihedam Väike on see ka hiinlastel, kelle jäigad rahvuslikud traditsioonid ei arenda loovust ja hinge Indiaanlastel ei ole edasiminekut, kuna neil ei

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (102)


ole järeltulijaid Sellepärast nad tulevadki Eestisse (6 aastat on Naissaarel ja Pärnu lähistel korraldatud indiaani laagrit – toim) Indiaanlased ei ole siiani andestanud ameeriklastele, kuna neile ei ole tagasi antud jõu kohti ja pühasid paikasid Ka eestlased peaksid üles otsima oma iidsed pühad hiied jm energeetilised paigad Tuleb hoolitseda looduse, loo-made ja kogu keskkonna eest Ei aita palvetamine mda vertikaalset telge, kui samal ajal reostatakse loodust

Kuidas eestlased saaksid paremini oma vaimseid võimeid välja tuua?Lõpetagu prahi loopimine metsa alla!

Ursula Liblikas (1969–2009) alias Karuliblikas oli silmapaistev Eesti nõid, teadjanaine ja sotsiaaltöötaja Ursulat iseloomustas kunstnikuvaist, tugev taju ja võime nägijana liikuda ajas

Interview with Ursula Liblikas

80% of Estonians are witches or subconscious witches, because for thousands of years, the blood of the Vikings, Celts, Russians, Germans, Poles etc has blended in us.

When did your reincarnations on planet Earth start? When we abandon earthly dimensions, the notion ‘time’ disappears. It is possible to determine yourself in time according to historical events. The latter, however, are difficult to determine if you remember how your soul was born when Earth did not exist.

Where were you before Earth appeared? In the common field as we almost all were. The first physical memory is connected with creatures on planet Sirius. They had their own conscious mental state in which they could develop. Incarnation occurs when the soul takes upon itself a load, a burden. If soul is no longer enough to solve things, man begins to incarnate. He gathers a sufficient amount of errors, or rather experience, around him. No error is really an error, but experience in our lives.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (103)


Can you say something about your pre-Lemurian incarnations? Yes, I remember myself as an animal. People usually go through a development. Everybody has his own crystal nature, plant and animal nature and then finally a human development in a human body.

I remember being a huge, black, quite conceited female panther, lying on a branch of a tree. And then suddenly I feel that prey is approaching. I am not hungry but a hunter’s instinct instantly grabs me. I am about to jump.

Orientals are afraid of being born as animals. Is it at all possible? It is almost impossible. Although it is said that grave errors take you back in your development, it is merely a pause in the progress. People are sometimes born back into animals when they cannot bear human emotions. The shamans claim there are transition stages in the period between death and departure where man briefly enters the body of the pet so as to spend more time within his family. There have been cases where the soul has entered a dog or a rat in order to warn people against a disaster of some sort.

Let us peep into some of your incarnations on planet Earth. My earliest recollections of human incarnation on this planet are from Lemuria. Atlantis, Lemuria and the first Rome were city states. It was almost not possible to distinguish between the rich and the poor. Some had more responsibility but they did not have more rights. As time had different consistency, a large number of representatives of other galaxies visited Lemuria. Lemurians had their own means of transport as well to travel to other planets.

They used energy that today’s scientists are keen to find – a new liberating energy emerges in vacuum in the course of certain processes. Sun energy was used a lot too.

Thought, will and self-concentration were on a quite different level, because the concentration of time was not as big and energy moved faster. People dictate the progress and density of time with their thoughts. People say they are ‘in a hurry in a hurry’ and thus condense time and as a result they are even in a greater hurry. And the less they can travel with their thought and energy.

How many people are able to travel in time today? Not too few, in fact. The only precondition is: you must liberate your thoughts. You must not limit yourself with the current life here. We have to accept that everything around us is energy. Each material thing consists of molecules and atoms.

Much depends on faith. Going back to Lemuria, the priestess (Ursula’s job there) was not a mediator of any religion or religious rite. The priestess was able to mediate energies with different frequencies and thickness, and make them acceptable for people. There are few priests today who could bring divine spirit to earth. This is a rare talent, just as reading other people’s thoughts, which can actually be developed.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (104)


I know there must have been other stages before my Lemuria life. In Lemuria, I could have assembled all my stages and not go through an incarnation again. I made a mistake there, to be followed, in the words of a friend, by a ‘the mere 400,000 years of suffering’.

The last of my terrestrial lives was very terrestrial. It was around 1760–1780, drastic reforms in Russia. I started the so-called peasant reform, liberating the peasants. I was (incarnated as a man) a manor lord who was not in the good books at the court, so I was deported from St Petersburg to another manor beyond the Urals.

Have there been many floods and other catastrophes over 400,000 years?Floods were the reason for the disappearance of both Lemuria and Atlantis. The third flood is probably on its way if people do not change their attitude. But I don’t like to peep into future. When there is something bad, you start pondering about it and thus make it even worse. When you see good to come, you think about that and when it finally comes, it is no longer so good as it would have been as a surprise. Astrologers are also saying that all kinds of natural calamities and catastrophes on Earth will increase. Humankind is devouring its own tail with its attitude to life and little sustainability. Today’s Earth is inhabited by three times more people than it can actually feed so something must happen to reduce the population.

What is the essence of religion?Religion is not important. I rely on father Kirss’ saying (priest Emmanuel Kirss – ed.): “There is no right religion on Earth as yet. They are all sects, even the bigger faiths.” Faith has nothing to do with religion, it is a condition inside us. This also connects with the topic of time travel. Suffice it to say two words: I BELIEVE, and things start moving.

Why do you think people no longer trust one another?People are always convinced that only what they feel can be right. When someone’s ego is too big he cannot see anything from another person’s perspective. We should believe in our spiritual power and have faith in other people’s belief because they believe in their faith. Faith does not only concern mental development, but also our daily coping, self-evaluation and confidence. Deeper mistrust started when people moved out of caves and settled in houses. As long as people lived in a circular structure (cave, conical lodges), the energetic exchange of information functioned properly. After houses came positions, wealth, material conflict. Families emerged, and the common feeling vanished.

Architecture must support the human and earthly physical energy. Geometry in Lemuria, for example, was in place in urban space, temples, churches, administrative buildings and residential houses.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (105)


Let us talk about the creatures over there.A Lemurian is very tall (7-8 m) and big. There were also midgets and people who could become invisible. I remember a medusa-like creature with electric wires running through its body. The white-skinned smoothly moving albinos without ears and hairs were very interesting. Mythological creatures such as unicorn and centaur existed there as well. They in fact still exist but at another energetic frequency.

Let us talk about Shambala.In the Tibetan Himalayas where there is the Gate between different worlds, live creatures of the light who are in contact with all energetic systems in the Universe and the Earth. Once in Sham-bala, all questions will be answered. It is said that humankind is not yet ready for some sort of information. An eye is kept on people, they are not allowed to perish now. Only very few are able to establish contact with the sages of Shambala who have been there in a somatic condition for millions of years.

What is the share of witches in different nations? The concentration of witches in Finno-Ugrian peoples is the highest, especially in Estonians and peoples in North Russia. 80% of Estonians are witches or subconscious witches, because for thous-ands of years, the blood of the Vikings, Celts, Russians, Germans, Poles etc has blended in us. Scandinavia has few witches but they are powerful. In Tibet the concentration of witches is not that dense. Like in China where rigid national traditions do not develop creativity and soul. There is no progress for the American Indians because they have no descendants. This is why they come to Estonia (a camp of American Indians has taken place on Naissaar and near Pärnu for 6 years – ed). American Indians have not forgiven the Americans as they have not got back their places of force and sacred locations. Estonians should find their sacred groves and other places of energy as well. We must take care of nature, animals and the entire environment. Praying along the vertical axis will not help if nature is being polluted at the same time.

How could Estonians best cultivate their mental powers? Stop dumping rubbish in the forest!

Ursula Liblikas (1969–2009) alias Karuliblikas was an outstanding Estonian witch, sage and social worker. Ursula is characterised by an artistic sense, a strong perception and an ability to travel in time as the one who sees.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (106)


Lühiintervjuu luuletaja Andrus Elbinguga

Andrus, mida mäletad oma varajasest lapsepõlvest?Ema, joodikust isa, joodikust võõrasvanaisa, onusid ja tädi Me elasime suures maamajas, kus viin keeras elu peapeale, kuid mul olid ka oma kohad, kus ma mängisin, mereäärsed kadastikud ja mets, mis oli mul igat sorti onne täis ehitatud Mõned varemed on ehk siiani alles Ja, mäletan veel, et lumehanged olid üle pea

Mida mäletad kooliajast?Ma olin murelaps, kes ei suutnud reeglitega leppida, ei suuda siiani, kuid ma püüan Kooliajast mäletan veel pidevat koolide vahetamist, hulkumist, see oli aeg, kus tulid juba esimesed seaduserikkumised, ma olin pidurdamatu

Miks sattusid vanglasse?§§§ 199, 118, 274

Räägi oma vaimsest uuestisünnist.Selle kohta ma ei leia sõnu, sest see on seotud

kõrgema jõuga See lihtsalt juhtus siin

Mida hindad muusikas?Kui mo naha all hakkavad ringi jooksma tuhanded sipelgad, kananahk tuleb ihule ja ihukarvad tõusevad püsti – vot seda ma hindangi

Mida hindad luulekunstis?Vabadust

Mida võib hea luule inimes-tele anda?Ma ei tea, see on indivi-duaalne, ehk kergust

Poeeti küsitles Tallinna vanglas Vilen Künnapu

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (107)


Mida tunned peale luuletuse ilmutamist?Tunnen kokkupuudet kõrgema jõuga

Millisena näed tuleviku kunsti (luulet, muusikat jt kunste)?Sinna, kuhu läheb ühiskond, läheb ka kunst, aga seda ma ei tea, kuhu ühiskond läheb

…kirikut?Jumal jääb ikka Jumalaks

…arhitektuuri?„Star Warsi” oled näinud?

…küla?Ma loodan, et küla siis üldse eksisteerib

…suurlinna?Sa pead ikka „Star Warsi” vaatama

…Saaremaad (Elbingu sünnikohta – toim)?Ma usun, et Saaremaa on ikka omal kohal

…vanglat?Robotiseerunult, mente ei ole

Milline tahad olla kolmekümneselt, viiekümneselt, seitsmekümneselt?Olla see, kes ma siis olen

Milline on sinu sõnum vanglast?Mo luule ongi mo sõnum vanglast

Andrus Elbing on luuletaja, kelle loomingut on varem ilmunud ajakirjas “Vikerkaar” 10/11 2004 ja ajalehes “Ihminen” veebruar 2005 Ta vabanes Tallinna Vanglast aastal 2007

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (108)



Ma olen laev,millele kodusadamat ei leia Ma olen röövel,kes võib võtta sult leiva

Ma olen rändur,kes rändab ilma sihita Ma olen patune,kes saab läbi ilma pihita

Ma olen tuul,mis täna OST, homme SüD Ma olen inspireeritud,siin, praegu ja nüüd

Ma olen astuja,kel jalge all tundmatu tänav Kuradile homne,ma elan vaid täna


Las minna kõik, mis on,vabaks argipäeva koormustest Tuuled hingest viigu tolm,vabaks oma piinlevast loovusest

Vabaks need kramplikud käed,mis kinni hoiavad materiaalsest doonusest Vabaks, hei, kas näed,elu ei koosnegi aint materiaalsest soojusest

Vabaks mineviku pattudest,mo halba nime võid nüüd lugeda päikese loojusest Vabaks tänava katkudest,ma loobun kriminaalhooldusest

Aeg on astuda puhastustulle,vabaneda mind ümbritsevast raudsest soomusest Tulest välja tullesolen läbi kantud tuultest ja merede hoovustest -vabaks argipäeva koormustest

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (109)



Reaalsuses olen elumalet mängidesüks lõksu jäänud ettur,illusioonides olen kes tahes,Vormsi-Ennvõi mõni korrumpeerunud poliitikust pettur Illusioonides võin reisida kuhu iganes,võin katsuda keelatut oma käega,reaalsuses saan ainult ringi hängidamööda robotiseerunud argipäeva Reaalsuses tuleb mul astudamööda betoneeritud rada,illusioonides iga kell kõigistja kõigest olen vaba Illusioonides tunduvad mulle sõbralikud kõik bastid,reaalsuses vahivad mo’ga tõttigat laadi värdjad, maniakid ja pederastid Reaalsus on depressiivne,muld aina nooremaid ohvreid AIDS’ilt pärib,ma olen veel terve noormees, kuid nüri ajahammasmind iga päevaga aina valusamini närib Illusioonides saan minna tagasi aega,kus olin veel pisem,reaalsuses põgenen ikka veel politsei eestnagu mr Blues ise Reaalsuses vahin altkulmu ja põlastava pilgugaühiskonda, millega pean mängima elumalet,kus hea strateegia juures võib ettur lüüa kummuli kuninga,illusioonides või reaalsuses,kust läeb piir, et teha neil vahet

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (110)



Ma liigun pinnalt pinnale,astun sisse oma looga Ma annan sõna pimelinnale,hei! Armastust muusika vastu toon ma Armastusest muusika vastu,kõikide inspireerivate muusade vastuolen teie ette astund nagu võrdne,kuid sellele vaatamata mo värss on terav,nagu šveitsi nuga, mis võttis mo sõbralt pool sõrme Mo lend läeb kõrgelt,sest armastus muusika vastu kannab mind pilvedeni,kannab mind läbi igapäevaste hallide pilvedekaaluta olekusse, planeetideni,lõpmatusse,kus mina, sina ja kõik teised jagame ühist armastust,armastust muusika vastu Argipäevalt saan ma päevast päeva kalgistavat karastust,kuid tunded mo’s on sügavad nagu mo kottpükste taskud Armastusest muusika vastuon saand meist üks massiivne pere,hip hop, mo õed ja vennad,on ühendand me vere Mis siis, et konvoi saatel, raudus kätega ja süüdi mõistetunatoodi mind kodust ära, üle mere,ma kirjutan ikka oma värsid muusika vastu armastusest ja sõltumatuna,siin Beebilõust, tere Ma liigun pinnalt pinnale,astun sisse oma looga Ma annan sõna pimelinnale,hei! Armastust muusika vastu toon ma

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (111)



Andrus, what do you remember from your childhood?Mother, drunkard father, drunkard step-grandfather, uncles, aunt. We lived in a big house in the country, where vodka made life go upside-down. But I also had my own places, where I used to play – juniper thickets at the seaside and forests, where I used to build all kinds of huts. I guess some ruins of the latter still exist. I also remember snow-drifts that were higher than me.

What do you remember from your school-time?I was a problem child, who couldn’t accept the rules. I still can’t accept the rules, although I try. I remember endless changing of schools, wandering, breaking the law, I was uninhibited.

Why did you end up in prison?§§§ 199, 118, 274.

Let’s talk about your spiritual rebirth.I can’t find words, it is connected with the higher power. It just happened here.

What do you value in music?When thousands of ants start to run under my skin and my hair is standing on end – that is valuable for me.

What do you value in poetry?Freedom.

What can good poems give to people?I don’t know, it is individual, perhaps lightness.

What do you feel after writing a poem?I feel connection with the higher power.

How art (poetry, music and other arts) look like in the future?Art goes in the same direction as society, but I’m not sure about the direction.

Future church?God will be God.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (112)


Future architecture?Have you seen „Star Wars”?

Future village?I hope the village still exists in the future.

Future metropol?You must see ”Star Wars”.

Future Saaremaa (the biggest island in Estonia, where Elbing was born – ed.)?I guess Saaremaa stays where it is.

Future prison?Robotistic, no guards.

What would you like to be at the age of 30, 50, 70?I’ll be the one I’ll be.

What is your message from the prison?My poetry is my message from the prison.

Andrus Elbing is a poet, whose work has been published in the Estonian literarary magazine “Vikerkaar” (“Rainbow”) 10/11 2004 and in the Finnish newspaper “Ihminen” (“Human Being”) February 2005. He was released from the Prison of Tallinn in 2007.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (113)



In reality,life is chess,and I’m a pawn, who’s in trap.In illusions I’m careless,cause I am who I want to be, today I’m Thunder Jack.

In illusions,I can travel wherever I want,can taste the forbidden fruit.In reality,it is all robotized,daily money pursuit.

In reality,I run one way track.In illusions,if I want I run back.

In reality,this is depressive,AIDS works as an undertaker.In illusions I know this recipe,and I know the baker.

In illusions,I’m a peacemakerwithout gun.In reality,I’m a wanted repeater,and still on run.

In reality, time is busy,people want good life conclusion.In illusions,I don’t care about time,cause time is an illusion.

In reality,pawn can beat the king,but hey,is it an illusion.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (114)



I’m a ship,but I don’t have a homeport.I’m a robber,who isn’t afraid of court.

I’m a traveller,who’s travelling without destination.I’m a sinner,but I live without confession.

I’m a wind,today blowing east, tomorrow west.I’m a championship’s participant,but I don’t care who’s the best.

I’m a prisoner,but at careless moment I’m free – yeah,cause I have an inspiration,right now and right here.

I am what I am – I’m the man,who’s walking unknown way,but f*ck tomorrow,I live only today.


Let go of all,get rid of daily overload.Open the window,let wind blow dust away from soul.

Release the clutch,what’s stuck in material haet,let go, you see, life is beautiful, not only on Wall street.

Let go of dusky dreams,you can read my bad name in sunset now.Let go the street nightmares,I quit the crime custody – CHIAO.

Time is ready,I let burn my past sins,into purgatory,into the sea currents, into Northland winds-free of daily overload.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (115)


Eessõna Andrus Elbingu raamatule “Siin Beebilõust, tere!”

Tasapisi olen jõudnud äratundmisele, et maailm on selline nagu ta on ja et nii peabki olema Varas varastab, mõrtsuk tapab, alkohoolik joob – asjad lihtsalt on niimoodi sea-tud Meie ümber toimub Jumala mäng ja meie oleme vaid näitlejad selles Hea ja halb kohtuvad ning sellest pingest juhtub kõik

Vahel harva, väga harva sünnivad aga imed Ohtlik retsidivist, alkohoolik ja kogu Saaremaa hirm Andrus Elbing elas Tallinna Vanglas viieaastast karistust kandes üle vaimse ärkamise Võib ka öelda – sai valgustuse

Tema juhtumile mõeldes tundub, et kuritegelik teismeiga oli talle kui vajalik eelmäng suurele ärkamisele Sünnipärase rütmiandega Elbing hakkas vanglas luuletama See on tavaline, et pea iga vang kirjutab mõne luuletuse või teeb pliiatsijoonistuse, kuid Elbingu kirjutised torkasid oma ehedusega kohe silma Ta mõtleb suurtes kujundites Läbi tema suu kõneleb nägija, kes läbi vigade ja kannatuste on hakanud tunnetama elu kui igavest kulgemist, hinge lõpmatut eksistentsi ning seda, et oleme vaid ajutised külalised sellel võluval planeedil

Lehitsen raamatu käsikirja ning märkan teemades mõnusat raginat Nagu Alliksaar, aga veelgi mahlakam Luuletuses “Eluhetk” on tunda preestri ja šamaani elutarkust, “Unistus” väljendab looja olemust, “Isale” on erakordselt liigutav “Luuletaja” on tõeline südame häälestaja universumi nootidesse Harva olen kohanud sellist kujundite puhast ja rütmilist reastamist

Mul on hea meel, et osaledes vabatahtlikuna vangla sotsiaaltöös, olen saanud veidike kaasa aidata raamatu ilmumisele Ma palun Jumalat, et see raamat aitaks Andrust edasi tema vaimses arengus Ma palun Jumalat, et tema tervis vanglas vastu peaks Ning ma palun Jumalat, et ta vanglast välja saaks – mida varem, seda parem

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (116)


Foreword to Andrus Elbing’s book “Ciao, it’s Babyface!”

Little by little I have come to the realization, that the world is like it is and that’s how it has to be. A thief steals, a murderer kills, an alcoholic drinks – this is how things have been arranged. What happens around us is God’s play and we are merely actors in it. The good and bad meet and everything happens as a result of this tension. However, rarely, very rarely, miracles are born. Andrus Elbing, a dangerous criminal, alcoholic and terror of all Saaremaa island, lived in the Prison of Tallinn while serving a five-year sentence, and experienced a spiritual awakening. You could also say that he received enlightenment. Thinking about this case it seems that his criminal teens were like a necessary prelude for a grand awakening. Born with a talent of rhythm, Elbing began to write poems in prison. It’s normal that almost every prisoner writes some poems or makes drawings, however Elbing’s writing catches your eye with its purity. He thinks on a bigger scale. Speaking through his mouth is a prophet who has begun to feel life like an eternal progression, an endless existence of spirit through mistakes and suffering, and that we are merely temporary guests in this fascinating planet.

I turn the pages of the manuscript and notice a pleasant sizzle in the topics. Like Artur Alliksaar (one of the most significant Estonian poets of the 1950s and 1960s), but juicier. In the poem “Moment” one can feel the wisdom of a priest and shaman. “Dream” expresses the essence of the creator, “For Father” is exceptionally moving. “Poet” is truly a heart turner in a universe of notes. I have rarely met such pure images and rhythmic composition. I am happy that while participating as a volunteer in prison social work, I have been able to help a little in the publishing of this book. I pray to God that this book will help Andrus in his spiritual development. I pray to God that his health in prison will stand the test. And I pray to God that he will be able to leave prison – the earlier the better.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (117)


Künnapute ühisväli

Vilen ja August Künnaput küsitlesid Klassikaraadios Karen Jagodin ja Aleksander Tsapov.

Vilen Künnapu ja August Künnapu Ühisväli Arhitektuuri- ja disainigalerii (endine Lastemaailm),

Tallinn, 07 –24 11 2006

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (118)


Te olete varem korduvalt näitusi teinud, aga ei kunagi koos. Kuidas tekkis idee teha ühisnäitus?August: Me osalesime eelmise aasta oktoobris Lõuna-Taiwani kunstiprojektis, mille kuraator oli Marco Casagrande Seal oli kunstnikke Taiwanist, Jaapanist ja mujalt Isa tegi mandalatempleid ja mina seinamaale, kassidest ja lemuurlastest, võimlejatest Sealt saime esimese impulsi, et võiks teha koos näituse

Mida tähistab teie jaoks ühisväli? Vilen: Eks ta tähistab meie omavahelist välja Seda, mida me oleme Augustiga arutanud ja mõelnud Ja eks ta tähendab ka laiemat välja, mida tegelikult ei oskagi seletada Kui on sellega ühendus, siis on kõik hästi Sealt tuleb jõud, teadmine, energia, meelerahu Võib ka öelda, et ühisväli on Jumal

Kas üritate näitusega seda ühisvälja laiendada ka inimestele väljaspool oma ühisvälja? Vilen: Jah, loomulikult Tegelikult oleme me läbi ühisvälja kõik üks Me oleme üks organism, me olemegi üks inimene Mida rohkem sellest arusaajaid on, seda tugevamaks me läheme Pole põhjust öelda, et see on minu, minu tehtud Kui “meie” element hak-kaks rohkem tööle, läheks maailm ka paremaks August: Tallinna vangla poeet Andrus Elbing ütles, et “mitte mina ei luuleta, vaid uni-versum luuletab läbi minu” Võib-olla võib samamoodi öelda, et “mitte mina ei maali, vaid universum maalib läbi minu” Ja et mitte minu isa ei tee templiarhitektuuri, vaid universum teeb läbi tema

Mis on teie näituse läbiv teema, maale ja makette ühendav lüli?August: Näituse üheks läbivaks teemaks on Taiwan Mul on maal Taiwani lastest ja isal on Lõuna-Taiwanist üks tempel ja siis on üks Põhja-Taiwanis filmitud video See räägib meie ühisest väga karmist kogemusest Me oleksime äärepealt uppunud, kui läksime väga tugeva mõõnaga ujuma Selle mälestuseks põletatud stuupadest ja sellest kogemusest film räägibki Vilen: Ütleme siis nii, et me oleksime peaaegu uppunud ja mingi jõud päästis ära Taiwan on siduv element Me oleme Augustiga juba aastaid käinud suviti indiaanilaagrites ja üha rohkem mõtelnud sellele, et ida ja lääs hakkavad kokku sulama Väga palju ida elemente tuleb siia Lõpuks olemegi hakanud maailma ümmargusena käsitlema Ühe tervikuna Küll aga tõesti on Ida-Aasias nii palju huvitavat, nii palju saladusi Sealt on palju leida, võtta ja kasutada – kunstis ning arhitektuuris Me pole ainsad, kes seda teevad

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (119)


Tuleme tagasi arhetüüpsete kujundite juurde. Need templi ja mandala vormid on leidnud juba reaalse väljundi Vileni igapäevases arhitektitöös. Vilen: Võib ka nii öelda, et oli aegu, näiteks keskajal, kui inimesed käsitlesid kõiki ehi-tisi pühadena, nii-öelda templitena Igal paigal oli oma vägi sees Vaadati, kuidas ta oma kohale sobib ja et ta oleks ümbritsevate jõududega tasakaalus Nii tehti meil talusidki Polnudki mingeid lisakäsi vaja, sensitiivsusega pandi asjad paika Mina olen nii aru saanud, et inimesed, kellel on ühisväljaga ühendus, joonistavadki kuldlõiget See tuleb ise, ilma sättimata Kuldlõige tähendab, et on olemas ühendus kõrgema väega

Näitusel kuuleb Taiwani budistliku templi liturgia muusikat. Kui oluline on näitusel muusika?August: Sellel on väga suur osa Vilen: Me käisime Augustiga Taiwanis templis, kui just oli liturgia See oli väga ilus Neil on budismi kõrval ka omad vanad jumalad säilinud, kes seal kõrval ilusasti istuvad Kõik need suitsud ja budistlikud mungad, palju rahvast ja see muusika

Kas meie põhjamaine kultuuriruum on ennast ammendanud, et vaatate sala-duslikku itta?Vilen: Minu arust ongi kogu arhitektuur Himaalaja mägedest pärit Püha Kailashi mägi on mandala ning kõik pühad tornid ja templid on selle tuletised Need lihtsalt tekkisid idas Võtame nüüd meie vanalinna tornid, kõik on omapärase vormiga Vanasti ma arvasin, et see on dekoratiivsuse pärast, kuid tegelikult on see väga peenike teadus See on energiate pärast, kuidas seda enda ümber tiirlema panna ja kosmosest alla tuua Idas on selle kohta lihtsalt rohkem informatsiooni

Igal rahval on ju omad loomislood, oma Noa laev ja uputus. Mis mõttes ta tingimata Idast on tulnud? Samad asjad on ju paralleelselt tekkinud.Vilen: Pärast suurt veeuputust läkski Tiibetist kogu elu jälle lahti Muu oli vee all Nii-moodi arvan mina Oli sellega, kuidas oli, aga lihtsalt kõik need stuupad, pagoodid ning mandalad on vanemad See informatsioon on palju vanem kui see, mis meil Euroopas Kõik on tegelikult üks ja seesama Ka meie kirikuarhitektuur on sealt tulnud Ühesõnaga, kõik on kõigega seotud Nii lihtne see ongi

Kas võib ka juhtuda, et ideed, mis praegu on maketi kujul, on varsti füüsiliselt mööda Eestimaad laiali puistatud? Vilen: Kas nüüd just mööda Eestimaad, aga ma kujutan ette, et maailma arhitektuur vaikselt sinnapoole liigubki Igaveste asjade poole Sümmeetriliste ja raskete asjade poole

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (120)


Praegu on arhitektuur hästi kerge Mingi osa võibki jääda kergeks, aga energia armastab massi Energia läheb püramiidi Ta ei lähe Pei püramiidi Pariisis, sest et see on klaasist, on kerge Energia läheb massi, nii lihtsalt on

Nii et energeetilises mõttes on vanalinn parim koht Tallinnas?Vilen: On August: Isal on teostatud üks hoone Narva maanteel, kolme torni maja See on võib-olla esimene maja, mis on nende makettide mõttega valmis ehitatud Vilen: Jah Koos Padrikuga Tartus ehitatakse praegu tigutorni See on ka üks spiraalse otsaga mandala torn Meenutab Sakkara torni Iraagis

Näituse viimasel päeval esitlete ka uut Epifanio numbrit ja ajalehe välja antavat luulekogu, Andrus Elbingu “Siin Beebilõust, tere! Häired pimelinna täna-valt”.August: Peatselt on ilmumas jah Epifanio viies number, mis on inimeste eri Tallinna vangla poeedi Andrus Elbingu luulekogus on olemuslikud tekstid universumist ja elust munal nimega Maa Vilen: Seal on ka Jürgen Rooste eessõna ja analüüs Elbing valiti ju mõni aeg tagasi Areeni tulevikutäheks Tal on mitu aastat istuda, kuid me Augustiga loodame, et raamat aitab teda veidi rutem vangist välja tuua

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (121)


The common field of the Künnapus

Vilen and August Künnapu were interviewed by Karen Jagodin and Aleksander Tsapov at Estonian Klassikaraadio

Vilen Künnapu and August Künnapu. Common Field. Architecture and Design Gallery, Tallinn, 7–24 November 2006.

You have both exhibited many times before, but never together. How did this idea come about?August: Last October we participated in an art project in South Taiwan, where the curator was Marco Casagrande. There were artists from Taiwan, Japan and elsewhere. Father made mandala temples and I painted murals about cats and Lemurians, gymnasts. This was the first impulse to organise a joint exhibition.

What does the common field mean to you? Vilen: It means the common field that we share. What August and I have discussed and thought, and of course it also stands for a wider field which is actually impossible to explain. If you are connected to it, all is fine. It provides strength, knowledge, energy, peace of mind. We could also say that the common field is God.

Are you trying to expand the common field with this exhibition to include people outside your field? Vilen: Yes, naturally. Through the common field we are in fact all one anyway. We form one organism, one human being. The more people understand this, the stronger we all become. There is no cause to say that this is mine, made by me. If “our” element would work better, the world would definitely improve.August: The Tallinn prison poet Andrus Elbing said that “it’s not me who writes poems, it’s the universe who writes through me”. Perhaps it is correct to say that “it’s not me who paints, it’s the universe who paints through me”, and it is not my father who cultivates temple architecture, but it’s the universe who does that through him.

