Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (2024)

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Harry Potter / The MCs / Love You, Hold the Key

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (2)
Art by HZ-Art-Gallery on DeviantArt

Harry J. Potter-Black - Arc 1 - PL 10
Age: 20 / Height: 5' 11" / Weight: 186 lbs / Hair Color: Dark Brown / Eye Color: Vivid Green
Group Affiliations: The Sunnydale Scoobies (Ally) / Base of Operations: The Wilkins Estate, Sunnydale, CA
Wealth Rank: +24 / Rep Rank: +14 (Wix) / +10 (MGL) / Knockback Mod: -9/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Vigilant Archivist 12

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 5, Intellect 5, Awareness 2, Presence 3

General Advantages
Accelerated Stealth, Animal Empathy, Attractive, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 10: (Burglar: [Stealth], Renown 2, Social Class 3: [Nobility], Wealth 4: [Multimillionaire]), Connected, Conviction, Defensive Roll 5, Equipment 10, Fascinate (Persuasion), Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Inspire 2, Interpose, Languages 2, Leadership, Move-by Action, Potion Brewing, Quick Draw, Ritualist, Runesmith, Teamwork, Withstand Damage

Enhanced Advantages
Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Great Endurance, Skill Mastery: (Expertise: History)

Athletics 4 (+4), Close Combat: Grab 2 (+7), Deception 6 (+9), Expertise (AWE): Cooking 6 (+8), Expertise (PRE): Acting 8 (+11), Expertise: Ancient Runes 8 (+13), Expertise: History 8 (+15/+13), Expertise: Magic 12 (+17), Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 0 (+3), Investigation 8 (+13), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 8 (+11), Ranged Combat: Magic 6 (+8), Stealth 8 (+10), Vehicles 6 (+8)

Holly & Phoenix Feather Wand (Easily Removable)
. . Master of Wixen Magic: Array
. . . . Clypeum Fidei: Deflect 8 (white magic; Reduced Range: close)
. . . . Confundo: Affliction 8 (glamour magic, mind-affecting, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Instant Recovery, Limited Degree (third only), Sense-dependent: Hearing, Notes: Controlled: [Must obey this one-word command])
. . . . Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (radiant, white magic, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Concentration, Feature: Untapped Potential for +3 effect ranks, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Custom: Manifests as a glowing silvery Stag, Distracting, Limited: Affects Demonic Entities Only, Limited: to Forcing Targets Away from Warded Area, Quirk: Has no effect on Vampires)
. . . . Expelliarmus: Damage 12 (force, white magic, DC 27; Disarming (No Damage), Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Finite: Nullify 8 (white magic, Counters: Magical Effects, DC 18; Broad, Simultaneous)
. . . . Immobulus: Concentration Affliction 8 (glamour magic, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Concentration, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only)
. . . . Incendio Sacra: Damage 9 (elemental magic, holy fire, DC 24; Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 2: any point away or fixed point in fixed direction)
. . . . Incendio Tria: Cylinder Area Damage 6 (elemental magic, holy fire, DC 21; Cylinder Area 2: 60 feet cylinder, DC 16, Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Lumos Solem: Linked Effect
. . . . . . Blinding Beam: Concentration Line Area Affliction 6 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Line Area 2: 5 feet wide by 60 feet long, DC 16, Concentration; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited: Affects Visual Senses Only)
. . . . . . Radiant Beam: Line Area Damage 6 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, DC 21; Line Area 2: 5 feet wide by 60 feet long, DC 16, Increased Duration: concentration; Bane: Undead Creatures & Devil's Snare, Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Lumos: Environment 1 (elemental magic, Light, Radius: 30 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Protego Mors: Immunity 5 (white magic, Custom: Death Effects 5; Affects Others, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic or Intellect, Limited - Half Effect)
. . . . Reparifors: Healing 9 (healing, white magic; Restorative; Tiring)
. . . . Vita Translatio: Healing 10 (dark arts, healing; Empathic)
Magical Human Physiology
. . Brave: Immunity 1 (racial trait, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Fleet of Foot: Speed 2 (racial talent, Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round; Athletics Check Required)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Harry can expect to live for up to 495 years; he'll reach middle age at 100 years, old age at 200 years, and become venerable at 300 years)
. . Magical Awareness: Senses 4 (racial trait, Acute: Magic Awareness, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius: Magic Awareness)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 2 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance)
. . Passionate: Enhanced Trait 2 (racial talent, Expertise +2 (+15), Advantages: Skill Mastery)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
Master of Forbidden Lore: Array
. . Allicere Persona: Cumulative Affliction 8 (glamour magic, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only, Quirk: Harry doesn't control the target, they merely act friendly and/or lustful towards him, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Dark Knowledge: Perception Area Luck Control 2 (social, Bestow Luck, Force a Re-roll; Perception Area: DC 12 - Hearing, Selective; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: History, Expertise: Magic or Insight, Increased Action 2: move, Reduced Range 2: close)
. . Dread Secret: Cumulative Affliction 8 (social, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Instant Recovery, Limited Degree, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Grim: Summon 7 (dark arts; Heroic; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Quirk: Initial casting requires a pinch of fur taken from a dead dog, Notes: Summons a Shadow Mastiff)
. . Lucidity: Nullify 8 (white magic, Counters: Mind-Influencing Effects, DC 18; Simultaneous; Limited: to Effects that are targeting Harry only, Reduced Range: close)
. . Minor Apparition: Teleport 3 (teleportation, universal magic, 250 feet in a move action, carrying 400 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Extended: 8 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 3, Turnabout; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Distracting)
. . Warding Ritual: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (white magic, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Concentration, Liberated 14: 24 Hour Duration; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited: Affects Supernatural Creatures Only, Limited: to Warding Off the Affected Creatures, Quirk 2: Requires 2 hours to prepare the affected area)
Special Qualities
. . Force of Intellect: Feature 1 (trait, Notes: Harry's Will resistance is based on his Intellect score instead of his Awareness)
. . Master of Disguise: Morph 2 (Removable, talent, +20 Deception checks to disguise; Narrow group; Increased Duration: continuous; Check Required 2: DC 11 - Deception, Increased Action 2: standard, Notes: Humanoid Males)
. . Occlumens: Immunity 7 (abjuration, Custom: Mind Reading 5, Uncommon Descriptor: Veritaserum, Advantages: Eidetic Memory; Sustained)
. . Parseltongue: Comprehend 2 (magical, Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand; Narrow Type: Serpents)
The Cloak of Invisibility (Removable)
. . Veil of Death: Concealment 7 (legendary object, All Visual Senses, Other Sense: Remote Sensing, Other Sense Type: Mental Senses)

Badge, Cell Phone, Explorer's Pack, Heavy Robes, Lock Picks, Manacles, Silver Dagger, The Wilkins Estate, Writing Kit

Initiative +2
Allicere Persona: Cumulative Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Blinding Beam: Concentration Line Area Affliction 6 (DC Fort 16)
Confundo: Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Dread Secret: Cumulative Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Expelliarmus: Damage 12, +8 (DC 27)
Finite: Nullify 8, +8 (DC Will 18)
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 10)
Immobulus: Concentration Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Incendio Sacra: Damage 9, +8 (DC 24)
Incendio Tria: Cylinder Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Lucidity: Nullify 8, +5 (DC Will 18)
Radiant Beam: Line Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Silver Dagger, +5 (DC 16)
Throw, +2 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +5 (DC 15)
Warding Ritual: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)

- Addiction: Harry has a "slight" addiction to alcoholic beverages due to their ability to help him forget the horrors he witnessed over the entirety of his Hogwarts education.
- Honor: Harry tries to remain encouraging to others, even when he feels the situation is utterly hopeless.
- Motivation: Doing Good: Harry believes that successfully helping other people find closure is the best reward that a law enforcement officer could ever ask for, and therefore tries to help other people whenever he possibly can.
- Obsession: When Harry is following a "lead" that he feels strongly about, he can block out the input of his friends and/or colleagues.
- Power Loss: Harry will be unable to cast his spells if he is prevented from moving his hands or speaking any relevant incantations.
- Quirk: Harry has difficulties believing that incarceration is a severe enough punishment for the worst sorts of criminals and monsters. As such, he sometimes takes the law into his own hands.

English [Native], Latin, Old Norse

Dodge 11, Parry 11, Fortitude 4, Toughness 9/1, Will 13

Power Points
Abilities 40 + Powers 94 + Advantages 48 + Skills 52 (104 ranks) + Defenses 26 = 260


The Grim

Shadow Mastiff - PL 7

Strength 3, Stamina 3, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 4, Intellect -2, Awareness 2, Presence 2

Chokehold, Fast Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Power Attack

Acrobatics 2 (+4), Athletics 6 (+9), Close Combat: Bite 2 (+6), Expertise (AWE): Survival 8 (+10), Insight 2 (+4), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 6 (+8), Stealth 8 (+8)

Grim Physiology
. . Bestial Perception: Senses 6 (racial trait, Acute (Type): Olfactory Senses, Darkvision, Extended: Olfactory Senses 1: x10, Tracking: Olfactory Senses 1: -1 speed rank)
. . Big Dog: Growth 2 (racial trait, +2 STR, +2 STA, +1 Intimidate, -2 Stealth, -1 active defenses, +2 mass ranks; Innate; Permanent)
. . Deathly Howl: Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 4 (racial talent, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Dying, Resisted by: Will, DC 14; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 14, Cumulative; Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Fangs: Strength-based Damage 2 (edge, DC 20; Dangerous)
. . Fleet of Foot: Speed 2 (racial trait, Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)
. . Invulnerabilities: Immunity 3 (racial trait, Aging, Sleep, Starvation & Thirst)
. . Protective Hide: Protection 1 (racial trait, +1 Toughness)
. . Shadow Blending: Concealment 2 (racial talent, Sense - Sight; Limited: to areas of shadow or darkness)

Initiative +6
Deathly Howl: Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 4 (DC Will 14)
Fangs: Strength-based Damage 2, +6 (DC 20)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 13)
Throw, +0 (DC 18)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 18)

- Disability: Although they can understand the English language, Shadow Mastiffs cannot speak in the way that a human would. They also lack hands with which to manipulate objects.
- Outsider: Shadow Mastiffs are not from the Material Plane, and can therefore be banished by spells that would send them back to their native dimension, though in order to do that, one would need to figure out which dimension a specific Shadow Mastiff hails from. They can also be dismissed by their summoner, which has the same exact effect as a Banishment spell.