What is the main theme of your exhibition, the link between paintings and models?August: One of the main topics is Taiwan. I have a painting of Taiwanese children and father has a temple from South-Taiwan, and we also have a video filmed in North-Taiwan. This tells about our extremely harsh shared experience. We very nearly drowned when we went swimming with high tide. The film shows the stupas burnt in the memory of this event and our experience.

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August ja Vilen, 2009.August and Vilen, 2009.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (123)


Vilen: I would say that we nearly drowned, and then some sort of power saved us. Taiwan is a connecting element. August and I have been going to American Indians’ camp for many summers now, and we think that East and West are increasingly blending. Many eastern elements arrive here. We have finally started seeing the world as round. As a whole. East-Asia is extremely fasci-nating, so many secrets. There is a lot to be found, take and use there – in art and architecture. We are not the only ones to do that.

Let us come back to archetypal images. The forms of temples and mandalas have already found a real outlet in Vilen’s daily work as an architect. Vilen: We could also say that at certain times, for instance, in the Middle Ages, people treated all buildings as sacred, as various kinds of temples. Each place had its own might in it. It was important how the building fit into its place, and that it should be in harmony with the surrounding forces. Our own farms were built in that way. No need for extra hands, sensitivity determined everything. In my view, people who have connection with the common field, are indeed drawing the golden section. It just comes, without any arrangement. The golden section means that there is a connection with a higher might.

The exhibition visitors can also listen to the liturgy music of a Buddhist temple in Taiwan. How important is music at your exhibition?August: It has a great role.Vilen: In Taiwan, August and I went to a temple where the liturgy was on. It was beautiful. Besides Buddhism, they still have their own ancient gods who all sit there. The smoke and the Buddhist monks, lots of people and the music...

Are you looking towards the mysterious East because our Northern cultural space has exhausted itself?Vilen: It’s not the matter of mystery. I actually think that the entire architecture originates in the Himalayas. The sacred Mount Kailash is a mandala, and all sacred towers and temples are its derivatives. They simply emerged in the east. If we look at the towers in our old town, they all have peculiar forms. I used to think that this was due to decorative purposes, but in fact it is a fine science. Mostly because of energy, how to make it revolve around us and bring down from the cosmos. There is so much more information about it in the East.

Every nation has its own creation story, its own Noah Ark and the Flood. In what sense has this come from the East? After all, the same things have emerged in parallel.Vilen: After the great flood, the whole life started again from Tibet. Everything else was under water. This is my opinion. However it might have been, but all those stupas, pagodas and mandalas, are

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (124)


simply older. Their information is much more ancient than ours in Europe. Everything is actually one and the same. Our church architecture has come from there as well. In sum – everything is connected with everything else. It’s as simple as that.

Could it happen that ideas that now exist only in your models, will soon be physically scattered across Estonia? Vilen: Well, not sure about scattered across Estonia, but I can well imagine that the world archi-tecture is slowly moving in that direction. Towards eternal things. Symmetrical and heavy things. Today’s architecture is very light. Some parts may stay light, but energy loves mass. Energy goes into a pyramid. It will not go into Pei’s pyramid in Paris, because it is made of glass, therefore light. Energy prefers mass, and that’s that.

So in energetic sense, the old town is the best place in Tallinn?Vilen: Indeed. August: Father designed a house in Narva Road, with three towers. This is perhaps the first building completed with the ideas present in the models. Vilen: Yes. We did it together with Padrik. The so-called Snail Tower is currently being built in Tartu. It is a mandala tower with a spiral top. Resembles the Sakkara tower in Iraq.

On the last day of the exhibition you present a new issue of Epifanio and a collection of poetry, Andrus Elbing’s “Here’s Babyface, hello! Disturbances in the street of the dark city”.August: Yes, the fifth issue of Epifanio is due out; this is a people’s special. The collection of poetry of the Tallinn prison poet Andrus Elbing contains quintessential texts about the universe and life on the orb called Earth. Vilen: It also has Jürgen Rooste’s foreword and analysis. Elbing was, after all, chosen as the future star of the cultural supplement Areen of the weekly paper Eesti Ekspress. He still has a few years to go in prison, but August and I very much hope that the book will help him out a bit sooner.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (125)



Mark Raidpere 10 meest Video, 2003 8 min Eksponeeritud Anders Härmi kuraato-rinäitusel “Kuritöö ja karistus” Kunstihoone, 28 09 –10 12 2006

Mark Raidpere videot “10 meest” (samuti fotoseeriat “16 meest”) õnnestus mul näha Tallinna Kunstihoones Anders Härmi kureeritud mõtlemapaneval näitusel “Kuritöö ja karistus” Mingil põhjusel puudutab video “10 meest” vaataja neid energiaid, mis asuvad kusagil tagapool ja on alla surutud Ah niisugused need kurjategijad siis ongi! Põnev Õudne Ajab kananaha ihule jne Sellele on kunstiteos rajatud ja ülesandega on hiil-gavalt toime tuldud

Olen viimased aastad teinud Tallinna vanglas vabatahtlikuna sotsiaaltööd Mäle-tan oma esimesi kokkupuuteid kurjategijatega Ajas tõepoolest kananaha ihule Hiljem õppisin neid inimesi tundma ja ei kartnud neid enam Mõnda (just neid, kes algul kõige jubedamad tundusid) hakkasin koguni armastama

Olen jõudnud arusaamisele, et kurjategijad on samasugused inimesed nagu kõik teisedki Üdini halba inimest pole Hopi suguharu indiaanlased ütlevad, et halba inimest pole olemas On nii, et kuri vaim läheb inimese sisse Veel olen aru saanud, et maailma asjad on nagu nad on Jumal tahab nii Ka vangid, röövlid, vägistajad ja mõrtsukad on millekski vajalikud Vähemalt praegu

Harva, väga harva, saab mõni vang sellest saatuslikust maailmast välja See on ime See on juhtunud, kui mõni kurjategija on saanud valgustuse, ülitugeva ja ootamatu kok-kupuute kõrgema jõuga Sellised vangid tuleks otsekohe vabaks lasta

Omamoodi terviklik ja põnev on vangla keskkond Seal on oma “tänavad”, “väl-jakud”, “pargid”, “ees- ja tagaõued”, samuti pikad müürid, kõrged korstnad, pilved, tõusvad ja maanduvad lennukid, kuu ja tähed Fantastiline on Tallinna vangla makett, mille on kättesaadavaid materjale kasutades teinud vangid Tõeline meistriteos

Keel ja kombed viitavad sellele, et vanglas on säilinud palju energiat varasemast vene ajast (1950ndad, 1960ndad, 1970ndad) Hästi naljakas on vangide keel: “hudoo” tähendab ennetähtaegset vabanemist, “volna” vabadust, “kasjak” asja, mis ebaõnnestub, “kaljak” tähendab, et otsa sai, “kits” on see, kes koputab, “kukk” on aga see, kellele persse tõmmatakse Pole vahet, kas Tallinna vangla või Tartu vangla, Eesti vanglates on vaim üsna sarnane

Arvan, et Raidpere oleks saanud samasuguse seltskonna kokku ajada ka kusagil turu peal, sadamas või õllerestoranis Võib-olla ainult sellist meest, kellel terve selg vene

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (126)


kirikuid ja neitsi Maarjat täis, oleks raske väljaspool vanglat leida Video üksikud osad püsivad hästi koos, nad on üksteise järel reastatud rahuliku rüt-

miga ja kogu kulgemine on sujuv Väga hea on meditatiivne taustamuusika, mis ühendab kõik tervikuks Kurjategijate näod on väga ilmekad ja meeldejäävad Nad on videos muutunud kujunditeks Veidike meenutab lavastus Fashion TV-d, ka vangid tunduvad hetkeks olevat seksikad modellid


Mark Raidpere. 10 Men. Video, 2003. 8 min. Shown at Anders Härm’s curatorial exhibition Crime and Punishment. Art Hall, 28.09.–10.12.2006.

I had a chance to see Mark Raidpere’s video 10 Men (also the photographic series 16 Men) in the Tallinn Art Hall at the thought-provoking exhibition Crime and Punishment, curated by Anders Härm. For some reason, the video 10 Men reaches the viewer’s energies that are somewhere at the back, suppressed. Well, well, so this is what the criminals look like! Exciting. Horrifying. Makes your flesh creep... etc. This is exactly what the artwork was based on, and has managed the task brilliantly.

During the last years, I have been doing voluntary social work in the Tallinn prison. I remember my first contacts with the convicts. It indeed made my flesh creep. I later got to know these people and was no longer afraid of them. I even learned to love some (the very same who had initially seemed the most dreadful).

I have now realised that the convicts are people just like anybody else. Nobody is thoroughly bad. The American Indians of Hopi tribe say that a bad human being does not exist. It’s the evil spirit who enters some people. I have also realised that the way of the world is as it is. God wants it to be like that. The prisoners, robbers, rapists and murderers are also necessary for something. At least now...

Rarely, very rarely, does a prisoner manage to escape from this fatal world. It is a miracle. It has happened when a convict has achieved enlightenment, a very strong and unexpected contact with higher powers. Such prisoners should be immediately released.

The prison environment is strangely compact and exciting. It has its own ‘streets’, ‘squares’, ‘parks’, ‘front and back gardens’, also long walls, tall chimneys, clouds, ascending and descending airplanes, the moon and the stars. The model of the Tallinn prison is fantastic, made by the inmates who used whatever material they could find. It is a true masterpiece.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (127)


The language and habits indicate that a lot of energy has survived there from the earlier Russian era (the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s). The language of the convicts is really funny: hudoo means release before the scheduled time, volna means freedom, kasjak a failure, kaljak means something has run out, kits (goat) is an informer, kukk (rooster) is the one who gets screwed. There is no difference between prisons in Tallinn or Tartu, the spirit in Estonian prisons seems to be the same.

I rather think that Raidpere could have assembled this crowd at a marketplace, harbour or beer cellar. Perhaps with one exception – it would have been very difficult indeed to find a man with his whole back tattooed with Russian churches and Virgin Mary anywhere outside the prison.

The individual parts of the video hold together extremely well, they have been lined, one after the other, with calm rhythm, and the entire progress is smooth. The meditative background music is also superb, uniting everything into one whole. The convicts’ faces are eloquent and memorable. The video has turned them into images. It all slightly resembles Fashion TV, and the convicts momentarily appear like sexy models.

Vilen Künnapu. Installatsioon “Spiraaltorn”, 2009.Vilen Künnapu. Installation “Spiral tower”, 2009.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (128)



Arhitekt-kunstnikuga vestles Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli sööklas Vilen Künnapu

V.K.: Chi, kelleks sa end pead?C.T.-N.: Mis mõttes?

V.K.: Oled sa inimene, elevant, vaim, jumal või deemon?C.T.-N.: Olen lihtne inimene Hindan kõrgelt söömist

V.K.: Sa elad Hiinas Kuidas on sealne elu?C.T.-N.: Hiina on ideaalne koht inimolendite mõistmiseks Kohas, kus elab palju rahvast, on hea inimeste elust aru saada Vähese rahvastikuga väikeriigis on probleemid hoopis erinevad Hiinlaste mured toovad hästi esile inimese olemuse See aga aitab edendada arhitektuuri

V.K.: Oleme sinuga rääkinud, et maailma arhitektuur liigub spirituaalsuse suunas, nagu see on tuhandeid aastaid olnud Kuidas suhtud vaimsusesse, traditsioonidesse ja linna-akupunktuuri (linna energiate elustamine iidsel nõelravi printsiibil – toim)?C.T.-N.: Minu jaoks on asi lihtne Muutused viivad tagasi normaalseisundi juurde Ma ei pea silmas traditsioone, vaid sidet loodusega Seda võib nimetada vaimsuseks või kultuuriks või millekski kolmandaks

V.K.: Usud sa Jumalasse või Kõrgemasse Jõudu? Või millesse sa usud?C.T.-N.: Maailmas eskisteerivad vaimud – head vaimud ja halvad vaimud Mõned head vaimud võivad olla osa Jumalast ja halvad vaimud kummitada Kogu lugu

V.K.: Usud sa taassündi?C.T.-N.: Ma ei ole selles kindel, kuid see võib olemas olla Reinkarnatsioon on reli-gioosne viis kontrollida pärandit

V.K.: Me rääkisime täna lõunasöögilauas traditsioonilisest meditsiinist ja nn modernist-likust medikamendikesksest arstiteadusest Inimesed on väsinud ka kunsti- ja arhitek-tuuritablettide neelamisest, me tahame midagi muud iidsete aegade vaimus Kui suur

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (129)


on sinu arvates kunstnike, arhitektide ja õpetajate arv, kes liiguvad uues suunas? Palun kommenteeri muudatusi kultuuris, teaduses ja meditisiinis C.T.-N.: Tegelikult see suund ei ole kuhugi kadunud Lihtsalt tuleks seda rohkem ja teadlikumalt tulevikus ellu viia

V.K.: Marco Casagrande (Soome kunstnik-arhitekt ja Tamkangi Ülikooli arkitektuu-riprofessor Danshuis Taivanis – toim) ütles kord: “Tundlikkuse diktaatorlus on alanud” Ka sina mõjud revolutsionäärina oma maoistlike loosungitega “Tulevikupaviljonis” (vt näituse kohta kuraator Marco Casagrande artiklit Epifanios 3/2006 – toim) Kaohsiungis Taivani Disaini Expol 2005 C.T.-N.: Inimesed suudavad kiiremini muutusi esile tuua selles suunas tegutsedes

V.K.: Millised on su muljed Tallinna arhitektuurist?C.T.-N.: Tallinna arhitektuur on omamoodi tugev Ma näen, et kohalikud arhitektid püüavad midagi ette võtta See ei ole sugugi tavaline nähtus maailmas Näiteks jäi mulle silma valge gooti maja (arhitektuuribüroo “Kosmos” Rotermanni hoonetekompleks – toim) Siin on tunda arhitektide tahet midagi luua Teie Metodistikiriku juures meeldis mulle torn ja vertikaaltelg tähtedeni – idee, mida rakendasite ka oma Arktikakeskuses Soomes See on vana idee, mida keegi ei ole varem arhitektuuris kasutanud

V.K.: Milline on su värske pilk Eestile ja eestlastele? Kas oleme segu lääne ülbusest ja idamaisest mõttepuhtusest?C.T.-N.: Näiteks Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli (Chi pidas kooli arhitektuuritundengitele nädalase workshopi novembris 2007 – toim) tudengid on väga erinevad Nad ei kuula sind alati Hiinas kuulavad üliõpilased sind reeglina – nad ei pruugi nõustuda, kuid nad kuulavad sind Eesti tudengitel paistab rohkem iseseisvat mõtlemist olevat

V.K.: Äkki sa tahad midagi minult küsida?C.T.-N.: Palun räägi “šamaani” mõistest

V.K.: Šamaan on sensitiivne inimene, kes oskab ravida Ta on justkui doktor, kes võib ette näha ka erinevaid olukordi, ilma jne Ma isiklikult eelistan preestreid, kes omavad otseühendust Jumalaga Nad on justkui torud inimese ja Jumala vahel C.T.-N.: Kuid šamaanid on ju ka V.K.: Šamaanid on rohkem praktilise meelega Arhitektid võivad ka mõnikord sarna-selt šamaanidele ja preestritele kosmilist energiat ehitistesse tuua Louis Kahn on parim näide

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (130)


V.K.: Räägime lõpetuseks ilmast Milline on ilm Pekingis, milline on ilm Bergenis (Chi on Bergeni arhitektuurikoolis Norras külalisprofessor - toim), milline on ilm Tal-linnas?C.T.-N.: Pekingis on väga kuiv, mõnikord väga tuuline Bergenis sajab päris tihti Tallinnas on täitsa mõnus ilm See on hea energiaga linn

Chi Ti-Nan

Sündinud 1957 Taivanis Õppinud arhitektuuri esmalt Taivanis Tunghai ülikoolis ja hil-jem USA-s Yale’i ülikoolis (muuseas ka elava klassiku Frank Gehry juures) 1993 asutas Taivanis oma büroo Chi’s Workshop ja 2004 Pekingis firma Chi Ti-Nan Architects Chi Ti-Nani peetakse üheks Aasia innovaatilisemaks arhitektiks Tema projektid hõlmavad kultuuriasutusi, avalikke väljakuid, elu- ja ärihooneid ning ka linnaplaneerimist, linna-kujundust ja sisekujundust Chi on nõustanud teiste seas linnu Nanjingi ja Shenzheni Hiinas, Kolhapuri Indias, Brüsselit Belgias, Pittsburghi USA-s ja Liverpooli Inglismaal 1999 aastast juhib ta üle maailma nime Urban Flashes alla koondatud töötube, kus otsitakse uusi perspektiive linnade arengule Ta on õpetanud Tunghai ülikoolis, New Yorgi osariigi Buffalo ülikoolis, Sinhgadi kolledži Indias ja on praegugi külalisõppejõud Bergeni arhitektuurikoolis

Vaata ka www chitinan net ja www microurbanism net

Interview with Chi Ti-Nan

The conversation with the Architect-Artist and Vilen Künnapu took place in the canteen of Tallinn University of Applied Sciences in November 2007

V.K.: Chi, who are you?C.T.-N.: In what sense?

V.K.: Are you a human being, are you an elephant, are you a ghost, are you a god or a demon?C.T.-N.: I am a simple human being. Eating is very important to me.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (131)


V.K.: You live in China. How is life in China?C.T.-N.: China is a place where you can always understand human beings. When you have so many people, then you can understand the situation of human beings. When you live in a small country, where you don’t have so many people, the problems are different. The problems in China show the essence of a human being better. Understanding human beings helps architecture.

V.K.: We have spoken before that the architecture in the world is moving now towards spiritua-lity as it has been for thousands of years. How is your work in that field, how do you feel about traditions, urban acupuncture, etc?C.T.-N.: For me, it is a very simple idea. To change is to go back to normal. That is not a tradition, but a connection with nature. You can say it is spirituality, you can say it is culture.

Chi Ti-Nan. Jengi stuudio ja elamu. Makett, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 1995.Chi Ti-Nan. Jeng’s Studio & Residence. Model, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 1995.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (132)


V.K.: Do you believe in God or Higher Power? Or what do you believe in?C.T.-N.: There are spirits in the universe – good spirits and bad spirits. Some good spirits could be God. And bad spirits are ghosts. That’s it.

V.K.: Do you believe in reincarnation?C.T.-N.: I’m not sure about that. Reincarnation is a religious way to control the legacy. But it could be true.

V.K.: We were speaking today about traditional medicine and the so-called modernistic medicine with pills. People are tired of eating artistic and architectural medicine and pills, we want something else, as it was long time ago. How big is the number of artists, architects and teachers, who are working in the new direction? Please comment on the change in culture, science and medicine.C.T.-N.: Actually, this way has never died. It should be just more practiced in the future.

V.K.: Marco Casagrande once said, ”The dictatorship of sensibility has begun”. Also you look like a revolutionary with your Maoist slogans in the “Future Pavilion” in Kaohsiung in Taiwan Design Expo 2005. C.T.-N.: The people can make the change quicker if they do something.

V.K.: What impressions do you have about the architecture in Tallinn?C.T.-N.: I think the architecture in Tallinn is quite strong. I can see the architects here are trying to do something. That’s not so common. For example in the White Gothic Building (Complex of houses in Rotermann’s Quarter by architectural bureau Kosmos – ed.) I can feel some intensions to create something. In your Methodist Church, I liked the tower and the vertical axis to the stars. It is the same idea that was in your Arctic Centre in Finland. It is a very ancient idea, but no-one has used it in today’s architecture.

V.K.: What is your view of Estonia and Estonians? Is it something in between the western arro-gance and the eastern relaxed mind?C.T.-N.: For example the students of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciencesg (Chi Ti-Nan held a workshop for architectural students in November 2007 – ed.) are very different. They don’t necessarily listen to you. In China they listen to you without a question – may-be they don’t agree with you, but they don’t show it. The students in Estonia seem to know their own mind.

V.K.: Maybe you would like to ask something from me?C.T.-N.: Please talk about the idea of a shaman.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (133)


V.K.: A shaman is a sensitive person who can heal. He is like a doctor who can also do a lot of different things – predict certain situations, weather, etc. I prefer priests who have straight connec-tions with God. C.T.-N.: But shamans have that too.V.K.: Shamans are more practical. Priests are channels between people and God. Architects could also be like shamans or priests bringing cosmic energy to the buildings. That energy can also heal people. Louis Kahn is a good example.

V.K.: In the end please tell me about the weather. What is the weather in Beijing, in Bergen (Chi is currently teaching in the Bergen School of Architecture, Norway – ed.), in Tallinn?C.T.-N.: Beijing is very dry, sometimes very windy. In Bergen it rains a lot. But Tallinn is very nice. It is a city with good energy.

Chi Ti-Nan

Born in Taiwan, 1957. Studied architecture in Tunghai University, Taiwan, and Yale University, U.S.A. (among others, the living classic Frank Gehry was his teacher). Established his own office Chi’s Workshop, 1993 and Chi Ti-Nan Architects in Beijing, 2004. Chi Ti-Nan is considered one of the most innovative architects in Asia. His projects include cultural establishments, public squares, houses and business buildings, urban planning and interior design. Chi has advised cities of Nanjing and Shenzhen, China; Kolhapur, India; Brussels, Belgium; Pittsburgh, U.S.A. and Liverpool, U.K. Since 1999 leads the workshops called Urban Flashes, which search new perspectives in the development of different cities. Chi has taught in Tunghai University; Buffalo University, N.Y.; Sinhgad College, India and currently in the Bergen School of Architecture, Norway.

See also www.chitinan.net and www.microurbanism.net.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (134)


Nathaniel Kahn ja August Künnapu Saaremaal, 2008.Nathaniel Kahn and August Künnapu in Saaremaa, 2008.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (135)


Intervjuu Nathaniel Kahniga

Tere!Tere, August! Mulle meeldib väga Su nimi, sest üks minu lemmik näitekirjanik on samuti August – August Strindberg

Mulle aga meeldib Sinu nimi, kust see tuleb? Nime pani mulle ema Ta valis selle piiblist Võib olla ta teadis, et tal saab olema ainult üks laps, nii et ta tahtis kõik õigesti teha

Seekordne Epifanio number on Inimeste eri. Mida tähendab Sinu jaoks ini-mene olemine?See on väga hea küsimus Luba ma räägin filmist, mis aitas mul seda avastada läbi oma isa, kes kindlasti oli inimene suure algustähega (Nathaniel Kahni film „Minu arhitekt” (2003) – tutvumisest oma isa arhitekt Louis Kahniga) Inimene on palju asju Ta on nagu kollaaž, mida loob meie elu ja mida hoiab koos üürike ajahetk Meie elu siin planeedil on selline Pärast kõik laguneb koost ja kaob universumisse ja võib olla ilmub jälle näh-tavale, ma ei tea

Mis mind oma isa puhul hämmastas oli see, kuivõrd palju energiat ta inimeseks olemisse pani Ta tundis, et see on suur kingitus elada selles hetkes ja sellises kohas, ja et seda tuleb võimalikult hästi kasutada Energia, mida ta oma elus rakendas on minu jaoks võimas inspiratsiooniallikas, sest ta näitas kuhu on võimalik ühe eluaja jooksul jõuda

Minu jaoks on inimeses kaks poolt: vaimne pool, mis on igavene, ja füüsiline pool, mis hoiab endas ajutiselt vaimu ja siis laguneb See ei ole kõige mugavam või lihtsam ühendus, kuna vaimul on omadus olla mitmes kohas korraga Nagu näiteks, ma olen siin laeval (intervjuu toimus Kuivastu-Virtsu liinil, tagasiteel Tallinna Saaremaal toimunud Louis Kahni päevadelt), aga samas olen oma kujutluspildis Saaremaal kõndimas tuletorni poole Ma võin oma mõttes niimoodi rännata, aga oma kehas pean olema kas siin või seal, mõlemas kohas korraga pole võimalik Ma võin vaimus kujutleda, et elan miljon aastat, aga kehas elan heal juhul sama vanaks kui mu isa, seitsmekümne kolme aastaseks See vastuolu võib inimese hulluks ajada, aga olla ka suure loovuse allikaks Minu arust suutis mu isa luua ühenduse selle suure loovusega

Üks asi, millest me konverentsil (Louis Kahni päevad Kuressaares, 06-07 10 2006) eriti ei rääkinud, oli Louis Kahni spirituaalne külg Ta tundis alati, et tema perekonna müstiline liin oli tugevalt seotud Eestiga ja selle imelise Saaremaaga, mida mul endal küll

Filmirežisööriga vestleb Saaremaal August Künnapu

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (136)


kahjuks ajanappuse tõttu eriti avas-tada ei õnnestunud Minu vanaema oli kuuldavasti üleloomulike võime-tega teadjanaine, kelle juures inime-sed käisid abi saamas Mu isa oli selle üle väga uhke Ta leidis viisi, kuidas selle vaimsusega ühendust saada läbi oma arhitektuuri

Ma loodan, et järgmisel kor-ral uurime tema seisukohti, mitte ainult arhitektuuris, vaid elus, kuns-tis ja loomingulisuses Tema jaoks oli looming siiski enamasti seotud arhitektuuriga, aga ta oli ka muusik, kunstnik, mõtleja ja õpetaja Lou eri-line oskus oli õpetada iseend teiste ees seistes

Mulle väga meeldis, millest su isa konverentsil rääkis – Vilenil on eriline viis kõnelda oma vaimsetest tõekspidamistest, mis on mõneti eri-nevad minu isa omadest, aga ma tean, et mu isale oleks see meeldinud, sest Vilen puudutas ideede universaalsust Asjad on omavahel seotud ja kui sil-mad lahti teha, võib neid seoseid näha Lou’le tundus, et muusika on seotud kunstiga, see omakorda loo-dusega, see arhitektuuriga, ja loova inimese ülesanne on need sillad üles otsida Üks asi mida, ma Lou juures oma avastusretkel väga austama hak-kasin oli see, et ta tahtis neid nähtusi alati mingisse reaalsesse vormi valada, et nendest saaks looming – muusika-pala, maal või arhitektuuriline teos

Nathaniel Kahni film “My Architect”, 2003.Nathaniel Kahn’s film My Architect, 2003.

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August Komandant (Eesti päritolu insener, kes töötas Lou Kahniga koos 18 aastat) ütles, et arhitektuur oli Lou Kahni jaoks nagu religioon. Kas filmitege-mine on Sinu religioon?Ma ei ole päris kindel, mis minu religioon on Kõige lähedasem religioosne kogemus, mis mul on olnud, tekib looduses viibides Olles siin praamil, vesi ümberringi, tunnen end hästi ühendatud selle planeediga, universumiga ja energiatega meie ümber Ma veedan palju aega linde vaadeldes Mulle meeldivad nende elukombed, see kuidas nad lendavad ja toitu otsivad Looduses osalemine ja lindude vaatamine on alati olnud kuidagi seotud minu vaimse poole ja surelikkusega

Sa alustasid teatrilavastajana, kuid Sinust sai filmirežissöör. Palun võrdle neid kunstivorme.Teater on kõige alus, vähemalt minu jaoks Teater on midagi elusat Inimesed istuvad pimedas saalis, vaatavad kuidas teised inimesed räägivad oma lugu See on see kuidas kõik algas – istuti tule ümber ja kuulati Homerose taolist meest, kes mängis pilli ja jutustas oma uskumatut lugu Inimeste meel oli loole avatud ja nad nägid kujutluspilte oma peas

Filmidel on palju ühist teatri ja muusikaga Mõnikord mulle tundub, et muusikaga isegi rohkem Minu jaoks on filmikunstis meistriks saamine raskem kui teatri tegemine See on väga keeruline – kuidas lõigata, kuidas mängida ajaga Parimad tegijad nagu Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini – kõik mängivad ajaga Nad panevad sind tundma, et kahe tunniga on võimalik elada terve elu või ainult minuti

Mida arvad ajatusest Kim Ki-duki filmides?Tema “Kevad, suvi, sügis, talv ja kevad” on imeilus film, mis surub aja maagiliselt kokku Kui sa mõistad, et tegu on sama inimesega erinevatel ajahetkedel, saad teadlikuks elu ringkäigust – saabumine samasse punkti reaalselt või mõttes, mõistmine kuidas oled muutunud, liikunud Siis saad aru, et sinu elus on aastaajad – aeg armastada ja aeg olla üksi, ja aeg „igal tegevusel taeva all” (Koguja 3:1)

Olen näinud Sinu fimi “Minu arhitekt” kolm korda ja aina paremaks läheb. Sul oli 200 tundi materjali ja selle kokkupanekuks läks 5 aastat – see on ühelt poolt täiesti Stanley Kubrickule omane perfektsionism. Teiselt poolt on Sinu filmis spontaansust ja mängulisust sarnaselt Rainer Maria Fassbinderi filmidele, näiteks see jutuajamine tüdrukuga New Yorgi Penn Station’is, kus Sinu isa suri, või intervjuu taksojuhiga. Sinu komplimendid on väga kenad, aga ma ei usu, et vääriksin sellist võrdlust

„Minu arhitekt” oli minu jaoks selgelt oma isa otsing Kuidagi sai sellest soovist

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (138)


dokumentaalprojekt, mis võimaldas mul küsida küsimusi ja käia kohtades, kuhu ma muidu poleks sattunud Paljud asjad, mis juhtusid olid nagu kingitus Nüüd tahaksin minna edasi ja kasutades õpitud tehnikaid teha mängufilmi Ma tahaksin kokku panna need kaks asja, teater ja dokumentaal, kus tekiks spontaanseid liikumisi nagu elus eneses

Ma olen kohtunud režissöör Francis Ford Coppolaga, keda ma tohutult imetlen Tema ütles tookord midagi imeilusat, mis minus siiani vastu kajab – hea režissöör on lihtsalt peoperemees Sina katad peolaua, kutsud õiged inimesed ja siis vaatad mis juh-tuma hakkab See oli mulle väga toetav mõte; see vabastas mind soovist teada kõiki vastuseid

Oled võrrelnud ennast, nagu Su isagi, orkestri dirigendiga. See võiks nii olla, aga ma ei tea muusikast eriti midagi Arhitektil ja filmitegijal on nii mõndagi ühist – mõlemad tegelevad koostöökunsti vormidega Sa pead oskama inimesi koondada ja inspireerida, aga samas ka oskama valida inimesi, kes on sinust paljudes asjades paremad On olemas palju paremaid kaameramehi, lavakunstnikke, näitlejaid ja kirjutajaid kui mina kunagi olla võiksin Kui need inimesed kõik kokku kutsuda, siis saab pidu ka vägev

Sama kehtib arhitektuuri kohta, mis tuletab mulle meelde Lou Kahni ja August Komandandi koostööd Huvitav, et nad omavahel eesti keeles rääkisid, Lou’le ei olnud see emakeel Nende suhe oli väga keeruline, aga see põhines tugeval koostööl Nad vajasid teineteist, et tekiks liikumine Pole mõtet töötada koos kellegagi, kes iga asja peale noogutab Vaja on kedagi, kes ütleks „ei”, kes sunniks sind endale tõestama – läbi veenmise saavad mõlemad osapooled paremaks

Sa oled varem maininud, et eelistad alati vormi detailile, sama eelistus oli Su isal. Ma usun, et mu isa valis mõlemad Ta tahtis kõigepealt vormi paika saada Hilisemal perioodil olid tema vorm ja detail nii läbi põimunud, et nad justkui teostunuksid ühe-aegselt Peale reisimist Kreekas ja Roomas ja Egiptuses avastas ta midagi – ta tahtis luua kaasaegset arhitektuuri, millel oleks vanade varemete hõng Siis muutus vorm tema jaoks väga oluliseks ja see on väga hea Nagu Sinu isa ütleks – mandala Kui vorm on õige, on ka selle osad õiged

Räägime Lääne ja Ida kultuuride erinevustest ja sarnasustest. Võtame kolm näidet: Ameerika, kus sa sündisid, Eesti, kus sündis Su isa, ja Bangladesh, kus on Sinu isa kõige tuntum ehitis Dhaka Rahvusassamblee kompleks.Louis Kahni ideed olid praktilised ja reaalsed, aga neil oli ka mingi müstiline mõõde Tema õige vormi ja tõe otsing oli nagu vaimne teekond Läks palju aega, enne kui inimesed

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (139)


temasse ja tema ideede teostumisse uskuma hakkasid Ameerikas on eriti raske, inimestel on väga praktiline mõtlemine, nad ei võta ideed vastu Kui nende käest küsida, mis on valge valguse vari, saad vastuseks mingi käibefraasi Lou tahtis enne vastamist mõelda Indias ja Bangladeshis mõistsid inimesed tema vaimseid püüdlusi, nad nautisid seda ja ühinesid tema ideedega Sellepärast olidki tema ehitised Idas nii edukad

Minu kogemus Eestist on fantastiline Ma tunnen, et olen kodus, et ring on täis saanud Mu isa lahkus siit 1905 ja mina tulin tagasi 101 aastat hiljem See on minu jaoks väga tähenduslik ja meelierutav Vaim, mis siit teele asus on tagasi jõudnud Kus iganes Lou praegu viibiks, ta kindlasti naerataks ja ütleks, „Imetore, sa oled mu poja tagasi toonud”

Üks mu sõber rääkis, et Sinu film on Belgias ja Prantsusmaal tõeline hit. Miks Sinu arust ühe arhitekti portree erinevate inimeste hulgas nii populaarne on? See teadmine pakub mulle suurt rahuldust, et inimestele erinevates maailma punktides „Minu arhitekt” meeldib See on lugu, milles me kõik ühel või teisel viisil oma elus osaleme Sa tahad minna tagasi algusesse, uurida kust sa tuled ja kes sinu vanemad on See on universaalne, sügavalt inimlik lugu pojast, kes otsib oma isa „Minu arhitekt” saab ainest arhetüüpsest narratiivist, mis on olnud meiega aegade algusest saadik Lõppkok-kuvõttes on see lugu ühest kunstnikust, kes jättis siia planeedile mõned imelised teosed Samaväärselt kõneleb see kunsti väest ja ilust Neid inimesi, kes arhitektuuri tähele ei pane on palju, aga me elame arhitektuuris enamuse aja oma elust – klassiruumis, kodus, linnas Ma loodan, et „Minu arhitekt” toob inimesteni arusaamise, mida suursugune arhitektuur tähendab Olen kuulnud, et inimesed on peale filmi nägemist ehitisi teise pilguga vaatama hakanud See teeb mind väga õnnelikuks

Oma elu lõpupoole projekteeris Lou Philadephiasse sünagoogi (ei teostatud) ja Bangladeshi mošee (Dhaka Rahvusassamblee sissepääs). Mis on Sinu püüdlused erinevate religioonide ühendamisel? Mul ei ole selliseid püüdlusi, nagu ma ütlesin, minu religiooniks on loodus Küll aga on mul soov tuua oma loodusearmastus tänavatele, kinodesse Me peame austama Emakest Maad ja teadvustama, kui võimas ta on Temal on kogu võim Meil pole seda raasukestki – me ainult kujutame endale ette

Ma ei usu, et ka mu isa püüdis religioone ühendada Ma arvan, et ta hindas väärtusi, religiooni ideed Usk, et midagi meist väljaspool on suurem kui meie ise, on hea Talle ei lugenud see, kas inimene oli kristlane, moslem või juut Osa tema ehitistes peituvast väest lähtus inimeseülesest usust See ei tähenda, et ta poleks religioone austanud See, et moslemid käivad mitu korda päevas palvetamas inspireeris teda ehitama mošee nende

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (140)


vajadustele vastavalt, ja nad armastavad seda Tegelikult oli ehitis algselt planeeritud 185m², aga tema tegi sellest 1850 m² Ta suhtus lugupidavalt erinevatesse religioonidesse, aga tema usk oli siiksi arhitektuur ja sealt edasi võibolla ka kunst ja loovus Jõuame ringiga tagasi sinu esimese küsimuse juurde, mis on inimene Tema öelnuks, et põhiolemuselt on inimene loovolend – jõud, mis elab siin planeedil ja on suuteline looma ilu, mida loodus ei loo

Missugused kunstivaldkonnad Sulle veel meeldivad? Sa mainisid ennist muu-sikat ja teatrit.Mulle meeldib igasugune kunst Armastan maali ja skulptuuri, kuigi ma viimast väga hästi ei mõista Hiljuti avastasin veel ühe suurepärase Eesti kunstniku, Arvo Pärdi Tema muusika, kui seda sügavalt kuulata, on samaaegselt iidne ja moodne Idee, et miski võib ajas ulatuda nii tagasi kui edasi pakkus ka mu isale huvi Ajas rändamise kunst on väga põnev väljavaade

Palun kommenteeri oma isa olulist väljendit „Mis oli, on alati olnud, mis on, on alati olnud, mis saab olema, on alati olnud”.Mulle tundub, et seda see tähendabki Kunst on midagi mis õigesti kinni püüdes annab mõistmise See tuleb aegade algusest, on tõene praegu, on alati tõene Sellega kaasneb ka alandlikkuse aspekt – kui sa midagi lood, siis ei kuulu see sulle See oli juba enne olemas ja jääb alati alles Mulle meeldib see mõtteviis ja see sobib hästi õõnestama meie isekatest huvidest kantud aega Nagu Lou ütles oma lemmikhelilooja Beethoveni kohta – „Kas maailmal oli vaja Beethoveni 5 sümfooniat? Ei Aga kui ta selle kirjutas, ei saanud maailm ilma enam hakkama ”

Nathaniel Kahn on filmirežissöör, kes elab Philadelphias, Ameerikas Ta on filmi “Minu arhitekt” autor

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (141)


Interview with Nathaniel Kahn

Hello!Hello, August! I like your name very much, especially because one of my favourite playwrights is August Strindberg.

I like your name very much and I wonder where it comes from.My mother gave me the name. She liked to have a biblical name. Maybe she knew she would only have one child so she wanted to get it right.

The current issue of “Epifanio” is a Human Being Special. What does it mean for you – a human being?That’s a wonderful question. Let me talk about the film (Nathaniel Kahn’s film “My Architect” (2003) about getting to know his father - the architect Louis Kahn) where I discovered what a human being was in the sense of my father who definitely was a great human being. Human being is many things. It is like a collage made of different pieces that are mixed and held together for a short period of time that we call a lifetime. They are held together on this planet and then the whole thing disintegrates and goes to the universe and maybe comes back again – I don’t know.

What surprises me about my father, and learning about him, is how much energy he put into being a human being. He felt that it was such a great gift to be alive at that time in this place that he wanted to make the most out of it. The energy he put into his life is a great inspiration for me because he fully realized what is possible in one life-time - it is magnificent.

Human being for me has two parts: the spiritual part that is eternal and the physical part that contains the spirit for a while and then just dissolves. It is always a difficult and uncomfortable union, because spirit is able to be in many places at the same time. I can imagine me being on this boat (Nathaniel was interviewed on the deck of a ferry from Kuivastu to Virtsu on his way back to Tallinn from Louis Kahn Days in Saaremaa) and also being on that island (Saaremaa) walking towards the lighthouse. I can take the trip in my mind, but in my body I can be either here or there – I can’t be in both places. I can imagine I live million years in my spirit, but in my body, if I’m lucky, I am able to live as long as my father did – 73 years. These contradictions happening all the time can either be the sources of madness or great creativity. I think my father was a man who was able to tap into that great creativity.

One of the things we were not able to talk much about in that wonderful conference (Louis Kahn Days, October 6-7, 2006, Kuressaare) was Louis Kahn’s spiritual side. He felt that the mystical part of his family was strongly linked with Estonia and this wonderful island Saaremaa, which I unfortunately did not have time to experience myself. His mother was apparently a wise

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (142)


woman with supernatural abilities who people would go to with questions. He was very proud of that. He found a way to contact this spirituality through his architecture.

I hope next time we can explore his words and thinking not just about his architecture but about art, about life, about the meaning of creativity. Of course for him, creativity was often connected with architecture, but not only, he was also a painter, a musician, a thinker and a teacher. Lou’s particular way of teaching was to teach himself in front of other people.

I loved what your father said – Vilen has a special way of talking about his spiritual beliefs, which are different from my father’s, but I know my father would have liked to hear his talk, because it was something that touched upon the universality of ideas. Things are connected, and if you open your eyes you will see them. Lou felt that music was connected to art was connected to nature was connected to architecture, and the role of a creative person was to find ways to bridge those things. One point about Lou that I have come to respect in my own search is that he always wanted to ground these phenomena in something real – he wanted them to come out as a creation, as a piece of architecture, as a painting, as a piece of music.

August Komandant (Estonian engineer who worked closely with Lou Kahn for 18 years) said that architecture was like a religion to Lou Kahn. Is filmmaking your religion?I am not sure what my religion is. As close I have ever got to religious feelings is when spending time in nature. Being on this boat with water around me, I feel very much in touch with the earth, the universe and the energies that are around us. I spend a lot of time bird-watching. I love their habits, how the fly and find food and eat. Participating in nature and watching birds has always been somehow connected with my spiritual side and my own mortality.

You started as a theatre director but turned out to be a film director. Please compare these different forms of art. Theatre is the beginning of everything, at least for me. Theatre is something that is alive. People sitting in a dark room seeing other people get up and tell a story. This is how the whole thing began – sitting around the fire and listening to a man like Homer playing his music and telling his incredible tale. People’s minds were opened to that story and they could see the images in their head.

Movies share a lot with theatre and music. Sometimes I think they even share more with music than with theatre. For me mastering moviemaking is going to be harder than doing theatre. It is enormously complex – how you use the cut, how you play with time. And the greatest movies – especially those by Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman and Federico Fellini – play with time. They make you feel in two hours you lived a life or a minute.

What do you think about the timelessness in Kim Ki-duk films?His “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter…and Spring” is a beautiful movie, because it compresses

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (143)


time in a wonderful way. When you realize it’s the same person in different points, you have an epiphany about what life is – returning to the same point in reality or in your mind understanding how you’ve changed, how you’ve moved. Recognizing that in your own life there are seasons – a season for love, a season for loneliness, and “a time for every purpose under the heavens” (the Bible, the Euclesians).

I have seen your documentary “My Architect” three times and it is getting only better. You had 200 hours of material and did the movie in 5 years – that is on the one hand a Stanley Kubrick like perfectionism. One the other hand, there is a total spontaneity and playfulness similar to Rainer Maria Fassbinder films, like in a conversation with the girl sitting at the Penn Station in New York where your father died, or the interview with the taxi-driver. Your compliments are lovely, but I don’t think I deserve them. In “My Architect” I had a very clear intention to search for my father. Somehow this intention took the form of a documentary and allowed me to ask questions and go to places that I wouldn’t normally go to. A lot of things that happened were like a great gift. Now I want to go further and use some of the techniques to make a feature film with actors. So I try to put together these two things – a theatre with a play and a documentary, where you get spontaneous things happening in the world.

I had a wonderful meeting with Francis Ford Coppola, a director I admire tremendously. He said something that is so beautiful and really resonates with me – a great director is just a good host. You are the host of the party, you set the table the right way, invite the right people and then you see what happens. That was extremely helpful – it released me from my sense of having to have all the answers.

You also compared yourself, just like your father, with an orchestra director. I wish I could, but I don’t know much about music. Being an architect and being a film-maker

have some features in common – both are highly collaborative arts. You have to have the ability to draw people together and to inspire them, but also to choose people who are better than you at any number of things. There are far better cameramen, set designers, actors and writers than I’ll ever be. You pull those people together and you certainly have a great party.

The same thing is true about architecture, which makes me think about Lou Kahn and August Komandant. It is interesting that they spoke Estonian because Lou’s first language was not Estonian. That relationship between them was very complicated, but it was one of substantial collaboration. They needed each other to push against. It is no good working with someone who says “yes” all the time. You want someone who says “no” so you can convince them, because in convincing you both become better.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (144)


You have mentioned before that you always prefer form to details and so did your father.I think my father preferred both. He wanted to get the form right first. Later in life, his form and detail were so intertwined that they almost happened in the same time. After he went to Greece and Rome and Egypt he discovered something - he wanted to make modern architecture with the presence of ancient ruins. Then the form became immensely important and it is really good. As your father would say – mandala. When the form is right the details will be also right.

Let’s speak about the differences and similarities of western and eastern cultures. Let’s take three examples – America where you were born, Estonia where Your father was born and Bangladesh, where he built his most important building – the Assembly of Dhaka.Louis Kahn’s ideas were very practical and real, but they also had a mystical dimension. His search for the right answer, for the right form was a spiritual one. It took a lot of time for people to believe in him, that it was the right trail, that something would come out. In America it is difficult, people are so practical right away, they don’t accept the idea. If you ask “What is the shadow of white light?” the answer would be some colloquial word. Lou wanted to think about things before answering. In India and Bangladesh, people understood his spiritual search, they enjoyed that and wanted to go on that journey with him. This is why his buildings were so successful in the East.

My experience in Estonia has been fantastic. I feel at home, I feel like having completed a great cycle. My father left in 1905 and I came back 101 years later. This is tremendously exciting and very meaningful to me. The spirit that left here many years ago has come back. Wherever Lou is, he would smile and say – “This is wonderful, you brought my son back”.

A friend of mine told me that your movie “My Architect” is a total hit in Belgium and in France. I wonder why a portrait of an architect is so popular among so many different people.It is very gratifying to know that people in different parts of the world like “My Architect”. It’s a story that all of us participate in at some level in some point of our lives. You want to go back to the beginning, find out where you came from and who your parents were. That’s a universal story of a son looking for his father – a profound human story. “My Architect” taps into an archetypal narrative, which has been with us from the beginning of times. In the end, it is about an artist who left some amazing things on this planet. It is also a story about the power and beauty of art. There are a lot of people who are not aware of architecture, yet we live in architecture most of our lives – in classrooms, in homes, in cities. I hope “My Architect” makes them realize what great structures can do. I have heard from people that after seeing the movie they have looked at architecture differently. That makes me enormously happy.

At the end of his life Lou made a project of a synagogue in Philadelphia and built a mosque in Bangladesh (the entrance to the Assembly building in Dhaka). What about

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (145)


Your aspirations in combining various religions?I have no aspirations to combine religions. As I said, my great religion is the religion of nature. I do have the desire to bring my love of nature to the street, to the movies. We have to respect the Earth more and acknowledge how powerful she is. She has all the power. We don’t have any power – we just think we have the power.

I don’t think my father wanted to unite different religions at all. I think he had a sense of the value, the idea of a religion. Believing that something outside you is bigger than yourself is a good thing. I don’t think it mattered to him whether you were a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim. Part of the power of his buildings is that they were about religion beyond any individual faith. It doesn’t mean he didn’t respect those religions, he did. The fact that Muslims go to mosque several times a day made him design a mosque that was respectful to their needs, and they love it. In fact, the building was originally planned as a 2000 square foot mosque, but he made it into a 20 000 square foot mosque. He had great respect for individual religions, but in the end he considered architecture his religion. Beyond architecture perhaps art was his religion, creativity was his religion. We come back to your first question what is a human being. He would say: fundamentally, human being is a creative thing, a force that exists for a while on the Earth and is able to create beautiful things that nature cannot make.

What other fields of art do you like? You mentioned theatre and music before. I love all kinds of art. I love painting. I love sculpture although I don’t understand it very well. Recently, I discovered another great Estonian artist – Arvo Pärt. Hearing his music and listening to it closely feels both ancient and modern. That’s something my father certainly was interested in – the idea that something can reach backwards and forwards in time. The art of time travelling – that is very exciting.

Please comment on your father’s favourite saying “What was has always been, what is has always been, what will be has always been”.I think I just said it. Art is something that, when you hit it right, makes sense. It comes from the beginning of times, is true now, will always be true. There’s a humble aspect to that statement – when you create something really good you don’t own it. It was already there and it will always be there. That is a wonderful way to think and it goes well against our extremely egoistical age. As Lou said about his favourite composer Beethoven – “Did the world need Beethoven’s 5th symphony? No. But once he wrote it, the world could not do without it”.

Nathaniel Kahn is a film director, who lives in Philadelphia, America. He is the author of the documentary „My Architect”.

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Arhitekt Louis Kahni maagiline dimensioon

Ühel päeval me märkame, et eksisteerib pilte, objekte, maju ja konstruktsioone, mis fokuseerivad endas jumalikku energiat ja mõjutavad ümbritsevat oma hiiglasliku positiivse sagedusega Samuti märkame, et eksisteerib loojaid, kes tegutsevad kanalina selle jumaliku jõu ja maailma vahel Need loojad panevad oma teostesse määratu jõu Pildid, majad, skulptuurid, stuupad hakkavad ümbrusele kiirgama väga spetsiifilist energiat

Mäletan seda ekstaatilist tunnet, mis tekkis Eestis sündinud arhitekti Louis Kahni (1901–1974) tööde esmakordsel kogemisel Olin vist neljanda kursuse üliõpilane, kui minu kätte sattus ajakirja L’architecture d’aujourd’hui venekeelne tõlkenumber Läbi keh-vapoolsete mustvalgete fotode kumasid salapäraste ehitiste lummavad kontuurid Igaveste

märkidena paistvate plaanide mõju oli aga kirjeldamatu Ning väikesed tekstikatked olid kui luuleread tei-sest dimensioonist Sündisin justkui uuesti Kunagi palju palju hiljem külastasin dr Solki laborite komp-leksi San Diegos ning alles hilja-aegu Kahni projektide järgi ehita-tud dr Fisheri eramut ja Richardsi laboratooriume Philadelphias, Briti kunsti keskust New Havenis ning tütarlaste ühiselamut Bryn Maw-ris Huvitaval kombel tekkis tunne, nagu oleksin nendes ehitistes olnud juba varem Märkasin, et inimesed, kes neid maju külastasid, viibisid mingis kõrgendatud emotsionaal-ses seisundis

Mis on minu kogemuses võrreldav nende tunnetega? Väga vähene Võib-olla vene arhitekti Konstantin Melnikovi enda maja külastamine Moskvas, Giorgio de Chirico maalide esmakordne koge-Louis Kahn

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mine, Egiptuse templite nägemine, Palladio Villa la Rotonda külasta-mine… Siinkohal tuleb öelda, et kõikide nende tugevate energiate kvaliteet on kordumatu ja erineb üksteisest

Teame, et 55 aastasena elas Louis Kahn üle spirituaalse ärka-mise Poeg Nathaniel Kahn rääkis järgmise loo Sensitiivist ema oli lubanud enne oma surma avaldada Lou’le saladuse Viimane jõudis aga ema surivoodi juurde tund aega pärast tema surma Sellele vaatamata algasid Kahnis suured spirituaalsed muudatused Ärkamise-valgustu-mise kaasnähtusena hakkasid muu-tuma ka tema projektid Hiljaaegu külastasin koos Kahni Sõprade Klubi liikmete Ingrid Mald-Villandi ja Toivo Tammikuga USAd, kus kohtusime Kahni lastega ning vaatasime üle neli objekti (juba nimetatud Richardsi laborid, dr Fisheri eramu, Briti kunsti keskuse New Havenis ning ühiselamu Bryn Mawris) Energeetiliselt tugevaim oli laborite hoone, subtiilseim aga kunstikeskus Ühiselamus valitses mingi kloosterlik salapära Fisheri elamu oli suurepärane, kuid tunnetatav oli ka selle valgustuseelne kvaliteet Suurte meistrite töödele iseloomulikult seisid nad tugevalt maa küljes Kõigis neljas oli tunda, kuidas range geomeetria oli seotud reljeefi ja loodusega Vaatamata oma geniaalsusele on Louis Kahni USA tööd minu arvates eelmäng sellele, mida ta tegi elu lõpul Indias, Nepaalis ja Bangladeshis Idas mõisteti, et Kahn on suur preester-arhitekt, õpetaja ja pühamees Idas usaldati teda täielikult Ainult selline mõistmine võis luua olukorra Dhaka parlamendi-kompleksi tekkimiseks Arvan, et maakera pole sajandeid sellist imet näinud Tõeline Jumala aparaat Oletan, et eelmistes eludes võis Kahn olla selliste ehitiste arhitekt nagu Mehhiko püramiidid, Stonehendge või templid Kambodžas

Huvi Louis Kahni tööde vastu on maailmas jälle tärkamas Ilmselt on selleks pinna loonud ka poeg Nathaniel Kahni ülipopulaarne film “My Architect” Beethoveni muu-sika, dokumentaalkaadrid Kahnist, tema ehitistest ja õpilastest, naised, tütred, mitteamee-rikalik Philadelphia, muinasjutuline hiigelsuurte akendega laev-kontsertsaal, spirituaalne India ja neitsilik Bangladesh on tekitanud võimsa eepilise jutustuse suurest kunstnikust, müstikust ja pühakust

Luois Kahn. Phillips Exeteri Akadeemia raamatukogu, New Hampshire, ehitatud 1965-72.

Louis Kahn. Library, Phillips Exeter Academy in NH, built in 1965-72.

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Vaatame korraks Louis Kahni kui tervendajat ja šamaani Sarnaselt akupunktuuriga, kus kuldsete nõeltega parandatakse ja võimendatakse inimese energiate liikumist, asetab ka Kahn oma mandala-plaanidega energiatornid maamuna tšakratele Tulemuseks on määratu suure annuse positiivse kosmilise energia voog planeedile Sellised ehitised nagu Exeteri raamatukogu, Richardsi laborid, kirik Rochesteris ja Dhaka parlamendikompleks on energiat tootvad (vahendavad) seadeldised, mis parandavad Maa peenenergeetilist sagedust Oma ehitistega, mis valmisid põhiliselt 20 sajandi viimasel veerandil, on arhitekt justkui 21 sajandi spirituaalse revolutsiooni varajane kuulutaja

Palju salapärast ja huvitavat on üles kerkinud seoses Louis Kahniga Kõike seda hakatakse käsitlema sel aastal Kuressaares 6 ja 7 oktoobril Louis Kahni päevadel, kuhu kogunevad arhitektid, kunstnikud, ajaloolased, Kahni järeltulijad maailma eri paigust, et puudutada Kahni juurte, kirjutiste ja loomingu küsimusi Samas vaadatakse Saaremaa ajatu atmosfääri valguses üle arhitektuuri hetkeseis ja tulevik

Louis Kahn. Yale’i ülikooli Briti kunsti keskus, New Haven, USA.Louis Kahn.Yale University, Center of British Art, New Haven, USA.

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Architect Louis Kahn’s magic dimension

Architect Vilen Künnapu is transposing Louis Kahn to his native town Kuressaare, on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia.

One day we will notice that there exist pictures, objects, houses and structures concentrating divine energy and affecting the surroundings with their gargantuan positive frequency. We will also notice that there exist creators, acting as channels between that divine power and the world. Those creators import colossal power into their works. Pictures, houses, sculptures, stupas start emanating very specific energy into the environment.

I well remember the ecstatic feeling when I first experienced the works by architect Louis Kahn (1901–1974) born in Estonia. I might have been a fourth-year student in 1970 or so when I happened to see a translated issue in Russian of the magazine “L’architecture d’aujourd’hui”. Through the black-white photos of not high quality glowed the bewitching contours of mysterious buildings. The impact of plans like eternal signs was indescribable.Fragments of texts seemed like lines of poetry from another dimension. I felt like I was reborn. Much later I visited Dr. Solk’s complex of laboratories in San Diego, and just recently Dr. Fisher’s family house and Richards’ laboratories in Philadelphia, built after Kahn’s projects, the centre of British art in New Haven and the girls’ dormitory in Bryn Mawr. Surprisingly I developed a feeling of déja vue, as if I had been in those buildings before. I noticed that the people visiting those houses were in a strung-up heightened emotional state.

What is comparable in my experience to those feelings? Very little, in fact. Perhaps visiting the residence of the Russian architect Konstantin Melnikov in Moscow, seeing Giorgio de Chirico’s paintings, temples of Egypt, visiting Palladio’s Villa la Rotonda… It should be mentioned that the quality of all those potent energies is different from one another and thus unique.

We know that at the age of 55 Louis Kahn underwent spiritual revival. His son Nathaniel Kahn recounted the following story. His clairvoyant mother had made a promise to reveal to Lou a secret before her departure. The son however, arrived at his mother’s death-bed one hour after her demise. Regardless of that, dramatic spiritual changes were triggered in Kahn. Together with his awakening-enlightenment process, his projects started to change.

Lately I visited the USA, together with members of the Club of Acolytes of Kahn Ingrid Mald-Villand and Toivo Tammik. We met Kahn’s children and looked at the four projects (Richards’ laboratories, Dr. Fisher’s residence, the Centre of British Art in New Haven and the dormitory in Bryn Mawr). Energetically the strongest was the building of laboratories. The subtlest, was the art centre. A kind of convent-like mystery prevailed in the dormitory. Fisher’s residence was magnificent, the quality prevailing before the ‘doors of perception’ opened to the architect was however quite perceptible. As is inherent to the works of grand masters, they stood firmly on the

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ground. All four projects were testimony of how the rigorous geometry was linked to relief and nature. Regardless of his genius, the USA works of Louis Kahn were, in my opinion, prelude to what he did in his declining years in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. In the East it was quickly understood that Kahn was a grand priest-architect, teacher and saint. In the East, full trust was placed in him. Only such deep recognition could pave the way for the emergence of the Dhaka Parliament complex. I think that the world has not seen such a miracle for centuries. I surmise that in his previous lives Kahn might have been architect of such structures as the Mexican pyramids, Stonehenge or temples in Cambodia.

The interest in Louis Kahn’s works is emerging in the world, once again. Much of this can be attributed to his son Nathaniel Kahn’s immensely popular film “My Architect”. Beethoven’s music, documentary shots of Kahn, his buildings and pupils, women, daughters, un-American Phi-ladelphia, fabulous ship-concert hall with gigantic windows, spiritual India and virginal Bangladesh have created a powerful epic narrative about a great artist, a mystic and a holy man.

Let’s look at Louis Kahn as a healer and shaman. Like acupuncture, where the energy flows of man are corrected and amplified with golden needles, Kahn too places with his solid mandala plans the energy towers on chakras of the globe. It results in the flow to the Planet of an enormous dose of positive cosmic energy. Such buildings as Exeter’s library, Richards’ laboratories, church in Rochester and the Dhaka Parliament complex are energy supplying (mediating) contraptions, rectifying the finely tuned energetic frequency of Earth. With his buildings, which were mainly completed in the last quarter of the 20th century, the architect poses like the early herald of a spiritual revolution of the 21st century.

There are many mysterious and fascinating details about Louis Kahn. All of them will be treated at Louis Kahn’s Days at Kuressaare on 6–7 October 2006, where will come together, architects, artists, historians, Kahn’s descendants from various places of the world, with the aim at elucidating the issues concerning the roots, pieces of writing and works of Kahn. In the light of Saaremaa’s timeless atmosphere, architecture’s current status and its vistas for the future will be examinated as well.

Vasakul: Louis Kahn. Richardsi laboratooriumid, Philadelphia, USA.Left: Louis Kahn. Richards’ Laboratories, Philadelphia, USA.