English [Native]

Dodge 6, Parry 5, Fortitude 7, Toughness 4, Will 4

Power Points
Abilities 20 + Powers 38 + Advantages 5 + Skills 20 (40 ranks) + Defenses 13 = 96


Home Sweet Home

The Wilkins Estate - PL 10

Toughness 10, Size Huge

Artificer's Lab, Concealed 2 (DC 25), Defensive Enchantments (Mystic Blast 10), Floo Aperture, Game Room, Garage, Gym, Holding Cells (Null Powers 10), Infirmary, Library, Living Space, Mystic Locale, Personnel (Kreacher, Gimble & Nalla, the House Elves), Ritual Chamber, Wards 5 (DC 40)

Power Points
Abilities 3 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Features 20 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 2 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 25


Build Comments

I have decided to divide the Dark Arts into two categories: The Dark Arts & Black Magic, with the latter being those spells which involve animating corpses, the killing or torture curses, and other such things, while the Dark Arts tends to include spells that aren't automatically evil, but which still tend to come from the Necromancy school of magic. Resurrection spells are a touchy subject, since in some settings, such as Final Fantasy, they'd be considered White Magic, but in other settings, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, they are, at best, part of the Dark Arts, and at worst, Black Magic. Regardless, casting Dark Arts spells on top of the Hellmouth is a fairly risky proposition, and using Black Magic in such locations is just asking to go Dark Willow.


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Dawn Summers / The MCs / Love You, Hold the Key

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (4)
Art by RetroGlamourAI on DeviantArt

Dawn Marie Potter-Summers - Arc 1 - PL 5
Age: 14 / Height: 5' 1" / Weight: 106 lbs / Hair Color: Dark Brown / Eye Color: Vivid Green
Group Affiliations: The Sunnydale Scoobies / Base of Operations: 1630 Revello Drive, Sunnydale, CA
Wealth Rank: +12 / Rep Rank: +5 / Knockback Mod: -4/-2
Equivalent D&D Levels: Dimensionally Attuned Civilian 3

Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 2, Intellect 2, Awareness 3, Presence 1

General Advantages
Animal Empathy, Attractive, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 4: (Social Class 3: [Nobility], Wealth: [Well-Off]), Charming, Connected, Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll 2, Durable Lie, Equipment 6, Fascinate (Persuasion), Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 3, Ritualist, Taunt, Teamwork

Enhanced Advantages
Diehard, Great Endurance

Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+4), Close Combat: Simple Modern Weapons 2 (+4), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise (PRE): Acting 6 (+7), Expertise (PRE): Singing 6 (+7), Expertise: Magic 6 (+8), Insight 4 (+7), Intimidation 0 (+1), Investigation 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+9), Persuasion 6 (+7), Ranged Combat: Guns 2 (+4), Ranged Combat: Magic 2 (+4), Sleight of Hand 0 (+2), Stealth 4 (+6), Technology 6 (+8), Treatment 4 (+6), Vehicles 0 (+2)

Magical Human Physiology
. . Expanded Awareness: Senses 9 (racial trait, Acute (Type): Mental Senses, Analytical: Detect Dimensional Hotspots, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Detect: Dimensional Hotspots [Mental] 2: ranged, Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius (Type): Mental Senses)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Dawn can expect to live for up to 472 years; she'll reach middle age at 100 years, old age at 200 years, and become venerable at 300 years)
. . Magical Anomaly: Variable 4 (racial talent; Reaction 3: reaction; Uncontrolled, Unreliable (1 use), Notes: Reaction Trigger: [When Dawn would make a Resistance check])
. . Magical Aptitude: Feature 3 (racial talent, Notes: Dawn can create minor illusions as “magic tricks” that are primarily suitable for entertainment, but which could potentially be good for a circ*mstance bonus on interaction skills or to distract targets from other happenings. She can also create a tiny flame, like a match, that is useful for lighting other fires, as well as having the ability to snuff out small flames. Lastly, Dawn can generate sufficient cold to perfectly chill food and beverages by touch or keep cold items cold for so long as she is touching them)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 2 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
Novice of Wixen Magic: Array
. . Allicere Persona: Cumulative Affliction 4 (glamour magic, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 14; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only, Quirk: Dawn doesn't control the target, they merely act friendly and/or lustful towards her, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Alohom*ora: Transform 6 (universal magic, Affects: 1 Thing > 1 Thing - Locked Doors into Unlocked Doors, Transforms: 50 lbs., DC 16; Increased Duration: continuous, Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 3)
. . Lumos: Environment 1 (elemental magic, Light, Radius: 30 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . Protego: Burst Area Deflect 4 (white magic; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 14, Selective; Reduced Range: close)
Special Qualities
. . Master of Disguise: Morph 2 (Removable, talent, +20 Deception checks to disguise; Narrow group; Increased Duration: continuous; Check Required 2: DC 11 - Deception, Increased Action 2: standard, Notes: Humanoid Females)
. . Technology Adept: Quickness 2 (talent, Perform routine tasks in -2 time ranks; Limited to One Task: Internet-based Research)

Computer, Heroic Arsenal (Baseball Bat, Flare Gun, Stake), Urban Satchel

Initiative +2
Allicere Persona: Cumulative Affliction 4 (DC Will 14)
Alohom*ora: Transform 6, +4 (DC Dog 16)
Baseball Bat, +4 (DC 17)
Flare Gun, +4 (DC Dog/Fort 14)
Grab, +2 (DC Spec 10)
Stake, +2 (DC 15)
Throw, +2 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +2 (DC 15)

- Easily Distracted: While Dawn looks to be fourteen years old, she's really only managed to live for about ten days, as of the moment when she first met her father, which means that Dawn has the attention span of a toddler, and she's also obsessed with eating some of the strangest things.
- Enemy: The Demonic "God" known as Glorificus would like nothing better than to get her hands on Dawn so she can use the girl to open a portal back to her original Hell Dimension. Unfortunately, if Glory succeeds, then not only will it be an apocalyptic catastrophe, but Dawn will most likely die as a result of the ensuing magical backlash.
- Motivation: Acceptance: Dawn feels that those who can find or make peace in the chaos of the world around them have everything that they will ever need, and strives always to live in as stress free a manner as she possibly can, which isn't very easy with Glorificus trying to get her paws on Dawn.
- Power Loss: Dawn will be unable to cast her spells if she's prevented from moving her hands or speaking any relevant incantations.
- Responsibility: Harry and Buffy have begun to teach Dawn a sense of duty that she strives to uphold, even when the odds are against her!
- Temper: Dawn tends to get very annoyed when people say that they know how she feels about something, because she's quite certain that no one knows how it feels to be a humanoid key that also happens to be the daughter of a Vampire Slayer and one of the most famous Wizards in the entire world!

English [Native], Infernal, Latin, Spanish

Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 3, Toughness 4/2, Will 6

Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 78 + Advantages 27 + Skills 35 (70 ranks) + Defenses 12 = 180

Last edited by DalkonCledwin on Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:10 am, edited 3 times in total.


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Buffy Summers / The MCs / Love You, Hold the Key

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (6)
Art by Mastersoul40 on DeviantArt

Elizabeth Anne 'Buffy' Summers - Arc 1 - PL 11
Age: 19 / Height: 5' 4" / Weight: 115 lbs / Hair Color: Bottle Blonde / Eye Color: Blue
Group Affiliations: The Sunnydale Scoobies / Base of Operations: 1630 Revello Drive, Sunnydale, CA
Wealth Rank: +12 / Rep Rank: +15 (Slayer) / +11 (Buffy) / Knockback Mod: -8
Equivalent D&D Levels: Mentally Focused Slayer11

Strength 5, Stamina 5, Agility 7, Dexterity 5, Fighting 8, Intellect 2, Awareness 2, Presence 1

General Advantages
Accelerated Stealth, All-out Attack, Assessment, Attractive 2, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 5: (Renown 2, Social Class 2: [Gentry], Wealth: [Well-Off]), Charming, Close Attack 2, Connected, Diehard, Equipment 5, Evasion 2, Fascinate (Persuasion), Favored Conditions: (While trying to stop the Hellmouth from Opening), Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Grab, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon, Inspire 2, Interpose, Languages 3, Leadership, Luck (Recover), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 2, Set-up, Taunt, Teamwork, Withstand Damage

Enhanced Advantages
Accelerated Climb, Instant Up

Acrobatics 8 (+15), Athletics 8 (+13), Close Combat: Slayer Weapons 5 (+13), Deception 6 (+7), Expertise (AGL): Figure Skating 8 (+15), Expertise (PRE): Acoustic Guitar 6 (+7), Expertise (PRE): Acting 8 (+9), Expertise: Demonology 8 (+10), Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 8 (+9), Investigation 8 (+10), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 8 (+9), Ranged Combat: Slayer Weapons 5 (+10), Stealth 8 (+15), Technology 4 (+6), Treatment 4 (+6)

Awakened Slayer Physiology
. . Brace for Impact: Protection 3 (racial trait, +3 Toughness; Impervious [5 extra ranks])
. . Expanded Awareness: Senses 10 (racial trait, Acute (Type): Mental Senses, Acute (Type): Olfactory Senses, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Extended: Olfactory Senses 1: x10, Radius (Type): Mental Senses, Tracking: Olfactory Senses 1: -1 speed rank)
. . Fast Healing: Regeneration 2 (racial trait, Every 5 rounds)
. . Final Blow: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: The damage dealt by Buffy's critical hits is raised by an additional +2 (+7 total) when she's using a bladed weapon to attack her enemies)
. . Fortified Mind: Immunity 11 (racial trait, Custom: Mental Control 5, Damage Effect: Psychic Damage, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 4 (racial talent, +4 STR; Limited to Lifting, Notes: Max Lifting Strength 9: Up to 12 Tons)
. . Prophetic Dreams: Senses 6 (racial trait, Postcognition (Limited): Previous Slayers, Precognition; Limited: Only while Buffy is Dreaming, Uncontrolled)
. . Slaydar: Senses 8 (racial talent, Detect: Aberrations [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Fey [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Outsiders [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Undead [Mental] 2: ranged; Sustained; Quirk: Buffy gets an intense case of the "heebie-jeebies" when this power detects something)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
. . Superhuman Speed: Speed 4 (racial talent, Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
Special Qualities
. . Athlete: Leaping 2 (talent, Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour, Advantages: Accelerated Climb, Instant Up; Check Required: DC 10 - Athletics)
Superhuman Potential: Array
. . Flurry of Blows: Strength-based Damage 1 (bludgeoning, DC 21; Multiattack [5 extra ranks]; Distracting [5 extra ranks])
. . Night Patroller: Healing 7 (talent; Action: move; Tiring)
. . Packs a Punch: Strength-based Damage 1 (bludgeoning, DC 21)

Heroic Arsenal (Crossbow, Shortsword, Stake), Holy Symbol, Musical Instrument (Basic), Vampire Slayer's Pack, Writing Kit

Initiative +7
Crossbow, +12 (DC 18)
Flurry of Blows: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 21)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 15)
Packs a Punch: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 21)
Shortsword, +15 (DC 22)
Stake, +15 (DC 15)
Throw, +7 (DC 20)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 20)

- Chosen One: Once in every generation a young woman inherits the power of the Chosen One, becoming the world's sole guardian against the forces of darkness, and against vampires in particular... Only, it turns out that's not quite as true as the Watchers Council wanted Buffy to believe.
- Honor: Buffy will do whatever it takes in order to protect the people that she cares about.
- Motivation: Doing Good: Although she doesn't get the chance to perform all that often, the "fact" is that she is making the world a better place whenever she does get that opportunity!
- Quirk: Buffy just adores a good insult, even when one is directed at her, though she does prefer to be the one who is dishing them out.
- Romantic Tragedy: Buffy is a hopeless romantic that is always searching for that "special someone", which is a major complication for her, because half the time she falls for people that turn out to be rather bad news, as was the case with her first major boyfriend, the Ensouled Vampire known as Angel.

English [Native], Infernal, Latin, Spanish, Sumerian

Dodge 14, Parry 14, Fortitude 7, Toughness 8 (Imp. 8), Will 5

Power Points
Abilities 70 + Powers 70 + Advantages 45 + Skills 57 (114 ranks) + Defenses 18 = 260

Last edited by DalkonCledwin on Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:21 am, edited 3 times in total.


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Dora Tonks / The MCs / Love You, Hold the Key

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (8)
Art by DarkMage73 on DeviantArt

Nymphadora Vulpecula Lupin (née Tonks) - Arc 1 - PL 10
Age: 27 / Height: 5' 5" / Weight: 122 lbs / Hair Color: Pink / Eye Color: Blue (All Vitals Except Age are Variable)
Group Affiliations: The Sunnydale Scoobies (Ally) / Base of Operations: The Wilkins Estate, Sunnydale, CA
Wealth Rank: +16 / Rep Rank: +12 (Wix) / +10 (MGL) / Knockback Mod: -7/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Inquisition Cleric 13

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 7, Intellect 3, Awareness 5, Presence 3

General Advantages
Animal Empathy, Assessment, Attractive 2, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 5: (Renown, Social Class 2: [Gentry], Wealth 2: [Independently Wealthy]), Charming, Connected, Contacts, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Roll 3, Ear to the Ground, Equipment 6, Fascinate (Persuasion), Inspire 3, Interpose, Klutz, Languages 4, Leadership, Luck (Edit Scene), Potion Brewing, Quick Draw, Ritualist, Set-up, Taunt, Teamwork, Ultimate Effort: (Insight checks for Assessment), Well-informed, Withstand Damage

Enhanced Advantages
Diehard, Great Endurance

Athletics 8 (+8), Close Combat: Warhammers 4 (+11), Deception 6 (+11/+9), Expertise (AWE): Theology 8 (+13), Expertise: History 8 (+11), Expertise: Magic 12 (+15), Handle Animals 8 (+11), Insight 6 (+13/+11), Intimidation 4 (+7), Investigation 6 (+9), Perception 6 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+11), Ranged Combat: Magic 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+10), Vehicles 6 (+8)

Almond & Ashwinder Ash Wand (Easily Removable)
. . Master of Wixen Magic: Array
. . . . Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 9 (radiant, white magic, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 19; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 19, Concentration, Feature: Untapped Potential for +3 effect ranks, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Custom: Manifests as a glowing silvery Doe, Distracting, Limited: Affects Demonic Entities Only, Limited: to Forcing Targets Away from Warded Area, Quirk: Has no effect on Vampires)
. . . . Finite: Nullify 9 (white magic, Counters: Magical Effects, DC 19; Broad, Simultaneous)
. . . . Ignis Furore: Shapeable Area Damage 5 (elemental magic, fire, DC 20; Shapeable Area 3: 125 cft., DC 15, Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range: ranged, Selective; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Distracting)
. . . . Immobulus: Concentration Affliction 9 (glamour magic, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Will, DC 19; Concentration, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only)
. . . . Inanimatus Conjurus: Create 9 (creation, universal magic, Volume: 500 cft., DC 19; Increased Duration: continuous, Innate, Precise)
. . . . Incendio Sacra: Damage 9 (elemental magic, holy fire, DC 24; Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 2: any point away or fixed point in fixed direction)
. . . . Lumos Aurora: Linked Effect
. . . . . . Here Comes the Sun: Environment 3 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, Light (Bright), Radius: 120 feet; Feature: the illumination cast by this effect equals the sun at high noon; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Concentration)
. . . . . . Light That Burns the Sky: Cylinder Area Damage 7 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, DC 22; Cylinder Area 3: 120 feet cylinder, DC 17, Increased Duration: concentration; Bane: Vampires, Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Lumos Maxima: Environment 2 (elemental magic, Light (Bright), Radius: 60 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Oculus Arcanus: Remote Sensing 13 (universal magic, Affects: Visual Senses - Visual, Range: 30 miles; Simultaneous; Feedback, Noticeable: by a small eye-shaped viewing aperture)
. . . . Protego Mors: Immunity 5 (white magic, Custom: Death Effects 5; Affects Others, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic or Awareness, Limited - Half Effect)
. . . . Radii Ductor: Linked Effect
. . . . . . Guiding Bolt: Affliction 10 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, DC 20; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Increased Range: ranged; Instant Recovery, Limited Degree)
. . . . . . Radiant Bolt: Damage 10 (Linked; elemental magic, radiant, DC 25; Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Reparifors: Healing 11 (healing, white magic; Restorative; Tiring)
. . . . Reparo: Transform 7 (universal magic, Affects: 1 Thing > 1 Thing - Broken Objects into Repaired Objects, Transforms: 100 lbs., DC 17; Increased Duration: continuous, Increased Range: ranged; Diminished Range 3)
. . . . Revelio: Senses 2 (universal magic, Counters Concealment: Invisibility [Vision]; Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Sanatio Vulnus: Healing 11 (healing, white magic; Tiring)
. . . . Silencio: Burst Area Concealment Attack 9 (glamer, glamour magic, All Aural Senses, Extra Ranks 7, DC 19; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 19, Attack: Will; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Specialis Revelio: Senses 3 (universal magic, Acute: Detect Magic Item Properties, Analytical: Detect Magic Item Properties, Detect: Magic Item Properties [Mental] 1; Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Verbum Recollectio: Teleport 13 (teleportation, universal magic, 30 miles in a move action, carrying 400 lbs.; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Extended: 8000 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 3; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited Location 2: one location - The Wilkins Estate, Tiring)
. . . . Vita Translatio: Healing 11 (dark arts, healing; Empathic)
Metamorphmagus Physiology
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Dora can expect to live for up to 412 years; she'll reach middle age at 100 years, old age at 200 years, and become venerable at 300 years)
. . Magical Awareness: Senses 4 (racial trait, Acute: Magic Awareness, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius: Magic Awareness)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 2 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Metamorphic Instincts: Enhanced Trait 2 (racial talent, Deception +2 (+11), Insight +2 (+13); Quirk: Deception bonus is for Bluffing & Insight bonus is for Assessment & Evaluation only)
. . Metamorphosis: Morph 3 (racial talent, +20 Deception checks to disguise; Broad group; Feature 4: Quick Change 2, Mimic Biometrics, Mimic Voices, Feature: Truly Genderfluid, Increased Duration: continuous, Notes: Any Humanoid)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
Novice of Divine Magic: Array
. . Destroy Undead: Burst Area Damage 9 (channel energy, radiant, DC 24; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 19; Limited: Affects Undead Creatures Only, Quirk: Tonks must be in possession of her Holy Symbol to use this power, Tiring)
. . Rebuke Invoker: Damage 10 (divine, force, DC 25; Increased Range 2: perception, Triggered: 1 use - When the targeted character casts a spell)
. . Spell Shield: Immunity 20 (channel energy, Very Common Descriptor: Magical Effects; Affects Others, Sustained; Limited - Half Effect, Quirk: Tonks must be in possession of her Holy Symbol while sustaining this effect)
. . Turn Undead: Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 9 (channel energy, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 19; Affects Objects Only, Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, DC 19, Cumulative; Limited: Affects Undead Creatures Only, Quirk: Tonks must be in possession of her Holy Symbol to use this power, Unreliable (5 uses), Notes: Compelled: [To Flee]; Controlled: [Must Flee])
Warhammer (Easily Removable)
. . Weapon of War: Array
. . . . Divine Strike: Strength-based Damage 6 (bludgeoning, DC 21; Smashing; Bane: Targets that are sustaining or concentrating on a spell)
. . . . Versatile Divine Strike: Strength-based Damage 7 (bludgeoning, DC 22; Smashing; Bane: Targets that are sustaining or concentrating on a spell, Distracting)

Cell Phone, Chain-mail, Crossbow, Diplomat's Pack, Holy Symbol, Medium Shield

Initiative +2
Crossbow, +2 (DC 18)
Destroy Undead: Burst Area Damage 9 (DC 24)
Divine Strike: Strength-based Damage 6, +11 (DC 21)
Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 9 (DC Will 19)
Finite: Nullify 9, +10 (DC Will 19)
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 10)
Guiding Bolt: Affliction 10, +10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 20)
Ignis Furore: Shapeable Area Damage 5 (DC 20)
Immobulus: Concentration Affliction 9 (DC Will 19)
Incendio Sacra: Damage 9, +10 (DC 24)
Light That Burns the Sky: Cylinder Area Damage 7 (DC 22)
Radiant Bolt: Damage 10, +10 (DC 25)
Rebuke Invoker: Damage 10 (DC 25)
Reparo: Transform 7, +10 (DC Dog 17)
Silencio: Burst Area Concealment Attack 9 (DC Will 19)
Throw, +2 (DC 15)
Turn Undead: Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 9 (DC Will 19)
Unarmed, +7 (DC 15)
Versatile Divine Strike: Strength-based Damage 7, +11 (DC 22)

- Biological Quirk: Although Tonks is truly Genderfluid, she prefers to remain in a female form in almost all situations, and she self-identifies as a woman.
- Childish: When things don't go her way, Dora will sulk and pout while sitting in a corner.
- Motivation: Thrills: Dora has come to realize that life is too short not to live it to the fullest. As such, she tries to live every minute of her life with as much zest as she possibly can.
- Overconfident: No matter what someone has seen or done, Dora is quite confident that she'll be able to top it! The only exception to this belief is in the case of Harry Potter, who managed to blow her out of the water when he was only twelve years old simply by surviving in battle against a one-thousand year old Basilisk!
- Paranoid: While she's not quite as paranoid as her old mentor, the fact is that Dora has a tendency to believe that there's a Dark Witch or Wizard waiting around every corner.
- Power Loss: Dora will be unable to cast her spells if she is prevented from moving her hands or speaking any relevant incantations.
- Significant Other: Dora was the Auror in charge of teaching Harry how to be an Auror, and she more or less followed him like a lost puppy when he left the Auror Department in search of his "newborn" daughter. It probably won't be very long before she tries to sneak beneath the covers of his bed...