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Te istute Helsingi-New Yorgi lennukis, käes Castaneda “Ajaratas”, ees ootamas reis Louis Kahni ehitiste võlumaailma Äkki märkate, et noor naine teie kõrval hoiab käes samasugust Castaneda raamatut, kuid venekeelset Selgub, et tege mist on kaheksat keelt kõneleva udmurdi selgeltnägijaga “Kas nõid saab ehitada silda tavaliste inimeste maailma?” küsite teie “Arvan, et ei saa,” vastab noor daam “Aga kui inimesed seda soovivad, tuleb neil ehitada sild, et ühineda nägijatega ”

Lend lõppeb üllatavalt ruttu ja te leiate end peagi New Yorgi Penn Stationis, et astuda väljuvale Philadelphia rongile Kveekerite ehitatud Philadelphia on hoopis erinev rahainimeste New Yorgist Kui esimesel on klassikaline plaan ja sümmeetriliste parkide süsteemiga südamik, laiad tänavad, Victoria stiilis punasest tellisest optimistlikud majad, inimlik mõõde ja rahu, siis viimase energia on karm ja mõõde lõputu Ka inimesed on Philadelphias erinevad Kui Poolast emigreerunud ettekandja on New Yorgis emot-sionaalselt jutunäljas, vuristades teile kiiresti ette oma haiglalugude, maksude ja üüride dollarinumbrid, siis paks mustanahaline hotellitädi Philadelphias kulutab flegmaatilise rahuga teie hotelli vormistamiseks tubli kolmveerand tundi, tehes seda aga väga sõbrali-kult ja meeldivalt Kui New Yorgi taksojuht teid suure õigeusu ristiga sajatab, öeldes, et kirikus tuleb käia, aga mitte muuseumis, siis argentiinlane Philadelphias ostab teilt kahe dollari eest kakskümmend viis eesti krooni

Te teete tutvust Louis Kahni arhiivi, tema ehitiste ja järeltulijatega Arhiivis asuvad meistri skitsid ja töömaketid kiirgavad erilist energiat Erilised on ka Saaremaal sündinud

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Kahni lapsed Tundub, et isa sära kannab edasi kõige rohkem poeg Nathaniel Kahn Maailmakuulsa filmimehena on ta energiline, täpne, humoorikas, samas ka maagia-ja müstikalembene Märgates „Epifanio” kaanel eesti nõida Ursulat, hüüatab ta kohe: “Ma tahan teda näha!” Ka tütred Alex ja Sue Ann meenutavad millegi poolest tulnukaid Alex on maalikunstnik, Sue Ann aga muusik Teil ja teie reisikaaslastel Ingridil ja Toivol tekib Kahni perekonnaga hea klapp Kõikide pereliikmete sooviks on osaleda Kahni päevadel Kuressaares Te saate mõndagi teada Kahni isast ja emast Isa mäletatakse kui ülienergilist, seitset keelt kõnelevat, igasugust töötegemist põlgavat kõhna ja pikka härrasmeest, ema aga kui salapärast sensitiivi ja ravijat Sealt siis Kahni arhitektuuri üliharva esinev spirituaalsus Ka Alex tunnistab, et näeb vahel ette mõnda tulekahju või muud sündmust Üheskoos külastatakse dr Fisheri eramut, mis valmis Louis Kahni projekti järgi 1967 aastal Te külastate ka Philadelphia Meditsiinilaboratooriumit ning Briti Kunstikeskust New Have-nis Üllataval kombel viivad kõik need ehitused teid kõrgendatud meeleollu Te märkate enda ümber inimesi, kelle silmad säravad kuidagi ekstaatiliselt Nathaniel seletab asja nii: “Lou oli kanal ja tema ehitised on antennid, mis ühendavad inimest Jõuga ” Te kogete sellist ebamaist arhitektuurikvaliteeti, mida kohtab vaid muistsete püramiidide, templite, pagoodide ja stuupade juures

Järgnevatel päevadel kogete New Yorgis üksikute energiakeskuste väge Kui Empire State Building kiirgab kuldse nõelana üle terve Manhattani, siis Wrighti Guggenheimi muuseum on väike ja selge mandala Liftiga üles ja mööda spiraalset pandust alla Suurte meistrite skeemides on liikumine lihtne ja hästi jälgitav Ka art deco stiilis New Yorkeri hotell 8 avenüül, kus te peatute, on energiatorn Te taipate äkki, et tornide hea energia tasakaalustab tänava tasandil pulbitsevat närvilist ja rabedat energiat

Viimasel päeval sõidate praamiga Vabadussamba juurde Te märkate, et ka see ilmaime on antenn, kus käivad palverännakul miljonid inimesed Tunnetate selle kujundi head ja tugevat energiat Päikesekiir peegeldub kuldselt tõrvikuleegilt, heleroheline jumalan-nasiluett joonistub taeva taustale, jahedas kevadtuules lehvib tähelipp, taamal Manhattan pastelltoonides pilvelõhkujate kaljupeenrana

Tagasi tulles lendab lennuk kiiresti läbi öö Päike loojub ja tõuseb kohe jälle Öö on olematu Te mõistate, et aega ei ole olemas, te aura saab räsitud kiirest lennusõidust, kuid sellele vaatamata tunnete selgelt jumala välja olemasolu Teid haarab hiigelsuur õnnetunne Te tajute, et olete osa universumist Te kuulute ühisvälja ja olete tükike jumalat ennast Helsingi lennujaamas ootate vale värava juures Tallinna lennukit Teid ümbritseb rühm vaimsete puuetega inimesi, kes on samuti teel kuhugi Alles hääl raadiost juhatab teid õige väravani ja sealt paksult rahvast täis lennujaamabussini, mis ootab teid juba Lühike reis üle Soome lahe võib alata

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Vilen Künnapu.Kollaaž, 2007.Vilen Künnapu.Collage, 2007.

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America. Trip no. 4

You’re sitting in the plane from Helsinki to New York, with Castaneda’s „The Wheel of Time” in hand, waiting for the trip ahead to Louis Kahn’s fascinating world of structures. Suddenly you notice that a young woman next to you is holding the same Castaneda book, but in Russian. It turns out that she’s an Udmurt clairvoyant who speaks 8 languages. „Can a witch build a bridge to the world of ordinary persons?” you ask. „I believe that one can’t,” the young woman replies. „But if people wish this, then they must build a bridge in order to join those who see.”

The flight ends surprisingly quickly and you soon find yourself in New York’s Penn Station so you can get on the departing train to Philadelphia. Philadelphia, built by Quakers, is totally different from the New York built by the rich. While the first has a classical layout and a heart with a system of symmetrical parks, wide streets, optimistic Victorian-style redbrick houses, human dimensions and peace, then the energy of the last is severe and the dimensions unending. Also the people in Philadelphia are different. In New York the waitress who emigrated from Poland is eager to tell us stories, quickly rattling on about the amount of her hospital bills, taxes and rent in dollars, whereas the round black hotel worker in Philadelphia takes a good 45 minutes with a phlegmatic peace to get you checked into the hotel, doing it, however, in a very friendly and pleasant way.

While the New York taxi driver curses you with a big Orthodox cross saying that one must go to church and not the museum, an Argentinian in Philadelphia buys 25 Estonian kroons from you for 2 dollars.

You get acquainted with the Louis Kahn archives, his buildings and offspring. The sketches and work models located in the archive give off a special energy. Children of Kahn, who was born on Saaremaa Island, are also special. It seems that their father’s radiance is carried on the most in his son Nathaniel Kahn. As a world-famous film director, he is energetic, precise, funny, while at the same time he likes magic and mystery. Noticing the Estonian witch Ursula on the cover of „Epifa-nio”, he shouts immediately: „I want to see her!” Also daughters Alex and Sue Ann remind you somehow of aliens. Alex is a painter, and Sue Ann a musician. You and your travel companions Ingrid and Toivo get along well with the Kahn family. The whole family’s wish is to take part in Kahn Days in the town of Kuressaare. You get to know a little about Kahn’s father and mother. His father is remembered as a highly energetic tall and thin man who spoke 7 languages, hated all kind of work, while his mother was remembered as a mysterious psychic and healer. Which is where Kahn’s very rarely-seen spirituality is from. Alex also admits that sometimes she sees a fire or other events before they happen. Together you visit Dr. Fisher’s private residence, which was built according to Louis Kahn’s project in 1967. You also visit the Philadelphia Medical Laboratory and the British Art Center in New Haven. All these buildings bring you to an elevated state. You notice people around you, their eyes sparkling. Nathaniel explains it: „Lou was a channel and his buildings are antennas, which link a person with the Power.” You experience this weird quality of

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architecture, which one only meets in pyramids, temples, pagodas and stupas.During the next days you experience the power of individual energy centres in New York.

The Empire State Building glows like a golden needle over all of Manhattan, whereas the Wright Guggenheim Museum is a small and clear mandala. Up with the elevator and past the spiraling slope downwards. Movement is simple and quite observable in the sketches of the great masters. Also the New York hotel on the 8th Avenue in Art Deco style where you stay is a tower of energy. You suddenly understand that the good energy of the towers counterbalances the simmering, edgy and brittle energy on the street. The last day you go with the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. You notice that this wonder of the world is also an antenna which millions go to on a pilgrimage. You feel the positive and strong energy of this figure. The sunbeam is reflected in the golden torch flame, the silhouette of a light green goddess appears in the background of the sky, the star-spangled banner flutters in the cool spring wind, and over there Manhattan, the jagged rows of skyscrapers in pastel tones.

Coming back, the plane flies quickly through the night. The sun sets and rises soon again. The night is nonexistent. You understand that time doesn’t exist, your aura becomes worn from the fast flight, but despite this you feel the presence of god clearly. An overwhelming sense of happiness comes over you. You realize that you are a part of the universe. You are everything and you are a little part of god himself. In the Helsinki airport you wait for the plane to Tallinn at the wrong gate. You are surrounded by a group of mentally disabled people, who are likewise on their way somewhere. Then a voice from the radio leads you to the right gate and from there to the packed airport bus, which is already waiting for you. The short trip over the Gulf of Finland can begin.

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Louis Kahn ja igavese arhitektuuri kujundid

Kuninganna Hatšepsuti tempel Egiptuses Kuningate orus.Queen Hatsepsut´s temple in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.

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Meie eksisteerimine kulgeb materiaalses kehas ja materiaalses keskkonnas ning samas ka kõrgemas dimensioonis nähtamatute vaimolenditena Tänapäeval ei ole pääs loori taha kaugeltki kõikidele kättesaadav Samas on teispoolsus palju suurem ja tähtsam kui materialistlik hetk planeedil Maa Tegelikult on kõik energia Meie maised kehad koos siin- ja teispoolsusega moodustavad ühtse suure terviku, mida võib nimetada ühisväljaks Ühisväli on jõu allikas

Ainult vähesed suudavad nüüdisajal seda kõiksuse jumalikku vaimu maa peale tuua Veel vähem on meediume, kes suudaksid luua konstruktsioone ja ehitisi, mis akumuleeri-vad ja vahendavad jumalikku energiat Üks selliseid oli kahtlemata arhitekt Louis Kahn – suur eestlane, suur ameeriklane ja suur maailmakodanik


Maailmas on alati eksisteerinud mandalakujulised energiaehitised, mis – paiknedes erilistes jõukohtades – on korrastanud ja stimuleerinud planeedi energeetikat Need on temp-lid, kirikud, stuupad jm tsentraalsed ehitised, mis lähtuvad jumalikust kuldlõikest, mida iseloomustab tsenter ja sümmeetria Sõna mandala on pärit sanskriti keelest ja tähendab ringi, tsentrumiga kujundit, aga ka ruutu ja ringi-ruudu kombinatsioone ning neist tule-tatud kujundeid, näiteks kaheksanurka Mandala keskpunktist lähtub vertikaalne telg, mis viib meid ühendusse universumiga Mandala kujundite liitumisel tekivad energeetilised süsteemid, mis võivad töötada ülivõimsate seadeldistena

Louis Kahni tuntud ehitiste – Trentoni sauna ja Exeteri raamatukogu – plaanid on puhtad mandalad Bryn Mawri ehitise plaan on kolme võrdse mandala liitumisel tekkinud rida, Dhaka assambleekompleks on keerukas lillesarnane mandalakujund, milles leidub ka pisut asümmeetriat Richardsi laboritel on juba keerukam mandalakujundite liitumisega tekitatud plaan Sarnaselt Ida-Aasia templite ja stuupadega on Kahni ehitised energiako-gujad Meister kasutab igaveste arhetüüpide struktuuri, olles kanal, läbi mille liigub jõud Trentoni saun on ülitugev jumala aparaat Näen siin nii Egiptuse püramiidide kui ka Kuressaare lossi mõjutusi See hoone tuleks restaureerida ja avada inimestele vaatamiseks Sama lugu on ka Exeteri raamatukoguga Minu füüsiline keha ei ole seal käinud, kuid sellele vaatamata tunnetan imelise ehitise maagilist sidet kosmosega

On avaldatud arvamust, et Bryn Mawri ühiselamu on Kahni teistest kuuekümnen-datel tehtud töödest nõrgem Raske öelda Fassaadide ilme on tõepoolest veidi nukker, kuid sisemine ruumistruktuur, mis kulgeb piki peatelge, on ülimalt müstiline ja meenu-tab mingit muistset kloostrit Muljetavaldav on ka tugimüüride juurestik, mis seob teda

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (159)


ümbritseva maastikuga Kõik Louis Kahni ehitised on oma kohaga fantastiliselt seotud Dhaka assamblee on Kahni tõenäoliselt kõige täiuslikum töö Seda totaalset inst-

rumenti on üheselt raske kirjeldada – hoonel on nii mitu tasandit Ta meenutab mulle lille, mingit Lemuuria templit või hoopis teise planeedi kultusehitist Ta sisaldab maagi-list jõudu, mis mõjutab terve Bangladeshi käekäiku Nii mineraalid, vesi, taimed kui ka inimesed tunduvad olevat ehitisest mõjutatud

Richardsi laboratooriumide kompleks on aga arhitekti säravaim energiajaam Ehitis on suurepäraselt seotud naaberhoonete ja lõuna pool asuva pargiga Meenutades väikest San Gimignano tornide linna Itaalias, kirjeldab see ehitis kõnekalt Louis Kahni spirituaalset ärkamist – sedavõrd erineb ta valgustusele eelnenud projektidest


Vaadates Kahni Richardsi uurimismaja järgseid ehitisi või lugedes tema tolleaegseid tekste, mõistame, et Lou on saanud teadliku ühenduse kõrgema jõuga Sellist välgusähvatusele sarnanevat inimese muutumist toimub harva, eriti kunstnike ja intelligentide hulgas Liiga suur ego ja mõistuse dikteerimine on kui takisti, mis ei lase kõrgema jõuga ühineda Ainult suur hoop ego pihta võib selle takisti lõhkuda See võib olla haigus, õnnetu armastus, lähedase inimese surm või mingi muu raske seisund, millest vabanemisel inimene tun-neb, et ta justkui ühineks millegi endast suuremaga Loomulikult jõutakse ärkamiseni ka pikaajaliste vaimsete tegevuste kaudu, palvetades ja paastudes, kuid läbi suure kannatuse on see kõige efektiivsem Louis Kahni puhul tundub, et see lihtsalt pidi nii juhtuma Ka tema ema surm mõjutas kahtlemata sündmusi

Arhitekt on öelnud:

See, mis oli, on alati olnud.See, mis on, on alati olnud.See, mis tuleb, on alati olnud.

Nii võib mõelda ainult inimene, kes tajub hinge surematust

Te peate eksisteerima igaühena, mitte ainult iseendana.Seda öeldes tunnetab Kahn, et kõrgema jõu kaudu oleme kõik üksteisega seotud, me oleme üks energia, üks organism

Mulle meeldib tunda, et teadmine ei paikne mitte inimese mõistuses, vaid väljaspool seda – sarnaselt raamatuga, mille juurde võib astuda

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (160)


Kahn on tunnetanud, et teadmised paiknevad ühisväljas Näiteks aborigeenid on ainuke säilinud rahvus, kellel on ühisteadvus Seda, mida teab üks aborigeen, teavad kõik aborigeenid

Valgustusseisundi läbinud inimene hakkab kiiresti valdama uut informatsiooni See info meenutab võrku Õppides tundma võrgu ühte serva, tunnetad kogu võrgustikku Ja mis on oluline – varasem mittevajalik info kustutatakse mälust Püha Fransiscus näiteks hakkas pärast pikaajalist haigust mõistma lindude ja loomade keelt

Loomulikult oli kogu Kahni senine elu osa sellest ärkamisest Intuitiivselt tunnetas ta alati ühisvälja olemasolu Kuid sellest teadlikuks saades võimendus jõud tuhande-kordseks Alles teadvustununa siseneb jumalik mõõde tema ütlustesse ja kuldlõige tema plaanidesse


Viiekümnendatel sooritas Kahn reisi Egiptusesse Tõenäoliselt koges ta seal informatsiooni, mis kuulus eelmistele tsivilisatsioonidele Teame, et vanad egiptlased olid seotud atlan-tide ja Atlantisega, enne kui see mander hävines Kuulsa vene nägija Jelena Blavadskaja järgi valmistasid atlandid 78 000 aastat tagasi suure püramiidi Nii Blavadskaja kui ka Rudolf Steiner peavad Egiptuse püramiide, Karnaki ja Luxorit atlantide tsivilisatsiooni tänapäevasteks tõenditeks

Võib arvata, et Egiptuses koges Lou vaim midagi väga vana, väga võimsat ja väga erinevat Sealt ka tema tulevaste projektide kuldlõikelisus ja suur mastaap

Arvan, et igaüks, kes sõidab laevaga mööda Niilust ühe templi juurest teiseni, kogeb midagi kirjeldamatut ning ta ei jää selliseks, nagu ta oli enne


Roomas viibides kogeb Kahn linna, mis on üles ehitatud kui kirik – altari, pealöövi ja külglöövide, kabelite, krüptide, sammaskäikude ja kuplitega Sellise plaaniga linn on kui geomeetriaga puhastatud Deemonid põgenevad siit, pühitsetud territooriumil ei ole neile kohta Muistse Rooma ehitised, nagu Colosseum, Caracalla termid ning Pantheon, näitavad oma igavest energiat

Me ei tea, millistesse linnadesse ja küladesse korraldas Kahn Roomast väljasõite Võib-olla jäid nende hulka ka inimtühi Parma oma metafüüsilise lossi ja toomkiriku ümber oleva harmoonilise linnaruumiga, Mantua, mis on kui mingi teise planeedi kauge kaja Või hoopis Pisa, mis seisab keset lauskmaad kui lummav elektrijaam; Bagno Vignoni, kus linna peaväljaku asemel on aurav kuumaveebassein ning kus Tarkovski väntas oma

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (161)


parima filmi “Nostalgia”; San Gimignano, mille väike pilvelõhkujate parv meenutab natuke Richardsi laborite torne; Monteriggioni, mille rahu ja vaikus etendub meile selge geomeetriana Ka sealt võis Louis Kahn saada inspiratsiooni oma tahukalise kivi-astronoomia tarvis


Kahni tsentraalsed plaanid meenutavad lille kujundit, nagu ka paljude iidsete pühakodade plaanid Stuupade plaanid meenutavad lille Ka mandala on lill Mehhiko teadjamees Epifanio Ramirez on öelnud, et lill on kõige inimesesarnasem looduse manifestatsioon 2006 aasta suvel korraldas Epifanio Põhja-Eestis Juminda poolsaarel lilletseremoonia See algas rongkäiguga läbi küla mere poole Poolsada inimest kandis käes kõige erine-vamaid lilli Epifanio tagus trummi ja laulis mehhiko lastelaule Rannas joonistati liivale pilt, mis kujutas vikerkaart, selle all oli kolm pääsukest ja lainetav meri Seltskond jaotas erinevate lillede õied värvide kaupa rühmadesse Seejärel maaliti pilt üheskoos lilledega üle Järgmise päeva koidikul jätkati tseremooniat Ümber pildi moodustati ring ning koos Epifanioga tantsiti rituaalseid tantse Epifanio laulis emakesele maale lastelaulu

Castel de Monte, Lõuna-Itaalia,

Apulia, ehitatud 1229-1249.

South Italy, Apulia, built in 1229-1249.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (162)


Ja äkitselt maaema reageeris! Tantsivaid inimesi haaras transilähedane seisund Mitmed tundsid kehas surinat, mitmed hakkasid nutma Seejärel monteeriti maal lahti, lilleõied kanti nelja ilmakaarde laiali ning ohverdati maale Esimest korda elus tajusin, et maa elab ning kõneleb meiega

Epifanio õpetas, et kui ehitad templit, mis suhtleb taevaga, tuleb eelkõige klaarida ära suhted maaga Ta usaldas mulle seejärel mitu iidset templiehitajate saladust

Vaadates Kahni Dhaka assamblee ehitust, tundub, et meister oli suutnud leida kon-takti nii kosmose kui ka emakese maaga

1990 aastal ilmus Drunvalo Melchizedeki raamat “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” (“Elulille iidne saladus”), milles ta tutvustab elulille kujundit, mis on kogu elava universumi loomise baasmuster Kui me inimestena kulgesime teadvuse väga kõrgelt tasandilt pimedusse, siis me unustasime, kes me tõeliselt oleme Praegu ärkame justkui unest

Bondhanathi stuupa Katmandus, Nepaal. Bondhanath’s stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (163)


Me elame vaimse revolutsiooni, spirituaalse ärkamise ajastul Meile avaldatakse pal-jud saladused, millest 50 aastat tagasi veel rääkidagi ei lubatud Elulilles peitub jumalik kuldlõige ja kõige skeem, mis sellega kaasneb

Tallinnast 25 km kaugusel asuvas Lilleoru kommuunis on alustatud hiigelsuure paeki-vist elulille kujundi ehitamist Kogu kommuuni planeering on sellele kujundile allutatud ning elulille kese on paigutatud loodusliku energiasamba kohale Indias on elulille kujundi alusel ehitatud hulk pühakodasid ja kommuune, tuntuim neist on ideaallinn Auroville


Kui me vaatame Kahni Dhakas asuva hospidali fassaadi, märkame me sellel hiigelsuuri müstilisi silmi Mida need tähendavad? Inimese silmad on hinge peegel Kas ka ehitise vaim kõneleb meiega läbi silmade?

Kord kõrgendatud teadvuse seisundis liikusin Tallinnas üle Toompea mäe ning nägin äkitselt Toompea lossi Väikesed aknaavad olid järsku rääkima hakanud Midagi sellist ei olnud ma enne läbi elanud Olin vapustatud Ma nägin nendes silmades Toompea vaimu

Kõikide Tiibeti templite peal on salapärased silmad Mõned arvavad, et need on Buda silmad Raamatu “Kellest me põlvneme” autor, vene teadlane Ernst Muldašev arvab, et need on eelmise tsivilisatsiooni inimeste, atlantide silmad

Jumalate linn

Ernst Muldašev korraldas ekspeditsiooni Tiibeti mägedesse, et uurida jumalate linnaga seonduvat Arvatakse, et jumalate linn on dimensioonidevaheliste maailmade värav, sinna on peidetud kuldplaatidel kõikide tsivilisatsioonide teadmised ning seal paikneb ka inimkonna geenifond Teadlase tehtud joonistustel näeme me hiiglaslikke püramii-dseid ehitisi ja nende liitumisel tekkinud keerulisi ansambleid Jumalate linna keskuseks on püramiidne mägi Kailas Arvatakse, et hiigelehitised on loodud psüühilist energiat kasutades nagu Egiptuse püramiidid ja Stonehenge Nad on ehitatud looduslike mägede lihvimise teel Kailas on kõige püham monument Ida-Aasias ning selle poole püüdlevad tuhanded palverändurid

Ida-Aasias võib kohata kummalisi ehitisi, mida nimetatakse stuupadeks Tihti moo-dustavad nad erinevate tornide ansambleid Arvatakse, et stuupad jäljendavad jumalate linna pühasid ehitisi Stuupad on kosmilise energia generaatorid ning nende geomeetria on aluseks paljude kirikutornide ja templite kujundusele Niisiis on Kailas kogu spiri-tuaalse arhitektuuri kese

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (164)


Spirituaalne revolutsioon

Inimkond läbis oma materialistliku madalseisu 20 sajandil, viies maailma ohtlikult krii-tilisse olukorda Et maailma päästa, saavad paljud vaimse ärkamise Iidsed salateadmised ärkavad taas ellu Saladus kui niisugune on maha võetud – juurdepääs on antud peaaegu kõigele Indigolasteks nimetatud uued põlvkonnad sünnivad puhaste inimestena, sen-sitiivsete ja headena Sellest tulenevalt kaob ära negatiivsust eelistav meedia, küüniline kunst, loovust minetav kriitika ning isekas ja kõrgemast jõust äralõigatud arhitektuur See juhtub – valuliselt, aga ikkagi juhtub Ja uued inimesed vajavad uut arhitektuuri See saab olema vaimne arhitektuur Ees seisab ka arhitektuuriline revolutsioon

Louis Kahn oli selle muutumise eelkäija, pioneer Ma pole kohanud ühtki kriitilist märkust ega negatiivsust väljendavat mõtet tema tekstides Ta oli kui puu all istuv mees, kes ei teadnud, et ta on õpetaja, ning teda ümbritsenud ei tundnud ennast õpilastena Selline uue kooli mudel on veel tänaselgi päeval paljudele kättesaamatu, kuid sinnapoole asjad liiguvad Kahni ehitisi vaadates tundub, et need on oma kohtadel alati eksisteerinud Need on loomulikud, harmoonilised ehitised, kus liigub energia Kord noorpõlves nägin unes, et lendan mere kohal ja näen veealust linna See oli Louis Kahni tunnetusega igavene linn Arvan, et taolised linnad võisid eksisteerida Lemuurias ja Atlantises Tõenäoliselt saavad nad sellisteks ka tulevikus Mis oli, on alati olnud, mis on, on alati olnud, mis tuleb, on alati olnud …

Kahn ja Eesti

Louis Kahn on sündinud Eestis Teame, et sünnikoha eripäral ja inimese olemusel on palju ühist Teadjamees Tarmo Urb on öelnud, et Eesti on kui väike, aga sügav kaev Ta ütleb, et Eesti on õnnistatud paik Õnnistatud raske saatusega, kuid selle kaudu pühadusega Eestis on palju sensitiive, šamaane ja teadjamehi Hea nõid Ursula Liblikas ütleb, et selliseid inimesi on siin 80% Erilise pühadusega on aga Louis Kahni kodusaar Saaremaa

Siinkohal tegin väikese pausi Sõitsin autoga Tallinna lennujaama ning istusin pärast-lõunasele Tallinn-Kuressaare lennukile See oli mõnus väike lennuk Kõik on Eestis mõnusalt väike, jõuan veel mõelda, kui lennuk juba õhus on

Kuressaares on mul vastas vana sõber, arhitekt Lilian Hansar Tema autoga sõidame järgmised neli tundi mööda Saaremaa pühapaiku Esimene peatus on Kihelkonna asulas Meie huviobjektiks on siinne 14 sajandist pärit massiivne kellatorn, mis omal ajal ehitati kirikust lahku Teravad tajud märkavad kohe erilise sagedusega tugevat ja harmoonilist energiat, mis on oma õrna embusse mässinud väikese lagendiku, kiriku, kellatorni ja kadakavälja

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (165)


Ja kummaline küll, selle vaikuse energia tunne ei jäta meid edasise teekonna jooksul kordagi maha Me sõidame Odalätsi pühade allikate juurde ja naudime nende neitsilikku looduslikku asetust Vaatame ära Undva kotkapesa ning sõidame Kaali meteoriidikraatri suunas Ei ühtki autot ega inimest, ainult tumepruun lammas sammumas majesteet-liku rahuga mööda maantee kesktelge Kaali kraater on monumentaalne Räägitakse, et kui meteoriit 7500 aastat tagasi siia kukkus, jälgis selle lendu kogu Euroopa Kukkudes moodustus ümar järv ning meteoriidi killud ümbritsesid teda kui planeedid päikest Ka Saaremaa hilisemad maalinnad said selle astronoomia osadeks Räägitakse, et meteoriit sisaldas tundmatut metalli ja taevalikku informatsiooni Alates sellest ajast peetakse Saa-remaad pühaks saareks ja seda on ta tänaseni

Jõu akumulaatoriteks on Saaremaal eelkõige loodusobjektid: allikad, kivid, puud ja põõsad Tegelikult on terve saar jõu transformaator Aastal 1993 külastas Saaremaad arhitekt Aldo van Eyck, Louis Kahni sõber ja kaasvõitleja Ta korjas lilli Tirbi säärel, mida peeti Kahni võimalikuks elukohaks, ning nõudis vaadata nõgusat rituaalikivi, mida Lilian Hansar talle ka näitas Nelja tunni pärast oleme tagasi lennujaamas, miskipärast väga erksad ja õnnelikud

Mõeldes Saaremaa energia sageduse ja kvaliteedi peale, võin iseenda kogemusest öelda, et Kahni töödes peegelduv energia on üllatavalt sarnane Saaremaa energiaga Võib isegi öelda, et ta töödes on rohkem Saaremaad kui Itaaliat või Egiptust, kuna Saaremaa on tema sünnimaa – neitsilik ja püha

Eestist on pärit ka Kahni töödes olulist rolli mänginud August Komendant Mäletan, et juba nooruses oli minu üks lemmikobjekte tema ja arhitekt Elmar Lohu ehitatud Kad-rioru staadion Väga orgaaniliselt pargiga seotud staadioni tribüüniehitise puhul oli eriti lummav selle tagakülg – jõuline raudbetoonkollonaad, mis oli veidi salapärasel kombel seotud tribüüni astmestikuga

Silmapaistvad eesti arhitektid Toomas Rein ja Raine Karp on uurinud Kahni töid ning olnud nendest ka mõjutatud Kahni tööde plaane on uurinud ka eesti kunstnik, teadjamees ja müstik Tõnis Vint Noorematest kunstnikest on Kahniga sarnane sagedus Arne Maasikul ja August Künnapul, noorematest arhitektidest aga Siiri Valneril ja Indrek Peilil

Ka minu kujunemisel on Louis Kahni looming mänginud väga olulist rolli Mitte ainult tema ehitised ja tekstid, vaid ka tema isik ja sellega kaasnev seletamatu energia oli müstiliselt magus ja hurmav Mäletan, et venekeelse ajakirja L’Architecture d’aujourdhui ilmumine Eesti arhitektuurimaastikule 1968 aastal tegi mind otsekui purju Kahni ütlused, skitsid ja joonistused, plaanid, detailid, ukseavad, trepid ning suured umbsed kivitahukad muutusid aastateks minu elu tuumaks Lou pilt rippus mu magamistoa seinal kui ikoon Mitu mu varajast projekti ning diplomitöö olid Kahni loomingust otseselt mõjutatud

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (166)


Siis tuli periood, mil ma tahtsin hakata moodsaks nagu paljud teised Ehmatuseks avas-tasin, et olen praktilises elus väga kohmakas ja vajan partnereid Koos nendega läbisin konstruktivistliku, futuristliku ja klassikalise arhitektuuri faasid Mitmes konkursitöös puudutasime vaimseid teemasid, kuid alateadlikult

Alles käesoleva sajandi alguses, kui olin kogenud vaimset uuestisündi, vabanes ka minu arhitektuur maistest tõmblustest Olin justkui tagasi pöördunud nooruses kogetud Kahni perioodi, kuid seda juba arengu kõrgemal astmel Koos kolleegidega on meil valminud mitu spirituaalse keskuse projekti, energiatorni ning kontseptuaalset mandala-templit Londoni, Taiwani ja Veneetsia jaoks Ehitusse on läinud kaks mandalaplaaniga eramut ning koostöös arhitekt Ain Padrikuga kolme torniga elamu Tallinnas ja spiraalse põhiplaaniga torn Tartus Need ehitised on kui tänapäevased stuupad, mis reguleerivad linna energeetikat

Energeetilisi seadeldisi projekteerime ka üliõpilastega TKTKs Koostöös Tamkangi ülikooliga Taiwanis on praegu väljatöötamisel uudne linnaehitusmeetod, mis kannab nimetust linna akupunktuur (urban acupuncture)

Kahni igavikulisest ideoloogiast on kantud ka ajatu ajaleht Epifanio Ajaleht püüab moodsa kunsti ja arhitektuuri ühendada müstiliste teadmiste ja spirituaalsusega

Südamekliinik Dhakas, L.I.Kahn, ehitatud 1970. a.Cardiac Hospital in Dhaka, L.I.Kahn, built in 1970.

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Arhitektuur kui religioon

August Komendant on kirjutanud, et arhitektuur oli Louis Kahnile kui religioon See mõte on minu jaoks erakordselt erutav Tundub, et projekteerides (samuti kõneldes ja vaikides) viibis Kahn pidevalt mingis meditatiivses, kõrgendatud seisundis Ta on öel-nud, et igal plaanil peab olema mõni eriline, pühitsetud (sacred) koht Siit võib järeldada, et iga ehitis oli Kahni jaoks kui tempel ning projekteerimine ja ehitamine kui jumala teenimine Vahel tundub, et kogu Kahni looming on pühitsetud See on kui Saaremaa, kus on hulgaliselt pühasid paiku ning mis on püha ka tervikuna Iga ruutsentimeeter siin on püha Tundub, et Kahn oli oma loomingu kaudu otseühenduses ühisväljaga Sealt anti talle kõik teadmised, jõud, harmoonia ja õnnetunne Mõnd Kahni ehitist külastades võib märgata, et see funktsioneerib kui energiakeskus, tempel või jumala instrument Briti Kunstikeskuses New Havenis kohtame õnnest joobunud naisluuletajat, ka ülejäänud külastajad ja valvurid on mingis kõrgendatud pühalikus seisundis Ja loomulikult Dhaka assamblee ehitis Nathaniel Kahni filmis “My Architect” nägime, milline võib olla ühe ehitise tähtsus tervele rahvale Filmi tugevuseks ongi see, et ta demonstreerib meile püha energiat, püha vaimu, mis Lou ja tema ehitiste ümber alati tekkis

Kuidas tuleb püha energia ehitistesse? Usun, et see antakse kõrgemalt poolt läbi preester-arhitekti Miskipärast arvan, et selliseid inimesi on üsna vähe ning ühed ja samad tegijad lihtsalt sünnivad taas Olgu see siis Lemuuria, Atlantis või meie tänane maailm Mulle tundub, et Louis Kahni näol on tegemist eriti kõrge pühamehega Võib arvata, et tema eelmised kehastused on rajanud paljud ehitised Indias, Kambodžas ja Mehhikos

Kahni isikus ja loomingus on veel palju salapära ja avastamatut Tema ehitised anna-vad meile jõudu ja lootust kõndida edasi mööda lõputut rada, mis meile ette on nähtud, ning sütitavad meidki käsitama loomingut spirituaalse aktina

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Louis Kahn and the images of eternal architecture


We know that our existence proceeds in material bodies and material environment, and at the same time in a higher dimension as invisible spiritual beings. Today, access to the other side of the veil is by no means available to everyone. The beyond, however, is much larger and more important than the materialistic moment on planet Earth. All energy and our earthly bodies, together with the presence here and beyond in fact form one whole that could be called a common field. The common field is the source of strength.

Today, only few are able to bring the divine spirit of the universe to earth. There are even fewer mediums who could create constructions and buildings that would accumulate and mediate divine energy. One of these was architect Louis Kahn – a great Estonian, a great American, and a great citizen of the world. In my paper I will examine subjectively Kahn’s “divine apparatuses”, try to describe their energetic functioning and compare them with historical energetic archetypes, express my opinion about how Louis Kahn became enlightened, follow in his footsteps in Egypt, Italy and Saaremaa, describe the planet’s spiritual revolution and Kahn’s role in it, talk about the Gods’ town in the Himalayan Mountains, about eyes, flowers and the rest. I will conclude my paper with a small reflection on Kahn and Estonia.

Energy pillars

There have always been mandala-shaped energy buildings in the world, located in special places of force, which have ordered and stimulated the planet’s energy. These are temples, churches, stupas and other central buildings that are based on the divine golden section and possess a centre and symmetry. The word “mandala” comes from Sanskrit and means a circle, an image with a centre. But also a square and circle-square combinations and images derived from them, for example the octagon. A vertical axis grows out of a mandala centre, connecting us with the universe. When mandala images unite, energetic systems emerge, which could operate as extremely powerful implements.

Let us take a look at the plans of Louis Kahn’s renowned buildings. The plans of the Trenton sauna and Exeter library are pure mandalas. The plan of the Bryn Mawr building is the result of joining three equal mandalas, the Dhaka assembly complex is a complicated flower-like mandala image with a little asymmtry. The Richards labs constitute a more elaborate plan based on joining mandala-shaped images. Like the East-Asian temples and stupas, Kahn’s buildings are energy collectors. The master uses the structure of eternal archetypes, being a channel through which the force moves. Trenton’s sauna is an extremely powerful divine apparatus. I can see here the impact of both the Egyptian pyramids and the Kuressaare castle. It should be restored and opened up for

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people to see. The same goes for the Exeter library. My physical body has not been there, but I still perceive the magical connection of this wondrous building with the universe.

According to some, Bryn Mawr College dormitory is weaker than other Kahn’s works of the 1960s. Difficult to say. The facades indeed seem a bit desolate, but the inner spatial structure that runs along the main axis, is superbly mystical and resembles an ancient monastery. The supporting walls, connecting the house with the surrounding landscape, are impressive. It must be added hereby that all Louis Kahn’s buildings are superbly connected with their location.

Dhaka assembly is probably Kahn’s most perfect work. This total instrument is difficult to describe. The building has so many levels. It reminds me of a flower, a kind of Lemurian temple or a cult building of another planet. It contains magical power that influences the life of entire Bang-ladeshi. Minerals, water, plants and people, all seem to be influenced by the building.

The complex of the Richards laboratories is the architect’s brightest energy station. The building is brilliantly connected with the neighbouring houses and the park in the south. Resembling the San Gimignano small town of towers in Italy, this building eloquently speaks about Louis Kahn’s spiritual awakening. It is different from the projects preceding his enlightenment.

Bryn Mawri kolledži ühiselamud

Pennsylvanias, L.I.Kahn, ehitatud 1960-66.

Dormitories of Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania,

L.I.Kahn, built in 1960-66.

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Looking at Kahn’s buildings after Richards’ research house, or reading his texts of the same period, we realise that Lou has managed to connect with a power above. Such changes in man, like ligh-tening, occur seldom, especially among the artists and the intelligentsia. Too great an ego and the dictate of reason are obstacles that prevent joining the higher power. Only a mighty blow to the ego can shatter that obstacle. It could be an illness, unrequited love, death of a beloved, or another difficult condition, and when emerging from that you feel as if you were joining something bigger than yourself. Awakening can of course also be reached via long-term spiritual practices, by praying and fasting, but it is most effective through great suffering. It seems that with Louis Kahn, it simply had to happen. His mother’s death obviously had a great impact on the events.

The architect has said:

What was has always beenWhat is has always beenWhat comes has always been.

This is the thinking of a person who perceives the immortality of soul.

You have to exist as everyone,Not just yourself.

With this, Kahn perceives that via the higher power we are all connected with one another, we are one energy, one organism.

I like to feel that knowledge is not located in our brain, but outside it, like a book that can be approached. We see that Kahn has realised that the knowledge is located in the common field. The aborigines are the only surviving nation with a common conscience. What one aborigine knows, is known to all.

A person who has gone through the state of enlightenment quickly acquires new information, which is much bigger and different from what was before. This information resembles a net. And what is essential – all previous information as unnecessary is deleted from his memory. St Francis, for example, suddenly understood the language of birds and animals after a long illness.

The whole previous life of Kahn was naturally part of that awakening. He intuitively always perceived the existence of the common field. Becoming aware of it, however, increased the power thousand-fold. It is only after the awareness that the divine dimension enters his utterances and the golden section appears in his plans.

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We know that Kahn travelled to Egypt in the 1950s. He probably came upon information that belonged to previous civilisations. All we know is that ancient Egyptians were connected with the island of Atlantis before it was destroyed. According to the famous Russian clairvoyant Jelena Bla-vadsky, the huge pyramid was made by the people of Atlantis 78,000 years ago. Both Blavadsky and Rudolf Steiner consider the Egyptian pyramids, Karnak and Luxor to be the contemporary proofs of the Atlantis civilisation.

In Egypt Lou’s spirit probably experienced something ancient, mighty and very different from modern aesthetics. Hence the golden section and huge scale of his future projects. What was has always been, what is has always been, what comes has always been …

„Punane torn”, Giorgio de Chirico, 1913, õli lõuendil, 75,5x100,5 cm.„Red Tower”, Giorgio de Chirico, 1913, oil in canvas, 75,5x100,5 cm.

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I am sure that everybody who travels down the Nile, from one temple to the other, experiences something indescribable and cannot continue as he was before.


In Rome Kahn experiences a city built up like a church. With an altar, nave and aisles, chapels, crypts, arcades and domes. A city with a plan like that seems to be purified by geometry. The demons flee from here, as there is no place for them on consecrated soil. The buildings of ancient Rome, such as Colosseum, Caracalla Terms and Parthenon, exude their eternal energy.

It is not known which towns and villages Kahn visited. Maybe they included the deserted Parma with its metaphysical castle and the harmonious urban space around the cathedral; Mantua, which seems like a distant echo of another planet. Or maybe Pisa standing in the middle of flatland like an enchanting power station; Bagno Vignoni, where the central urban square is replaced by a steaming pool of hot water, and where Tarkovski shot his best film “Nostalgia”; San Gimignano, where the small group of skyscrapers resembles the towers of Richards’ laboratories; Monteriggioni, where peace and quiet form perfect geometry. From all these places Kahn could have got his inspi-ration for his prismatic stone astronomy.


Kahn’s central plans remind us of the image of a flower, but this is true for plans of many ancient places of worship. The plans of stupas resemble a flower. Mandala is a flower as well. The Mexican sage Epifanio Ramirez said that the flower is the most human-like manifestation of nature. This summer he conducted a flower ceremony on the Juminda peninsula in North-Estonia. It started with a procession through the village towards the sea. About fifty people carried flowers of all sort. Epifanio beat his drum and sang Mexican children’s songs. On the beach he chose an assistant and together they drew a picture on the sand depicting a rainbow, with three swallows and the wavy sea underneath. The gathered people divided the blooms of different flowers into groups according to their colour. Then the picture was painted over with flowers. The ceremony continued next morning at sunrise. A circle was formed around the picture and together with Epifanio people danced ritual dances. They then kneeled, and Epifanio sang a children’s song to Mother Earth. Then another dance. And suddenly the Mother Earth responded! The dancing people were seized by a trance-like state. Several of them felt slight trepidation, some began crying. The painting was now taken apart, people carried the flowers towards the four cardinal points and sacrificed them to the Earth. For the first time in my life I perceived that the Earth was alive and talking to us. Epifanio said that when you build a temple that communicated with heaven, you should first of all sort out everything with the Earth. He then entrusted me with several ancient secrets of temple-builders.

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Looking at Kahn’s Dhaka assembly building, the master seems to have made contact with both the universe and Mother Earth.

In 1990, Drunvalo Melchizedeki published his fantastic book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” where he introduces the image of the Flower of Life, the basic pattern of the creation of the entire universe. When we, human beings, proceeded from the highest level of consciousness into darkness, we forgot who we really were. The ancient secret was preserved for thousands of years in legends and inscriptions all over the world, and the coded information survived in the cellular memory of every living organism. The author of the book claims that the time has come when we wake up from our sleep and throw out the old dated patterns of thought from our consciousness, directing our glance towards the golden light of the new dawn that pours in through the opening windows of our senses. The Flower of Life holds knowledge that leads us to resurrection and opens the doors of the next dimension.

We live at an age of spiritual revolution and spiritual awakening. Many secrets are being revealed to us now, of which it was forbidden even to talk about 50 years ago. The Flower of Life contains the divine golden section and everything else related to it.

The Lilleoru commune 25 km from Tallinn started to create a huge limestone flower of life, the entire planning of the commune is submitted to this image, and the centre of the Flower of Life is placed on the site of a natural energy pillar. The image of the Flower of Life is the basis of several houses of worship and communes in India. The best known of them is the ideal town Aeroville.


Looking at the façade of the hospital in Kahni Dhaka, we notice huge mysterious eyes on it. What do these mean? Eyes are the mirrors of a human soul. Is the spirit of the building talking to us through the eyes? In a state of heightened consciousness I once walked across the Toompea Hill in Tallinn and suddenly saw the Toompea Castle. The small windows had unexpectedly started to talk. I had never before or after experienced anything similar. I was astounded. In those eyes I saw the spirit of Toompea.

All Tibetan temples have mysterious eyes. Some think they are the eyes of Buddha. According to the Russian scientist Ernst Muldashev, author of the book “Who Do We Descend From”, these are the eyes of the people from the previous civilisation – the inhabitants of Atlantis. Muldashev who is also a world-renowned ophthalmologist, has extensively researched the image of eyes. He has produced the statistically “average eyes”, which are the eyes of our original ancestors, ancient Tibetans. This drawing earned him the trust of the Buddhist lamas and he learned many secrets about our descent, previous civilisations, the network of pyramids on our planet Earth and first of all about the City of Gods in the mountains of Tibet.

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City of Gods

Ernst Muldashev organised an expedition to the Tibetan mountains in order to find out about the City of Gods. This city is thought to be the gate to the worlds between dimensions, where golden plates hide the knowledge of all civilisations, and the gene fund of the human race. In Muldashev’s drawings we indeed see huge pyramidal constructions and elaborate ensembles emerging when they blend. It is suggested that the builders of those constructions were the representatives of all previous civilisations, including the early representatives of our own civilisation. The centre of the City of Gods is the pyramidal mountain Kailas. The immense buildings were reputedly erected by using psychic energy like the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge. They were built by polishing natural mountains. Kailas is the most sacred monument in Eastern Asia, and thousands of pilgrims aspire to get there.

Eastern Asia has peculiar-looking buildings called stupas. They often form ensembles of various towers. Stupas are thought to imitate the sacred buildings of the City of Gods. Stupas generate cosmic energy and their geometry is the basis for the design of many church towers and temples. Kailas is thus the core of the whole spiritual architecture. Louis Kahn must have been aware of that as well.

Spiritual revolution

The human race faced its low materialistic point in the 20th century, bringing the world to a dan-gerously critical state. In order to save the world, many are today experiencing spiritual awakening. The ancient secret knowledge emerges again. Secrecy as such has been cancelled – almost everything is now accessible. New generations, called Indigo-people, are born as exceptionally pure people, sensitive and good. It seems that a decision has been made somewhere above that the planet must be saved. The birth of new people and the change in old people will at some point cause a moment when everything is altered, and altered in an instant. What disappear are the media preferring everything negative, cynical art, criticism without creativity and selfish architecture cut off from the higher powers. It is going to happen just like that – painfully, but it will. And new people, the new society, will need new architecture. This is going to be only spiritual architecture. Architectural revolution is waiting to happen.

Louis Kahn was the forerunner, pioneer, of all that. I have never met a single critical remark or negative opinion in his writings. He was the man sitting under a tree who had no idea that he was a teacher, and those around him did not consider themselves students. This kind of model of new school is still unattainable for many today, but things are moving that way. Looking at Kahn’s buildings, they seem to have always existed on these locations. These are natural, harmonious buildings, where energy moves. Once as a young man I had a dream where I was flying above the sea and I saw

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an underwater city. This was an eternal city with a Louis Kahn’s insight. I think such cities could have existed in Lemuria and Atlantis. They will probably be like this also in the future. What was has always been, what is has always been, what comes has always been …

Kahn and Estonia

Louis Kahn was born in Estonia. We know that the peculiarities of someone’s birthplace and his essence are closely connected. The sage Tarmo Urb has said that Estonia is like a small but deep well. According to him, Estonia is a blessed place. Blessed with a harsh fate but through that with immense holiness. The country has many sensitives, shamans and sages. The good witch Ursula Liblikas claims such people take up 80 per cent of the entire population. Saaremaa, the native island of Louis Kahn, possesses special holiness.

A little pause hereby. I am driving to the Tallinn airport and take the afternoon flight to Kuressaare. It is a small comfortable plane. I have time to think how comfortably small everything is in Estonia, when the aeroplane has already taken off.

I am met in Kuressaare by an old friend, architect Lilian Hansar. For the next four hours we drive around the sacred places in Saaremaa. The first stop is at Kihelkonna settlement. Our aim here is the massive bell tower made in the 14th century, built apart from the church. Sharp senses immediately notice the strong and harmonious energy that has grasped the small clearing, church, bell tower and juniper field in its tender embrace.

And strangely enough, the feeling of this energy of silence never leaves us throughout our subsequent trip. We drive on to Odalätsi sacred springs and enjoy their virginal natural location. We take a look at Undva eagles’ nest and drive on towards the Kaali meteorite crater. Not a single car or a human being, just one dark brown sheep walking with majestic calm along the central axis of the road. The Kaali crater is monumental. It is said that when the meteorite crashed down here 7500 years ago, its flight was followed by the whole of Europe. The crash produced a round lake, and the meteorite shards surrounded it like planets surround the sun. Later Saaremaa hill-forts also

„Newtoni genotaaf”, August Künnapu, 2005, akrüül pappkastil, 90x145 cm.„Newton´s genotaph”, August Künnapu, 2005, acrulic on carton box, 90x145 cm.

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became part of that astronomy. The meteorite reputedly contained an unknown metal and celestial information. Since that time Saaremaa is considered a sacred island.

The accumulators of force in Saaremaa are not buildings, but primarily the natural objects: springs, stones, trees and bushes. The entire island is in fact a transformer of force. In 1993, archi-tect Aldo van Eyck, Louis Kahn’s old friend, visited Saaremaa. He picked flowers on Tirbi spit, which was considered as a possible birthplace of Kahn, and wished to see the concave ritual stone, which Lilian Hansar showed him.

After four hours we are back at the airport, for some inexplicable reason very brisk and happy.

Thinking about the frequency and quality of Saaremaa energy, I can say from my own experience that the energy inherent in Kahn’s works is surprisingly similar with Saaremaa energy. We can even say that his works contain more Saaremaa than Italy or Egypt, as Saaremaa was his birthplace – virginal and pure.

Kaali meteoriidikraater Saaremaal.Kaali meteorit crater in Saaremaa.

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August Komendant who played an important role in Kahn’s work also comes from Estonia. Already in my younger years one of my favourite objects was the Kadriorg stadium built by him and architect Elmar Lohu. The stadium was organically connected with the park, and the back of the stand was especially fascinating – a powerful reinforced concrete colonnade, somewhat mysteriously connected with the steps of the stand. Prominent Estonian architects Toomas Rein and Raine Karp have analysed Kahn’s works and are influenced by them. Kahn’s plans have also been a source of inspiration to Tõnis Vint, Estonian artist, sage and mystic. Among younger artists, Arne Maasik and August Künnapu have similar frequency as Kahn, and among younger architects, Siiri Valner and Indrek Peil.

Louis Kahn’s work has played a significant role in my development as well. Not only his buildings, but also his person and the relevant inexplicable energy – mystically sweet and enchanting. I remember how the Russian-language “L’architecture d’aujourdhui” in 1968 had an intoxicating effect on me. Kahn’s sayings, his sketches and drawings, plans, details, doors, staircases, large blocks of stone became for many years the nucleus of my life. I had Lou’s picture on my bedroom wall like an icon. Several earlier projects and my diploma paper were directly influenced by Kahn’s work. Then followed a period when I wished to be rid of all that and become modern like so many others. I soon found out, to my great consternation, that in practical life I was quite hopeless and required the help of partners. Together with them, I went through the phases of constructivism, futurism and classical architecture. I touched upon spiritual topics in a few competition works, but this happened unknowingly. On a conscious level, spirituality meant nothing to me.

Only at the start of the current century when I had experienced spiritual rebirth, my architecture managed to liberate itself from mundane convulsions. I seemed to have returned to the Kahn period of my younger days, but now on a higher level of development. Together with my colleagues we have produced several projects of spiritual centres, energy towers and conceptual mandala temples in London, Taiwan and Venice. Two residential houses with mandala plans are being built, and in co-operation with architect Ain Padrik we designed a house with three towers in Tallinn and a tower in Tartu with a spiral ground plan. These buildings are like modern stupas that regulate urban energy.

We also design energetic devices together with students of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. In co-operation with the Tamkang University in Taiwan, we are currently working on a novel urban construction method called urban acupuncture.

The timeless newspaper “Epifanio” is also carried by Kahn’s eternal ideology. The paper tries to join contemporary art and architecture with mystical knowledge and spirituality.

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Architecture as religion

August Komendant once wrote that architecture was like religion to Louis Kahn. This is a very exciting thought. When he was designing his works (also when talking or being silent) Kahn apparently existed in some kind of meditative, heightened state. He said that there was some special sacred place in every plan. We can assume that for Kahn every building was like a temple, and designing and building like serving God. It occasionally seems as if the entire output of Kahn was blessed. Just like Saaremaa, which has numerous sacred places and is therefore sacred all over. Every square centimetre here is sacred. Through his work Kahn could have been in direct contact with the common field. This is where he gets his knowledge, power, harmony and a sense of hap-piness. Visiting a Kahn building we perceive how it functions as an energy centre, temple or God’s instrument. In the British Art Centre in New Haven we meet a woman poet, quite delirious with happiness, and the rest of the people and guards also seem in a heightened sacred state. And of course the Dhaka assembly house. In Nathaniel Kahn’s film “My Architect” we witness the significance of one building for the whole nation. The film is powerful because it shows the sacred energy and spirit that always emerged around Lou and his houses.

How does sacred energy come to sacred buildings? In my opinion it is given from above through the priest-architect. I don’t think there are many of the latter, and the same gifted people are simply born again. Be it Lemuria, Atlantis or our world today. Louis Kahn was an especially high-standing holy man. His previous incarnations probably built several sacred buildings in India, Cambodia and Mexico.

Kahn’s person and work still conceal a lot of mystery. His buildings provide us with strength and hope on the endless road assigned to us, and encourage us to take creative work as a spiritual act.

Ümartempel Tallinna vanglas, Vilen Künnapu, projekt 2004.Round temple in the prison of Tallinn, Vilen Künnapu, project 2004.

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Õnnelik hommik

Ühel hommikul tunneb Steiner ärgates ennast õnnelikuna Akna taga sabistab tumehall Astoria taevas mõnusat vihmakõbinat, köögist kandub kohvi lõhna, voodi all lebavad sussid

Liikudes oma büroo poole märkab arhitekt mitmesuguseid huvitavaid asju: malmkot-kad jalgpallistaadioni sissekäigu kohal, punasest tellisest veidi praguline veetorn pöörduva trammitee kõrval, kaks maletajate moodi meest istumas hiigelsuure kohviku klaasvitriini taga, üksik naisterahvas näppimas närviliselt mobiiltelefoni Suurel ristmikul teeb mööduv takso hoogsa pöörde Tore on jälgida loigust üleskargavat veepilve Steiner sooritab kiire hüppe tagasi ja naudib vee plärtsatust enda jalge ette

Astoria pealinn on suhteliselt hõre, siiski jäävad arhitekt Steineri teele mitmed meel-dejäävad ehitised Peatänava ehteks on mahajäetud killustikutehas, selle kaldtransportöör-torud moodustavad huvitava dekonstruktivistliku kompositsiooni Killustikuhunnikute vahel põlvitab kerjus, tema kõrval pikutab lahkete silmadega koer Korraks paistab pilvede vahelt päike Peaväljakuäärse kiriku ebaproportsionaalsed mahud on meeldivalt distantsee-ritud kuldlõikest ja heast maitsest Väljaku teises otsas on kahe majamüraka vahel vahva väike teater Hoone fassaad on süüdimatult eklektiline, sellest õhkub mõnusat vabadust ja Steiner naeratab

Äkki tuleb vastu Sarapuu, habe raevukalt õieli, terav pilk puurimas lagunenud polit-seiposti raamideta aknaava Nähes Steinerit, haarab mees selle oma embusesse Kaua seisavad sõbrad liikumatus kallistuses keset peaväljakut, ümberringi trammid, trollibussid, taksod ja rikšad Steiner küsib Sarapuult, kas ta on elus? Elus, vastab Sarapuu rõõmsalt Sarapuu küsib Steinerilt, kas ta on elus? Elus, vastab Steiner samuti õnnelikult Meenu-tatakse viimast aastakümmet ja proovitakse välja arvutada üheskoos universumis tiireldud kilomeetreid Nenditakse tõsiasja, et osaletakse totaalses ettevõtmises, hiigelsuures seik-luses, lõputus saladuses Me lendame iseenda poole, ütleb Steiner Me lendame kaugele, vastab Sarapuu mõtlikult Kõrge egiptuse stiilis vabadusesamba vari tõmbab sõprade vahele ootamatu kriipsu, Sarapuu õlale laskub lumivalge kajakas, Steineri ümarad prillid värvuvad roosaks, muusikakooli aknast lendab välja viiul, kiriku uksel seisab kuningas Salomon Puiestiku lõpus kolletab kõrge vineerist püramiid, restoranilaual punetab kau-nis ketšupipudel, taevas on tõmbunud üleni siniseks Arhitekt Steiner on jõudnud oma kontorini Tema peenike näpp valib salakoodi ja võluuksekene avaneb Hommikune teekond on lõppenud

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (180)



One morning when Steiner wakes up he feels happy. Behind the window a comforting drizzle of rain falls gently from the dark grey Astoria sky, the smell of coffee wafts from the kitchen, his slippers sit under his bed.

Moving towards his office the architect notices various fascinating things: cast iron eagles above the entrance to a football field, a bit cracked redbrick water tower by the turning of the tramway, two men who look like chess players sitting behind the glass window of a huge café, a solitary woman nervously fiddling with her mobile phone. A passing taxi takes a swell curve at the crossroad. It is wonderful to watch the water splashing from the puddle. Steiner quickly jumps backwards and enjoys the spattering of water at his feet.

The capital of Astoria is quite sparse, nevertheless several remarkable buildings line architect Steiner’s way. The crown of the high street is the abandoned gravel factory, its slanting conveyor pipes form an interesting deconstructivist composition. A beggar is kneeling between heaps of gravel, with a kind-eyed dog lying beside him. For a moment, the sun peeps out from behind the clouds. The disproportionate bulks of the church by the main square are pleasantly distanced from the golden section and good taste. On the other side of the square, between two huge buildings stands a cute little theatre. The façade is ingenuously eclectic, exuding easygoing liberty, and Steiner smiles.

Suddenly he sees Sarapuu coming towards him, beard sticking out fiercely, piercing glance directed at the frameless window of the dilapidated police station. Noticing Steiner, he throws his arms around him. The two friends stand in their immobile embrace for a long time, right in the middle of the main square, surrounded by trams, trolley buses, taxis and rickshaws. Steiner asks Sarapuu whether he was alive. Alive, replies Sarapuu happily. Sarapuu asks Steiner whether he was alive. Alive, replies Steiner, also happy. They recall the last decade and try to calculate the kilometres they have revolved together in the universe. They admit that they take part in a extensive undertaking, a huge adventure, an infinite secret. We are flying towards ourselves, says Steiner. We are flying far, replies Sarapuu thoughtfully. The shadow of the tall monument of freedom in Egyptian style draws an unexpected line between the friends. A snowy white seagull lands on Sarapuu’s shoulder, Steiner’s round glasses become pink, a violin is hurled out of the music school window, King Salomon stands at the door of the church. A high plywood pyramid yellows at the end of the alley, a pretty red ketchup bottle catches the eye on a restaurant table, the sky has turned blue all over. Architect Steiner has reached his office. His slender finger punches in the code and the secret door opens. The morning journey has ended.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (181)


Kaheksanurkne purskkaev

Arhitekt Steiner seisis keset trapetsikujulist väljakut Väljak oli piiratud pikkade sammas-käikude ja kirikuga Keset väljakut oli purskkaev, mille madalast veest vaatasid välja kaks rohekat vasklõvi ja mustjas pronkspühak

Steiner istus purskkaevu servale ja mediteeris Inimtühja väljaku ruum oli pingeli-selt staatiline, keskpäevase päikese kiired moodustasid kaheksanurkse purskkaevu ümber lühikese sinise varju Steineri mõte aeglustus, ta tundis ennast osana purskkaevu kompo-sitsioonist Silme ette tulid pildid lapsepõlvest ja varasest noorusest, mil arhitekt temas alles kujunemas oli Pruunikspõlenud ema, kes oli üürinud väikese kaatri, kihutamine Musta mere lainetel, ema pikk ujumine silmapiirile ja tagasi Meenusid hirmunud lasteaiatädid, kes kuuldes kohaliku diktaatori surmast, pugesid koos lastega hiigelsuurde kaminasse, otsekui peites end saabuva maailmalõpu eest

Väljaku heledale sillutisele projekteerusid läbisegi kujundid, sündmused, keerulised inimsuhted ja tundus, et kõik on kõigega seotud Maailm ei olegi absurdne Hiigelsuures kaoses valitsevad nähtamatud seadused

Üksteise järel saabusid hiiglasest Mustanahaline Insener, Ilus Võrkpallur, Geniaalne Arhitekt, naisinseneride lauluansambel “Vampiir”, türklannast Armuke, neli helerohelist toonekurge, kala, tennisereket, teemandiauto, väike tüdruk, mõned inglid ja naerust välkuvate silmadega Vanaema Steinerit ajas muhelema noorpõlve armastus akendeta majade vastu Talle meeldis tundide kaupa vaadata araabia valgete kivikülade valguse ja varjude lõputut vahetumist Oma majade esimesi kavandeid konstrueerides oli ta põhi-liselt ametis akende peitmisega Ta sai sellega enamasti hakkama Umbsed majad seisid jõuliste tahukatena tühjadel maastikel Siseruumid said oma valguse nurgataguste pilude, katuseorvade ja väikeste sisemiste valguskaevude kaudu

Kord nägi noor Steiner enda selja taga seisvat Hiigelinseneri, kes lausus järgmised sõnad: “Sinust teeme ükskord arhitekti ” Steineri süda hakkas rõõmust meeletult taguma Lähenesid ka Võrkpallur ja Geenius, kes mõlemad naeratasid talle julgustavalt Steiner teadis, et algamas on uus elu täis magusaid vormielamusi, unenägusid, kauneid pilkusid, ilusaid kaemusi, lennukeid, kõrbelilli, koonuseid, kuupe ja silindreid Ta avas oma silmad ja märkas, et kell kirikutornis oli saanud kuus Ka sinakas vari ümber purskkaevu serva oli muutunud märksa pikemaks

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (182)


Octagonal Fountain

Architect Steiner stood in the middle of a trapezoid plaza. Long colonnades and a church surrounded the square. There was a fountain in the centre of the plaza and out of the shallow water rose two greenish bronze lions and a dark statue of a saint.