Bulgarian, Celestial, English [Native], French, Gobbledegook, Latin, Lip Reading

Dodge 13/11, Parry 13/11, Fortitude 4, Toughness 7/1, Will 13

Power Points
Abilities 46 + Powers 102 + Advantages 45 + Skills 53 (106 ranks) + Defenses 24 = 270


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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Pull My Devil Trigger
Premise: Harry was always different from other people; faster, stronger, smarter; but he never understood why. He thought magic would give him the answers for why he was so different, but it never did. Now just what were these strange creatures, and why did they like to refer to him as ‘Sparda’?
Required Inclusions:
- Harry Potter must actually be the son of Dante Sparda, which is made possible by the fact that Dante was roughly 18 years old in the prequel to the series known as “Devil May Cry 3.”
- Harry must go through the events that are depicted in the Harry Potter novels and movies, only he’ll be much more mature, physically powerful, and intelligent due to his demonic ancestry.
- After the events depicted in the fourth book, Harry must encounter Dante and his team, whereupon he will join the group as a junior member and take part in the events of DMC 2.
- As is the case with Nero, Harry must have an inborn Devil Arms that takes the place of one of his arms, though it is up to the author to decide upon the nature of this Devil Arms.
- Harry must be trained by Dante and the others in how to use guns, swords, and various other weapons, and he must excel in these disciplines, as is typical for a Scion of Sparda.
- At some point following the events of DMC 2, Harry must return to Wizarding Britain so that he can finally deal with the Dark Lord Voldemort, and his new family must accompany him.
- Harry must end up in a romantic pairing with a character who is either a demon or a fallen angel, with Lucia being a distinct preference. Though a harem is also permitted.
- Harry must make use of short-burst Apparition in order to replicate Dante’s “Trickster” style of combat, though what else he incorporates into that fighting style will be up to the author.
Preferred Inclusions:
- Harry should develop his own unique fighting style that is complemented by the nature of his inherent Devil Arms, whatever that may be.
- Hedwig should officially become Harry’s familiar, which may grant her a surplus of magical abilities that will allow her to aid Harry in battle.
- Harry should share his Uncle Vergil’s ability to make use of the alternate form that is known as Sin Devil Trigger, though how he came by this ability is up to the author.
- Harry’s hair color should undergo a dramatic shift, becoming the stark white color of the Sparda family, after he uses his default Devil Trigger for the very first time.
Optional Inclusions:
- In addition to his inborn Devil Arms, Harry could have an external Devil Arms that he secured after defeating Slytherin’s Basilisk; although, the nature of this weapon is up to the author.
- Harry could be required to take at least one bride for each family that he is the sole heir to, such as the Potters, Blacks, Peverells, and yes, even the House of Slytherin.
Forbidden Things:
- Harry being involved in a male-slash pairing.
- Wrong Child Who Lived scenarios.
- Harry, the pathetic emo doormat.


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Harry Potter / The MCs / Pull My Devil Trigger

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (11)
Art by KolosalAI on DeviantArt

Harry James Potter - Arc 1 - PL 10
Age: 14 / Height: 5' 5" / Weight: 148 lbs / Hair Color: Silver / Eye Color: Green
Group Affiliations: Devil May Cry / Base of Operations: The DMC Shop, Red Grave City, England
Wealth Rank: +16 / Rep Rank: +12 / Knockback Mod: -6/-2
Equivalent D&D Levels: Extermination Bard 6

Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 4, Intellect 3, Awareness 3, Presence 6

General Advantages
All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Attractive, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 6: (Renown, Social Class 3: [Nobility], Wealth 2: [Independently Wealthy]), Connected, Conviction, Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 4, Fascinate (Persuasion), Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Inspire 3, Interpose, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 3, Luck (Recover), Potion Brewing, Quick Draw, Ritualist, Teamwork

Enhanced Advantages
Diehard, Great Endurance

Acrobatics 0 (+5), Athletics 4 (+4), Close Combat: Grab 2 (+6), Deception 6 (+12), Expertise (AWE): Cooking 6 (+9), Expertise (PRE): Electric Guitar 6 (+12), Expertise: Magic 8 (+11), Expertise: Nature 6 (+9), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 6 (+12), Investigation 6 (+9), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+14), Ranged Combat: Magic 2 (+9/+7), Sleight of Hand 0 (+5), Stealth 6 (+11), Technology 0 (+3), Treatment 0 (+3), Vehicles 4 (+9)

Demonblood Legacy Physiology
. . Audacious Defense: Enhanced Trait 12 (racial talent, Dodge +5 (+14), Parry +5 (+14), Defensive Roll 4 +2 (+4); Limited: Only while unarmored)
. . Fiendish Perception: Senses 11 (racial trait, Acute (Type): Mental Senses, Awareness: Fiendish Effects [Mental], Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Darkvision, Detect: Demons [Mental] 2: ranged, Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius (Type): Mental Senses)
. . Fiendish Resistance: Immunity 6 (racial trait, Damage Effect: Fire Damage, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Harry can expect to live for up to 267 years; he'll reach middle age at 105 years, old age at 159 years, and become venerable at 210 years)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 2 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
Demonic Inheritance: Array
. . Bat Rift: Summon 5 (devil bringer; Active, Controlled)
. . Countercharm: Burst Area Nullify 8 (performance, Counters: Mind-Influencing Effects, DC 18; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Selective, Simultaneous; Reduced Range: close, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Expose Weakness: Affliction 6 (performance, 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Resisted by: Will, DC 16; Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Only vs. the Attacks of Harry's Allies, Limited Degree, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Jam Session: Damage 7 (devil bringer, sonic, DC 22; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack; Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Reverb: Enhanced Trait 1 (devil trigger, Ranged Combat +2 (+9))
. . Scythe Slash: Strength-based Damage 6 (devil bringer, slashing, DC 21; Aura: Electricity, Aura: Sonic, Reach (melee): 5 ft., Tripping)
. . Song of Rest: Perception Area Healing 5 (performance; Perception Area: DC 15 - Hearing, Energizing, Selective; Limited: Energizing Only)
Disciple of the Mystic Arts: Array
. . Confundo Duo: Concentration Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Concentration, Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited Degree, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Confundo: Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Instant Recovery, Limited Degree (third only), Sense-dependent: Hearing, Notes: Controlled: [Must obey this one-word command])
. . Expelliarmus: Damage 11 (abjuration, force, DC 26; Disarming (No Damage), Increased Range: ranged)
. . Finite Incantatem: Burst Area Nullify 5 (abjuration, Counters: Magical Effects, DC 15; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 15, Broad, Simultaneous)
. . Locomotor: Move Object 1 (transmutation, 100 lbs.; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . Lumos: Environment 1 (evocation, Light, Radius: 30 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 17, Concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Distracting)
. . Timor: Concentration Cone Area Affliction 7 (illusion, phantasm, 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 17, Concentration; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited Degree, Quirk 2: Compelled to Flee only, Reduced Area: 30-foot Cone)
Manannan's Féth Fíada (Removable (indestructible))
. . Ceo Draíochta: Array
. . . . Magical Mist: Obscure 10 (devil arms, Affects: Two Sense Types - Visual Senses, Area: 2 miles radius; Selective; Custom: Build Up, Reduced Range: close)
. . . . Veil of Invisibility: Concealment 4 (devil arms, All Visual Senses; Feature: Can't be nullified by Thief's Downfall)
Sin Devil Trigger (Activation: Move Action)
. . Accelerated Healing: Regeneration 5 (devil trigger, Every 2 rounds)
. . Devil Wings: Flight 6 (devil trigger, Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round; Wings)
. . Fiendish Power: Damage 5 (devil trigger, force, DC 20; Reaction 3: reaction)
. . Flurry: Enhanced Extra 6 (devil trigger; Multiattack, Variable Descriptor: close group - Any Melee Attack Effect Harry Wields; Distracting)
Special Qualities
. . Force of Personality: Feature 1 (trait, Notes: Harry's Will resistance is based on his Presence score instead of his Awareness)
. . Parseltongue: Comprehend 2 (magical, Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand; Narrow Type: Serpents)
. . Soul of the Lightning Witch: Immunity 5 (devil bringer, Damage Effect: Sonic Damage; Limited - Half Effect)

Cook's Utensils (Basic), Diplomat's Pack, Heroic Arsenal (Light Pistol, Pocket Knife), Signet Ring

Initiative +5
Confundo Duo: Concentration Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Confundo: Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Countercharm: Burst Area Nullify 8 (DC Will 18)
Expelliarmus: Damage 11, +9 (DC 26)
Expose Weakness: Affliction 6 (DC Will 16)
Fiendish Power: Damage 5, +4 (DC 20)
Finite Incantatem: Burst Area Nullify 5 (DC Will 15)
Grab, +6 (DC Spec 10)
Jam Session: Damage 7, +5 (DC 22)
Light Pistol, +5 (DC 18)
Locomotor: Move Object 1 (DC 11)
Pocket Knife, +4 (DC 16)
Scythe Slash: Strength-based Damage 6, +4 (DC 21)
Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Throw, +5 (DC 15)
Timor: Concentration Cone Area Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 15)

- Enemy: The Dark Lord Voldemort is determined to stop Harry from fulfilling his destiny, since it is Harry's destiny to bring about the final destruction of the Dark Lord Voldemort!
- Familial Legacy: Although he is only just beginning to realize this fact, the reality is that Harry was born to be a hunter of monsters since he is the son of Dante Sparda and the demoness known as Nevan, the latter of whom had taken on the mortal identity of Lily Evans, and ultimately married James Potter, who in turn, chose to adopt Harry and make him the heir to the Potter family legacy.
- Honor: Harry takes his role as the hero of Wizarding Britain seriously, and strives to always help those in need. To this end, he will go out of his way to help the helpless and defend the defenseless!
- Motivation: People: Despite his great destiny, the people that Harry cares about are all that really matters to him in the end.
- Power Loss: Harry will be unable to cast his spells if he is prevented from moving his hands or speaking any relevant incantations. He'll also lose access to his Demonic Inheritance, as well as his Soul of the Lightning Witch power, if his left arm is ever removed from his body.
- Pulling the Devil Trigger: Harry can maintain his Devil Trigger for a total of 9 Combat Rounds, or the equivalent of 54 seconds in real time. These rounds do not need to be consecutive, but once this time has expired, he must spend at least eight hours doing little more than sleeping before he can activate that power again.
- Reckless: You could call Harry impulsive, because he prefers to skip all the talking and get straight to the action!

Abyssal, English [Native], French, Latin

Dodge 14/9, Parry 14/9, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6/2, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 56 + Powers 133 + Advantages 34 + Skills 42 (84 ranks) + Defenses 15 = 280


Bat Rift

Swarm of Bats - PL 5

Strength -5, Stamina -2, Agility -2, Dexterity 0, Fighting -2, Intellect -4, Awareness 2, Presence -2

Expertise (AWE): Survival 6 (+8), Perception 2 (+4)

Bat Physiology
. . Animalistic Perception: Senses 7 (racial trait, Accurate (Type): Auditory Senses, Extended: Auditory Senses 1: x10, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing)
. . Bat Wings: Flight 5 (racial trait, Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round; Wings)
. . Clinging: Enhanced Trait 6 (racial talent, Athletics +12 (+7); Limited: to Climbing)
. . Diminutive Size: Shrinking 12 (racial trait, -3 STR, -6 Intimidate, +12 Stealth, +6 active defenses, -3 size ranks, -1 speed ranks; Innate; Permanent)
Swarm Form
. . Quasi-Fluid State: Insubstantial 1 (talent, Fluid; Innate; Permanent)
. . Swarm Resistances: Immunity 40 (talent, Very Common Descriptor: Piercing Damage, Very Common Descriptor: Slashing Damage; Limited - Half Effect)
Swarming: Linked Effect
. . Swarming Damage: Shapeable Area Damage 2 (Linked; edge, DC 17; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 12, Reaction 3: reaction)
. . Swarming Distraction: Shapeable Area Affliction 2 (Linked; talent, 1st degree: Hindered, Impaired, Resisted by: Will, DC 12; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 12, Extra Condition, Reaction 3: reaction; Instant Recovery, Limited Degree 2)

Initiative -2
Grab, -2 (DC Spec 5)
Swarming Damage: Shapeable Area Damage 2 (DC 17)
Swarming Distraction: Shapeable Area Affliction 2 (DC Will 12)
Throw, +0 (DC 10)
Unarmed, -2 (DC 10)

- Disability: Bats have no hands and are unable to speak with humans.
- Infamy: People tend to be frightened of bats, which is attributed to their appearance.
- Weakness: Due to their diminutive size, bats are vulnerable to large creatures. Anything of Size Rank -2 or more (human sized) using a melee attack on a bat, strikes at it as if with a Burst Area Damage effect that is equal to their Strength Rank.

Not Applicable

Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 0, Toughness -2, Will 2

Power Points
Abilities -24 + Powers 82 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 (8 ranks) + Defenses 2 = 64


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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Slow and Easy
Premise: After the final battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort, everyone’s favorite boy wizard found himself caught in a magical accident that involved a Time-Turner, causing him to be sent over twenty years into the past, where he was forced to live out his life under the pseudonym of “Rupert Giles.”
Required Inclusions:
- Due to an accident with a Time-Turner, Harry Potter must find himself trapped in the 1970s, where he will soon be forced to take on the identity of a man known as Rupert Giles.
- During this time, he must meet and befriend both Ethan Rayne and the other people who would ultimately get him involved in the Dreamer fiasco.
- Furthermore, because of his education at Hogwarts, this version of Giles must be far more skilled when it comes to the Mystic Arts than the one that appears in the canonical series.
- With that said, this version of Giles must retain his total ineptitude when it comes to anything that relates to computer or cellular technology.
- While Harry should be involved with some of the same women as Giles was in canon, that is not to say that they will share the exact same romantic history.
- Because he knows what it's like to be a Chosen One, Harry must have an easier time connecting with Buffy, Faith, the Potentials, than any of the other Watchers.
- This story must cover the first six seasons of the Buffy the Vampire series, but it must also depict them from the perspective of a far more useful Rupert Giles (aka Harry Potter).
- To his horror, Harry must discover that Ginny Weasley was one of the countless Potential Slayers that were activated when Willow cast the Slayer Activation Spell.
Preferred Inclusions:
- If Harry is romantically involved with a Potterverse character, then it should be someone who graduated from Hogwarts between the years 1975 and 1985.
- Ginny should be paired with either Xander or Willow, though if she is paired with Willow, then she should still be interested in men as a romantic option.
- Slayers who had the ability to use magic before they were Called should retain the ability to use magic items, such as flying brooms, even if they lose the ability to cast spells.
- If Jenny Calendar falls in love with this version of Giles, then she should be spared from the fate that she suffered in the canonical series.
Optional Inclusions:
- Harry could find a way to save his mother’s life, and in doing so, find himself becoming romantically involved with the woman and raising his young female counterpart.
- Harry could end up with several women all vying for his romantic attention, much to the general amusem*nt of Buffy and her friends.
Forbidden Things:
- Harry being involved in a male-slash pairing.
- Harry, the malevolent emo doormat.

Last edited by DalkonCledwin on Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Rupert Giles / The MCs / Slow and Steady

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (14)
Art by HZ-Art-Gallery on DeviantArt

Rupert Edmund Giles - Arc 1 - PL 10
Age: 30 (43) / Height: 6' 0" / Weight: 168 lbs / Hair Color: Brown / Eye Color: Green
Group Affiliations: The Watcher's Council / Base of Operations: The Potter Estate, Sunnydale, California
Wealth Rank: +12 / Rep Rank: +10 / Knockback Mod: -7/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Paranormal Investigator (Loremaster) 11

Strength 1, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 6, Intellect 4, Awareness 2, Presence 2

General Advantages
Alchemist, All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Attractive, Benefit 6: (Alternate Identity 3: [Lord Harry J. Potter-Black], Burglar: [Stealth], Social Class: [Working Class], Wealth: [Well-Off]), Connected, Conviction, Defensive Roll 3, Equipment 7, Fascinate (Persuasion), Favored Conditions: (When Fighting a Favored Foe), Favored Foe 2: (Fiends & Spellcasters), Guidance, Inspire 2, Languages 4, Leadership, Potion Brewing, Ranged Attack 4, Ritualist, Skill Mastery 2: (Expertise: Demonology, Investigation), Teamwork, Tracking, Well-read

Enhanced Advantages
Accelerated Climb, Accurate Attack, Assessment, Diehard, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Luck 2, Precise Attack (Ranged, Cover), Speed of Thought, Strong Swimmer, Ultimate Effort: (Aim)

Athletics 4 (+5), Close Combat: Swords 6 (+12), Deception 0 (+2), Expertise (AWE): Cooking 8 (+10), Expertise (AWE): Theology 8 (+14/+10), Expertise: Alchemy 8 (+12), Expertise: Arcana 10 (+18/+14), Expertise: Demonology 10 (+14), Expertise: History 8 (+16/+12), Insight 4 (+10/+6), Intimidation 4 (+6), Investigation 10 (+14), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 6 (+8), Ranged Combat: Magic 2 (+4), Stealth 6 (+8), Vehicles 4 (+6)

Adept of the Mystic Arts: Array
. . Apparition: Teleport 11 (conjuration, teleportation, 8 miles in a move action, carrying 400 lbs.; Change Direction, Extended: 2000 miles in 2 move actions, Feature 3: Teleport Memory (The Potter Estate, Summers Residence & Sunnydale High Library), Increased Mass 3; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Distracting)
. . Confundo Maxima: Concentration Perception Area Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Perception Area: DC 17 - Hearing, Concentration, Insidious, Selective; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Limited Degree)
. . Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (abjuration, radiant, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 17, Concentration, Feature: Untapped Potential for +3 effect ranks, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Custom: Manifests as a glowing silvery Stag, Distracting, Limited: Affects Demonic Entities Only, Limited: to Forcing Targets Away from Warded Area, Quirk: Has no effect on Vampires or other Human-Incarnated Demons)
. . Finite: Nullify 7 (abjuration, Counters: Magical Effects, DC 17; Broad, Simultaneous)
. . Incendio Sphaera: Burst Area Damage 6 (conjuration, fire, DC 21; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 16, Custom: Moveable, Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Distracting)
. . Incendio: Damage 12 (evocation, fire, DC 27; Feature: Can be used to start non-magical fires, Increased Range: ranged)
. . Legilimens: Cumulative Mind Reading 7 (divination, mind-affecting, DC 17; Cumulative, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Loremaster's Guidance: Affliction 10 (social, 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious, Subtle: subtle, Variable Descriptor: close group - Choice of Designated Ally; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Insight, Limited: Only vs. the attacks of a single designated ally, Limited Degree)
. . Lumos: Environment 1 (evocation, Light, Radius: 30 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Protego Mors: Immunity 5 (abjuration, Custom: Death Effects 5; Affects Others, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Limited - Half Effect)
. . Protego: Burst Area Deflect 7 (abjuration; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 17, Reflect, Selective; Reduced Area: 15-foot Radius Sphere, Reduced Range: close)
. . Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 17, Concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Tirer La Couverture: Senses 13 (divination, Analytical (Type): Visual Senses, Counters All Concealment: Visual Senses, Counters Illusion: Visual Senses, Detect: Hidden Doors [Visual] 2: ranged, Detect: Magical Auras [Visual] 2: ranged; Dimensional: dimension - The Ethereal Plane, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Quirk: Initial Casting requires an hour of deep meditation & exotic material components)
Dawnbreaker (Easily Removable)
. . Signature Longsword: Array
. . . . Signature Strike: Strength-based Damage 6 (slashing, DC 22; Dangerous; Bane: Fiends & Spellcasters [1 extra rank], Tiring [1 extra rank])
. . . . Sword Strike: Strength-based Damage 3 (slashing, DC 19; Dangerous; Bane: Fiends & Spellcasters [1 extra rank])
. . . . Versatile Strike: Strength-based Damage 4 (slashing, DC 20; Dangerous; Bane: Fiends & Spellcasters [1 extra rank], Distracting [1 extra rank])
Heartbeat (Easily Removable)
. . Signature Heavy Crossbow: Array
. . . . Bolt Action: Damage 4 (piercing, DC 19; Dangerous, Feature: This attack will Dust a vampire on a successful Critical Hit, Increased Range: ranged; Activation 2: standard action, Bane: Fiends & Spellcasters)
. . . . Signature Bolt: Damage 7 (piercing, DC 22; Dangerous, Feature: This attack will Dust a vampire on a successful Critical Hi, Increased Range: ranged; Activation 2: standard action, Bane: Fiends & Spellcasters, Tiring)
Magical Human Physiology
. . Eagerness: Luck Control 1 (racial talent, Force a Re-roll, Advantages: Luck 2; Limited: Limited to Resistance checks vs. Giles' Magic)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Giles can expect to live for up to 181 years; he'll reach middle age at 53 years, old age at 89 years, and become venerable at 123 years)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 4 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Uncommon Descriptor: Vampirism, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance)
. . Mobility: Speed 3 (racial talent, Speed: 16 miles/hour, 250 feet/round, Advantages: Accelerated Climb, Strong Swimmer; Athletics Check Required)
. . Sixth Sense: Senses 15 (racial trait, Accurate: Detect Supernatural Entities, Acute (Type): Mental Senses, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Danger Sense: Visual Senses, Detect: Consecrated Objects [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Desecrated Objects [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Supernatural Entities [Mental] 2: ranged, Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius (Type): Mental Senses)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
. . Tireless: Immunity 5 (racial trait, Fatigue Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
Special Qualities
. . Advanced Research Techniques: Enhanced Trait 8 (training, Expertise (AWE) +4 (+14), Expertise +4 (+18), Expertise +4 (+16), Advantages: Improved Initiative, Speed of Thought)
. . Bravado: Burst Area Immunity 1 (social, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects, Advantages: Fearless; Affects Others Only, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 11, Selective, Sustained; Reduced Area: 15-foot Radius Sphere, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Loremaster: Enhanced Trait 3 (training, Insight +4 (+12), Advantages: Assessment; Quirk: Insight bonus is for Assessment & Evaluation only)
. . Martial Versatility: Variable 1 (training; Limited: to providing Giles with the Combat Advantagesz associated with specific Fighting Styles, Slow)
. . Parseltongue: Comprehend 2 (magical, Animals - Speak To, Animals - Understand; Narrow Type: Serpents)