Steiner sat on the edge of the fountain and meditated. The deserted space of the plaza was intensely static; midday sun drew short blue shadows around the octagonal fountain. Steiner’s thoughts slowed down, he felt as if he was part of the fountain composition. His mind became crowded with pictures of childhood and youth, when the architect in him was still in developing stages. His sun-tanned mother on a small rented motorboat, chasing the waves on the Black Sea; mother swimming to the horizon and back. He remembered the fear of his kindergarten teachers, when they heard of the death of the local dictator and gathered the children to hide in the mighty fireplace as if the end of the world was approaching.

There were images, events, complicated relationships projected onto the light gravel surface of the square and it seemed that everything was connected. The world is not such an absurd place after all. In the immensity of chaos there are invisible laws taking place. One after another appeared Black Giant Engineer, Beautiful Volleyball Player, Genius Architect, women engineers’ quartet “Vampire”, Turkish Lover, four light-green storks, a fish, a tennis racket, a diamond car, a small girl, some angels and a smiling Grandmother with a sparkle in her eyes.

Steiner was chuckling at the thought, how he used to love windowless houses. He liked to observe the endless play of light and shadow on the white Arabian stone-villages. While sketching his first houses, he used to meticulously hide the windows, which he most often succeeded in doing. Airless houses stood like solid prisms on barren landscapes. The interior was lit by gap windows around the corner and on the ceiling and by small wells of light inside.

At one point, young Steiner saw the Giant Engineer standing behind him, who uttered the words: “We will make you an architect one day.” Steiner’s heart started bouncing with wild joy. The Genius and Volleyball Player came closer too, both smiling with encouragement. Steiner knew then that a new life was starting for him, with fine experiences in form, dreams, dazzling glances, delicate visions, airplanes, desert flowers, cones, cubicles and cylinders. He opened his eyes and noticed that the clock in the church tower showed six. The blue shadows around the fountain had grown longer.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (183)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (184)


Tallinn kui lind

Tallinna põhiplaan meenutab lindu Selle nokad – Kopli poolsaar ja Paljassaar on iharalt avatud, need justkui neelaksid linna energiat Vasakpoolse tiiva alla jääb Ülemiste järv – see muna tähistab linnu saba algust Linnu kujund on rahutu ja dünaamiline Rahusta-vaks elemendiks on kolmnurk, mis ühendab vanalinna, cityt ja sadamat Vaadeldes seda kolmnurka, meenub India vana veeda, mis ütleb järgmist

Inimese õnn toetub kolmele vaalale Need on Mõistus, Süda ja Eros Kui need elemendid on tasakaalus ja sellele lisanduvad 64 kunsti, mida tuleb vallata, ongi inimene õnnelik

Sama veedat saaks rakendada ka Tallinna puhul, võrreldes linna inime-sega Kolm vaala kolmnurga tippudes on: vanalinn – Süda, city – Mõis-tus ja sadam – Eros Kui tõmmata ümber võrdhaarse kolmnurga ring (ja võib-olla ka teine) ning tikkida see stuupade, purskkaevude, jumalate kujude, kirikute, templite, obeliskide, vabadussamba, Kalevipoja, Viru poja, Hämariku ja paljude muude energia-tornidega (kokku 64), saame tugeva kujundi, mis rahustaks ja tervendaks kogu linna Võib-olla on vajalik ka tunnel Helsingisse, mis ühendaks kaks erinevat energiat üheks harmoonili-seks tervikuks

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (185)



Tallinn’s ground plan looks like a bird. Its beak – Kopli and Paljassaar peninsulas – is wantonly open, swallowing urban energy. Under its left wing, there is Lake Ülemiste – the egg of which marks the beginning of the bird’s tail. The bird image is restless and dynamic. Only pacified by the shape of a triangle forming between the Old Town, city centre and harbour area. This triangle brings to mind and old Indian Vedic text that says:

Human happiness rests on three whales. They are Mind, Heart and Eros. When these ele-ments are in balance and 64 arts are mastered, a person lives in happiness.

We could apply the same Veda to Tallinn if we looked at the town as a person. The three whales at the apexes of the triangle are Old Town – Heart, city – Mind, and harbour – Eros. If we drew a circle around the triangle (and maybe another) and stitched it with stupas, fountains, sculptures of gods and goddesses, churches, temples, obelisks, our freedom statue, Kalev’s Son, Viru’s Son, the Dusk and other energetic towers (all together 64), we would get a strong image that calms and heals the whole town. Perhaps a tunnel to Helsinki would also unite two different energies into one harmonious unit.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (186)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (187)



(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (188)


Olen märganud, et transtsendentaalsetest asjadest tasub rääkida siis, kui on olemas mingi isiklik kogemus Seda kogemust teistega jagades võib inimesest saada meedium ühisvälja ja meie reaalsuse vahel

Oma arhitekti- ja kunstnikutee kujunemise algaastatel kogesin ringi intuitiivselt, oskamata sellele mingit üldistavat tähendust anda Varajane kokkupuude Louis Kahni ehitiste plaanidega, mis olid reeglina tuletatud ruudust ja ringist, avaldas mulle seletamatult tugevat muljet Neid plaane nähes olin justkui ära nõiutud Ka tänasel päeval võib öelda, et Louis Kahni ehitiste müstiline väli on ületamatu Isegi Palladio jääb talle energeetiliselt alla Hiljuti Tais kogetud Ayutthaya stuupad evisid samasugust kosmilist kvaliteeti, kuid nendest veidi hiljem

1970 aastate alguses oli mul võimalus külastada Konstantin Melnikovi enda maja Moskvas See kogemus oli erakordselt võimas Majal, mille plaaniks on kaks üksteisega lõikuvat ringi, oli maagilise mõjuga geomeetriliselt hästi pingestatud siseruum Seal viibides ja Melnikovi maalikunstnikust pojaga suheldes tekkis minus mingi seletamatu õnnetunne ja magus erutus Tagantjärele meenutades toimus seal midagi saatuslikku: ma justkui oleksin sõlminud lepingu endast kõrgemate positiivsete jõududega Minu noorpõlve ringikogemust täiendavad veel kokkupuuted selliste kunstnikega nagu Richard Long ja Mario Merz Alles tänasel päeval saan aru nende kunstnike tööde sügavusest

Aastal 1980 projekteerisin ka ise ühe ümmarguse põhiplaaniga eramu, mille nime-tasin “Majaks mere ääres” Selle ümaras struktuuris oli midagi ebatavalist Projekt äratas

Tigutorn Tartus. Arhitektid Vilen Künnapu ja Ain Paldrik.Snail Tower in Tartu, Estonia. Architects Vilen Künnapu and Ain Padrik.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (189)


kohe tähelepanu ja publitseeriti mitmetes väljaannetes nii kodu- kui ka välismaal Isa Peeter valmistas majast uhke maketi, mille soome kunstnik Carolus Enckell hiljem oma kogusse omandas Ka mitmetes teistes minu varajastes töödes esines ringi kujund, kera või koonus, mis tavaliselt moodustasid koos kuubi ja trapetsi kujunditega erinevaid rüt-milisi kompositsioone

Esimest korda tajusin aga ümara ruumi tõelist müsteeriumi alles 50aastasena Olime kogunenud Naissaarele suurde ümarasse tipisse, et läbi viia kogu öö vältavat indiaani tse-remooniat Teejuhtideks (roadman) kutsutud indiaani preestrid istusid otse idas paikneva sissekäigu vastas Ringi keskel oli tuli, mille kujund meenutas kotkast, ja selle ümber liivast poolring tähistamaks altarina elu kulgemist Ringitseremoonias kulgeb kõik päripäeva: nii liiguvad pühad esemed, püha tubakas, rohud, sõnavõtud, tänupalved Ruumi sisenetakse samuti päripäeva ümber tule liikudes ja lahkutakse samamoodi Sellisel tseremoonial tajud järsku, et oled ringi osa Ring ise väljendab aga kõiksust, Absoluuti, Jumalat

Kanaldatud tekstidest võime lugeda, et Atlantises olid templid ümarad või ellipsi-kujulised Praegusel ajal üha rohkem levivad tugirühmade tseremooniad olid tegelikult kasutusel juba Atlantises Ka need tseremooniad töötavad rangelt ringiprintsiibil

Indiaanlaste higistamistelgid on samuti ümara põhiplaaniga Ümber keskse augu, kus on tulised kivid, mahub istuma või põlvitama kuni 20 inimest Teejuht (roadman) istub tavaliselt sissekäigu vastas Higistamistseremooniad kestavad tavaliselt kuni kolm tundi, kolme väikse vaheajaga, mil tulemees uusi kuumi kive hanguga juurde toob “Veel seitse!”, hüüab teejuht Alates aastast 1999 olen nendel tseremooniatel osalenud pea iga suvi Paljud ei pea seal kuumusele vastu, kuid kindlaim viis “ellujäämiseks” on oma ego taandamine miinimumini, ühinedes inimringi energia, palvete ja lauludega Tegemist on erakordselt hingepuhastava ja efektiivse tseremooniaga Pärast seda on inimesed nagu ümber sündinud Nad kallistavad üksteist ja jooksevad seejärel koos merre

Ka linnud ja loomad on haaratud ringi müsteeriumi Ühel suvel, kui osalesime indiaanilaagri tseremooniates Juminda poolsaarel, märkasime äkki, laagri kohal teeb ringe kotkas Indiaanlaste kõrgeim jõuolevus oli meid isiklikult tervitama tulnud Indiaanlased usuvad, et kotkas viib meie palved Jumalani Kotkas on kui Jumala saadik ja sidemees Ka linnupesad on ümara põhiplaaniga Okstest punutuna on need nõtked kerajad energia-keskused Eriti võimsad energiajaamad on aga koonilised sipelgapesad Reeglina paikne-vad need Maa jõujoonte ristumiskohtades Oma püramidaalse vormiga meenutavad nad stuupasid ja on ülimalt positiivse energiaväljaga Siinkohal tulekski juttu teha stuupast – ülimast inimese energiaehitusest

Ida-Aasias levinud stuupat (maja Jumalale) peetakse baaskujundiks, millest on välja kasvanud suurem osa sakraalarhitektuurist: Mehhiko püramiidid, islami mošeed, õige-usu katedraalid, baroksed kirikutornid jne Stuupa põhiplaaniks on tavaliselt mandala

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (190)


Alumised astmed moodustavad baasi, siis tuleb kehand, mis on tihti kellukesekujuline, ja lõpetuseks antenn Stuupade vorme on uskumatult palju Arvatakse, et esimesed stuupad olid mäed, mida muistsed inimesed (lemuurlased ja atlandid) olid telekineesi abil lihvinud Kogesin isiklikult stuupade väge, kui külastasin 2007 aasta sügisel Tai muistset pealinna Ayutthayat 250 aastat varemetes linnast on säilinud tuhanded stuupad Seal kogesin, et stuupa on tõeline energiaaparaat Energia justkui koguneb selle kellukesetaolisesse süda-mikku ning paiskub sealt edasi kogu ümbruse peale, mõjutades mineraale, taimi, loomi ja inimesi Mind laadisid Ayutthaya stuupad nii ära, et õhtul täheldasid nägijad inimesed mu ümber mitmemeetrise läbimõõduga sädelevat energiapalli Võib öelda, et olin läbinud oma elu järjekordse ringikogemuse

Ringi universaalset energeetikat olen kogenud ka Rooma Pantheonis, mis oma vormi poolest on stuupa tuletis Ruumis viibijat mõjutavad seal saali ringikujuline plaan ja hiigelkuppel selle kohal Energeetilise võimsuse annab ruumile 8meetrise diameetriga rõngasava kupli tipus Stuupade järeltulijad on mitmed õigeusu kirikud Usutunnistu-selt õigeusklikuna olen osalenud sealsetes tseremooniates Kupli või kuplite süsteemi all ruumis toimuv riitus on maagiline ringjas süsteem Batjuška õnnistab viirukisuitsuga terve pühakoja, liikudes päripäeva ümber tsentri Ring muutub vertikaalseks spiraaliks ja riitus kulmineerub koguduse transilaadses seisundis Võib arvata, et ühendus teiste dimensioonidega toimub samuti ringi vahendusel Ega muidu kannaks setu naised rin-nas hiigelsuuri kergelt koonilisi sõlgesid Arvatakse, et koonilisel vormil on võime aega kokku suruda (see võime on ka püramiidil ja kuplil) Kokkusurutud aeg aga ongi värav teise dimensiooni

Ringikujulise ruumi energiat võib tunnetada, kui liikuda läbi tiheda võsa Viimsi hiigelsuurte tellistsisternide poole Sisenenud läbi meetrikõrguse ukseava silindri sisemusse, võib tajuda ringienergia erilist kvaliteeti

Võib arvata, et inimene, kes on kordki kogenud ringi spirituaalset müsteeriumi, ei vabane sellest enam kunagi Pärast seda, kui hakkasin viis aastat tagasi tunnetama stuu-pat, on kogu mu mõttemaailm muutunud Kõik järgmised projektid on mul olnud kas ringikujulised, mingid ringi tuletised või terved ringide süsteemid

Koos kolleegidega arhitektiuuribüroost ning üliõpilastega tehnikakõrgkoolist töö-tame praegusel hetkel välja uudset arhitektuuri, mis rajaneb kosmilise energia tunnetamisel ja selle juhtimisel ehitiste kaudu Oleme avastanud, et mingeid linna olulisi punkte man-dalakujuliste energiatornidega aktiviseerides võib kogu linna energeetiline tervis tunduvalt paraneda Püüame tajuda arhitektuuri igavesi reegleid ja neid praktikas kasutada

Mida öelda ringi kohta kokkuvõtteks? Kui jagada ringi ümbermõõt tema diameet-riga, saame tulemuseks transtsendentaalse numbri 3,14159265… Konstant pii on lõpmatu arv Kui aga panna kaks võrdse raadiusega ringi lõikuma nii, et ühe ringjoon läbib teise

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (191)



Relying on personal experience, Vilen Künnapu writes about the universal

energy of the circle in architecture.

I have noticed that it makes sense to talk about transcendental things only when you have some sort of personal experience. By sharing this experience with others, you could become a medium between the common field and our reality.

When I was starting out as an architect and an artist, I experienced the circle intuitively, without being able to afford it any general meaning. My early contact with the designs of houses by Louis Kahn, which were on the whole derived from the square and circle, had an inexplicably strong impact. Those designs seemed to cast a spell over me. The mystical field of Louis Kahn’s buildings is unsurpassed. Even Palladio cannot really compete in energy. The Ayutthaya stupas, recently experienced in Thai, possessed the same cosmic quality, but more about them later.

In the early 1970s I had a chance to visit Konstantin Melnikov’s own house in Moscow. The experience was truly powerful. The plan of the house was based on two intersecting circles, and the geometrically superbly tensed inner space exerted magical influence. Being in that house and talking to Melnikov’s painter son, I was filled by a strange sense of happiness and sweet excitement. With hindsight, something fatal must have happened there: it was as if I had signed an agreement with some higher positive forces. The circle-experience of my younger years also contained contacts with artists such as Richard Long and Mario Merz. I understand the depth of these artists’ work only now.

In 1980 I also designed a private house with a circular ground plan, which I named “A house by the sea”. Its round structure had something unusual about it. The project immediately attracted attention and was published in various magazines at home and abroad. Father Peeter made a nice model of the house, later acquired by the Finnish artist Carolus Enckell for his collection. Several of my other early works also used the image of a circle, orb or cone, which together usually formed different rhythmic compositions with the images of cube and trapezoid.

tsentrit, on tulemuseks keskne kujund vesica piscis (kala põis), mille pikkuse ja laiuse suhe kujutab endast kuldlõiget 1,6180339… Kuldlõike kaudu jõuame aga asjade algolemuse juurde, püha geomeetriani, mida looja on kasutanud, et luua kõike, mis eksisteerib

Väike laps voolib oma kujundid niiskel rannaliival ringideks Seejärel unustab ta selle tunnetuse aastateks Kuid mingil eluhetkel ärkab ring inimeses uuesti ja ta tunnetab, et kõik elab, kõik on energia, kõik on üks ja see üks on igavene

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (192)


However, I perceived the real mystery of a round room for the first time only at the age of 50. We had gathered in a huge round tipi on the island of Naissaar, in order to perform the night-long ceremony of American Indians. The priests, called roadmen, were sitting opposite the entrance located in the eastern part of the tent. In the middle of the circle was a bonfire, the shape of which resembles an eagle, and around it a semi-circle made of sand, as an altar marking the process of life. In a circle ceremony everything moves clockwise: this is how sacred objects, sacred tobacco, medicaments, speeches, and blessings move. People enter and leave the room by moving clockwise around the fire. At this kind of ceremony you suddenly feel that you are one part of the circle. The circle itself is an expression of the universe, the Absolute, God.

According to the channelled texts, the temples in Atlantis were round or elliptical. Today’s increasingly spreading support group ceremonies were in fact used already in Atlantis. These cere-monies also function on the strict circle principle.

The sweating tents of the American Indians have a round plan as well. About 20 people can sit or kneel around the central hole with heated stones. The roadman usually sits opposite the entrance. The sweating ceremonies normally last for up to three hours, with three brief intervals, when the fireman brings new hot stones with a pitchfork. “Seven more!” shouts the roadman. Since 1999, I have taken part in these ceremonies almost every summer. Many cannot withstand the heat, but the safest way to ‘survive’ is to reduce your own ego to minimum and join the energy, prayers and songs of the group. This is an effective ceremony that completely purifies your soul. People feel as if they were reborn afterwards. They embrace one another and then plunge into the sea together.

Animals and birds are also included in the circle mystery. One summer when we were par-ticipating in the American Indian ceremonies on Juminda peninsula, we suddenly noticed an eagle flying above the camp in circles. The highest embodiment power had personally come to welcome us. The American Indians believe that an eagle takes our prayers to God. The eagle is God’s envoy and mediator. Birds’ nests are round too. These lissom little nests, put together from twigs, are round centres of energy. Conical anthills are even more powerful energy stations. They are usually built on places where the power lines of the Earth cross. Their pyramidal form resembles stupas and possesses a remarkably positive field of energy. We should hereby explain about stupas – the supreme human energy building.

East Asian stupas (house to God) are considered base images on which most sacral architecture later developed: Mexican pyramids, Islamic mosques, Orthodox cathedrals, Baroque church stee-ples etc. Stupa’s ground plan is normally mandala. The lower steps form the base, then comes the bulk, often the shape of a bell, and finally the antenna. There is an incredible number of different stupa forms. The first stupas were reputedly the mountains, which the ancient peoples (Lemurians and inhabitants of Atlantis) polished by means of telekinetics. I perceived the might of the stupas personally when I visited Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Thai, in autumn 2007. Thousands of stupas have survived in a town that has stood in ruins for 250 years. There I felt that a stupa is

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (193)


a real energy machine. Energy seems to gather in its bell-shaped heart, and is scattered from there all over the surrounding area, influencing minerals, plants, animals and people. Ayutthaya stupas charged me so completely that in the evening those people who can see observed a sparkling energy ball with a diameter of several metres around me. I had acquired yet another circle experience.

I felt the circle’s universal energy also in the Pantheon in Rome; its form has clearly been derived from stupas. The visitor feels the impact of the round plan of the great hall and the huge dome above it. Energetic power is provided by an opening with a diameter of 8 metres at the top of the dome. Various Orthodox churches descend from stupas. As an Orthodox by faith, I have participated in their ceremonies. The rites taking place beneath the dome or a system of domes is a magical circular system. With incense, the priest blesses the whole sacred place, moving clockwise around the centre. The circle becomes a vertical spiral and the rite culminates in the trance-like state of the congregation. Any connection with other dimensions could well function through the circle. Otherwise the Setu women would perhaps not wear large, slightly conical brooches on their chest. The conical form can reputedly compress time (pyramid and dome have the same power). And compressed time, after all, constitutes a gate to the other dimension.

The energy of a circular room can be perceived when moving through a dense thicket towards the huge brick cisterns in Viimsi. Entering through a metre-high doorway into the cylinder, you are able to perceive the special quality of circular energy.

Bangladeshi rahvusassamblee kompleks Dhakas, ehitataud 1962-1983.Assembly Complex of Bangladesh in Dhaka, built 1962–1983

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (194)


It follows that anyone who has at least once experienced the spiritual mystery of the circle, will never again be free of it. After I first perceived stupas five years ago, my whole world of ideas has changed. All my subsequent projects are either circular, derived from the circle, or entire systems of circles.

Together with my office colleagues and students of the technical university, we are currently working on a new architecture, which is based on perceiving cosmic energy and conveying it through our buildings. We have discovered that if we activate some significant points in town with mandala-shaped energy towers, the whole energetic health of the town could considerable improve. We aspire to perceive the eternal rules of architecture and use them in practice.

What could we conclude about the circle? If we divide the circle’s circumference with its diameter, we get the transcendental number 3.14159265… The constant pi is an infinite number. However, if two circles with an equal radius cross so that one circle goes through the centre of the other, the result is a central image known as vesica piscis (fish bladder), where the ratio of its length and width is the golden section 1.6180339… By means of the golden section we in turn reach the primary essence of things, the sacred geometry, used by the Creator to create everything that exists.

A small child on the beach moulds the images on the wet sand into circles. He then forgets this perception for years. Still, at some point in his life the circle in man awakens, and he feels that everything is alive, everything is energy, everything is one, and the one is eternal.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (195)


Kokad ja kuningad

Büroo, kus ma töötan, asub Pärnu maanteel, otse Võitleva Sõna kohviku kohal Parkides autot väikesele siseõuele, kohtan seal sageli hindudest kokkasid, kes üürikesi vabu hetki kasutades suitsu teevad, mobiiltelefoniga räägivad või niisama lõõgastuvad Olen aja jooksul neid inimesi tervitama hakanud Neist möödudes hämmastab mind alati kokkade kuninglik silmavaade Nende india meeste pilk on sügav, puhas ja majesteetlikult särav

Hiljuti lugesin huvitavat lugu Nepaali kerjustest Selgus, et Nepaalis austatakse neid väga Põhjuseks on asjaolu, et budistliku seisukoha järgi on kerjus järgmises elus ülik Ja ülikute vastu tuntakse seal omakorda suurt kaastunnet, kuna nad on järgmises elus tõe-näoliselt kerjused Sellest lähtudes võib arvata, et Võitleva Sõna kokk on vaimu tasandil hoopis kuningas See, mida arvame olevat tegelikkus, on hoopis illusoorsus Tõelised asjad toimuvad hoopis teispoolsuses – siinpoolsus on selle väike peegeldus, virvendus veepinnal Hinged kehastuvad Maale väikeseks maskiballiks Ka selle kogemuse läbimine aitab neil kasvada

Arvatakse, et tänapäeva inimene kasutab ära umbes 4% oma võimetest Me ei räägi siinkohal lemuurlaste ja atlantide võimekusest, nende jaoks olid telekinees ja teleportat-sioon1 väga tavalised asjad, vaid tänapäeva inimese võimetest Inimese psüühiline või-mekus sõltub tema sidemetest universumi energeetilise ühisväljaga Selle sideme kõige suurem vaenlane on inimese ego Ego justkui lõikab inimese Jumalast ära Alandlikkus, leplikkus, armastus ja kaastunne omakorda ühendavad inimese kõiksusega Öeldakse, et pilk on hinge peegel Me märkame, et Võitleva Sõna kokkade pilgus peegeldub midagi jumalikku Saalis istuva ärimehe silmavaates näeme aga pigem isekat suletust

Kord järjekordselt autot parkides tegin meestega juttu Küsisin muu hulgas, kas nad on spirituaalsed, mille peale kõik naerma puhkesid “Muidugi oleme,” kõlas üksmeelne vastus Nad andsid mõista, et Indias on kõik inimesed spirituaalsed Siinkohas tahaks küsida, miks küll India on nii vaimne? Ja miks on õhtumaa nii materiaalne?

Arvatakse, et Lõuna-India on maa-ala, mis pole kunagi vee all olnud See tähendab,

1 Telekinees on võime endast väljaspool asetsevat objekti dematerialiseerida, et seda kusagil mujal materialiseerida Kasutati ka raskuste tõstmiseks (näiteks püramiidide kiviplokid jm) Teleportatsioon on võime liikuda läbi aja ja ruumi ja kusagil mujal materialiseeruda

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (196)


et ta elas üle suure veeuputuse, ning oli varem olnud Lemuuria osa Arvatakse ka, et india templid, veedad, tuletseremooniad ja Krišna ise on pärit Lemuuriast Sealtkaudu on tulnud veel muudki olulised õpetused, nagu tao ja viis igavese nooruse harjutust, mis on veel vanemad kui jooga Nii võime öelda, et india vaimsus põhineb vanadel teadmis-tel, meist mõõtmatult kõrgemate tsivilisatsioonide tarkusel Lemuuria ja Atlantis – sealt pärineb see, mis on igavene

Rääkides õhtumaa kultuurist, tuleb öelda, et see on leivapuru idamaa kultuuri suurest leivapätsist Materialism on seletatav ka kultuuri noorusega Kuid muudatuste aeg on siingi kätte jõudmas Võib-olla on just Võitleva Sõna kokkade silmavaade meile märgiks, mis tähistab uue ajastu algust Oma kogemusele tuginedes võin öelda, et olen neilt õppinud alandlikkust, kaastundlikkust ja anonüümsust Võib-olla oskan kunagi teha oma tegemisi samasuguse osadusega kui nemad oma maitsvat toitu valmistavad Vähendades isekust ja ego, tõstan ehk oma võimekuse 8%ni On ju kunstiteose energeetika sellesse pandud armastuse energeetika ja selle tugevus on alati pöördvõrdeline looja isekusega

Olen jõudnud arvamusele, et maailm on müsteerium ja me ei mõista teda kunagi Miski pole see, mis ta paistab Kõik on illusioon Seega püüan elada seisukohti võtmata, ühe päeva kaupa, kuldses vihmas kümmeldes Tahan õppida armastama kõike, mis mind ümbritseb, olla osaduses kõige elavaga

Cooks and kings

The office where I work is located in Pärnu Road, right above the café called Võitlev Sõna (the Fighting Word). When I park my car in a small inner courtyard I often see Hindu cooks there, who use their brief free moments and have a smoke, speak on their mobile or just relax. After a passage of time, I started saying hello to them. Every time I walk past I am always amazed at the regal look in their eyes. Their glance is deep, pure and majestically bright.

Recently I chanced to read a fascinating story about beggars in Nepal. They are apparently much revered there. The reason is that according to Buddhist views, a beggar will be a grandee in his next life. On the other hand, grandees in Nepal are pitied as they will probably turn up as beggars in their next life. Keeping this in mind we might say that on the spiritual level, a cook in that café is actually a king. What we take for reality is in fact illusion. Real things happen in the beyond – our world is a mere reflection, ripple on the water surface. Souls turn up on Earth for a little masked ball. This experience, too, helps us to grow.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (197)


Võitleva Sõna kokad.Cooks.

Contemporary man is thought to use about 4% of his abilities. We do not mean here the skills of the Lemurians and the inhabitants of Atlantis, for them telekinesis and teleportation1 were quite ordinary things – we mean the abilities of the modern man. Man’s psychic capacity depends on his connections with the common energetic field of the universe. The biggest problem here is man’s ego. Ego cuts man off God. Humility, submission, love and compassion, on the other hand, connect man with the universe. Eyes are said to be the mirrors of the soul. We see something divine reflected in the glance of the café cooks. The eyes of a businessman sitting in the café, on the other hand, express selfish closeness.

1 Telekinesis is an ability to dematerialise an object outside of yourself, in order to materialise it somewhere else It was also used in lifting heavy things (for example the stone blocks of the pyramids) Teleportation is an ability to move through time and space and materialise somewhere else

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (198)


Once when parking my car again, I started chatting to the men. Amongst other things I asked whether they were spiritual, and they all burst out laughing. “Of course we are,” was the unanimous answer. They said that everybody in India was spiritual. We inevitably wonder here why is India so spiritual? And why is the Occident so material?

South-India is reputedly an area that has never been under water. It survived the Flood and had previously been part of Lemuria. It is also thought that the Hindu temples, vedas, fire ceremonies and Krishna himself originated from Lemuria. Other significant teaching has emanated from there, such as Tao and the five exercises of eternal youth, which are even older than yoga. We could thus say that the Hindu spirituality rests on ancient knowledge, on the wisdom of civilisations infinitely higher than ours. Lemuria and Atlantis – the eternal comes from there.