Power Settings
. . Archery (Advantages: Accurate Attack, Improved Aim, Precise Attack (Ranged, Cover), Ultimate Effort: (Aim))

1963 Citroën DS, Alchemist's Kit, Book of Lore, Explorer's Pack, Heavy Robes, Heroic Arsenal (Silver Dagger, Stake), Paranormal Investigator's Kit

Initiative +8
Bolt Action: Damage 4, +6 (DC 19)
Confundo Maxima: Concentration Perception Area Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Finite: Nullify 7, +8 (DC Will 17)
Grab, +6 (DC Spec 11)
Incendio Sphaera: Burst Area Damage 6 (DC 21)
Incendio: Damage 12, +8 (DC 27)
Legilimens: Cumulative Mind Reading 7 (DC Will 17)
Loremaster's Guidance: Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Signature Bolt: Damage 7, +6 (DC 22)
Signature Strike: Strength-based Damage 6, +12 (DC 22)
Silver Dagger, +6 (DC 17)
Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Stake, +6 (DC 15)
Sword Strike: Strength-based Damage 3, +12 (DC 19)
Throw, +6 (DC 16)
Unarmed, +6 (DC 16)
Versatile Strike: Strength-based Damage 4, +12 (DC 20)

- Curse Sworn: Giles and several of his old "friends" messed around with forces that they really shouldn't have, and as such, they are all now marked with the symbol of Eyghon, the Sleepwalker. This means that they'll eventually be subsumed by the demon in question when it tries to gain entry to the waking world.
- Dark Secret: Giles owns at least one grimoire that contains the spirit of a horrifying demon that will be unleashed upon the world should anyone ever bother to read the words contained within the pages of that tome. Incidentally, Scanning Technology counts as "reading" for the purposes of this complication.
- Motivation: Doing Good: Harry hopes that by fostering the knowledge and understanding of his protégé, Buffy Summers, and her friends, that he can help them to live that are free of fear.
- Power Loss: Giles will be unable to cast his spells if he is prevented from moving his hands or speaking any relevant incantations. He must also provide any relevant material components when performing a ritual or brewing a potion.
- Quirk: Giles loves to collect books and obscure manuscripts, because he never knows what secrets they might hold. He also has a marked tendency to speak like he knows what he's talking about, even in situations that he's utterly clueless about.

Ancient Greek, English [Native], Enochian, Infernal, Japanese, Latin, Sumerian

Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 3, Toughness 7/1, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 40 + Powers 98 + Advantages 45 + Skills 53 (106 ranks) + Defenses 19 = 255


Gotta Have Wheels

1963 Citroën DS - PL 10

Strength 5, Defense -2, Toughness 8, Size Large

Wheelset: Speed 6 (technological, Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round; Quirk: Limited to a maximum speed of 84 MPH)

Power Points
Abilities 2 + Powers 5 + Advantages 0 + Features 0 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 1 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 8


Notation Regarding Character Age

The age before the parentheses indicates how old the character's outward appearance would make you think that they are, while the one inside the parentheses indicates how old they really are. All ages from this notation on will be given as of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1, Episode 1.

Last edited by DalkonCledwin on Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Charlotte Harper / The MCs / Slow and Steady

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (16)
Art by DeepDreamAiArt on DeviantArt

Charlotte Anne Harper - Arc 1 - PL 8
Age: 29 (42) / Height: 5' 4" / Weight: 117 lbs / Hair Color: Ginger / Eye Color: Green
Group Affiliations: The Watcher's Council / Base of Operations: The Potter Estate, Sunnydale, California
Wealth Rank: +12 / Rep Rank: +8 / Knockback Mod: -7/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Paranormal Investigator (Occult Detective) 8

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 5, Intellect 3, Awareness 1, Presence 4

General Advantages
Accelerated Stealth, All-out Attack, Attractive 2, Benefit 3: (Burglar: [Stealth], Social Class: [Working Class], Wealth: [Well-Off]), Charming, Connected, Contacts, Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 7, Fascinate (Persuasion), Favored Conditions: (When Fighting a Favored Foe), Favored Foe 2: (Spellcasters & Vampires), Flirtation, Guidance, Inspire 2, Languages 4, Leadership, Potion Brewing, Ranged Attack 4, Ritualist, Second Chance: (Insight for Assessing Truthfulness), Set-up, Skill Mastery 2: (Expertise: Demonology, Investigation), Skill Mastery: Perception, Teamwork, Tracking, Well-informed

Enhanced Advantages
Defensive Attack, Durable Lie, Improved Defense, Withstand Damage

Acrobatics 4 (+6), Athletics 4 (+4), Close Combat: Rapiers 4 (+9), Deception 2 (+10/+6), Expertise (AWE): Chess Tactics 6 (+7), Expertise (AWE): Survival 4 (+5), Expertise: Arcana 8 (+11), Expertise: Demonology 8 (+11), Expertise: History 6 (+9), Expertise: Nature 6 (+9), Insight 6 (+7), Intimidation 0 (+4), Investigation 8 (+15/+11), Perception 4 (+9/+5), Persuasion 6 (+10), Ranged Combat: Magic 4 (+6), Stealth 6 (+8), Vehicles 4 (+6)

Disciple of the Mystic Arts: Array
. . Aid: Burst Area Healing 2 (abjuration; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 12, Increased Range: ranged, Selective; Temporary)
. . Darkvision: Senses 2 (transmutation, Counters Concealment: Darkness [Visual]; Affects Others, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Detect Magic: Senses 3 (divination, Analytical: Detect Magical Auras, Detect: Magical Auras [Visual] 2: ranged; Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Insightful Fighting: Affliction 6 (training, 1st degree: Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Resisted by: Will, DC 16; Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Insight, Limited: Only vs. Charlie's attacks, Limited Degree)
. . Light: Environment 1 (evocation, Light, Radius: 30 feet; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . Sacred Flame: Damage 6 (evocation, holy fire, DC 21; Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 2: any point away or fixed point in fixed direction)
. . Shield of Faith: Deflect 8 (abjuration; Reduced Range: close)
Magical Human Physiology
. . Alluring Presence: Cumulative Affliction 6 (racial talent, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 16; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only, Quirk: Charlie doesn't control the target, they merely act friendly and/or lustful towards her, Sense-dependent: Audiovisual)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Charlotte can expect to live for up to 153 years; she'll reach middle age at 53 years, old age at 89 years, and become venerable at 123 years)
. . Silver-Tongued: Enhanced Trait 3 (racial talent, Deception +4 (+10), Advantages: Durable Lie; Quirk: Deception bonus is for Bluffing only)
. . Sixth Sense: Senses 15 (racial trait, Accurate: Detect Supernatural Entities, Acute (Type): Mental Senses, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Danger Sense: Visual Senses, Detect: Consecrated Objects [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Desecrated Objects [Mental] 2: ranged, Detect: Supernatural Entities [Mental] 2: ranged, Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius (Type): Mental Senses)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
. . Steel Will: Immunity 1 (racial trait, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
Soulstring (Easily Removable)
. . Signature Longbow: Array
. . . . Arrow Shot: Damage 3 (piercing, DC 18; Dangerous, Feature: This attack will Dust a vampire on a successful Critical Hit, Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Signature Shot: Strength-based Damage 5 (piercing, DC 20; Dangerous, Feature: This attack will Dust a vampire on a successful Critical Hit, Increased Range: ranged; Bane: Spellcasters & Vampires, Tiring)
Special Qualities
. . Force of Personality: Feature 1 (trait, Notes: Charlotte's Will resistance is based on her Presence score instead of her Awareness)
. . Steady Eye: Enhanced Trait 4 (training, Investigation +4 (+15), Perception +4 (+9); Limited: Only while Charlotte is moving at no more than half her base Speed)
. . Variable: Variable 1 (Limited: to providing Charlie with the Combat Advantagesz associated with specific Fighting Styles, Slow)
Tranquility (Easily Removable)
. . Signature Rapier: Array
. . . . Rapier Strike: Strength-based Damage 2 (piercing, DC 17; Dangerous 2, Precise)
. . . . Signature Strike: Strength-based Damage 4 (piercing, DC 19; Dangerous, Precise; Bane: Spellcasters & Vampires, Tiring)

Power Settings
Defensive Combat (Advantages: Defensive Attack, Improved Defense, Withstand Damage)