Talking about Occidental culture, it seems like breadcrumbs from the large loaf of Oriental culture. Materialism can be explained by the youth of the culture. However, time for change is nigh here as well. The glance in the eyes of the cooks at Võitlev Sõna café could well be a signal to us that a new era is about to begin. Relying on my own experience I can say that I have learned humility, compassion and anonymity from them. Maybe one day I can do my own things with the same communion as they prepare their tasty food. Reducing selfishness and ego, I might raise the level of my ability to 8%. The energy of a work of art is the energy of love put into it, and its strength is always inversely proportional with the selfishness of the creator.

I have reached the conclusion that the world is a mystery and we will never understand it. Nothing is what it seems. Everything is illusion. I am therefore trying to live without taking sides, one day at a time, bathing in golden rain. I want to learn to love everything around me, to be in communion with everything alive.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (199)


Nepaali impressioonid

Teile meeldivad veeuputuse-eelsed mälestusmärgid Sfinks, püramiidid, kiviringid, dol-menid ja stuupad Stuupad eelkõige, sest nad on elavamad ja hingavamad kui miski muu

Jälle istute te lennukis ja liigute ida poole Helisev Nepaal ja mängutoosilik Kath-mandu on teie sihtpunktid Te tahate eelkõige kogeda hiigelstuupade Swayambhunathi ja Bouddhanathi energeetikat Te tahate tunda Himaalaja hingust Kas tõesti kiirgab maailma keskpunkt, Kailasi mägi, oma kiiri kõikjale? Kas tunnetate seal Šambala ja Jumalate Linna olemasolu?

Peale unetut ööd Dehlis maabub lennuk ennelõunasel ajal Kathmandus ja teie suu-reks rõõmuks paistab hotelliaknast vastu mõistatuslik Swayambhunath ehk Ahvitempel ja selle taustal laiub Kathmandu Te sõidate taksoga stuupa jalamile ja hakkate trummeldava südame ja kerge peavaluga treppidest üles suunduma

Põhistuupat ümbritseb suur hulk väiksemaid stuupasid Kompleksi energeetika on soe, rahulik ja sügav Öine väsimus ja peavalu kaovad silmapilkselt Te tajute peatempli kohal kõrguvat kuubikut ja sellel olevaid lemuurlase silmi Kompleks on elus ja aktiivne Õnnistate ennast ohvritule suitsuga ja te silmad kohtuvad tseremooniameistri, vanema nunna säravate silmadega Nende kalliskivide võimas kiirgus avab templi müsteeriumi teile lõplikult Te ületate mateeria, sisenete jumalikku ringi ja olete osa suurest saladusest Teie silmad täituvad pisaratega ja te kogete Looja lähedust

Palveveskid, palvelipud, OUM MANI PADME HUMi muusika, ahvid, mungad ja hipid moodustavad stuupadevahelise sisekosmose ja taamalt paistab läbi päikeseudu püha linn Te tunnetate, et olete sisenenud eelmiste tsivilisatsioonide elanike võimsasse energiainstrumenti Erilise jõu annab stuupale aga see, et ta on kasutusel riituseobjektina ja töötab täie auruga

Te sõidate mägede poole ja jääte linna nimega Pokhara nädalaks peatuma Palkate endale teejuhi ja sooritate koos temaga mitmed jalutuskäigud mägedesse Kuueteistkümne aastase giidi nimi on Sürya, mis tähendab nepaali keeles päikest Teie vahel tekib usalduslik side ja sümpaatia Kingite poisile ühe joonistuse Vastukingiks saate aga pliiatsijoonistuse Kristuse portreega, mis on üllatavalt ekspressiivne

Te märkate, et terve linn tantsib ja laulab Käes on Kolmanda Silma Avamise Festival Inimesed on vaatamata oma vaesusele säravad ja õnnelikud On teada, et kahe nädala pärast algab uus festival ja tants algab taas

Ühel varahommikul sõidate koos Süryaga mägedesse, et vaadata päikesetõusu Väi-kesele ringikujulisele platvormile on kogunenud mitmete maade elanikud Ja siis ta

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Nepaali impressioonid.Impressions of Nepal.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (201)


tõusebki Punane kera saadab välja oma madalad kiired, mis hakkavad paitama Himaalaja tippude lumiseid püramiide Te tajute, et planeet elab ja on osa universumi kellavärgist Ka teie olete selle terviku osa

Siis laskute koos teejuhiga mööda mägiradasid tagasi linna poole Te läbite väike-seid mägikülasid, kaljuseid jõesängisid, näete stuupasid ja särasilmseid mägilasi, rippuvaid aedasid, pilvi ja järvesid

Teekond viib lääne poole džunglisse Te reisikaaslasteks on kümmekond eesti soost kodanikku, kelle erihuviks on reisimine Enamikul neist on sensitiivsed võimed Paistab, et normaalsed inimesed satuvad harva Nepaali Sealne vibratsioon on selleks liiga kõrge

Mitmekesine džungli taimestik esitleb end energeetiliste struktuuridena Malakaga ihukaitsja seletab teile, et kui kohtate tiigrit, tuleb talle kartmatult otsa vaadata, ninasar-vikuga kohtumisel on õigem jooksu pista, tehes sik-sakke, ning karu puhul tuleb seljad kokku suruda ja plaksutada Need abinõud võivad päästa teie elu Ja seda kõike öeldakse nalja tegemata Õnneks ei kohta te peale kümnemeetrise püütoni ja väikese ninasarviku muid metsloomi Ainult elevant, kellel ratsutate, läheb korra lolliks ja hakkab puude vahel amokki jooksma Supeldes jões õnnestub teil vältida kokkupuuteid krokodillidega

Te viibite tillukeses Chitwani lennujaamas See meenutab teile Kirgiisia kolhoosi-kontorit, koolimaja, haiglat või mõnda muud ühiskondlikku hoonet nõukogude-aegsest minevikust Politseivormis kaunitar kompab teie kohvrit ja märkab siis teie rinnas indiaani kaktuseõiekujulist talismani Neiu erutub silmnähtavalt ja kutsub ka teised läbiotsijad seda vaatama

Väike kohalik lennuk lennutab teid üle Himaalaja eelmäestiku tagasi Kathman-dusse Võtate takso ja asute otsima Louis Kahni projekteeritud Perekonna Planeerimise Keskust Mitmete eksirännakute järel jõuate juba hämarduva valguse ajal kohale Maja on kohutavalt ümber ehitatud Nüüd kannab ta nimetust Tervishoiuministeerium Vaa-tamata ümberehitusele on majas ikkagi tunda Kahni müstilist energeetikat See tekitab teis õnnetunde ja te sukeldute Tameli nime kandvasse vanalinna Siin on palju restorane, baarisid ja kohvikuid Siin on ka suurepärased raamatupoed, millede lõpmatud letid on täis ingliskeelset esoteerikat Te ostate mõned stuupade käsiraamatud, raamatu Yantrast ja raamatu nimega MANDALA Suurepärast hindu ja tiibeti käsitööd pakuvad tuhanded väikesed poekesed Tameli tänavatel sõeluvad tuttidega ekshipid ja erinevas vanuses new age’i tegelased Kostub nepaali ja briti muusikat On tunda muretut ja kerget vaimu Ka taksojuhid on rõõmsameelsed Nende lemmikteemaks on usk, religioonid ja jumalad Paistab, et siinsed inmesed muust eriti ei hooligi Ka ei ole siin moodsat arhitektuuri ja kunsti Arhitektuuriks on stuupad ja templid, kunstiks jumalate kujud, mandalamaalingud, Buddha portreed ja maalid Himaalaja lumistest tippudest Nii on see siinkandis olnud aegadest aega ja see on hea Samas võib ka aru saada võimule tulnud maoistide soovist

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (202)


ühiskonda uuendada Hiina mudeli vaimus Universumis on juba kord nii, et üks energia tasakaalustatakse teisega

Järgmine päev on Bouddhanathi päralt Hiigelsuur stuupa paikneb keset ümarat väl-jakut nii, et majade ja templi vahele jääb ringikujuline tänav Ühel pool poed, kohvikud ja kunstigaleriid, teisel pool stuupa postamendi valged müürid ja astmed Kolmeastmelise aluse peal paikneb hiigelkuppel ja sellel omakorda kuubik lemuurlase silmadega Kuubi pealt algab kolmeteistkümne astmega vaskpüramiid, mis lõpeb silindrilise antenniga, kust lähtuvad nöörid palvelipukestega Kokku loetleme viis põhitasandit, mis sümboliseerivad maad, vett, tuld, õhku ja eetrit Olete alati mõelnud algelementide olemuse peale ja alles nüüd mõistate, et Viies Element, eeter, olete teie ise Teie silmade sära, teie ühendus Kõrgema Jõu ja teie enda Kõrgema Minaga Koos ringja väljakuga moodustab stuupa hiilgava ruumilise kompositsiooni, selle energeetika on pöörlev, jahe ja täpne Valgete kuubikute vahel mediteerivad lapseohtu mungad Koos palvelippude ja palveveskitega on nad stuupa detailideks ja atribuutikaks Te läbite mitu ringi ümber kupli ja tunnete suurt sisemist rahu See on veidi erinev tunne kui too, mida kogesite esimesel päeval Ahvitempli juures, kuid peaaegu sama tugev ja stimuleeriv Olite saanud järjekordse ja väga olulise stuupakogemuse Te teate nüüd, et stuupad elavad Nad on energiakeskused, mis vahendavad meile kõrge sagedusega energiat ja nende olemus ulatub üle Atlantise Lemuuriasse Kogu maailma sakraalarhitektuur on lähtunud stuupast, nii vähemalt tun-netate teie Te teete stuupast mõned kiired pliiatsijoonistused ja kätkete neisse tükikese pühamu olemusest

Järelejäänud paaril päeval külastate Kathmandu ja selle lähistel asuvate linnade temp-litega tikitud väljakuid Mõistatuslikud mustrid, figuurid ja ehitiste proportsioonid on niivõrd erinevad seninähtust, et viivad mõtted tahtmatult atlantide ja lemuurlaste peale Te tunnete, et olete neis kohtades kunagi ammu viibinud ja templimeistri, skulptori või preestrina nende loomises osalenud

Te satute ühte jõeäärsesse templisse, kus korraldatakse põletusmatuseid Tuleb välja, et kaks tundi peale inimese surma põletatakse ta keha poegade poolt jõeäärsel astmestikul Allesjäänud tuhk pühitakse pühasse jõkke Räägitakse, et vaeste kehad, kelle omastel puudub raha põletusmatuse korraldamiseks, visatakse niisama jõkke ning suured kalad söövad nad ära

Te satute ka väga mõnusasse kloostrisse See asub Kathmandus mäe otsas, mitte kaugel Bouddhanathist Selles budistlikus kloostris korraldatakse igale soovijale ühekuu-lisi meditatsioonikursusi Lisaks tiibetlastele ja nepaallastele märkate munkade keskel ka õhtumaa kahvanäolisi esindajaid Ostate kingitusteks mõned palvehelmed, pronksskulp-tuurid ja vadjrad* ning lendate Dehlisse, et järgmisel päeval alustada pikka tagasiteed Lennukid on täis teadjamehi, nõidasid, spirituaalseid õpetajaid ja preestreid Teil tekivad

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (203)


Impressions of Nepal

You like the pre-flood monuments. Sphinxes, pyramids, stone circles, dolmens and stupas. First of all stupas, because they are more alive and breathing than others.

You are sitting on a plane again, on your way to the east. Your destination is the beautifully ringing Nepal and a musical-box Kathmandu. Primarily, you wish to experience the energy of the huge stupas Swayambhunath and Bouddhanath. You wish to feel the breath of the Himalayas. Does the centre of the world, Mount Kailash, radiate its rays everywhere? Do you perceive the existence of Shambala and the City of Gods?

After a sleepless night in Delhi the plane lands in Kathmandu at some point in the morning, and you are delighted to find out that your hotel room has a view of the mysterious Swayambhunath or the Temple of the Monkeys, and of Kathmandu in the background. You take a taxi to the foot of the stupa and start climbing the steps with a slight headache and pounding heart.

The main stupa is surrounded by a large number of smaller stupas. The energy of the whole complex is warm, peaceful and deep. The night’s exhaustion and headache suddenly vanish. You perceive the cube above the main temple and the eyes of the Lemurians on it. The complex is alive and active. You bless yourself with the smoke of the sacrificial fire and your eyes meet the sparkling eyes of the master of ceremonies, an elderly nun. The powerful radiation of these jewels fully opens the mystery of the temple to you. You transcend matter, enter the divine circle and become part of the big secret. Your eyes fill with tears and you feel the nearness of the Creator.

Prayer mills, prayer flags, music of OUM MANI PADME HUM, monkeys, monks and hippies form the inner cosmos between the stupas, and through the sunny mist you can see the sacred city in the distance. You feel as if you have entered the instrument of energy of the inhabitants of previous civilisations. A stupa gains a special might from the fact that it is used as an object or rite and operates full steam.

nendega head kontaktid, sest olete ise üks nendest Te võtate seljakotist joonistusploki ja kannate pliiatsiga sinna lähimate päevade impressioonid Te saate aru, et jumal elab teis eneses Te peate kõigepealt ehitama templi enda sisse ja alles siis võite alustada suure maailmatempli ehitamist

*vadjra - muistsete inimeste instrument telekineesi sooritamiseks

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (204)


You travel towards the mountains and stay a week in the town called Pokhara. You hire a guide and have several walks in the mountains with him. The sixteen year old guide is called Syrya, which means sun in Nepalese. He deserves your trust and warm friendship. You give the boy a drawing. In return you get a pencil drawing of Christ’s portrait, which is surprisingly expressive.

You notice that the whole town is singing and dancing. The festival of the Opening of the Third Eye has arrived. Despite their poverty people are sparkling and happy. In a fortnight, another festival is due, and the dancing starts again.

One early morning you and Syrya travel to the mountains to see the sunrise. People from many countries have gathered on a small circular platform. And then it rises. The red ball emits its low rays that caress the snowy pyramids of the highest peaks of the Himalayas. You perceive that the planet is alive and is part of the clockwork of the universe. You, too, are part of that entirety.

You then descend together with your guide across the mountain paths back towards the town. You pass through small mountain villages, rocky riverbeds, you see stupas and bright-eyed local people, hanging gardens, clouds and lakes.

The journey takes you westward into the jungle. Your travelling companions are about a dozen Estonian citizens fascinated with travel. Most have sensitive powers. It seems that normal people hardly ever come to Nepal. The vibration is too high for them.

The diverse jungle vegetation presents itself as energetic structures. A bodyguard with a stick explains to you that if you meet a tiger, you have to look it bravely in the eye, if you happen to meet a rhinoceros, it would be better to run away zigzagging, and should a bear turn up you must put your backs together and clap your hands. These measures might save your life. All this is said perfectly seriously. Luckily you do not meet any beasts, except a ten-metre python and a small rhinoceros. Only the elephant on whom you ride seems to go berserk and races through the trees. You manage to avoid bumping into crocodiles when you swim.

You are in a tiny airport of Chitwan. This reminds you of a Kyrgyz collective farm office, hospital or another public building from the Soviet past. A beauty in a police uniform handles your suitcase and then notices your talisman in the shape of an American Indian cactus blossom. The girl gets all excited and invites other uniformed people to see it.

A small local plane flies you across the Himalayan foothills back to Kathmandu. You hail a taxi and set out to find the Centre of Family Planning designed by Louis Kahn. After getting lost a few times you finally arrive when it is already getting dark. The house has been drastically rebuilt. It is now called the Ministry of Health. Despite reconstruction the house still exudes Kahn’s mystical energy. This makes you happy and you plunge into the old town called Tamel. It has many restaurants, bars and cafes. It also has excellent bookshops, with their endless shelves full of English-language esoteric literature. You buy a few books about stupas, a book about Yantra and another titled MANDALA. Thousands of tiny shops offer splendid Hindu and Tibetan handicrafts. Ex-hippies and new age characters of varying ages crowd the streets of Tamel. There is Nepalese and

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (205)


British music. A carefree and light atmosphere pre-vails. Even the taxi-drivers are merry. Their favourite topic is faith, religions and gods. Local people do not actually seem to care about anything else. There is no modern architecture or art here either. All architecture is stupas and temples; art is the figures of divinities, mandala paintings, Buddha portraits and paintings of the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas. It has been like this from ancient times, and that’s good. At the same time it is possible to understand the Maoists who came to power and wish to innovate society in the spirit of the Chinese model. In the universe, one energy is always balanced with another.

The next day is for Bouddhanath. The huge stupa is located in the middle of a square so that a circular street lies between the houses and the temple. Shops, cafes and art galleries on the one side, the white walls of the stupa pediment and steps on the other side. A huge cupola rests on a three-layered base and on top of that is a cube with the eyes of a Lemurian. From the cube starts a copper pyramid with thirteen steps, which ends with cylindrical antennae. From the antennae hang strings with prayer flags. There are altogether five main levels which symbolise earth, water, fire, air and ether. You have always pondered about the essence of the basic elements and you realise only now that the Fifth Element, ether, is actually you. The brightness of your eyes, your connection with the Higher Power and your own Higher Self. Together with the circular square, the stupa forms a brilliant spatial composition, its energy is rotating, cool and precise. Between the white cubes meditate young monks, almost children. Together with prayer flags and prayer mills they constitute the stupa’s details and attributes. You cross several circles around the cupola and feel an immense inner peace. This differs slightly from what you perceived on the first day

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (206)


near the Temple of the Monkeys, but is almost equally strong and stimulating. You have received another significant stupa experience. Now you know that stupas are alive. They are energy centres that convey to us high-frequency energy and their essence stretches across Atlantis to Lemuria. The sacral architecture of the entire world derives from stupa, or at least this is how you feel. You make a few quick pencil drawings of the stupa and put some essence of the sacred place into them.

In the remaining few days you visit Kathmandu and temple-filled squares in town nearby. Mysterious patterns, figures and proportions of buildings are so different from what you have ever seen before that you start thinking about the inhabitants of Atlantis and Lemurians. You feel as if you had been in these places long ago and taken part in creating them, either as a temple master, sculptor or priest.

You come across a temple by a river where burial by burning is organised. It transpires that two hours after a man’s death his sons burn his body on the steps facing the river. The ashes are swept into the sacred river. It is rumoured that the bodies of the poor whose family has no money for the burial, are thrown into the river where big fish eat them.

You also find yourself in a very comfortable monastery. It is in Kathmandu, on a hilltop, not far from Bouddhanath. This Buddhist monastery organises a monthly meditation courses. In addition to Tibetans and the Nepalese, you see the pale faces of the people from the Occident. You buy a few prayer beads, bronze sculptures and vadjras* as gifts and fly to Delhi. The next day you start the long journey back home. The airplanes are full of wise men, witches, spiritual teachers and priests. You establish good contacts with them, because you are one of them. You take your drawing pad from the rucksack and note down the impressions of the recent days. You realise that god lives in yourself. First of all you must build a temple inside yourself and only then you can start constructing the great temple of the world.

*vadjra - an instrument of ancient people’s to perform telekiesis

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (207)


Tuleviku paviljon Taiwanis

Ajavahemikus 15 10 –30 10 2005 toimus Taiwanis Kaohsiungi linnas üritus nimega “Taiwan Design Expo 2005” Jaapanlaste 1930ndatel aastatel ehitatud sõjaväelinnak, mis asub keset Kaohsiungi, transformeeriti elavaks organismiks, kus iga kasarmuhoone leidis endale uue kasutuse Eriliseks muutus paviljon nr 1, mis kandis nime Future Pavilion (Tuleviku paviljon) Ristikujulise põhiplaaniga hobuste ja ratsanike pesumaja, mille keskel paiknes kaheksanurkne südamik veebasseiniga neljanda korruse tasandil, oli kasarmuplok-kide, veetorni ja muude linnaku ehitiste seas metafüüsiliseim Räägitakse, et ehitises kummitas aastaid ning inimesed ei julgenud sellele läheneda Tuleviku paviljoni lahen-dus kujutas endast ehitise vabastamist kinnistest ustest ja akendest ning selle puhastamist (pühitsemist) kunsti jõul Selleks oli osalema palutud kaheksa rahvusvahelist kunstnikku: Wei-Li Yeh (Taiwani tuntuim fotograaf), Kao Jyn-Hong (Taiwani juhtivamaid perfor-mance’i-kunstnikke), Yoshio Kato (Jaapani ökoloogilise arhitektuuri pioneere), Sakura Iso (Jaapani heliinstallatsioonikunstnik), Chi Ti Nan (Taiwani arhitekt ja kunstnik), Marco Casagrande (Soome arhitekt ja kunstnik, paviljoni kuraator), August Künnapu (Eesti maalikunstnik) ja Vilen Künnapu (Eesti kunstnik ja arhitekt) Mõnekuuse eeltöö ja nädalase praktilise tööga kohapeal sai majast elav kunstiobjekt Piklikud tiivad täideti väiksemate installatsioonide, makettide ja teleritega, samuti paigutati akendele pleksiklaa-sist tahvlid, millele trükiti kontseptuaalseid pilte Maoistliku orientatsiooniga Chi kirjutas seintele esimees Mao tsitaate, Sakura Iso rajas ehitise südamikku pingelisema heliseadeldise Keskmisest torust tulev vaevukuuldav konna krooksumine tõestas, et kunstil on hiigelsuur nähtamatu jõud – Sakura oli pingestanud kaheksanurkse veetorni ja sellega kogu ehitise Hoone ümber tekkis Marco Casagrande rajatud jaapani aed, mis asustati tema üliõpi-laste poolt ehitatud installatsioonidega (roostesed rauast Trooja hobused, pesuvannidest ehitatud laevad, kaminad, kapid jm) Veidi kaugemale kõrge heina sisse paigutati Vilen Künnapu kaks erepunast energiatorni ehk stuupat, mida täiendasid tema templiprojektid akendel Pesumaja otsaseinad said endale August Künnapu hiigelsuured seinamaalid kassi, võimleja ja lemuurlasega Casagrande Laboratory trükkis ära mandariinikeelse ajalehe Pe Po (toimetaja ja koostaja Nikita Wu), mis oli ühtlasi ka ekspositsiooni kataloog Lisaks kunstnikke tutvustavatele artiklitele oli ajalehes huvitavaid tulevikuteemalisi kirjutisi, muu hulgas ka Tallinna vanglapoeedi Andrus Elbingu mandariinikeelne luuletus ja portreefoto

Tuleviku paviljon eristus ülejäänutest absoluutse ebamaterjalismi ja sajaprotsendilise kunstikesksuse poolest Seda arvas ka regiooni ajakirjandus: paviljon tõsteti muust näituse osast lihtsalt välja ja käsitleti seda eraldi Ajakirjanduse tähelepanu köitis ka kummaline

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (208)


kunstnikepaar Eestist: valgesse riietatud isa – templiehitaja – ning lapsemeelne poeg – kassimaalija Hongkongi kultuurileht Sing Tao avaldas arvamuse, et tegemist on just nende meestega, kellest on Hongkongis suur puudus

The Future Pavilion in Taiwan

Between 15 October and 30 October 2005, an event called “Taiwan Design Expo 2005” took place in the town of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The military area built by the Japanese in the 1930s in the middle of Kaohsiung, was transformed into a living organism, where all barrack buildings acquired a new use. Pavilion no 1, the Future Pavilion, became special. The washing establishment for riders and horses had a cross-shaped ground plan and an octagonal heart in the middle, with a water pool at fourth-floor level. Amongst the barracks, water tower and other buildings, this pavilion was the most metaphysical. The building was reputedly haunted for years and people were afraid to go near it. The solution of the Future Pavilion constituted removing the closed doors and windows and

cleaning (consecrating) it by means of art. For that purpose, eight interna-tional artists were invited to attend: Wei-Li Yeh (the most prominent photographer in Taiwan), Kao Jyn-Hong (one of the leading performance artists in Taiwan), Yoshio Kato (one of the pioneers of Japanese ecological architecture), Sakura Iso (Japanese sound installation artist), Chi Ti Nan (Taiwanese architect and artist), Marco Casagrande (Finnish architect and artist, curator of the Pavilion), August Künnapu (Estonian painter) and Vilen Künnapu (Estonian artist and architect). A few months’ of pre-paratory work and a week of practical

August Künnapu lemuurlast maalimas Tuleviku paviljonis Taiwanis.August Künnapu painting a Lemurian in the Future Pavilion.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (209)


work on the site turned the building into a living art object. The elongated wings were filled with smaller installations, models and TV sets, the windows were covered with plexiglass panels with conceptual pictures on them. The rather Maoist Chi wrote Mao’s quotations on the walls, Sakura Iso set up a sound equipment in the heart of the building. The barely audible croaking of frogs emanating from the middle pipe proved that art possesses a huge invisible power – Sakura had tensed up the octagonal water tower and the whole building. Marco Casagrande established a Japanese garden around the Pavilion, and his students put their installations there (Trojan horses of rusting iron, ships constructed of bath tubs, chimney places, cupboards etc). Vilen Künnapu’s two bright red energy towers or stupas were placed a bit further off, in tall grass; this was supplemented by his temple projects on the windows. The end walls were given over to August Künnapu who painted enormous murals with a cat, a gymnast and Lemurians. Casagrande Laboratory printed the paper Pe Po in Mandarin (editor and compiler Nikita Wu), which was also the display’s catalogue. In addition to the articles introducing the artists, the paper contained fascinating future-related stories, including a poem and portrait photograph of the Tallinn prison poet Andrus Elbing.

The Future Pavilion stood out among the others for its absolute non-materialism and one hundred percent focus on art. The region’s press thought the same: the Pavilion was always seen apart from the rest and was tackled separately. The newspapers were intrigued about the weird pair of artists from Estonia: the father clad in white – builder of temples – and his childish son – the painter of cats. The Hong Kong cul-tural paper Sing Tao said that these two were just the sort of men whom Hong Kong desperately needed.