Book of Lore, Explorer's Pack, Heroic Arsenal (Silver Dagger, Stake), Holy Symbol, Light Armor, Monster Hunter's Pack, Paranormal Investigator's Kit

Initiative +2
Alluring Presence: Cumulative Affliction 6 (DC Will 16)
Arrow Shot: Damage 3, +6 (DC 18)
Grab, +5 (DC Spec 10)
Insightful Fighting: Affliction 6 (DC Will 16)
Rapier Strike: Strength-based Damage 2, +9 (DC 17)
Sacred Flame: Damage 6, +10 (DC 21)
Signature Shot: Strength-based Damage 5, +6 (DC 20)
Signature Strike: Strength-based Damage 4, +9 (DC 19)
Silver Dagger, +5 (DC 16)
Stake, +5 (DC 15)
Throw, +6 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +5 (DC 15)

- Destiny: Charlotte is destined to become the mentor and guardian to the Slayer that is known as Faith Lehane, which will be made possible by the fact that Faith's original watcher, Diane Dormer, will be killed by the vampire known as Kakistos, and also because Faith will immediately reject the man that the Watcher's Council wants to have filling that same role in her life.
- Honor: Charlie refuses to turn away from those that are threatened by the vampires and demons that her future charge, Faith Lehane, is supposed to be fighting on her behalf.
- Motivation: Altruism: Charlotte fights monsters because it is the right thing to do, and nine times out of ten, it is her beloved Rupert who has to save her life after she gets into more trouble than she knows what to do with.
- Overconfident: Charlie is so confident in her training as a Watcher, that she tends to underestimate all but the most dangerous creatures.
- Power Loss: Charlotte will be unable to cast her spells if she's prevented from moving her hands or speaking any relevant incantations. She must also provide any relevant material components when performing a ritual or brewing a potion.

English [Native], Enochian, Infernal, Japanese, Latin, Sumerian

Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 2, Toughness 7/1, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 36 + Powers 72 + Advantages 49 + Skills 45 (90 ranks) + Defenses 18 = 220


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Lily Potter / The MCs / Slow and Steady

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (18)
Art by SAdams8782 on DeviantArt

Lillian J. Potter (née Evans) - Arc 1 - PL 9
Age: 25 (33) / Height: 5' 6" / Weight: 126 lbs / Hair Color: Crimson / Eye Color: Green
Group Affiliations: The Sunnydale Scoobies (Ally) / Base of Operations: The Potter Estate, Sunnydale, California
Wealth Rank: +24 / Rep Rank: +11 (Wix) / +9 (MGL) / Knockback Mod: -10/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Abjuration Wizard 9

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 1, Dexterity 1, Fighting 4, Intellect 5, Awareness 2, Presence 3

General Advantages
Animal Empathy, Attractive 2, Benefit 8: (Renown, Social Class 3: [Nobility], Wealth 4: [Multimillionaire]), Connected, Conviction, Daze (Intimidation), Equipment 9, Fascinate (Persuasion), Forceful Intimidation, Languages 4, Leadership, Luck (Recover), Potion Brewing, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 3, Ritualist, Skill Mastery: (Expertise: Arcana), Startle, Teamwork

Enhanced Advantages
Eidetic Memory

Athletics 4 (+4), Deception 0 (+3), Expertise (AWE): Muggle Savvy 2 (+6/+4), Expertise (AWE): Survival 6 (+8), Expertise (PRE): Wizard's Chess 6 (+9), Expertise: Arcana 10 (+15), Expertise: History 6 (+15/+11), Insight 4 (+6), Intimidation 6 (+9), Investigation 6 (+11), Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 6 (+9), Ranged Combat: Magic 6 (+7), Stealth 6 (+7)

Magical Human Physiology
. . A New Line of Magic: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: The damage dealt by Lily's critical hits is raised by an additional +2 (+7 total) when she is using magic to attack her enemies)
. . Brave: Immunity 1 (racial trait, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Fleet of Foot: Speed 2 (racial talent, Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round; Athletics Check Required)
. . Keen Mind: Senses 6 (racial trait, Acute: Magic Awareness, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Direction Sense, Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius: Magic Awareness, Time Sense, Advantages: Eidetic Memory)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Lily can expect to live for up to 161 years; she'll reach middle age at 53 years, old age at 89 years, and become venerable at 123 years)
. . Passionate: Enhanced Trait 3 (racial talent, Expertise +4 (+15), Expertise (AWE) +2 (+6); Quirk: Expertise: History bonus applies only to Wixen history)
. . Spirit Medium: Comprehend 2 (racial trait, Spirits - Communicate, Spirits - Medium)
Mistress of Defensive Magic: Array
. . Arcane Ward: Protection 9 (abjuration, +9 Toughness; Impervious, Sustained)
. . Projected Ward: Deflect 8 (abjuration; Reflect, Notes: Yes, this means she leaves herself vulnerable in order to defend other people)
Special Qualities
. . Abjuration Savant: Feature 1 (talent, Notes: Lily can cast any Abjuration spell she might care to learn, even if that spell is not normally one that a Wizard (D&D definition) could cast)
. . Force of Intellect: Feature 1 (trait, Notes: Lily's Will resistance is based on her Intellect score instead of her Awareness)
Willow & Dragon Heartstring Wand (Easily Removable)
. . Adept of the Mystic Arts: Array
. . . . Apparition: Teleport 12 (conjuration, teleportation, 16 miles in a move action, carrying 400 lbs.; Change Direction, Extended: 4000 miles in 2 move actions, Feature 3: Teleport Memory (The Potter Estate, Rosenberg Residence & Sunnydale High Library), Increased Mass 3; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Distracting)
. . . . Confundo Duo: Concentration Affliction 8 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Concentration, Increased Range 2: perception, Insidious; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Limited Degree, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . . . Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (abjuration, radiant, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Burst Area 3: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Concentration, Feature: Untapped Potential for +3 effect ranks, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Custom: Manifests as a glowing silvery Doe, Distracting, Limited: Affects Demonic Entities Only, Limited: to Forcing Targets Away from Warded Area, Quirk: Has no effect on Vampires or other Human-Incarnated Demons)
. . . . Finite: Nullify 8 (abjuration, Counters: Magical Effects, DC 18; Broad, Simultaneous)
. . . . Incendio Duo: Burst Area Damage 8 (evocation, fire, DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Feature: Can be used to start non-magical fires, Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Incendio Mural: Line Area Damage 8 (evocation, fire, DC 23; Line Area 2: 5 feet wide by 60 feet long, DC 18, Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana, Distracting)
. . . . Incendio: Damage 8 (evocation, fire, DC 23; Feature: Can be used to start non-magical fires, Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Intellego Linguis: Comprehend 2 (divination, Languages - Read All, Languages - Understand All; Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . . . Locomotor: Move Object 1 (conjuration, 100 lbs.; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)
. . . . Reparifors: Healing 8 (abjuration; Restorative; Limited: Restorative Only)
. . . . Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Arcana)

Book of Lore, Euphemia Potter's China Set, Gaming Set (Basic), Scholar's Pack, Silver Dagger, The Potter Estate

Initiative +1
Confundo Duo: Concentration Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Expecto Patronum: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Finite: Nullify 8, +10 (DC Will 18)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 10)
Incendio Duo: Burst Area Damage 8 (DC 23)
Incendio Mural: Line Area Damage 8 (DC 23)
Incendio: Damage 8, +10 (DC 23)
Locomotor: Move Object 1 (DC 11)
Silver Dagger, +4 (DC 16)
Somnus: Concentration Burst Area Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Throw, +4 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 15)

- Honor: Lily is confident in her own skills as a spellcaster, and does what she can to instill that same confidence in other people. This is especially true in regards to her daughter and her protégé, the latter of whom is a young woman known as Willow Rosenberg.
- Life Debt: Lily technically owes her life to Rupert Giles (aka Harry Potter), and she has determined that the best way to repay her debt to him is by giving him a child to call his own. Of course, that means she had to follow him to Sunnydale, cause the man is very, very stubborn.
- Motivation: Respect: Lily believes that all people, regardless of if they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, magical or muggle, deserve to be treated with respect until they do something that is so utterly reprehensible as to deny them that basic courtesy.
- Power Loss: Lily will be unable to cast her spells if she's prevented from moving her hands or speaking any relevant incantations. She must also provide any relevant material components when performing a ritual or brewing a potion.
- Relationship: Lily is the loving mother of a beautiful young lady known as Holly Potter, and she will never forgive herself if she lets her little girl down!
- Socially Awkward: Lily married into her noble title, and is therefore constantly putting her foot in her mouth when dealing with other members of the British aristocracy, which means she will invariably insult or embarrass the people around her in such situations.

Bulgarian, English [Native], French, Italian, Latin, Spanish

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 3, Toughness 10/1 (Imp. 9/0), Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 34 + Powers 61 + Advantages 40 + Skills 36 (72 ranks) + Defenses 19 = 190


Home Sweet Home

The Potter Estate - PL 9

Toughness 10, Size Huge

Artificer's Lab, Concealed 2 (DC 25), Defensive Enchantments (Mystic Blast 9), Floo Aperture, Game Room, Garage, Gym, Holding Cells (Null Powers 9), Infirmary, Living Space, Lord's Solar, Mystic Locale, Personnel (Gimble & Nalla, the House Elves), Potter Family Library, Ritual Chamber, Wards 3 (DC 30), Watcher's Library

Power Points
Abilities 3 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Features 20 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 2 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 25


Build Comment

I decided to give Lily’s wand a Dragon Heartstring core because it can be seen as a representation of how she always defended Snape from the Marauders, which makes it more indicative of her overall personality than the Unicorn Hair I usually use, since that only represents her final, and rather fatal, act of defiance against Voldemort. Plus, I don’t want her to have the exact same wand as Ron.