Vilen Künnapu stuupa. Vilen Künnapu’s stupa.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (210)


Mõtteid kriisist ja arhitektuurist

Istusime hiljaaegu sõbra Toomas Urbiga Viru Keskuse raamatupoe kohvikus Muuhul-gas rääkisime ka majanduskriisist ja sellega kaasnevast nii Eestis kui ka maailmas Minu vestluspartner tsiteeris hopi teadjameest, kes on praeguse aja kohta öelnud: “Me oleme kiires jões Tuleb näha, kes on su kõrval On asju, mida peab tähele panema – kus on sinu vesi, kus on sinu aed See on aeg, kus ei tohi midagi üle tähtsustada, eriti aga ise-ennast ” Siis lõi ta käsi kokku ja ütles: “It´s all good” Tegelikult ongi nii Protsessid on juba ammu alanud Üks ajastu on lõppenud ja algamas on uus Elame tõusu ajal, õigemini tõusu alguses Inimkond on liikumas uude vibratsiooni, uude teadvuse seisundisse On aeg, kus antakse juurdepääs kõigile saladustele Et see toimuda saaks, on universum inim-konna ette seadnud takistused ja raskused Need on märgid, mille järgi meid suunatakse, majanduskriis on üks nendest Inimesed õpivad olema säästlikumad loodusressursside osas ja kõiges muus Õpitakse pilku pöörama enda sisemuse suunas, üha rohkem inimesi on alustanud sisemise puhastusega, sisemise templi ehitamisega Sisemise rahu saavutamiseks on paljud ühinenud mediteerijate ja joogameistritega Paljud astuvad vaimsete koguduste ridadesse, et üheskoos läbi spirituaalsete riituste tõsta oma vibratsiooni sagedust

Olen aastaid käinud jõusaalis ja jälginud seal ärimehi Tavaliselt toimetavad nad omaette, kellegagi eriliselt suhtlemata Eelmisest sügisest on aga pilt muutunud Inime-sed räägivad üksteisega, avameelitsevad, on lõbusad, mitmete pilku on tekkinud sädelev tuluke

Me elame suurte muudatuste ajal See ei ole tavaline majanduskriis See on midagi tõsisemat Ees võivad veel oodata looduskatastroofid, valgustusaja lõpp, kapitalismi kadu-mine, uue keskaja tekkimine Võivad juhtuda igasugused asjad, me peame nendeks valmis olema Peame valmis olema ka uute energiate ja uute tehnoloogiate kasutusele võtmiseks Loobudes kriitilisest maailmakäsitlusest, väheneb inimeste ego Ego vähenemisel saadakse aga ühendus hoopis suurema jõuväljaga Ühisvälja algenergia ongi see energialiik, mille limiiti inimesed täna juba tunnevad Tundub, et Eesti ei ole päris lääs, ega päris ida Siin ei ole läänele omast ego valitsemist, ega ka idale omast meditatiivset minnalaskmist Võib-olla just siin saavad need kaks vastandlikku eksisteerimise vormi ühineda

Mis toimub kriisiaegses arhitektuuris? Kõigepealt tasub pilk heita kunsti maailma On ju kunst alati arhitektuurist veidi ees käinud Vaadates näiteks briti maalikunsti võib märgata üllatavaid muutusi, mis viimase kümne aasta jooksul toimunud Iroonia, kriitilisus ja ülbus on asendunud mingi alandliku-pühaliku elutunnetusega Külastasime koos poeg Augustiga kunstikommuuni Coed Hillsis Wales´is Tuntud kunstnikud kasutasid suhtluses

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (211)


ja tööde signeerimisel ainult eesnimesid Elati metsas käsitsivalmistatud jurtades, tipides ja püstkodades Vanas kivimajas, millega külgnesid mõned suured kivikuurid, paiknesid ühisruumid Nende sisearhitektuur oli mingi huvitav segu new-age´st, science fiction´ist, 60ndate hipiarhitektuurist Seintel olid pühal geomeetrial põhinevad maalid, serveeriti taimetoitu ja mingit erilist kohvi Selgete silmadega külalislahked asukad vestlesid huviga maailmast, vormist, energiast Mõni mediteeris, mõni mängis harfi Metsas oli skulptuure ja riituseplatse, erilise mulje jätsid jurtad oma värvilise arhitektuuriga Parimate Londoni kunstikoolide kasvandikud elasid seal koos naiste ja lastega Valitses naturaalmajandus, ökokultuur ja vaimsus, mis sünteesis seda pühalikkuse ja rituaalsusega

Hiljuti hämmastas mind Tallinna Arhitektuuri- ja Disainigaleriis toimunud piparkoo-ginäitus Selle soe ja intensiivne energeetika oli kohale toonud väga suure hulga külastajaid Pakuti piparkooke, kohvi ja limonaadi Sodiaakmärke tähistavate jääskulptuuride näitus Kadrioru pargis oli veelgi rahvarohkem Loomaskulptuuride ümber tiirles igas vanuses huvilisi Nimetatud näitustes oli kadunud elitaarsuse vaim, kuid neist kumbki ei mõjunud populistlikult Ka see kõneleb millestki uuest

Minnes nüüd arhitektuuri juurde, märkame esialgu veel buumi vilju Üldiselt on meil vedanud Viieteistkümne aasta jooksul said Tallinn ja mitmed teised linnad kaasaegsele urbanismile omase tehnoloogia Lühikese aja jooksul rajati linnadesse kaasaegsed tänavad ja liiklussõlmed, moodsad bensiinitanklad, uued linnasüdamed Täielikult rekonstruee-riti nõukogudeaegne elamuehitus Rajati suur hulk kaasaegseid ühiskondlikke hooneid Ka eramuehitus tegi märgatava arenguhüppe Võib arvata, et kriis peatab selle hoogsa arengu, õigemini on seda juba teinud Üks ring on jälle täis saanud Mis võib juhtuda arhitektuuris nüüd? Arvan, et senine tehnoloogiakesksus asendub tasapisi arhitektuu-riga, mis on taas seotud sümbolite, müütide ja püha geomeetriaga Vähemalt üks osa arhitektuurist hakkab austama vaikust, kontemplatiivsust ja asjaolu, et kõik on kõigega seotud Kõik on tegelikult üks jumalik organism Selleni jõudes siseneb arhitektuur taas kõiksusega seotud geomeetrilisse süsteemi, millest ta sadakond aastat tagasi eraldus Ja siis saame rääkida juba kahest arhitektuurist – eriti pühade hoonetega arhitektuur, mis on otseselt seotud kosmosega ja vähem pühade maisemate ehitiste arhitektuurist Kuid nagu eesti talumaja, võib ka ükskõik milline ehitis olla pühitsetud ja kuldlõikeline Hakatakse suuremat tähelepanu pöörama ehitiste asukohale Nimetage seda feng-shuiks või mil-leks tahes, kuid ehitised hakkavad taas suhtlema koha energeetikaga, olles samas ka ise energeetilised objektid Tallinna rahutut ja näljast lindu meenutav kujund rahustatakse tõenäoliselt maha geomeetrilise süsteemiga mis sisaldab energiatorne, purskkaevusid, skulptuure, kirikuid, templeid, mošeesid ja stuupasid Erinevad rahvusgrupid hakkavad kõrvuti eestlastega sõbralikult koos eksisteerima

Võib juhtuda, et siin-seal muutub linnade veepiir ja osa inimesi on sunnitud sise-

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maa poole kolima Paljud inimesed hakkavadki eelistama talu-tüüpi elamisi, kõik püüa-vad rajada isikliku aia Ja seda mitte üksnes toiduvajaduse pärast, vaid soovist suhelda universumiga Tekivad spirituaased ökoloogilised kommuunid, midagi Lilleoru taolist Mõned ehitised ja asumid hakkavad meenutama hiigelsuuri maamärke Juba praegu on nendega algust tehtud Lilleoru keskmes on hiigelsuur paekivist elulille kujund, millega on omakorga seotud kõik ümbritsevad ehitised ja tehisjärv Rajatav Eesti Rahva Muu-seum meenutab muistset tulnukate maandumisrada, Peetri asulasse kavatsetakse rajada 600 m läbimõõduga hiigelring, mis oleks jalutus-jalgratta-rulluisutee See ümbritsetakse lehtpuu-alleega Ring on hästi vaadeldav kosmosest Ka kujundi sees paiknevad hooned ja rajatavad ehitised on suure mandala lahutamatud osad

Juba mitmendat suve viiakse Juminda poolsaare tipus läbi indiaanilaagreid Kogenud

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indiaanipreestrite juhendamisel ehitatakse seal ajutiste ehitistena tipisid, higistamistelke, kiviringe ja -labürinte Ehitised elustatakse iidsete tseremooniate abil, milles osalejad puhastuvad nii sisemiselt kui ka välimiselt See on tõstnud poolsaare energeetilist sage-dust nii kõrgele, et sinna on asunud elama kotkad ja põdrad Lähitulevikus plaanitakse Jumindale rajada mõned püsiehitised nagu kivist energiasambad ning maakoda

Uued põlvkonnad sisenevad arhitektuurimaastikule Need tähelapsed on varustatud juba selliste isikuomadustega nagu sensitiivsus ja selgeltnägemine Võib arvata, et tule-vikulinnades ei ehitata enam väga palju, kuid loovuse tase tõuseb neis märgatavalt Suur osa arhitektuurist muutub siis nähtamatuks

Kuidas asjad tegelikult lähevad, seda näitab elu Kõik on inimeste enda kätes Kui nad muutuvad oluliselt paremaks, aitab neid kõiksus kindlasti

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (214)


Thoughts about the crisis and architecture

My friend Toomas Urb and I recently sat in the bookshop cafe in Viru Centre. Among other things we also talked about the economic crisis and what this brings along both in Estonia as well as in the world. My friend quoted a Hopi sage, who has described our present day as follows: “We are in a rapid river. It is necessary to see who is beside you. There are things that we must notice – where is your water, where is your garden. This is a time when nothing should be overestimated, especially yourself.” He then clapped his hands and said: “It’s all good”. It is indeed so. The processes started long ago. One era has finished and another one is about to begin. We live at tidal times, or rather at the binning of the tide. Mankind is moving into a new vibration, a new state of consciousness. It is the time when we have access to all mysteries. In order for this to happen, the universe has set obstacles and difficulties to humankind. These are signs according to which we are being directed, and the economic crisis is one of them. People learn to better save natural resources and other things as well. For example to turn the glance inwards; more and more people have begun their inner cleansing, building their inner temple. To achieve inner peace, many have joined in meditation and yoga. Many become members of spiritual congregations, in order to together raise the frequency of their vibration through spiritual rites.

I have frequented gyms for years and have watched the businessmen. They usually do things on their own, without much communicating with anyone. Since last autumn, however, the picture has changed. People talk to one another, are sincere and open, even merry, many now have a sparkle in their eye.

We live at the time of great changes. This is not an ordinary economic crisis. This is something much more serious. There could be natural catastrophes ahead, the end of the enlightenment era, vanishing of capitalism, emergence of the new middle ages. All kinds of things could happen, and we must be prepared for them. We must also be ready to employ new energies and new technologies. By abandoning critical world views, people’s ego diminishes. And when this happens, we can be in touch with a far greater field of power. The basic energy of the common field is precisely the type of energy, the limit of which today’s people already perceive. Estonia doe not seem to be either west or East. We do not have the Western reign of the ego, nor do we have the typically Eastern meditative indifference. Maybe it is here that the two contradictory forms of existence can be united.

What happens in the crisis-era architecture? Let us first take a look in the world of art. After all, art has always been one step ahead of architecture. British painting, for example, has undergone surprising changes in the past ten years. Irony, criticism and arrogance have been replaced by a kind of humble-holy perception of life. My son August and I visited the art commune in Coed Hills in Wales. Prominent artists used only first names in communicating with others and also in signing their work. We lived in a forest, in hand-made yurts, tipis and conical tents. Common rooms were located in an old stone building with a few adjacent stone sheds. Their interior architecture was an

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (215)


interesting mixture of new-age, science fiction, hippy architecture of the 1960s. The walls were adorned with paintings based on holy geometry; we ate only vegetarian food and drank a peculiar kind of coffee. The clear-eyed hospitable inhabitants enjoyed lively discussions about the world, form, energy. Some meditated, someone played the harp. There were sculptures and places of rites in the forest, especially eye-catching were the yurts with their colourful architecture. The disciples of the best London art schools lived there with their wife and children. People lived by the rules of natural economy and ecological culture, also spirituality that synthesised it with solemnity and rituals.

I was amazed at the recent exhibition of gingerbread in the Tallinn Architecture and Design Gallery. Its warm and intensive energy attracted large crowds. The visitors could sample gingerb-read, coffee and lemonade. The exhibition of zodiac signs made of ice in Kadriorg Park drew even bigger crowds. People of all ages wished to see the animal sculptures. The spirit of elitism was not present in the above-mentioned exhibitions, but neither seemed in the least populist. This, too, speaks of something new.

As for architecture, we can still see the fruits of the boom. On the whole, we have been lucky. In the course of fifteen years, Tallinn and several other towns acquired technology befitting con-temporary urbanism. Within a short period of time, up-to-date streets and traffic junctions were established, modern petrol stations, new city centres. The Soviet housing was totally reconstructed, and a large number of trendy non-residential houses were built. It was only logical that the crisis would bring all this to a halt, and has indeed done so. Another stage has come to a full circle. What could now happen in architecture? I think the existing focus on technology is gradually replaced by architecture, which is once again linked with symbols, myths and sacred geometry. At least one part of architects is going to respect silence, contemplation and the fact that everything is connected with everything else. In fact, everything is one divine organism. Reaching that, architecture again enters the geometrical system connected with the universe, from which it separated a hundred or so years ago. Then we can talk about two architectures – architecture with especially sacred buildings, directly connected with cosmos, and the architecture of less sacred and more mundane buildings. However, just like an Estonian farmhouse, any building can be consecrated and belong to the golden mean. The location of buildings becomes essential. We can call it feng-shui or whatever, but the buildings will again relate to the energy of the site, at the same time being energetic objects themselves. The image of Tallinn, resembling a restless and hungry bird, is probably calmed down by a geometrical system that contains energy towers, fountains, sculptures, churches, temples, mosques and stupas. Different nationalities are going to amicably coexist alongside the Estonians.

It might happen that the water boundaries in some cities change, and some people have to move inland. Many would then prefer a farmhouse-type living and establish a garden, not only because of food shortages, but wishing to communicate with the universe. Spiritual ecological communes spring up, something like Lilleorg (Flower Valley) in Estonia. Some buildings and settlements will resemble huge landmarks. It has already started. In the heart of Lilleorg is an enormous limestone

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (216)


image of the flower of life, and all surrounding buildings and the artificial lake are connected to it. The Estonian National Museum, currently being built, resembles an ancient runway of the aliens; a huge circle, 600 m in diameter, is planned in Peetri settlement – a path for walking, cycling and roller skating. This will be surrounded with an alley of deciduous trees. The circle is visible from cosmos. The existing and future buildings inside the image form an inseparable part of the great mandala.

The American Indian camps have been taking place for several summers in the tip of Juminda peninsula. Under the supervision of experienced priests, we put up temporary tipis, sweating tents, stone circles and -labyrinths. The buildings are brought to life through ancient ceremonies, where the participants get purified both internally and externally. This has raised the peninsula’s energetic frequency so high that eagles and elk have come to live there. Some permanent buildings are planned on the peninsula in the near future, such as stone energy towers and a small cottage that was used in Estonia in the Middle Ages.

New generations enter the architecture landscape. These young people are sensitive and clair-voyant. It is probable that not much will be built in future towns, although the level of creativity rises considerably. A great part of architecture becomes invisible.

Life will show what actually happens. Everything is in the hands of people. If they become much better, the universe will certainly help them.

August Künnapu. Siiriuse kass. Akrüül lõuendil, 2008.Cat from Sirius. Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (217)



Vahel tundus Steinerile, et tal on topeltkodakondsus Üks osa temast, tema igavene hing, kuulus Universumile See osa oli miljoneid aastaid mööda tähti rännanud, ümber kehastunud, olnud osaline Suures Jumala Mängus Tänu ajutisele mälukaotusele võis ta seda vaid aimata Teine osa, tema praegune füüsiline kehastus, kuulus planeedile Maa ja omas hetkel Astoria Vabariigi kodakondsust Steineril oli ka kõrgem mina, mida ta vahel tunnetas päris selgesti Kõrgem mina oli Steineril sidemeheks tema ja ta hinge vahel Mida rohkem Steiner oma kõrgemat mina tunnetas, seda rohkem sisemisi uksi talle avanes Nende uste taga aga

Steiner oli jõudnud linna, mis meenutas varemeid Keset põldusid seisid auklikud tehasehooned, kaetud ronitaimede ja kummaliste klaaskonstruktsioonidega Konstrukt-sioonide tagant võis märgata klaaslifte, eesriideid, värvilisi koonuseid, kerasid ja kuupe Tehastest väljusid pikad värvilised müürid, mis lõppesid voogavate viljapõldude sügavuses Kaarjate teede ääres paiknesid mustrilised jurtad ja püstkojad Oli ka suuremaid silindrilisi ehitisi ja kivist torne Seal olid ka jõed ja metsad, kuid üle kõige domineerisid klaasist ja metallist stuupad, mingist kummalisest piimjast materjalist valmistatud püramiidid ja hiigelsuured pronksist jumalate kujud

Vastu tulid Steineri sõbrad August, Marco, Chi, Sarapuu ja Vilen Üheskoos suun-duti ovaalse kunstimuuseumi poole Sellesse oli kunst paigutatud nii, et iga korrus kiirgas erinevat sagedust Alumisel korrusel olid skulptor Toomase puuskulptuurid, mis suhtlesid maavaimudega Teisel korrusel paiknesid mitmesugused installatsioonid, mis peegeldasid kõrgsageduslikku energiat ja olid raviva toimega Suurde siseõue oli tuntud vene kunst-nik Ivan Rõba rajanud roigastest stuupa, millel kasvasid arbuusid Rõba oli tuntud selle poolest, et kodukülas Venemaal valmistas ta kohalike talumeestega puidust energiatorne ja kõigist neist kasvasid läbi mitmesugused aed- ja puuviljad Kolmandale korrusele oli Sarapuu maalinud hulgaliselt kentaure ja ühe hiigelsuure näkineiu Neljandal korrusel eksponeeriti mitmesuguseid joonistusi ja skulptuure Siiriusel elavatest amfiibolenditest Nende tööde autoriteks olid Aafrika kunstnikud dogonite suguharust

Siis tuli korrus, kus noored arhitektid (alla 150 aasta vanused) eksponeerisid oma mudeleid, mis kujutasid energeetilisi komplekse, lendavaid linnu ja maa-aluseid külasid Mõned maketid oli täpsed koopiad Atlantise, Mu ja Babüloonia templitest Eriti meeldis sõpradele puidust, metallist ja vääriskividest valmistatud ülitäpne Paabeli torni koopia Isegi Vilen mõmises rahulolevalt

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (218)


Mitu korrust olid pühendatud muistsele hiina amfiibolendile, inimse pea ja kalasa-baga f*ckile f*cki olevat leiutanud “Muutuste raamatu” trigrammide ja heksagrammide süsteemi Ta oli pärit Siiriuselt ja koos oma õest naisega Nü Gua’ga rajasid just nemad Hiina tsivilisatsiooni, nagu seda praegu tuntakse Nähes f*ckile pühendatud maale ja skulptuure langes Chi, kes oli müstik ja kontseptuaalne arhitekt, põlvili ja püsis selles asendis tunde Viimasel korrusel eksponeeriti Augusti hiigelsuuri kassimaale Inimesed olid aru saanud, et kasside igavesed hinged aitavad tõsta ümbruse spirituaalset sagedust ja on sillaks inimeste ja kõrgemate reaalsuste vahel August maaliski kasside hingi Vaatajad seisid hardunult piltide ees ja mediteerisid

Sõbrad lahkusid muuseumist ja siirdusid jõe äärde Puhus mõnus suvetuul ja energia liikus ilma vähimagi vaevata Jõe kaldale oli Vilen ehitanud 9 m kõrguse puidust punase stuupa See lausa kiirgas kosmilisest energiast Teisel pool jõge paistis linna city ja tomateid ning kurke meenutavad kõrghooned moodustasid toreda klaasist kompositsiooni Siinpool jõge paiknev stuupa aga oli kompositsiooni dominantne kujund Kõrgest rohust välja kasvades moodustas ta omamoodi altari, mille astmetele olid inimesed paigutanud mitmeid ohvriande Torni läheduses oli näha põlvitavaid inimgruppe, kes palvetasid seal

Sõbrad liikusid edasi ja jõudsid vastvalminud Astoria raekoja juurde, mis asus muistse astmikpüramiidi vahetus läheduses Ümmarguse põhiplaaniga ja püstist muna meenutav rajatis oli tõepoolest imposantne Kui ringi välispiiril paiknesid tööruumid ja kabinetid, siis kostruktsiooni hiigelsuur keskosa oli jäetud tühjaks ruumiks linnaelanike tarbeks Muna ülemine tipp oli klaasist ja sellest langes valgus pidulikku interjööri Siin olid erinevaid rõdusid ühendavad klaasliftid, rippuvad aiad, helendavad metallkerad, kus asusid väikesed saalid, purskkaevud ja suured palmipuud Diagonaalsed sillad kihutasid üle ringi ja olid ka heaks vaaterõduks toimuvale Erinevad tasapinnad oli rüütatud lugematute skulptuuride, maalide ja akvaariumitega Kompositsiooni keskel oli suur lahtine amfiteater Parasjagu pidas sellel loengut selgeltnägija Ursula Ta rääkis sellest, et inimkonna arengus oli toi-munud kvanthüpe Universum oli planeedile Maa saatnud miljardeid puhtaid hingesid, kes kehastunud indigo- ja kristall-lastena ning koos vaimse ärkamise üle elanud planeedi elanikega moodustasid valgustunud inimeste kriitilise massi Kvantiteet muutus kvali-teediks ja nii sündiski uus inimliik, kes tunnetas kogu Universumit ühtse energeetilise tervikuna Kuna kõik on kõigega seotud, siis tajusid inimesed, et kriitika, võistlemine ja kadetsemine on mõttetu Oldi asutud koostöö teele Ja tõepoolest – ees ootas hiigeltöö negatiivsusest räsitud planeedi ülesehitamiseks Uus inimene kasutas uut energialiiki LOVE 363 ja selle abil sai kõik võimalikuks Sõbrad kuulasid Ursulat suure huviga ja jalutasid seejärel raekojast välja Hiigelkorstnaga muistne elektrijaam oli muudetud kultuurimajaks ja selle akendest kostus keelpillimuusika Astoria sümfooniaorkester esitas parajasti tähtede liikumist kirjeldavat muusikapala

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Elektrijaama lähiümbrus oli samuti kummaline varemete linn Vanadest tööstus-hoonetest, vesilennukiangaaridest ja tähekujulise plaaniga endisest vanglast kasvasid läbi mitmesugused lehtpuud, ronitaimed ja värvilised põõsad Kõikjal paiknesid stuupad ja energiatornid Indiaanlaste tipisid meenutavad koonused olid inimeste elamuteks Nende vahel paiknesid aga väikesed põllulapid ja peenrad Siin-seal hulkusid üksikud hobused, lambad ja kitsed Seda kõike vaadates ütles Marco mõtlikult: “Esimese põlvkonna linna mäletame sellisena, et inimene sõltus ainult loodusest Teise põlvkonna linn oli tööstus-linn, kus inimene unustas oma suhte loodusega ja keskendus vaid iseeendale Nüüd elame kolmanda põlvkonna linnas, kus loodus hõivab mahajäetud tehiskeskkonna Inimese poolt loodud varemed saavad looduse osaks ” Sõbrad teadsid, et Marco ehitab planeedi idaosas tehisvaremeid ja suhtusid öeldusse suure respektiga

Vastu tuli väike Alberto, kellel oli käes “Epifanio” erinumber Tema kõrval mars-sisid kass Basilio, rebane Alice ja luuletaja Andrus E, kes kunagi väga ammu oli olnud retsidivist Üheskoos mööduti valgest gooti kirikust, mille ümber oli rajatud ringikujuline puiestee Teed palistasid koonilised tammed ja sellel liikusid rõõmsad linnakodanikud Kes rulluiskudel, kes ratta seljas, mõned tegid tervisejooksu, mõned jalutasid niisama Nii jõuti kaljuse platooni, millelt langes ookeani suunas järsk mäeseljandik Seljandik oli kaetud valgete, siniste ja ookrikarva kuubikute, poolkerade ja silindriliste võlvmajadega Need ehitised moodustasid geomeetrilise kobara, mille vahelt astmelised tänavad alla randa suundusid Tänava terrassidel paiknesid rahvarohked kohvikud, kunstigaleriid ja templid Sõbrad astusid klaaslifti ja peagi olid nad kivisel rannal Seal märkasid nad endist gängs-terit Fredi, kes viis üliõpilastega läbi valgusmeditatsiooni Istudes suures ringis, kordasid nad üheskoos maagilist silpi OM Taamal ladus kunstnik Soho rannakividest labürinti ja kõik teadsid, et tekkimas on järjekordne valgustempel Ookeani lained kohisesid, kostus ülevat linnulaulu

Steiner avas silmad ja sai aru, et oli näinud visiooni lähitulevikust Ta oli kindel, et just selliseks kujuneb elu planeedil Maa


Sometimes it seemed to Steiner that he had a double citizenship. One part of him, his eternal soul, belonged to the Universe. This part had travelled around the stars for millions of years, being incarnated, participating in the Great Divine Play. Due to temporary loss of memory, he could only guess all that. The other part, his current physical incarnation, belonged to planet Earth and

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (220)


possessed at present the citizenship of the Republic of Astoria. Steiner also had a higher self, whom he occasionally perceived quite clearly. The higher self acted as a mediator between him and his soul. The more Steiner perceived his higher self, the more inner doors opened to him. And behind these doors...

Steiner has reached a town that resembled ruins. Hole-ridden factory buildings stood in the middle of fields, covered with creeping plants and strange glass constructions. Behind the constructions it was possible to glimpse glass lifts, curtains, colourful cones, globes and cubes. Long multicolour walls stretched out of the factories, ending in the depth of billowing cornfields. By the curved roads stood patterned yurts and conical tents. There were also bigger cylindrical buildings and stone towers, as well as rivers and forests, but above all towered glass and metal stupas, pyramids of some kind of weird milky material, and enormous bronze statues of gods.

Steiner saw his friends approaching, August, Marco, Chi, Sarapuu and Vilen. Together they walked towards the oval art museum. Art in that museum was placed so that each floor radiated different frequency. The lower floor exhibited sculptor Toomas’ wooden figures that communicated

Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade III. Akvarell paberil, 2009.View of Santorini III. Watercolour on paper, 2009.

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with the spirits of the earth. On the next floor there were various installations, reflecting high-frequency energy and had a healing effect. In the inner courtyard, the prominent Russian artist Ivan Ryba had erected a stupa made of wooden stakes, on which grew watermelons. Ryba was known for having constructed wooden energy towers in his home village together with local farmers, and all these towers had various fruits and vegetables growing through them. On the next floor, Sarapuu had painted numerous centaurs and a huge mermaid. The fourth floor displayed drawings and sculptures of amphibian creatures living on Sirius. The authors were African, from Dogon tribe.

Then came the floor where young architects (under 150 years of age) exhibited their models of energy complexes, flying cities and underground villages. Some models were precise copies of the temples of Atlantis, Mu and Babylonia. The friends especially liked the extremely precise copy of the Tower of Babel, made of wood, metal and precious stones. Even Vilen grunted with satisfaction.

Several floors were dedicated to the ancient Chinese amphibian creature f*cki, with human head and fish’s tail. f*cki had reputedly invented the system of trigrams and hexagrams of the “Book of Changes”. He had come from Sirius and together with his sister and wife Nü Gua, they founded the Chinese civilisation as we know it today. Seeing paintings and sculptures dedicated to f*cki, mystic and conceptual architect Chi fell to his knees, and stayed in that position for hours. The last floor had August’s huge paintings of cats. People had realised that cats’ eternal souls help to raise the spiritual frequency of their surroundings and acts as a bridge between humans and higher realities. August had indeed painted the souls of cats. The viewers stood transfixed in front of the pictures and meditated.

The friends left the museum and set off towards the river. A pleasant summer wind was blowing, and energy moved without the slightest effort. By the riverbank Vilen had built a 9 m high red wooden stupa. It was positively radiating cosmic energy. On the other side of the river they could see the city; tall buildings resembling tomatoes and cucumbers formed a splendid glass composition. However, the stupa on their side of the river, was the dominant image of the composition. Thrusting upwards from the tall grass it constituted a kind of altar, on the steps of which people had placed various sacrificial gifts. Groups of kneeling and praying people could be seen near the tower.

The friends moved on and arrived at the recently completed Astoria town hall, which stood in the vicinity of ancient ziggurats. The building with a round plan and resembling an upright egg, was indeed most impressive. Work rooms and offices were located at the outer edge of the circle, whereas the enormous central part was left empty for townspeople. The upper top of the egg was of glass, emanating light into the grand interior: glass lifts connecting balconies, hanging gardens, glowing metal bodies with small halls inside, fountains and big palm trees. Diagonal bridges raced across the circle and offered a splendid viewing point.

Different planes were adorned with innumerable sculptures, paintings and aquariums. A large open amphitheatre was located in the middle of the composition. The clairvoyant Ursula was giving a lecture there at the very moment. She said that a quantum leap had taken place in the develop-

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ment of humankind. The Universe had sent billions of pure souls to planet Earth, who became indigo and crystal children, and together with the inhabitants of the planet who had survived the intellectual awakening, they formed the critical mass of enlightened people. Quantity turned into quality and thus a new human species was born, who perceived the Universe as one energetic whole. Since everything is connected with everything else, people felt that criticism, competition and envy are pointless. They were set to cooperate. And indeed – they faced a huge task of building up a planet that had been damaged by negativity. New man used new type of energy LOVE 363 that made everything possible. The friends listened to Ursula with keen interest and then left the town hall. The old power plant with a huge chimney was turned into a culture house and string music wafted out of the windows. The Astoria symphony orchestra was performing music that described the movement of stars.

The immediate vicinity of the power plant was also a weird town of ruins. Various deciduous trees, creeping plants and colourful bushes were growing amongst the old industrial buildings, water plane hangars and the previous prison with its star-shaped plan. There were stupas and energy towers everywhere. The cones resembling the American Indian tipis accommodated people. There were small allotments between the cones. Lone horses, sheep and goats were wandering around. Looking at all that, Marco said thoughtfully: “We remember the town of the first generation where man depended only on nature. The town of the second generation was industrial, where man for-got his relations with nature and focused solely on himself. Now we inhabit the town of the third generation, where nature takes over the abandoned artificial environment. Ruins created by man become part of nature.” The friends knew that Marco was building artificial ruins in the eastern part of the planet, and listened to him with great respect.

They then encountered small Alberto, who was holding the special issue of Epifanio. He was accompanied by Cat Basilio, Fox Alice and poet Andrus E, who a long time ago had been a criminal. Together they passed a white Gothic church, surrounded by a circular avenue. The road was lined by conical oaks and full of joyful town dwellers. Some were roller-skating, bicycling, some were jogging, some just enjoyed walking. Thus they reached a rocky plateau, from where a steep mountain ridge descended towards the ocean. The ridge was covered with white, blue and ochre cubes, semi-globes and cylindrical arched houses. These buildings formed a geometrical cluster, whence streets ran down to the beach. Busy cafes, art galleries and temples were located on the street terraces. The friends stepped into a glass lift and soon found themselves on a stony beach. There they saw the former gangster Fred, who conducted light meditation with the students. Sitting in a wide circle they repeated the magical syllable OM. Beyond, artist Soho built a labyrinth with pebbles and everyone knew that another temple of light would emerge. Ocean waves roared, and bird song could be heard from above.

Steiner opened his eyes and realised that he had seen a vision of the near future. He was certain that life on planet Earth would be just like that.

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(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (237)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (238)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (239)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (240)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (241)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (242)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (243)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (244)


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(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (246)


Vilen Künnapu. Elamu Rakveres, 2006.Vilen Künnapu. House in Rakvere, 2006.

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(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (248)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (249)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (250)


(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf· August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (251)

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Glen Juste, roadman

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Aldo van Eyck

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Koha energeetika määrab paljuski ära seal olevate ini-meste mõtlemine. Kui mõtted on head ja inimesed õnne-likud, siis ka koha energia on positiivne. Inimese mõte on kui kosmiline telliskivi, milledest on võimalik ehitada mistahes energeetilisi kujundeid.

Käesoloev raamat käsitlebki autori avanemist kosmi-lisele energiale. Siin on kirjutisi arhitektuuri olemusest, erinevatest linnadest, erinevatest maamärkidest, interv-juusid energeetilise maailma kohta.

Vilen Künnapu on tuntud arhitekt, kunstnik, pedagoog ja müstik. Ta on ehitanud mitmeid tähelepanuväärseid ehitisi. Ta on olnud Tallinna peaarhitekt ja Tartu Ülikooli filosoofiateaduskonna professor. Käesoleval ajal on ta Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli arhitektuuriprofessor ja omab erapraksist koos arhitekt Ain Padrikuga. V. Künnapu sulest on ilmunud “Künnapu & Padrik. Valitud töid” (1999), “Üle punase jõe” (2001) ja “Templid ja tornid” (2007).

The energy of a place largely determines how the people living there think. If the thoughts are good and people are happy, the energy must be positive. Human thought is like a cosmic brick, which can be used to build all kinds of energetic images.

The current book describes how the author opened up to cosmic energy. It contains articles about the essence of architecture, various cities and landmarks, interviews about the energetic world.

Vilen Künnapu is a prominent architect, artist, university lecturer and mystic. He has produced many remarkable buildings. He has been chief architect of Tallinn and professor at the philosophy department at the University of Tartu. He is currently professor of architecture at the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences and runs his own business together with architect Ain Padrik. Vilen Künnapu has previously published “Künnapu & Padrik. Selected Works” (1999), “Across the Red River” (2001) and “Temples and Towers” (2007).

(PDF) Place. Image. Energyvilenkunnapu.pri.ee/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Koht-Kujund-Energia.pdf · August and I recently returned from India, where we met the painter Francis D’Souza - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.