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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Carry On, My Wayward Son
Premise: Because Harry was born as a squib, his twin sister, Juniper Potter, was named the Girl Who Lived. However, that doesn’t mean he was forgotten by his family. Instead, James arranged for his son, and heir, to be taken in by the Men of Letters so he could learn an alternative form of magic and realize his full potential!
Required Inclusions:
- Harry must maintain a Gray (Neutral) or Dark (Chaotic Neutral) character alignment, though if he is Gray, his Ethical alignment can be either Lawful or Neutral at the author’s discretion.
- Harry must be what the characters of Potterverse would recognize as a Squib, but that won’t preclude him from learning the magic that is practiced by people like Sam Winchester.
- James Potter must send Harry to be trained by the American branch of the Men of Letters, owing to just how psychotic the British branch has turned out.
- To this end, Harry must study under the Man of Letters known as Magnus (aka Cuthbert Sinclair), though what all his training will entail is left up to the author.
- Realizing the nefarious nature of the British Men of Letters, James and his allies must work towards destroying that branch of the organization, as well as any who follow their plans.
- Once that is done, James must arrange for Harry to be set up as the new Boss of the British branch of the Men of Letters. It is up to the author to decide if the Winchesters are involved.
- This story must also be a crossover with either Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf or the Vampire Diaries, if not more than one of these franchises.
- If this story crosses with Buffy, then Harry must make the conscious decision to aid one of the Slayers in Sunnydale, though it will be up to the author to decide which one he chooses.
Preferred Inclusions:
- Rowena Macleod, or another Witch of the author’s choosing, should help Harry to discover the full extent of his magical abilities so he can help look after his twin sister.
- Alastor Moody should have been a member of the British Men of Letters, who ultimately left the organization after discovering what they were really up to.
- Harry should choose Faith Lehane as the Slayer who receives his assistance, and in doing so, save her from becoming the pawn of Mayor Wilkins.
- Juniper should be capable of speaking Parseltongue, since she would be unable to save the life of Ginny Weasley without that ability.
Optional Inclusions:
- Harry could end up in a romantic relationship with whichever Witch it is that aids him in discovering the full extent of his magical abilities.
- Harry could also end up in a romantic relationship with the Slayer he aids, as well as his twin sister. Anyone else is entirely up to the author’s discretion.
Forbidden Things:
- Harry being involved in a male-slash pairing.
- Truly negative portrayals of James & Lily.
- Harry, the pathetic emo doormat.


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Harry Potter / The MCs / Carry On, My Wayward Son

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Postby DalkonCledwin »

Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (21)
Art by StableFlowUI on DeviantArt

Harry James Potter - Arc 1 - PL 8
Age: 18 / Height: 5' 11" / Weight: 180 lbs / Hair Color: Black / Eye Color: Green
Group Affiliations: The Men of Letters / Base of Operations: The Men of Letters Bunker, Sunnydale, CA
Wealth Rank: +16 / Rep Rank: +10 (Wix) / +8 (MGL) / Knockback Mod: -7/-1
Equivalent D&D Levels: Occult Investigator 8

Strength 0, Stamina 1, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 5, Intellect 5, Awareness 2, Presence 1

General Advantages
Animal Empathy, Attractive, Beginner's Luck, Benefit 6: (Renown, Social Class 3: [Nobility], Wealth 2: [Independently Wealthy]), Connected, Conviction, Defensive Roll 4, Equipment 11, Fascinate (Persuasion), Fast Grab, Guidance, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Inspire 2, Languages 3, Leadership, Potion Brewing, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 4, Ritualist, Set-up, Teamwork, Well-read

Enhanced Advantages
Diehard, Great Endurance

Athletics 4 (+4), Close Combat: Grab 2 (+7), Close Combat: Swords 4 (+9), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise (PRE): Wizard's Chess 6 (+7), Expertise: Demonology 4 (+13/+9), Expertise: History 8 (+13), Expertise: Magic 8 (+13), Expertise: Religion 8 (+13), Insight 4 (+14/+6), Intimidation 0 (+1), Investigation 8 (+13), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 6 (+7), Stealth 6 (+8), Vehicles 4 (+6)

Disciple of the Mystic Arts: Array
. . Banish: Linked Effect
. . . . Banishing Radiance: Progressive Affliction 7 (Linked; divine, radiant, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Increased Range 2: perception, Progressive; Limited: to Aberrations, Celestials, Fey, Fiends, or the Undead, Limited: to Forcing Targets Away from Warded Area, Sense-dependent: Visual, Tiring)
. . . . Divine Radiance: Damage 7 (Linked; divine, radiant, DC 22; Increased Range 2: perception; Limited: Affects Fey, Fiends & Undead Only, Sense-dependent: Visual, Tiring)
. . Charm Person: Cumulative Affliction 7 (enchantment, mind-affecting, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 17; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Affects Humanoid Targets Only, Quirk: Harry doesn't control the target, they merely act friendly and/or lustful towards him, Sense-dependent: Hearing)
. . Mage Hand: Move Object 1 (conjuration, 100 lbs.; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Subtle: subtle; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . Misty Step: Teleport 3 (conjuration, teleportation, 250 feet in a move action, carrying 400 lbs.; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Extended: 8 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 3, Turnabout; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . Mystical Healing: Healing 10 (divine; Tiring)
. . Warding: Deflect 8 (divine; Reflect; Diminished Range 3, Quirk: Limited to attacks caused by Aberrations, Celestials, Fey, Fiends, or the Undead)
. . Witch Bolt: Damage 10 (electricity, evocation, DC 25; Increased Duration: concentration, Increased Range: ranged; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Distracting)
Magical Squib Physiology
. . Brave: Immunity 1 (racial trait, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Fleet of Foot: Speed 2 (racial talent, Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round; Athletics Check Required)
. . Longevity: Feature 1 (racial trait, Notes: Harry can expect to live for up to 162 years; he'll reach middle age at 50 years, old age at 75 years, and become venerable at 100 years)
. . Magical Endurance: Immunity 2 (racial trait, Disease, Poison, Advantages: Diehard, Great Endurance; Limited - Half Effect)
. . Passionate: Enhanced Trait 2 (racial talent, Expertise +4 (+13))
. . Spirit Medium: Senses 4 (racial trait, Acute: Magic Awareness, Awareness: Magical Effects [Mental], Extended: Mental Senses 1: x10, Radius: Magic Awareness)
Occult Grimoire (Easily Removable)
. . Occult Rituals: Variable 4 (ritual magic; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Slow, Notes: 20 pts of Traits for Replicating Magical Effects)
. . Rushed Incantations: Array
. . . . Disguise Self: Morph 3 (illusion, ritual magic, +20 Deception checks to disguise; Broad group; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Resistible: Will, Notes: Humanoid Forms)
. . . . Fly: Flight 6 (ritual magic, transmutation, Speed: 120 miles/hour, 1800 feet/round)
. . . . Protection from Evil and Good: Immunity 8 (abjuration, ritual magic, Custom: Mental Control 5, Rare Descriptor: Fear Effects, Uncommon Descriptor: Possession; Affects Others, Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Limited: to Effects generated by Aberrations, Celestials, Fey, Fiends, or the Undead, Limited - Half Effect)
. . . . See Invisibility: Senses 2 (divination, ritual magic, Counters Concealment: Invisibility [Visual]; Sustained; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic)
. . . . Sending: Mental Communication 4 (evocation, ritual magic; Subtle: encrypted; Check Required 5: DC 14 - Expertise: Magic, Concentration, Limited 2: to short messages of no more than 25 words in length)
. . . . Zone of Truth: Enhanced Trait 4 (divination, ritual magic, Insight +8 (+14); Limited: to Assessing Truthfulness)
Rapier (Easily Removable)
. . One for All, All for One: Array
. . . . Eldritch Ruin: Damage 7 (energy, evocation, DC 22; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack; Tiring)
. . . . Exploit Weakness: Strength-based Damage 4 (piercing, DC 19; Accurate: +2, Dangerous 2, Penetrating 4, Precise; Tiring)
. . . . Rapier Strike: Strength-based Damage 2 (piercing, DC 17; Dangerous 2, Precise)
Runekeeper's Eyeglasses (Easily Removable)
. . Eyes of the Runekeeper: Comprehend 1 (uncommon object, Languages - Read All)
Special Qualities
. . Force of Intellect: Feature 1 (trait, Notes: Harry's Will resistance is based on his Intellect score instead of his Awareness)
. . Myths & Legends: Quickness 2 (talent, Perform routine tasks in -2 time ranks; Limited: to Researching Creatures, Spells & other Ancient Secrets)
. . Occultist Supplies: Variable 1 (Easily Removable, technological; Action 2: free; Limited: to Replicating the Effects of Occult Investigator Equipment, Quirk 3: Limited to replicating objects worth 2 Equipment Points or less, Notes: 5 pts of Traits)

Dungeoneer's Pack, Heroic Arsenal (Light Pistol, Silver Dagger), Holy Symbol, Light Armor, Men of Letters Bunker

Initiative +2
Banishing Radiance: Progressive Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Charm Person: Cumulative Affliction 7 (DC Will 17)
Divine Radiance: Damage 7 (DC 22)
Eldritch Ruin: Damage 7, +6 (DC 22)
Exploit Weakness: Strength-based Damage 4, +11 (DC 19)
Grab, +7 (DC Spec 10)
Light Pistol, +6 (DC 18)
Mage Hand: Move Object 1 (DC 11)
Rapier Strike: Strength-based Damage 2, +9 (DC 17)
Silver Dagger, +5 (DC 16)
Throw, +6 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +5 (DC 15)
Witch Bolt: Damage 10, +6 (DC 25)

- Conspiracy Theorist: Harry's theories about the occult infiltration into all levels of the government would annoy his allies... If they didn't sometimes end up being true!
- Honor: If an immortal or other supernatural creature is willing to talk, then so is Harry, even if that gives the creature in question a chance to learn about his own weaknesses.
- Motivation: Protector: Harry believes that the common folk should not fear the things that go bump in the night, and as such, he is determined to do what he can to protect them.
- Nemesis: Harry is worried that his mentor, Cuthbert Sinclair, has been suborned by the occult, and is therefore seeking a way to deal with this threat without actually killing the man.
- Power Loss: Harry will be unable to cast his spells if he is prevented from moving his hands or speaking any relevant incantations.
- Quirk: Harry is very particular about his diet, avoiding any dishes where he doesn't know the cook, and always eating his own strange blend of spices that he believes make him supernaturally unappetizing.

Akkadian, English [Native], Enochian, Latin

Dodge 9, Parry 9, Fortitude 2, Toughness 7/1, Will 11

Power Points
Abilities 36 + Powers 72 + Advantages 47 + Skills 42 (84 ranks) + Defenses 18 = 215


Home Sweet Home

Men of Letters Bunker - PL 8

Toughness 14, Size Huge

Amplifier 3 (Magical Traits +2, Harry Only), Armory (80 ep), Artificer's Lab, Concealed 3 (DC 30), Defensive Enchantments (Mystic Blast 8), ECM 3 (Vs. Magic, -6), Garage, Hero Point Bank 4, Holding Cells (Null Powers 8), Infirmary, Isolated (Underground), Library, Living Space, Mystic Locale, Ritual Chamber, Sealed, Wards 3 (DC 30)

Power Points
Abilities 3 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Features 27 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Defenses 4 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 34


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Dalkon's Vampires, Werewolves and Demons Thread Mk I - Page 11 (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.